947 research outputs found

    Multiple Hypothesis Testing Framework for Spatial Signals

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    The problem of identifying regions of spatially interesting, different or adversarial behavior is inherent to many practical applications involving distributed multisensor systems. In this work, we develop a general framework stemming from multiple hypothesis testing to identify such regions. A discrete spatial grid is assumed for the monitored environment. The spatial grid points associated with different hypotheses are identified while controlling the false discovery rate at a pre-specified level. Measurements are acquired using a large-scale sensor network. We propose a novel, data-driven method to estimate local false discovery rates based on the spectral method of moments. Our method is agnostic to specific spatial propagation models of the underlying physical phenomenon. It relies on a broadly applicable density model for local summary statistics. In between sensors, locations are assigned to regions associated with different hypotheses based on interpolated local false discovery rates. The benefits of our method are illustrated by applications to spatially propagating radio waves.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Network

    Implementing a Secure Annotation Service

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    Annotation systems enable "value-adding" to digital resources by the attachment of additional data in the form of comments, explanations, references, reviews, corrections and other types of external, subjective remarks. They facilitate group discourse and capture collective intelligence by enabling communities to attach and share their views on particular data and documents accessible over the Web. Annotation systems vary greatly with regard to the types of content they annotate, the extent of collaboration and sharing they allow and the communities which they serve. However within many applications, there is a need to restrict access to the annotations to a particular group of trusted users - in order to protect intellectual property rights or personal privacy. This paper describes a secure, open source annotation system that we have developed that uses Shibboleth and XACML to identify and authenticate users and restrict their access to annotations stored on an Annotea server

    Toe pressure and toe brachial index are predictive of cardiovascular mortality regardless of the most diseased arterial segment in symptomatic lower-extremity artery disease—A retrospective cohort study

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    Objective Although lower extremity arterial disease (LEAD) is most often multisegmental, the predominant disease location and risk factors differ between patients. Ankle-brachial index (ABI), toe-brachial index (TBI), and toe pressure (TP) are predictive of outcome in LEAD patients. Previously, we reported a classification method defining the most diseased arterial segment (MDAS); crural (CR), femoropopliteal (FP), or aortoiliac (AOI). Current study aimed to analyze the associations between MDAS, peripheral pressure measurements and cardiovascular mortality. Materials and methods We reviewed retrospectively 729 consecutive LEAD patients (Rutherford 2–6) who underwent digital subtraction angiography between January, 2009 to August, 2011 and had standardized peripheral pressure measurements. Results In Cox Regression analyses, cardiovascular mortality was associated with MDAS and noninvasive pressure indices as follows; MDAS AOI, TP 1.30 (HR 6.71, 95% CI 1.89–23.8), and MDAS CR, TP <30 mmHg (HR 4.26, 95% CI 2.19–8.27), TBI <0.25 (HR 7.71, 95% CI 1.86–32.9), and ABI <0.25 (HR 2.59, 95% CI 1.15–5.85). Conclusions Symptomatic LEAD appears to be multisegmental with severe infrapopliteal involvement. Because of this, TP and TBI are strongly predictive of cardiovascular mortality and they should be routinely measured despite the predominant disease location or clinical presentation.Peer reviewe

    ”Yksin ei ihan kaikkeen pysty, siihen mihin kakskymmentä muuta.”:yksiopettajaisten koulujen opettajien kokema työhyvinvointi

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman päämääränä on selvittää seitsemän yksiopettajaisen koulun opettajan kokemuksia työhyvinvoinnistaan. Tutkimuskysymysten avulla perehdytään opettajien työhyvinvointia kuormittaviin ja tukeviin tekijöihin, sekä työyhteisön pienuuden vaikutuksia työhyvinvointiin. Yksiopettajaisia kouluja on Suomessa toukokuussa 2019 viisi kappaletta ja olen saanut tutkimukseen kaikki nämä opettajat mukaan. Tutkielma on toteutettu kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusotteena käytettiin fenomenografista tutkimusotetta. Tutkimusaineisto tutkimukseen on kerätty seitsemän yksiopettajaisen koulun opettajan puolistrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla. Viisi näistä opettajista työskenteli haastattelujen aikaan yksiopettajaisessa koulussa ja kaksi opettajista oli toiminut muutama vuosi aiemmin yksiopettajaisessa koulussa. Aineiston kerääminen tapahtui tammi–maaliskuussa 2019. Haastattelut toteutettiin videopuhelun välityksellä kahta lukuun ottamatta. Tutkimusaineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysia. Tutkimustulosten mukaan yksiopettajaisen koulun opettajat ovat pääsääntöisesti tyytyväisiä työhönsä ja pitävät työhyvinvointiaan hyvänä. Yksiopettajaisten koulujen opettajien työhyvinvointia kuormittavat monenlaiset tekijät, kuten yhdysluokkaopetus, koulun lakkautus, henkilökohtainen elämä, kollegoiden puute, sairastuminen, työmatka sekä ongelmat työparin tai kyläyhteisön kanssa. Opettajien työhyvinvointia yksiopettajaisissa kouluissa puolestaan tukevat esimerkiksi työn vapaus, kyläyhteisö, työpari, esimies, vanhemmat, työhyvinvoinnin edistäminen ja työympäristö. Työyhteisön pienuus vaikuttaa myös opettajien työhyvinvointiin, sillä yhden opettajan koulussa työparilla on suuri merkitys, välituntivalvonnat ja sairastuminen kuormittavat sekä kollegoiden puuttuminen vaikuttaa negatiivisesti, mutta myös positiivisesti. Tutkimuksessa esiin nousi se, että monet tekijät voivat olla opettajan työhyvinvoinnille samaan aikaan kuormittava tekijä ja voimavara

    The use of electronic communication for patient-professional interaction – nursing staff’s point of view

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    Patient care in hospital wards is decreasing dramatically; more and more often, it takes place at home and in outpatient clinics. New ways to communicate are thus needed between patients and professionals. The use of electronic devices is one possible solution to facilitate the communication and support modern care.The purpose of the study was to describe nursing staff’s skills and experiences on the use of electronic communication for interaction with patients. The study also looks at factors promoting and hindering the use of electronic communication. The study used a descriptive design including both qualitative and quantitative components. The data were collected among nursing staff (N=567, n=123) working in outpatient clinics in spring 2012 with an electronic questionnaire.Computer and electronic communication skills among nursing staff were at a moderately good level. They had most experience in the use of email and text messages. Electronic devices were used at all stages of the nursing process. Three main categories were formed to describe promoting and hindering factors for the use of electronic communication: user-related factors; technology- and organization-related factors; and nursing- and communication-related factors. According to the participants, electronic devices are necessary and useful tools in interacting with patients. Patients’ personal characteristics and information security problems were perceived as the most significant hindering factors.The use of technology benefited both the nursing staff and patients in communication. The nurses’ experiences on the use of electronic communication were not very extensive as emails and text messages were the most commonly used methods.</p

    Approximate Semantic Matching Over Linked Data Streams

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    In the Internet of Things (IoT),data can be generated by all kinds of smart things. In such context, enabling machines to process and understand such data is critical. Semantic Web technologies, such as Linked Data, provide an effective and machine-understandable way to represent IoT data for further processing. It is a challenging issue to match Linked Data streams semantically based on text similarity as text similarity computation is time consuming. In this paper, we present a hashing-based approximate approach to efficiently match Linked Data streams with users’ needs. We use the Resource Description Framework (RDF) to represent IoT data and adopt triple patterns as user queries to describe users’ data needs. We then apply locality-sensitive hashing techniques to transform semantic data into numerical values to support efficient matching between data and user queries. We design a modified k nearest neighbors (kNN) algorithm to speedup the matching process. The experimental results show that our approach is up to five times faster than the traditional methods and can achieve high precisions and recalls

    Chronic limb threatening ischemia and diabetes mellitus: the severity of tibial atherosclerosis and outcome after infrapopliteal revascularization

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    Background and aims: Diabetes mellitus associates with poor outcomes in chronic limb threatening ischemia but data on different hypoglycemic regimens and outcomes are lacking. We analyzed insulin-treated diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-treated diabetes mellitus, and patients without diabetes mellitus.Materials and methods: All patients with peripheral artery disease and/or diabetes mellitus and infrapopliteal revascularization in the Department of Vascular Surgery, Turku University Hospital during 2007-2015 were included. Tibial atherosclerosis was categorized into crural index classes of I-IV.Results: Of the 497 patients, 180 were insulin-treated diabetes mellitus, 94 non-insulin-treated diabetes mellitus, and 223 patients without diabetes mellitus groups (diabetes mellitus 55.1%). Insulin-treated diabetes mellitus was the most ill, youngest (insulin-treated diabetes mellitus-median: 72.4, interquartile range: 64.0-79.5 versus non-insulin-treated diabetes mellitus-76.0, interquartile range: 67.9-83.6 versus patients without diabetes mellitus-77.3, interquartile range: 68.5-83.7, p p p p = 0.046) and non-insulin-treated diabetes mellitus groups (p = 0.011) compared to surgery, but not for patients without diabetes mellitus (p = 0.15). Patients with crural index IV in insulin-treated diabetes mellitus (p = 0.001) and non-insulin-treated diabetes mellitus (p = 0.013) had higher mortality after revascularization. Crural index IV was a risk factor for limb loss (hazard ratio: 1.37, 95% confidence interval: 1.08-1.74, p = 0.008).Conclusion: Limb salvage after bypass is better for insulin and non-insulin diabetics, compared to the endovascular approach. Extensive tibial atherosclerosis is an independent risk factor for limb loss. It associates with increased mortality in both insulin and non-insulin diabetics.</p

    Structure of transmembrane prolyl 4-hydroxylase reveals unique organization of EF and dioxygenase domains

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    Prolyl 4-hydroxylases (P4Hs) catalyze post-translational hydroxylation of peptidyl proline residues. In addition to collagen P4Hs and hypoxia-inducible factor P4Hs, a third P4H—the poorly characterized endoplasmic reticulum–localized transmembrane prolyl 4-hydroxylase (P4H-TM)—is found in animals. P4H-TM variants are associated with the familiar neurological HIDEA syndrome, but how these variants might contribute to disease is unknown. Here, we explored this question in a structural and functional analysis of soluble human P4H-TM. The crystal structure revealed an EF domain with two Ca2+-binding motifs inserted within the catalytic domain. A substrate-binding groove was formed between the EF domain and the conserved core of the catalytic domain. The proximity of the EF domain to the active site suggests that Ca2+ binding is relevant to the catalytic activity. Functional analysis demonstrated that Ca2+-binding affinity of P4H-TM is within the range of physiological Ca2+ concentration in the endoplasmic reticulum. P4H-TM was found both as a monomer and a dimer in the solution, but the monomer–dimer equilibrium was not regulated by Ca2+. The catalytic site contained bound Fe2+ and N-oxalylglycine, which is an analogue of the cosubstrate 2-oxoglutarate. Comparison with homologous P4H structures complexed with peptide substrates showed that the substrate-interacting residues and the lid structure that folds over the substrate are conserved in P4H-TM, whereas the extensive loop structures that surround the substrate-binding groove, generating a negative surface potential, are different. Analysis of the structure suggests that the HIDEA variants cause loss of P4H-TM function. In conclusion, P4H-TM shares key structural elements with other P4Hs while having a unique EF domain.publishedVersio
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