36 research outputs found

    Denudation and geomorphic change in the Anthropocene; a global overview

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    The effects of human activity on geomorphic processes, particularly those related to denudation/sedimentation, are investigated by reviewing case studies and global assessments covering the past few centuries. Evidence we have assembled from different parts of the world, as well as from the literature, show that certain geomorphic processes are experiencing an acceleration, especially since the mid-twentieth century. This suggests that a global geomorphic change is taking place, largely caused by anthropogenic landscape changes

    Denudation and geomorphic change in the Anthropocene; a global overview

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    The effects of human activity on geomorphic processes, particularly those related to denudation/sedimentation, are investigated by reviewing case studies and global assessments covering the past few centuries. Evidence we have assembled from different parts of the world, as well as from the literature, show that certain geomorphic processes are experiencing an acceleration, especially since the mid-twentieth century. This suggests that a global geomorphic change is taking place, largely caused by anthropogenic landscape changes. Direct human-driven denudation (through activities involving excavation, transport, and accumulation of geological materials) has increased by a factor of 30 between 1950 and 2015, representing a ten-fold increase of per capita effect. Direct plus indirectly human-induced denudation (triggered by land surface alteration) is presently at least one order of magnitude greater than denudation due to purely natural processes. The activity of slope movements, which represent an important contribution to denudation, sediment generation and landscape evolution, also shows a clear intensification. Frequency of hazardous events and disasters related to slope movements (an indirect measure of process frequency) in specific regions, as well as at continental and global levels, has grown considerably, in particular after the mid-twentieth century. Intense rainstorm events are often related to slope movement occurrence, but the general increasing trend observed is not satisfactorily explained by climate. Sedimentation has augmented considerably in most regions and all kinds of sedimentation environments. Although the link between denudation and sedimentation is not direct and unequivocal, it is safe to assume that if sedimentation rates increase in different regions during a given period, denudation must have increased too, even though their magnitudes could be different. This augmentation, particularly marked from the second half of the last century onwards, appears to be determined mainly by land surface changes, in conjunction with climate change. The changes observed suggest: a) there is evidence at a global scale of a growing response of geomorphic systems to socio-economic drivers, being Gross Domestic Product density, a good indicator of the human potential to cause such impacts; b) Land use/cover changes enhance effects of climate change on global denudation/sedimentation and landslide/flood frequency, and appear to be a stronger controlling factor; c) Our findings point to the existence of a global geomorphic change. This manifestation of global change is especially evident since the ?great geomorphic acceleration? that began in the middle of the 20th century, and constitutes one of the characteristics of the proposed Anthropocene.This work was supported, at different stages, by projects: FEDER, AEI, CGL2017-82703-R (Ministerio de Ciencia e Investigacion, Spain) and PICT2011-1685; MTM2014-56235-C2-2215 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovacion, Argentina). We also thank Dr. Anthony R. Berger for critical review and writing assistance

    Effects of extreme natural events on the provision of ecosystem services in a mountain environment : The importance of trail design in delivering system resilience and ecosystem service co-benefits

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    A continued supply of ecosystem services (ES) from a system depends on the resilience of that system to withstand shocks and perturbations. In many parts of the world, climate change is leading to an increased frequency of extreme weather events, potentially influencing ES provision. Our study of the effects of an intense rainfall event in Gorce National Park, Poland, shows: (1) the intense rainfall event impacted heavily on the supply of ES by limiting potential recreation opportunities and reducing erosion prevention; (2) these negative impacts were not only restricted to the period of the extreme event but persisted for up to several years, depending on the pre-event trail conditions and post-event management activities; (3) to restore the pre-event supply of ES, economic investments were required in the form of active repairs to trails, which, in Gorce National Park, were an order of magnitude higher than the costs of normal trail maintenance; and (4) when recreational trails were left to natural restoration, loss of biodiversity was observed, and recovery rates of ES (recreation opportunities and soil erosion prevention) were reduced in comparison to their pre-event state. We conclude that proper trail design and construction provides a good solution to avoid some of the negative impacts of extreme events on recreation, as well as offering co-benefits in terms of protecting biodiversity and enhancing the supply of regulating services such as erosion prevention

    Can empathy lead to emotional exhaustion in teachers? The mediating role of emotional labor

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    Objectives: The present study was designed to examine the links between empathy, emotional labor (both surface and deep acting), and emotional exhaustion as well as determine if emotional labor mediates the relationship between empathy and emotional exhaustion in teachers. It was assumed that emotional labor can take two opposite directions (positive mood induction and negative mood induction). Thus, the additional aim of the study was to analyze the mediating role of mood regulation strategies in the relationship between empathy and emotional exhaustion. Materials and Methods: A sample of 168 teachers from Łódź and its surroundings completed a set of questionnaires: Emotional Labor Scale; Mood Regulation Scales, Maslach Burnout Inventory, and Empathic Sensitivity Scale. Results: The results provided mixed support for the hypotheses indicating that both types of emotional labor, negative mood induction and emotional exhaustion were positively intercorrelated. Moreover, deep acting was a significant mediator in the relationship between empathy and emotional exhaustion. The analyzed link was also mediated by negative mood induction, whereas positive mood induction did not emerge as a significant mediator. Conclusions: The study provided insight into the role of empathy and emotional labor in the development of teacher burnout. It also confirmed that deep acting and negative mood induction mediate the relationship between empathy and emotional exhaustion in teachers

    Landscape discriminants of the old Polish homeland in the selected areas in south america as an example of the cultural heritage of emigrants

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    Ameryka Łacińska stała się celem masowej emigracji transatlantyckiej z Europy na przełomie XIX i XX w. Po przyjeździe na kontynent, przede wszystkim do Brazylii, Argentyny, Urugwaju, Paragwaju, imigranci, głównie z obszarów wiejskich Galicji, znaleźli się w odmiennym środowisku przyrodniczym, gospodarczo-społecznym, kulturowym i politycznym, co pogłębiało tęsknotę za krajem, krajobrazem swojej wsi i najbliższej okolicy. Asymilując się do nowych uwarunkowań czerpali wzorce z kraju ojczystego, podejmowali próby „oswojenia” najbliższej okolicy i starali się implementować rozwiązania znane ze starej ojczyzny. Przejawy takiej działalności uwidaczniają się silnie w krajobrazie, w którym zidentyfikowano wyróżniki o charakterze przyrodniczym i kulturowym oraz materialnym i niematerialnym. Kolejne pokolenia podtrzymywały tradycje przodków, nie tylko jako przejaw tęsknoty za krajobrazem z Europy, ale również w celu zademonstrowania pochodzenia i podkreślenia odmienności od pozostałych osadników.Latin America became the destination of massive transatlantic emigration at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. After reaching the continent, mostly Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay, the emigrants – originated from the rural areas of Galicia, found themselves in a different natural, as well as economic, social, political and cultural environment, which increased their nostalgia for the homeland and the landscape of the familiar countryside. While assimilating to the new conditions, they applied patterns familiar from the country of their origin, thus trying to "domesticate" the neighbourhood, attempted to implement solutions known from their previous homeland. Examples of their activities are clearly visible in the landscape, in which certain discriminants were identified, both showing natural and cultural, material and intangible characteristics. The following generations maintained the tradition of their ancestors not only as the manifestation of their nostalgia for the European landscape, but also to demonstrate their origin and underline their distinctiveness from other settlers

    Influence of hydrocolloid concentration on the mixing power and rheological parameters of guar gum aqueous solutions

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    Przeanalizowano wpływ stężenia hydrokoloidu na właściwości reologiczne wybranego modelowego układu spożywczego poddawanego mieszaniu długotrwałemu. Użyto wodnych roztworów gumy guar. Mieszanie przeprowadzono w warunkach skokowo wzrastającej liczby obrotów mieszadła wstęgowego. Moc mieszania oraz parametry reologiczne obliczono na podstawie uzyskanych w pomiarach wartości momentu obrotowego przyłożonego na wale mieszadła oraz prędkości obrotowej mieszadła. Wyniki w postaci krzywych płynięcia posłużyły do wyznaczenia wartości parametrów równania Ostwalda-de Waele. Dane eksperymentalne opisano ponadto równaniami empirycznymi podającymi zależności średnich mocy chwilowych oraz średnich lepkości pozornych od stężenia gumy guar w poszczególnych układach.An influence of hydrocolloid concentration on rheological properties of model food fluids under long-term mixing is analyzed in the paper. Aqueous solutions of guar gum were used as model food fluids. The helical ribbon stirrer rotational speed was increased step by step. The mixing power and rheological parameters were calculated on a base of measured values of torque and rotational speed of the stirrer. The flow curves were used for the calculation of Ostwald-de Waele equation parameters. Moreover, the experimental data were described by power monomials and their coefficients were determined

    Field trip in the Kerala : report

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    This report contains short information about the geomorphological field trip in Kerala State. The field trip was largely focused on various geomorphological and geoecological aspects of laterites and backwaters which dominate in landscape of Kerala. One of the main highlights of the field trip was to the examination of type locality of laterite. Nearly 60% of the Kerala is covered by laterite or laterite-derived materials, and lateritisation process dominates the landform development from the coast to foothills. The second main highlights of the field trip was to the examination of backwaters which are a network of five big lakes (lagoons and estuaries) and rivers linked by natural and man-made canals

    Adaptation of Forest Trees to Rapidly Changing Climate

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    Climate change leads to global drought-induced stress and increased plant mortality. Tree species living in rapidly changing climate conditions are exposed to danger and must adapt to new climate conditions to survive. Trees respond to changes in the environment in numerous ways. Physiological modulation at the seed stage, germination strategy and further development are influenced by many different factors. We review forest abiotic threats (such as drought and heat), including biochemical responses of plants to stress, and biotic threats (pathogens and insects) related to global warming. We then discus the varied adaptations of tree species to changing climate conditions such as seed resistance to environmental stress, improved by an increase in temperature, affinity to specific fungal symbionts, a wide range of tolerance to abiotic environmental conditions in the offspring of populations occurring in continental climate, and germination strategies closely linked to the ecological niche of the species. The existing studies do not clearly indicate whether tree adaptations are shaped by epigenetics or phenology and do not define the role of phenotypic plasticity in tree development. We have created a juxtaposition of literature that is useful in identifying the factors that play key roles in these processes. We compare scientific evidence that species distribution and survival are possible due to phenotypic plasticity and thermal memory with studies that testify that trees’ phenology depends on phylogenesis, but this issue is still open. It is possible that studies in the near future will bring us closer to understanding the mechanisms through which trees adapt to stressful conditions, especially in the context of epigenetic memory in long-lived organisms, and allow us to minimize the harmful effects of climatic events by predicting tree species’ responses or by developing solutions such as assisted migration to mitigate the consequences of these phenomena