359 research outputs found

    Machine learning based anomaly detection in release testing of 5g mobile networks

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    Abstract. The need of high-quality phone and internet connections, high-speed streaming ability and reliable traffic with no interruptions has increased because of the advancements the wireless communication world witnessed since the start of 5G (fifth generation) networks. The amount of data generated, not just every day but also, every second made most of the traditional approaches or statistical methods used previously for data manipulation and modeling inefficient and unscalable. Machine learning (ML) and especially, the deep learning (DL)-based models achieve the state-of-art results because of their ability to recognize complex patterns that even human experts are not able to recognize. Machine learning-based anomaly detection is one of the current hot topics in both research and industry because of its practical applications in almost all domains. Anomaly detection is mainly used for two purposes. The first purpose is to understand why this anomalous behavior happens and as a result, try to prevent it from happening by solving the root cause of the problem. The other purpose is to, as well, understand why this anomalous behavior happens and try to be ready for dealing with this behavior as it would be predictable behavior in that case, such as the increased traffic through the weekends or some specific hours of the day. In this work, we apply anomaly detection on a univariate time series target, the block error rate (BLER). We experiment with different statistical approaches, classic supervised machine learning models, unsupervised machine learning models, and deep learning models and benchmark the final results. The main goal is to select the best model that achieves the balance of the best performance and less resources and apply it in a multivariate time series context where we are able to test the relationship between the different time series features and their influence on each other. Through the final phase, the model selected will be used, integrated, and deployed as part of an automatic system that detects and flags anomalies in real-time. The simple proposed deep learning model outperforms the other models in terms of the accuracy related metrics. We also emphasize the acceptable performance of the statistical approach that enters the competition of the best model due to its low training time and required computational resources

    The Position of Naqshabandi Order in The Islamic Law by Shaykh Islam Wan Sulaiman Wan Sidek (D.1354h/1935m)

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    Sufi Order in the Malay World at 19thcentury is misunderstood as deviant teaching from Islam by some of Malay Muslim society.  Reflecting on this, Wan Sulaiman bin Wan Sidek, a shaykh Islam and Malay Sufi scholar at 19th, he played a crucial role in clarifying this issue properly in his Malay Jawi script epistles, namely Fakihah Janiyyah fi Bayan Ma’rifah al-Ilahiyyah al-Mutabaqah Li’ayan al-Shari’ah al-‘Aliyyah and Mizan al-‘uqala wa al-Udaba’. However, some studies from contemporary Malay contested his Sufi's thought, particularly Naqshabandi Order’s position in Islamic law. This study aims to expose Wan Sulaiman’s understanding and justification in Sufis Order, specifically Naqshabandi Order in shariah. This study is a historical and textual analytical study. The finding of this study indicates that Wan Sulaiman’s idea is clear and has strong argumentation from the authentic Sufi sources that show the Sufi Order is legal and has a good position and core teaching in Islamic law.

    Pengaruh Financial Distress terhadap Tax Avoidance (Studi Kasus Perusahaan Mining yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh variabel financial distress terhadap tax avoidance pada perusahaan mining yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Teknik pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 11 perusahaan dengan lima tahun periode 2016-2020. Data yang digunakan diperoleh dari Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Hipotesis dalam penelitian ini diuji menggunakan aplikasi Statistical Package for The Social Sciences (SPSS). Dalam penelitian ini, variabel financial distress diukur dengan Interest Coverage Ratio (ICR) dan variabel tax avoidance diukur menggunakan model Effective Tax Rate (ETR). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa financial distress tidak berpengaruh atau berpengaruh negatif terhadap tax avoidance

    A case report on an 8-month infant about zona infection in ocular members due to exposure to intrauterine varicella

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    Background and aims: Primary varicella infection which is rarely seen among infants appears as chicken pox in children and zona in adults due to its reactivation. Considering its rarity in infants, an 8-month case infected with varicella due to reactivation of intrauterine primary infection is reported. Case report: An 8-month infant with 3200gr weight at a vaginal delivery was hospitalized for erythematous lesion around the left eye, diagnosed as orbital cellulitis initially. The lesion spread rapidly to 8×14cm and several fluid -filled vesicules (which then turned into yellow) developed. Referring to case history, the mother was infected to varicella with generalized macrovesicular lesions involving stomach, face, and limbs. Infant tests of varicella zoster virus about the existence of immunoglobulin M were positive. Treatment was done by cephalotine, acyclovir, and sulfacetamide eye drop. The lesions disappeared within one week. Conclusion: In this patient, because of exposure to varicella infection in utero period, reactivation of primary infection after birth in 8-month appeared herpes zoster symptoms. After diagnosis, the treatment was successful

    An Empirical Study on Organizational Acceptance Accounting Information Systems in Sharia Banking

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    The purpose of this research is to investigate the correlation of management support and self-efficacy variables, to perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and behavioral intention to use variables of accounting information systems of Islamic Banking. This study aims to discover the roles of external variables, including management support and self-efficacy variables which influence perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use of accounting information systems (AIS) of Islamic Banking. The study was conducted in several Islamic Banking in Malang City, East Java, which consist of Bank Mega Syariah, Bank Syariah Mandiri, Bank Muamalat, Bank Panin Syariah, Bank Jatim Syariah, BTN Syariah, CIMB Niaga Syariah, BRI Syariah, and BNI Syariah. The population of this study are employees who worked and dispersed all over Islamic Banking in Malang City and samples of 135 people as system users were used for data examination. This study emphasized on quantitative approach in data analysis which uses Generalized Structured Component Analysis (GSCA) approach. The result shows that all tested hypotheses have significantly positive correlations, which are: management support on perceived ease of use, management support on perceived usefulness, self-efficacy on perceived ease of use, self-efficacy on perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness on behavioral intention of use of AIS; and perceived ease of use on behavioral intention of use of AIS

    Two-Port Versus Three-Port Laparoscopic Appendectomy In Children

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    Background/Purpose: Laparoscopic appendectomy is the routine technique for management of acute appendicitis in children in many centers. In this study, the classic three-port technique is compared to the two-port technique in the noncomplicated non-difficult acute appendicitis. Materials & Methods: This is a retrospective study of the cases of non-complicated acute appendicitis treated laparoscopically between June 2003 and June 2009. Cases treated by the two-and three -port techniques were compared regarding the operative duration, operative and postoperative complications and the length of hospital stay. Results: During the study period, 85 children (45 males and 40 females) had laparoscopic appendectomy for acute noncomplicated appendicitis; 48 children by the Three-port technique (group I) and 37 children by the Two-port technique (group II).The mean age was 9.7 years (range 4 – 13). The mean operative duration was 40 minutes (range 30-70) in group I and 25 minutes in group II (range 17-35). Operative bleeding occurred in 9 cases (19%) (group I) and 8 cases (22%) group II, operative rupture of the appendix in 1(2%) , Port site infection (redness or discharge) in 3 (6%) in group I and none in group II, Postoperative ileus ( > 48 hours) 3 (6%) in group I and 1(2.7%) in group II. The mean length of hospital stay was 2.3 days in group I and 2 days in group II. Three cases in group II were converted to total laparoscopic appendectomy because of residual long stump (conversion rate 8%). Conclusion: The Two-port laparoscopic appendectomy had less operative duration and length of hospital stay than the threeport technique in non-complicated non-difficult acute appendicitis in children. However, the operative and post operative complications were almost the same.Index Word: Laparoscopy, appendectomy

    Análisis de las concentraciones de radionúclidos de la atmósfera del aire de Duhok por espectrometría gamma

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    Introduction: Atmospheric air is directly related to human healthand irreplaceable to human life and thus an influential parameter ofenvironmental science. Radioactive materials in the air may resultin exposure of man every day of our lives by inhalation or ingestion of particulate matter suspended or deposited on vegetation orproducts derived from animals, which has been ubiquitous on earthsince its creation. The main goal of this study is to measure the radioactivity concentration of the natural and artificial radionuclidesof the Duhok air. Materials and Methods: Twenty samples of airfilters were collected from different locations of Duhok City andits surroundings by low volume air samplers pump in the summer/autumn and winter/spring seasons. Air filter samples were preparedand analyzed by a well-type thallium-activated sodium iodide NaI(-TI) detector. Results and Discussion: The average activity concentrations of 214Pb, 214Bi, 212Pb, 228Ac, 40K and 137Cs are4.98±1.20, 4.54±1.27, 9.76±1.17, 10.72±2.35, 211.91±62.19 and1.78±0.61 mBq/m3 respectively of the summer/autumn seasons.Whereas, in the winter/spring seasons are 3.89±1.23, 4.21±1.43,5.05±1.08, ND, 147.49±46.38 and 1.78±0.69 mBq/m3 respectively. Conclusions: The activity concentrations results confirmedseasonal variations for all study locations. Activities of all radionuclides, except an anthropogenic radionuclide 137Cs which remainsabout the same in both seasons, record higher values in summer/autumn season. Moreover, all activities are less than the acceptablelower level. It is clear that the prominent radioelements that affected by atmospheric condition is 40K even though it is less than thereported lower level of the EP

    Study on Structural Equation Modeling for Analyzing Data

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    Structural Equation Model (SEM) is a combination of two separate statistical methods, namely factor analysis developed in psychology and psychometry and simultaneous equation model developed in econometrics. Factor analysis was first introduced by Galton in 1869 and Pearson (Pearson and Lee, 1904). Spearman's (1904) research is the development of a general factor analysis model in his research relating to the structure of mental abilities, Spearman stated that the intercorrelation test between mental abilities can determine general ability factors and special ability factors. SEM is a combination of factor analysis and path analysis into one comprehensive statistical method. Path analysis itself is the forerunner of the structural equation of Sewwl Wright's research in the field of biometrics. Wright's contribution is to be able to show that the correlation between variables is related to the parameters of a model described by a path (path diagram). In SEM there are 2 variables, namely latent variables (exogenous and endogenous) and indicator variables. SEM has 2 equation models, namely the measurement equation model and the structural equation model. SEM also has 2 errors, namely the error for the measurement equation model and the error for the structural equation model. In general, SEM is formed from the relationship between latent variables and their respective indicator variables. To test whether the existing indicator variables are valid indicators for measuring the latent construct, Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is used. Data analysis with SEM must meet the existing SEM assumptions. The model feasibility test is carried out based on the goodness of fit criteria. The stages in SEM analysis are theoretical model development, flow chart drawing, flow chart conversion into equation form, input matrix and model parameter estimation techniques, model problem identification, evacuating model parameter estimates, model interpretation and model modification

    Gas bubbles investigation in contaminated water using optical tomography based on independent component analysis method

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    This paper presents the results of concentration profiles for gas bubble flow in a vertical pipeline containing contaminated water using an optical tomography system. The concentration profiles for the bubble flow quantities are investigated under five different flows conditions, a single bubble, double bubbles, 25% of air opening, 50% of air opening, and 100% of air opening flow rates where a valve is used to control the gas flow in the vertical pipeline. The system is aided by the independent component analysis (ICA) algorithm to reconstruct the concentration profiles of the liquid-gas flow. The behaviour of the gas bubbles was investigated in contaminated water in which the water sample was prepared by adding 25 mL of colour ingredients to 3 liters of pure water. The result shows that the application of ICA has enabled the system to detect the presence of gas bubbles in contaminated water. This information provides vital information on the flow inside the pipe and hence could be very significant in increasing the efficiency of the process industries

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipepictureandpictureberbasis Projected Motion Untukmeningkatkanhasil Belajar Siswa pada Pembelajaran IPS Terpadu Kelas Vii-6 SMP Negeri 7 Banda Aceh

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    Jenis penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas yaitu suatu pencermatan terhadap kegiatan belajar berupa tindakan, yang sengaja dimunculkan dan dalam kelas. Model pembelajaran Picture and Picture adalah suatu metode belajar yang menggunakan gambar dan dipasangkan atau diurutkan menjadi urutan logis. Pembelajaran Projected Motion yaitu sistem memutarkan vedio dan pengerakan media, Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: Peningkatan hasil belajar IPS Terpadu siswa kelas VII-6 SMP Negeri 7 Banda Aceh, aktivitas guru dan siswa dalam kegiatan pembelajaran mencerminkan keterlaksanaan model pembelajaran Picture and Picture berbasis Projected Motion, keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran Picture and Picture berbasis Projected Motion dan respon siswa kelas VII-6 SMP Negeri 7 Banda Aceh. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII-6 SMP Negeri7 Banda Aceh yang berjumlah 32 siswa. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan: Tes hasil belajar siswa, lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru dan siswa, lembar pengamatan keterampilan guru mengelola pembelajaran dan angket respon siswa menggunakan model pembelajaran Picture and Picture berbasis Projected Motion. Analisis data menggunakan statistik sederhana yaitu persentase.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa persentase ketuntasan secara individual meningkat dari 81,2% menjadi 100% siswa yang tuntas belajar, persentase ketuntasan klasikal pun meningkat dari 60% menjadi 90%. Aktivitas guru dan siswa antara siklus I sampai siklus III telah mencermin kan penerapan model pembelajaran Picture and Picture berbasis Projected Motion. Keterampilan guru dalam mengelola pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran Picture and Picture berbasis Projected Motion meningkat dari perolehan skor rata-rata 2,53 dengan katagori sedang menjadi3 dengan katagori baik dan respon siswa terhadap model pembelajaran Picture and Picture berbasis Projected Motion dapat dikatakan baik. 90,6 persen dari 32 siswa berpendapat bahwa dengan belajar melalui model pembelajaran Picture and Picture berbasis Projected Motion dapat meningkatkan pemahaman mereka terhadap materi interaksi manusia dengan lingkungan