143 research outputs found

    Psychological and social factors that promote positive adaptation to stress and adversity in the adult life cycle

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    The author may only post his/her version provided acknowledgement is given to the original source of publication and a link is inserted to the published article on Springer's website. The link must be provided by inserting the DOI number of the article in the following sentence: “The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/[insert DOI]”."The phenomenon of resilience reflects positive adaptation despite contexts of risk, significant adversity, or trauma (Masten and Powell 2003; Luthar 2006). The purpose of this investigation was to propose a mediation model to explain the relation between stress and some psychological and social resources that enhance positive adaptation throughout the entire adult life cycle, and to explore the moderator role of age and country of origin. The indicator of positive adaptation was life satisfaction (LS). The sample comprised 171 Mexicans and 154 Spaniards (N = 325), aged between 18 and 87 years. Mediation was tested by means of various hierarchical regression analyses, which revealed that the positive adaptation process is enhanced by a group of psychological and social resources that mediate the effects of stress on LS. Self-esteem, optimism, internal control, coping aimed at acceptance, and coping aimed at seeking emotional support, as well as social contacts can mediate the negative effects of stress. Finally, it was found that age moderates the internal control but none of the remaining variables whereas the country does not moderate the relation of the variables.This investigation was partially funded by a grant from the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología [National Council of Science and Technology] (Mexico) awarded to the first author for her doctoral studies, and partially as a research project funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación [Ministry of Science and Innovation] (Spain) through the project PSI2008-02338/PSIC Emotional Information-Processing in Later Adulthood

    Modelling the Population Dynamics and the File Availability in a BitTorrent-Like P2P System with Decreasing Peer Arrival Rate

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    Abstract. Many measurement studies of P2P file sharing systems sug-gest that the request rate for a file changes over time and the system is thus non-stationary. For this reason we study the population dynam-ics and the availability of a file in a BitTorrent-like file sharing system, when the arrival rate for file requests decreases exponentially. We study the system first by a deterministic fluid model and then by a more de-tailed Markov chain analysis that allows estimating the life time of a single chunk exactly. Simple approximation for the life time is also de-rived. In addition, we simulate the life time of a file consisting multiple chunks in order to verify the analytical results to be applicable also to a more complex system.

    Second-Row Transition-Metal Doping of (Zn i S i ), i = 12, 16 Nanoclusters: Structural and Magnetic Properties

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    Abstract: TM@Zn i S i nanoclusters have been characterized by means of the Density Functional Theory, in which Transition Metal (TM) stands from Y to Cd, and i = 12 and 16. These two nanoclusters have been chosen owing to their highly spheroidal shape which allow for favored endohedral structures as compared to other nanoclusters. Doping with TM is chosen due to their magnetic properties. In similar cluster-assembled materials, these magnetic properties are related to the Transition Metal-Transition Metal (TM-TM) distances. At this point, endohedral doping presents a clear advantage over substitutional or exohedral doping, since in the cluster-assembled materials, these TM would occupy the well-fixed center of the cluster, providing in this way a better TM-TM distance control to experimentalists. In addition to endohedral compounds, surface structures and the TS's connecting both isomers have been characterized. In this way the kinetic and thermal stability of endohedral nanoclusters is predicted. We anticipate that silver and cadmium endohedrally doped nanoclusters have the longest life-times. This is due to the weak interaction of these metals with the cage, in contrast to the remaining cases where the TM covalently bond to a region of the cage. The open-shell electronic structure of Ag provides magnetic properties to Ag@Zn i S i clusters. Therefore, we have further characterized (Ag@Zn 12 S 12 ) 2 and (Ag@Zn 16 S 16 ) 2 dimers both in the ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic state, in order to calculate the corresponding magnetic exchange coupling constant, J

    Clustering and Sharing Incentives in BitTorrent Systems

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    Peer-to-peer protocols play an increasingly instrumental role in Internet content distribution. Consequently, it is important to gain a full understanding of how these protocols behave in practice and how their parameters impact overall performance. We present the first experimental investigation of the peer selection strategy of the popular BitTorrent protocol in an instrumented private torrent. By observing the decisions of more than 40 nodes, we validate three BitTorrent properties that, though widely believed to hold, have not been demonstrated experimentally. These include the clustering of similar-bandwidth peers, the effectiveness of BitTorrent's sharing incentives, and the peers' high average upload utilization. In addition, our results show that BitTorrent's new choking algorithm in seed state provides uniform service to all peers, and that an underprovisioned initial seed leads to the absence of peer clustering and less effective sharing incentives. Based on our observations, we provide guidelines for seed provisioning by content providers, and discuss a tracker protocol extension that addresses an identified limitation of the protocol

    Implementation of multi-layer techniques using FEDERICA, PASITO and OneLab network infrastructures

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    Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. V. López, J. L. Añamuro, V. Moreno, J. E. L. De Vergara, J. Aracil, C. García, J. P. Fernåndez-Palacios, and M. Izal, "Implementation of multi-layer techniques using FEDERICA, PASITO and OneLab network infrastructures", in 17th IEEE International Conference on Networks, ICON 2011, p. 89-94This paper describes an implementation of multilayer techniques using the network infrastructure provided by FEDERICA, PASITO and OneLab projects. FEDERICA project provides a network infrastructure, based on virtualization capabilities in both network and computing resources, which creates custom-made virtual environments. PASITO is a layer- 2 network that connects universities and research centers in Spain. OneLab measurements tools allow carrying out highaccuracy active network measurements. Thanks to FEDERICA and PASITO, we have a multi-layer architecture where the traffic is routed based on the measurements of OneLab equipment. To carry out this experiment, we have developed a Multi-layer Traffic Engineering manager and an implementation of the Path Computation Element Protocol to solve the lack of a control plane in IP oriented networks. This work shows the feasibility of multilayer techniques as a convenient solution for network operators and it validates our Path Computation Element implementation.This work has been partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under project ANFORA (TEC2009-13385), by the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade under PASITO project, and by the European Union under project OneLab2 (FP7-224263). Authors would like to thank Mauro Campanella (GARR, the project coordinator of FEDERICA) and Miguel Angel Sotos (RedIris) for their support to carry out this work

    Energy metabolism during repeated sets of leg press exercise leading to failure or not

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    This investigation examined the influence of the number of repetitions per set on power output and muscle metabolism during leg press exercise. Six trained men (age 34±6 yr) randomly performed either 5 sets of 10 repetitions (10REP), or 10 sets of 5 repetitions (5REP) of bilateral leg press exercise, with the same initial load and rest intervals between sets. Muscle biopsies (vastus lateralis) were taken before the first set, and after the first and the final sets. Compared with 5REP, 10REP resulted in a markedly greater decrease (P<0.05) of the power output, muscle PCr and ATP content, and markedly higher (P<0.05) levels of muscle lactate and IMP. Significant correlations (P<0.01) were observed between changes in muscle PCr and muscle lactate (R2 = 0.46), between changes in muscle PCr and IMP (R2 = 0.44) as well as between changes in power output and changes in muscle ATP (R2 = 0.59) and lactate (R2 = 0.64) levels. Reducing the number of repetitions per set by 50% causes a lower disruption to the energy balance in the muscle. The correlations suggest that the changes in PCr and muscle lactate mainly occur simultaneously during exercise, whereas IMP only accumulates when PCr levels are low. The decrease in ATP stores may contribute to fatigue

    Deposited PtGe Clusters as Active and Durable Catalysts for CO Oxidation

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    Control of CO emissions raises serious environmental concerns in the current chemical industry, as well as in nascent technologies based on hydrogen such as electrolyzers and fuel cells. As for now, Pt remains one of the state-of-the-art catalysts for the CO oxidation reaction, but unfortunately, it suffers from CO self-poisoning. Recently, Pt−Ge alloys were proposed to be an excellent alternative to reduce CO poisoning. This work investigates the impact of Ge content on the CO oxidation kinetics of Pt4Gen subnanoclusters supported on MgO. A Ge concentration dependence of the reaction kinetics is found due to a strong synergy between Pt and Ge. Pt−Ge nanoalloys act as a bifunctional catalyst by displaying dual adsorption sites; i. e., CO is adsorbed on Pt whereas oxygen binds to Ge, forming an alternative oxygen source GeOx. Besides, Ge alloying modifies the electronic structure of Pt (ligand effects) and reduces the affinity to CO. In this way, the competition between CO and O2 adsorption and the overbinding of CO is alleviated, achieving a CO poisoning-free kinetic regime. Our calculations suggest that Pt4Ge3 is the optimal catalyst, evidencing that alloying composition is a parameter of extreme importance in nanocatalyst design. The work relies on global optimization search techniques to determine the accessibility of multiple structures at different conditions, mechanistic studies and microkinetic modeling.Peer reviewe

    Anaerobic Energy Expenditure and Mechanical Efficiency during Exhaustive Leg Press Exercise

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    Information about anaerobic energy production and mechanical efficiency that occurs over time during short-lasting maximal exercise is scarce and controversial. Bilateral leg press is an interesting muscle contraction model to estimate anaerobic energy production and mechanical efficiency during maximal exercise because it largely differs from the models used until now. This study examined the changes in muscle metabolite concentration and power output production during the first and the second half of a set of 10 repetitions to failure (10RM) of bilateral leg press exercise. On two separate days, muscle biopsies were obtained from vastus lateralis prior and immediately after a set of 5 or a set of 10 repetitions. During the second set of 5 repetitions, mean power production decreased by 19% and the average ATP utilisation accounted for by phosphagen decreased from 54% to 19%, whereas ATP utilisation from anaerobic glycolysis increased from 46 to 81%. Changes in contraction time and power output were correlated to the changes in muscle Phosphocreatine (PCr; r = −0.76; P<0.01) and lactate (r = −0.91; P<0.01), respectively, and were accompanied by parallel decreases (P<0.01-0.05) in muscle energy charge (0.6%), muscle ATP/ADP (8%) and ATP/AMP (19%) ratios, as well as by increases in ADP content (7%). The estimated average rate of ATP utilisation from anaerobic sources during the final 5 repetitions fell to 83% whereas total anaerobic ATP production increased by 9% due to a 30% longer average duration of exercise (18.4±4.0 vs 14.2±2.1 s). These data indicate that during a set of 10RM of bilateral leg press exercise there is a decrease in power output which is associated with a decrease in the contribution of PCr and/or an increase in muscle lactate. The higher energy cost per repetition during the second 5 repetitions is suggestive of decreased mechanical efficiency
