39 research outputs found

    A novel DFP tripeptide motif interacts with the coagulation factor XI apple 2 domain

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    Factor XI (FXI) is the zymogen of FXIa, which cleaves FIX in the intrinsic pathway of coagulation. FXI is known to exist as a dimer and interacts with multiple proteins via its 4 apple domains in the “saucer section” of the enzyme; however, to date, no complex crystal structure has been described. To investigate protein interactions of FXI, a large random peptide library consisting of 106 to 107 peptides was screened for FXI binding, which identified a series of FXI binding motifs containing the signature Asp-Phe-Pro (DFP) tripeptide. Motifs containing this core tripeptide were found in diverse proteins, including the known ligand high-molecular-weight kininogen (HK), as well as the extracellular matrix proteins laminin and collagen V. To define the binding site on FXI, we determined the crystal structure of FXI in complex with the HK-derived peptide NPISDFPDT. This revealed the location of the DFP peptide bound to the FXI apple 2 domain, and central to the interaction, the DFP phenylalanine side-chain inserts into a major hydrophobic pocket in the apple 2 domain and the isoleucine occupies a flanking minor pocket. Two further structures of FXI in complex with the laminin-derived peptide EFPDFP and a DFP peptide from the random screen demonstrated binding in the same pocket, although in a slightly different conformation, thus revealing some flexibility in the molecular interactions of the FXI apple 2 domain. (Blood. 2016;00(00):1-9

    A diseasome cluster-based drug repurposing of soluble guanylate cyclase activators from smooth muscle relaxation to direct neuroprotection

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    Network medicine utilizes common genetic origins, markers and co-morbidities to uncover mechanistic links between diseases. These links can be summarized in the diseasome, a comprehensive network of disease–disease relationships and clusters. The diseasome has been influential during the past decade, although most of its links are not followed up experimentally. Here, we investigate a high prevalence unmet medical need cluster of disease phenotypes linked to cyclic GMP. Hitherto, the central cGMP-forming enzyme, soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), has been targeted pharmacologically exclusively for smooth muscle modulation in cardiology and pulmonology. Here, we examine the disease associations of sGC in a non-hypothesis based manner in order to identify possibly previously unrecognized clinical indications. Surprisingly, we find that sGC, is closest linked to neurological disorders, an application that has so far not been explored clinically. Indeed, when investigating the neurological indication of this cluster with the highest unmet medical need, ischemic stroke, pre-clinically we find that sGC activity is virtually absent post-stroke. Conversely, a heme-free form of sGC, apo-sGC, was now the predominant isoform suggesting it may be a mechanism-based target in stroke. Indeed, this repurposing hypothesis could be validated experimentally in vivo as specific activators of apo-sGC were directly neuroprotective, reduced infarct size and increased survival. Thus, common mechanism clusters of the diseasome allow direct drug repurposing across previously unrelated disease phenotypes redefining them in a mechanism-based manner. Specifically, our example of repurposing apo-sGC activators for ischemic stroke should be urgently validated clinically as a possible first-in-class neuroprotective therapy

    Thromboembolic stroke in C57BL/6 mice monitored by 9.4 T MRI using a 1H cryo probe

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    Background A new thromboembolic animal model showed beneficial effects of t-PA with an infarct volume reduction of 36.8% in swiss mice. Because knock-out animal experiments for stroke frequently used C57BL76 mice we evaluated t-PA effects in this mouse strain and measured infarct volume and vascular recanalisation in-vivo by using high-field 9.4 T MRI and a 1H surface cryo coil. Methods Clot formation was triggered by microinjection of murine thrombin into the right middle cerebral artery (MCA). Animals (n = 28) were treated with 10 mg/kg, 5 mg/kg or no tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) 40 min after MCA occlusion. For MR-imaging a Bruker 9.4 T animal system with a 1H surface cryo probe was used and a T2-weighted RARE sequence, a diffusion weighted multishot EPI sequence and a 3D flow-compensated gradient echo TOF angiography were performed. Results The infarct volume in animals treated with t-PA was significantly reduced (0.67 ± 1.38 mm3 for 10 mg/kg and 10.9 ± 8.79 mm3 for 5 mg/kg vs. 19.76 ± 2.72 mm3 ; p < 0.001) compared to untreated mice. An additional group was reperfused with t-PA inside the MRI. Already ten minutes after beginning of t-PA treatment, reperfusion flow was re-established in the right MCA. However, signal intensity was lower than in the contralateral MCA. This reduction in cerebral blood flow was attenuated during the first 60 minutes after reperfusion. 24 h after MCA occlusion and reperfusion, no difference in signal intensity of the contralateral and ipsilateral MCAs was observed. Conclusions We confirm a t-Pa effect using this stroke model in the C57BL76 mouse strain and demonstrate a chronological sequence MRI imaging after t-PA using a 1H surface cryo coil in a 9.4 T MRI. This setting will allow testing of new thrombolytic strategies for stroke treatment in-vivo in C57BL76 knock-out mice

    A combined pre-clinical meta-analysis and randomized confirmatory trial approach to improve data validity for therapeutic target validation

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    Biomedical research suffers from a dramatically poor translational success. For example, in ischemic stroke, a condition with a high medical need, over a thousand experimental drug targets were unsuccessful. Here, we adopt methods from clinical research for a late-stage pre-clinical meta-analysis (MA) and randomized confirmatory trial (pRCT) approach. A profound body of literature suggests NOX2 to be a major therapeutic target in stroke. Systematic review and MA of all available NOX2(-/y) studies revealed a positive publication bias and lack of statistical power to detect a relevant reduction in infarct size. A fully powered multi-center pRCT rejects NOX2 as a target to improve neurofunctional outcomes or achieve a translationally relevant infarct size reduction. Thus stringent statistical thresholds, reporting negative data and a MA-pRCT approach can ensure biomedical data validity and overcome risks of bias

    Calcium-dependent blood-brain barrier breakdown by NOX5 limits postreperfusion benefit in stroke.

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    lschemic stroke is a predominant cause of disability worldwide, with thrombolytic or mechanical removal of the occlusion being the only therapeutic option. Reperfusion bears the risk of an acute deleterious calcium-dependent breakdown of the blood-brain barrier. Its mechanism, however, is unknown. Here, we identified type 5 NADPH oxidase (NOX5), a calciumactivated, ROS-forming enzyme, as the missing link. Using a humanized knockin (KI) mouse model and in vitro organotypic cultures, we found that reoxygenation or calcium overload increased brain ROS levels in a NOX5-dependent manner. In vivo, postischemic ROS formation, infarct volume, and functional outcomes were worsened in NOXS-KI mice. Of clinical and therapeutic relevance, in a human blood-barrier model, pharmacological NOX inhibition also prevented acute reoxygenationinduced leakage. Our data support further evaluation of poststroke recanalization in the presence of NOX inhibition for limiting stroke-induced damage

    A diseasome cluster-based drug repurposing of soluble guanylate cyclase activators from smooth muscle relaxation to direct neuroprotection

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    Network medicine utilizes common genetic origins, markers and co-morbidities to uncover mechanistic links between diseases. These links can be summarized in the diseasome, a comprehensive network of disease-disease relationships and clusters. The diseasome has been influential during the past decade, although most of its links are not followed up experimentally. Here, we investigate a high prevalence unmet medical need cluster of disease phenotypes linked to cyclic GMP. Hitherto, the central cGMP-forming enzyme, soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC), has been targeted pharmacologically exclusively for smooth muscle modulation in cardiology and pulmonology. Here, we examine the disease associations of sGC in a non-hypothesis based manner in order to identify possibly previously unrecognized clinical indications. Surprisingly, we find that sGC, is closest linked to neurological disorders, an application that has so far not been explored clinically. Indeed, when investigating the neurological indication of this cluster with the highest unmet medical need, ischemic stroke, pre-clinically we find that sGC activity is virtually absent post-stroke. Conversely, a heme-free form of sGC, apo-sGC, was now the predominant isoform suggesting it may be a mechanism-based target in stroke. Indeed, this repurposing hypothesis could be validated experimentally in vivo as specific activators of apo-sGC were directly neuroprotective, reduced infarct size and increased survival. Thus, common mechanism clusters of the diseasome allow direct drug repurposing across previously unrelated disease phenotypes redefining them in a mechanism-based manner. Specifically, our example of repurposing apo-sGC activators for ischemic stroke should be urgently validated clinically as a possible first-in-class neuroprotective therapy

    From single drug targets to synergistic network pharmacology in ischemic stroke

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    Drug discovery faces an efficacy crisis to which ineffective mainly single-target and symptom-based rather than mechanistic approaches have contributed. We here explore a mechanism-based disease definition for network pharmacology. Beginning with a primary causal target, we extend this to a second using guilt-by-association analysis. We then validate our prediction and explore synergy using both cellular in vitro and mouse in vivo models. As a disease model we chose ischemic stroke, one of the highest unmet medical need indications in medicine, and reactive oxygen species forming NADPH oxidase type 4 (Nox4) as a primary causal therapeutic target. For network analysis, we use classical protein-protein interactions but also metabolite-dependent interactions. Based on this protein-metabolite network, we conduct a gene ontology-based semantic similarity ranking to find suitable synergistic cotargets for network pharmacology. We identify the nitric oxide synthase (Nos1 to 3) gene family as the closest target to Nox4 Indeed, when combining a NOS and a NOX inhibitor at subthreshold concentrations, we observe pharmacological synergy as evidenced by reduced cell death, reduced infarct size, stabilized blood-brain barrier, reduced reoxygenation-induced leakage, and preserved neuromotor function, all in a supraadditive manner. Thus, protein-metabolite network analysis, for example guilt by association, can predict and pair synergistic mechanistic disease targets for systems medicine-driven network pharmacology. Such approaches may in the future reduce the risk of failure in single-target and symptom-based drug discovery and therapy.This study was supported by the ERC (Advanced Investigator Grant 294683/RadMed and Proof-of-Concept Grant 737586/SAVEBRAIN, both to H.H.H.W.S.), Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competence (SAF2015-63935R to M.G.L.), Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (Instituto de Salud Carlos III/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional) (Programa Miguel Servet: CP14/00008, PI16/00735), FundaciĂłn Mutua Madrileña (J.E.), short-term scientific missions by the COST Actions EU-ROS and OpenMultiMed, and Kootstra Talented Fellowship (UM) (to A.I.C.). J.B.’s work was financially supported by VILLUM Young Investigator Grant 13154. J.B. and H.H.H.W.S. also received support from H2020 Project 777111-REPO-TRIAL