159 research outputs found

    Resource dedication problem in a multi-project environment

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    There can be different approaches to the management of resources within the context of multi-project scheduling problems. In general, approaches to multiproject scheduling problems consider the resources as a pool shared by all projects. On the other hand, when projects are distributed geographically or sharing resources between projects is not preferred, then this resource sharing policy may not be feasible. In such cases, the resources must be dedicated to individual projects throughout the project durations. This multi-project problem environment is defined here as the resource dedication problem (RDP). RDP is defined as the optimal dedication of resource capacities to different projects within the overall limits of the resources and with the objective of minimizing a predetermined objective function. The projects involved are multi-mode resource constrained project scheduling problems with finish to start zero time lag and non-preemptive activities and limited renewable and nonrenewable resources. Here, the characterization of RDP, its mathematical formulation and two different solution methodologies are presented. The first solution approach is a genetic algorithm employing a new improvement move called combinatorial auction for RDP, which is based on preferences of projects for resources. Two different methods for calculating the projects’ preferences based on linear and Lagrangian relaxation are proposed. The second solution approach is a Lagrangian relaxation based heuristic employing subgradient optimization. Numerical studies demonstrate that the proposed approaches are powerful methods for solving this problem

    Exact/heuristic hybrids using rVNS and hyperheuristics for workforce scheduling

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    In this paper we study a complex real-world workforce scheduling problem. We propose a method of splitting the problem into smaller parts and solving each part using exhaustive search. These smaller parts comprise a combination of choosing a method to select a task to be scheduled and a method to allocate resources, including time, to the selected task. We use reduced Variable Neighbourhood Search (rVNS) and hyperheuristic approaches to decide which sub problems to tackle. The resulting methods are compared to local search and Genetic Algorithm approaches. Parallelisation is used to perform nearly one CPU-year of experiments. The results show that the new methods can produce results fitter than the Genetic Algorithm in less time and that they are far superior to any of their component techniques. The method used to split up the problem is generalisable and could be applied to a wide range of optimisation problems

    The trade off between diversity and quality for multi-objective workforce scheduling

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    In this paper we investigate and compare multi-objective and weighted single objective approaches to a real world workforce scheduling problem. For this difficult problem we consider the trade off in solution quality versus population diversity, for different sets of fixed objective weights. Our real-world workforce scheduling problem consists of assigning resources with the appropriate skills to geographically dispersed task locations while satisfying time window constraints. The problem is NP-Hard and contains the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem (RCPSP) as a sub problem. We investigate a genetic algorithm and serial schedule generation scheme together with various multi-objective approaches. We show that multi-objective genetic algorithms can create solutions whose fitness is within 2% of genetic algorithms using weighted sum objectives even though the multi-objective approaches know nothing of the weights. The result is highly significant for complex real-world problems where objective weights are seldom known in advance since it suggests that a multi-objective approach can generate a solution close to the user preferred one without having knowledge of user preferences

    Accelerated Particle Swarm Optimization and Support Vector Machine for Business Optimization and Applications

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    Business optimization is becoming increasingly important because all business activities aim to maximize the profit and performance of products and services, under limited resources and appropriate constraints. Recent developments in support vector machine and metaheuristics show many advantages of these techniques. In particular, particle swarm optimization is now widely used in solving tough optimization problems. In this paper, we use a combination of a recently developed Accelerated PSO and a nonlinear support vector machine to form a framework for solving business optimization problems. We first apply the proposed APSO-SVM to production optimization, and then use it for income prediction and project scheduling. We also carry out some parametric studies and discuss the advantages of the proposed metaheuristic SVM.Comment: 12 page

    A capacity management tool for a portfolio of industrialization projects

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    The management of a project portfolio is a complex decision process because it encompasses the achievement of multiple objectives. A critical point that increases the complexity in the decision-making process of a portfolio manager is the allocation of human resources to manage the projects of the portfolio, project managers, which is crucial to the organization’s performance. In this case, the project manager can manage more than one project simultaneously and it is necessary to assign project managers to the projects, considering that project activities have an amount of work to be accomplished. The main objective of this work was to provide support for this capacity management problem, which aims to provide an easier decision-making process for the capacity management of an industrialization project portfolio. Therefore, it was developed: a hybrid model that creates a schedule respecting the resource constraints and the established due dates; a recommendation system that considers project managers’ allocation and projects requirements; and, an automatic status report that allows identifying the project portfolio capacity usage.This work is supported by: European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020) [Project nº 39479; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-39479]

    Performance evaluation of scheduling policies for the DRCMPSP

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    In this study, we consider the dynamic resource-constrained multi-project scheduling problem (DRCMPSP) where projects generate rewards at their completion, completions later than a due date cause tardiness costs and new projects arrive randomly during the ongoing project execution which disturbs the existing project scheduling plan. We model this problem as a discrete Markov decision process and explore the computational limitations of solving the problem by dynamic programming. We run and compare four different solution approaches on small size problems. These solution approaches are: a dynamic programming algorithm to determine a policy that maximises the average profit per unit time net of charges for late project completion, a genetic algorithm which generates a schedule to maximise the total reward of ongoing projects and updates the schedule with each new project arrival, a rule-based algorithm which prioritise processing of tasks with the highest processing durations, and a worst decision algorithm to seek a non-idling policy to minimise the average profit per unit time. Average profits per unit time of generated policies of the solution algorithms are evaluated and compared. The performance of the genetic algorithm is the closest to the optimal policies of the dynamic programming algorithm, but its results are notably suboptimal, up to 67.2\%. Alternative scheduling algorithms are close to optimal with low project arrival probability but quickly deteriorate their performance as the probability increases

    Mathematics in Medical Diagnostics - 2022 Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Trauma Surgery Technology

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    The 4th event of the Giessen International Conference Series on Trauma Surgery Technology took place on April, the 23rd 2022 in Warsaw, Poland. It aims to bring together practical application research, with a focus on medical imaging, and the TDA experts from Warsaw. This publication contains details of our presentations and discussions