123 research outputs found

    Measuring track vertical stiffness through dynamic monitoring

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    [EN] This paper proposes a methodology for the evaluation of the track condition by means of the measurement of the track stiffness. This magnitude is calculated from vertical acceleration data measured at the axle box of trains during their normal operation. From the corresponding vertical acceleration spectra, the dominant vibration frequencies for each track stretch are identified and the combined stiffness is then determined. Then the stiffness without the contribution of the rail is calculated. The results obtained for a High Speed ballasted track in several track stretches are within the range 120-130 kN/mm, a result consistent with direct stiffness measurements taken during previous studies. Therefore, the proposed methodology may be used to obtain a first insight to the track condition by means of a continuous measurement of the track combined stiffness. This offers an alternative to traditional stationary stiffness measuring devices and might be a useful complement to dedicated continuous monitoring vehicles.Cano, MJ.; Martínez Fernández, P.; Insa Franco, R. (2016). Measuring track vertical stiffness through dynamic monitoring. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Transport. 169(1). doi:10.1680/jtran.14.00081S169

    Genoma completo, diagnóstico y resistencia a Ralstonia solanacearum en hibridos de plátano

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    La marchitez vascular del banano y el plátano, también conocida como enfermedad de Moko, es causada por Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) filotipo II y es la principal enfermedad bacteriana que afecta a estos cultivos en Colombia. Tras obtener el genoma completo de un aislado colombiano (CIAT-078) y el análisis de secuencia comparativo con otros 44 genomas de Rs, desarrollamos un protocolo de PCR mejorado. Esto se basa en la secuencia de nucleótidos de un gen que codifica una proteína hipotética del dominio DUF3313, que se encontró que estaba presente solo en el filotipo II de Rs y además es conservada y polimórfica. El protocolo se probó con dos métodos de inoculación de Rs (con herida y sin herida), para validar la resistencia de campo reportado en el genotipo híbrido de plátano FHIA-21, previamente reportado como susceptible a la enfermedad de Moko en condiciones de invernadero. Mediante el uso de un método de inoculación sin herida en las raíces, confirmamos la resistencia en FHIA-21 a la enfermedad de Moko (no se detectó Rs por PCR en plantas inoculadas). En contraste, el genotipo Dominico Hartón susceptible al campo desarrolló síntomas severos independientemente de que las raíces tuvieran heridas o no. El genotipo FHIA-21 mostró un área bajo la curva de progresión de la enfermedad (AUDPC) cercana a cero, mientras que las plantas de Dominico Hartón mostraron valores de AUDPC que variaron de 65,8 a 88,4

    Presentation of a case with Wellens syndrome

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    This case report is about a 56-year-old male, farm worker with a history of being a smoker and suffering from high blood pressure, who was admitted at the Cardiology Care Department with the diagnosis of coronary artery disease –unstable angina–, because of chest pain related to physical effort and changes in the appearance threshold. Rest-electrocardiogram, painless, shows deep, symmetric negative T waves in anterior wall, without enzyme elevation; but during admission the patient evolves quickly, clinically and electrically, to an extensive anterior wall acute myocardial infarction, without responding to the fibrinolytic reperfusion therapy, and showing a ventricular tachycardia degenerating into ventricular fibrillation. There was no response to the maneuvers of cardiovascular resuscitation, thus, he dies. It is diagnosed postmortem as a Wellens syndrome, because necropsy showed severe atherosclerotic disease of the proximal segment of the left anterior descending coronary artery with extensive anterior transmural infarction

    Characterising the KMP-11 and HSP-70 recombinant antigens' humoral immune response profile in chagasic patients

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    11 pages, 6 figures.-- The pre-publication history for this paper can be accessed here: http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-2334/9/186/pre pubBackground: Antigen specificity and IgG subclass could be significant in the natural history of Chagas' disease. The relationship between the different stages of human Chagas' disease and the profiles of total IgG and its subclasses were thus analysed here; they were directed against a crude T. cruzi extract and three recombinant antigens: the T. cruzi kinetoplastid membrane protein-11 (rKMP-11), an internal fragment of the T. cruzi HSP-70 protein192-433, and the entire Trypanosoma rangeli HSP-70 protein. Methods: Seventeen Brazilian acute chagasic patients, 50 Colombian chronic chagasic patients (21 indeterminate and 29 cardiopathic patients) and 30 healthy individuals were included. Total IgG and its subtypes directed against the above-mentioned recombinant antigens were determined by ELISA tests. Results: The T. cruzi KMP-11 and T. rangeli HSP-70 recombinant proteins were able to distinguish both acute from chronic chagasic patients and infected people from healthy individuals. Specific antibodies to T. cruzi crude antigen in acute patients came from IgG3 and IgG4 subclasses whereas IgG1 and IgG3 were the prevalent isotypes in indeterminate and chronic chagasic patients. By contrast, the specific prominent antibodies in all disease stages against T. cruzi KMP-11 and T. rangeli HSP-70 recombinant antigens were the IgG1 subclass.This work was supported by Colciencias Research project No. 1203-333- 18692. IDF was supported by Colciencias and the Universidad Javeriana's Young Researcher 2008 Programme (Bogotá, Colombia). MCT and MCL were supported by P06-CTS-02242 Grant from PAI (Junta de Andalucia) and RICET-RD06/0021-0014, Spain. MS received financial support from the Brazilian agency - CNPq.Peer reviewe

    Co-infections and superinfections complicating COVID-19 in cancer patients: A multicentre, international study

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    Background: We aimed to describe the epidemiology, risk factors, and clinical outcomes of co-infections and superinfections in onco-hematological patients with COVID-19. Methods: International, multicentre cohort study of cancer patients with COVID-19. All patients were included in the analysis of co-infections at diagnosis, while only patients admitted at least 48 h were included in the analysis of superinfections. Results: 684 patients were included (384 with solid tumors and 300 with hematological malignancies). Co-infections and superinfections were documented in 7.8% (54/684) and 19.1% (113/590) of patients, respectively. Lower respiratory tract infections were the most frequent infectious complications, most often caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Only seven patients developed opportunistic infections. Compared to patients without infectious complications, those with infections had worse outcomes, with high rates of acute respiratory distress syndrome, intensive care unit (ICU) admission, and case-fatality rates. Neutropenia, ICU admission and high levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) were independent risk factors for infections. Conclusions: Infectious complications in cancer patients with COVID-19 were lower than expected, affecting mainly neutropenic patients with high levels of CRP and/or ICU admission. The rate of opportunistic infections was unexpectedly low. The use of empiric antimicrobials in cancer patients with COVID-19 needs to be optimized

    Revalorization of Microalgae Biomass for Synergistic Interaction and Sustainable Applications: Bioplastic Generation

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    Microalgae and cyanobacteria are photosynthetic microorganisms' sources of renewable biomass that can be used for bioplastic production. These microorganisms have high growth rates, and contrary to other feedstocks, such as land crops, they do not require arable land. In addition, they can be used as feedstock for bioplastic production while not competing with food sources (e.g., corn, wheat, and soy protein). In this study, we review the macromolecules from microalgae and cyanobacteria that can serve for the production of bioplastics, including starch and glycogen, polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs), cellulose, polylactic acid (PLA), and triacylglycerols (TAGs). In addition, we focus on the cultivation of microalgae and cyanobacteria for wastewater treatment. This approach would allow reducing nutrient supply for biomass production while treating wastewater. Thus, the combination of wastewater treatment and the production of biomass that can serve as feedstock for bioplastic production is discussed. The comprehensive information provided in this communication would expand the scope of interdisciplinary and translational research.The authors would like to acknowledge the funding provided by Tecnologico de Monterrey through the Bioprocess Research Chair (0020209I13). This work was partially supported by Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT), Mexico, under the Sistema Nacional de Investigadores (SNI) program awarded to Hafiz M. N. Iqbal (CVU: 735340) and Roberto Parra-Saldivar (CVU: 35753). The Technology Scholarship to Itzel Y. López-Pacheco (CVU: 859227), Laura Isabel Rodas-Zuluaga (CVU: 943350), and Enrique Hidalgo-Vázquez (CVU: 1095127) by CONACyT is also thankfully acknowledged. Additionally, the authors would like to acknowledge Juan Eduardo Sosa-Hernández for his support. The listed author(s) also want to thank and dedicate this work to “Abraham Molina-Vazquez” who was the great support from conceptualization to compilation of this work. However, much sadly, he is not among us anymore, may his soul rest in peace.Peer reviewe

    Effect of COMBinAtion therapy with remote ischemic conditioning and exenatide on the Myocardial Infarct size: a two-by-two factorial randomized trial (COMBAT-MI)

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    Remote ischemic conditioning (RIC) and the GLP-1 analog exenatide activate different cardioprotective pathways and may have additive effects on infarct size (IS). Here, we aimed to assess the efficacy of RIC as compared with sham procedure, and of exenatide, as compared with placebo, and the interaction between both, to reduce IS in humans. We designed a two-by-two factorial, randomized controlled, blinded, multicenter, clinical trial. Patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction receiving primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) within 6 h of symptoms were randomized to RIC or sham procedure and exenatide or matching placebo. The primary outcome was IS measured by late gadolinium enhancement in cardiac magnetic resonance performed 3–7 days after PPCI. The secondary outcomes were myocardial salvage index, transmurality index, left ventricular ejection fraction and relative microvascular obstruction volume. A total of 378 patients were randomly allocated, and after applying exclusion criteria, 222 patients were available for analysis. There were no significant interactions between the two randomization factors on the primary or secondary outcomes. IS was similar between groups for the RIC (24 ± 11.8% in the RIC group vs 23.7 ± 10.9% in the sham group, P = 0.827) and the exenatide hypotheses (25.1 ± 11.5% in the exenatide group vs 22.5 ± 10.9% in the placebo group, P = 0.092). There were no effects with either RIC or exenatide on the secondary outcomes. Unexpected adverse events or side effects of RIC and exenatide were not observed. In conclusion, neither RIC nor exenatide, or its combination, were able to reduce IS in STEMI patients when administered as an adjunct to PPCI

    Effects of luteectomy in early pregnancy on the maintenance of gestation and plasma progesterone concentrations in the viviparous temperate lizard Barisia imbricata imbricata

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Several studies have shown that the corpus luteum is the principal source of progesterone during the gravidity period in reptiles; however, its participation in the maintenance of gestation in the viviparous squamata is in dispute. The effects of ovariectomy or luteectomy vary according to the species and the time at which the procedure is performed. In this paper, we describe the effects of luteectomy during early pregnancy on the maintenance of gestation and progesterone concentrations in the temperate Mexican viviparous lizard <it>Barisia imbricata imbricata.</it></p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-four lizards were subjected to three different treatments: luteectomy, sham luteectomy or non-surgical treatment, and blood samples were obtained before and after surgical treatment at different stages of gestation to determine the effects of luteectomy on the maintenance of gestation and progesterone concentrations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Spontaneous abortion was not observed in any of the females. However, luteectomy provoked abnormal parturition and a significant reduction in the number of young born alive. Parturition was normal in untreated females as well as those submitted to sham luteectomy. The surgical treatment also caused a significant reduction in progesterone concentrations in luteectomised females during early and middle gestation. However, no significant differences in hormone concentrations were observed among the three groups during late gestation or immediately post-parturition.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our observations indicate that the presence of the corpus luteum is not necesary for the maintenance of gestation, but that it does participate in parturition control. Moreover, the corpus luteum of the viviparous lizard <it>B. i. imbricata</it> produces progesterone, at least during the first half of pregnancy, and that an extra-ovarian source of progesterone must maintain gestation in the absence of luteal tissue.</p

    Biosynthesis and characterization of a novel, biocompatible medium chain length polyhydroxyalkanoate by Pseudomonas mendocina CH50 using coconut oil as the carbon source

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    This study validated the utilization of triacylglycerides (TAGs) by Pseudomonas mendocina CH50, a wild type strain, resulting in the production of novel mcl-PHAs with unique physical properties. A PHA yield of 58% dcw was obtained using 20g/L of coconut oil. Chemical and structural characterisation confirmed that the mcl-PHA produced was a terpolymer comprising of three different repeating monomer units, 3-hydroxyoctanoate, 3-hydroxydecanoate and 3-hydroxydodecanoate or P(3HO-3HD-3HDD). Bearing in mind the potential of P(3HO-3HD-3HDD) in biomedical research, especially in neural tissue engineering, in vitro biocompatibility studies were carried out using NG108-15 (neuronal) cells. Cell viability data confirmed that P(3HO-3HD-3HDD) supported the attachment and proliferation of NG108-15 and was therefore, confirmed to be biocompatible in nature and suitable for neural regeneration