620 research outputs found

    Faithful Coverage: the Irish Independent’s Catholic Transformation of the Spanish Civil War

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    In the summer of 1936, the Spanish Civil War erupted with a military coup d’etat against the current Republic, launching three years of chaos and casualty. Among the ranks of supporters for the imminent fascist regime were Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, and shockingly, the majority of Ireland’s citizens. However, their support was not unprompted. The Irish Independent, a popular newspaper, flooded its pages with gory depictions of anti-clerical violence committed by the Spanish Republicans and steered their audience into the kind of righteous sensationalism that would later inspire an Irish Brigade to form on behalf of the fascist regime. This paper aims to find out what financial and political motives the Irish Independent had to simplify, dramatize, and misrepresent the Spanish conflict to its audience. Particularly, the newspaper’s Catholic-centric narrative points to a manipulation of events in order to gain favor from the Irish Catholic Church hierarchy. Keywords: Ireland, Spain, Spanish Civil War, Journalism, Fascism, Catholicism Part of the panel: Identity through Conflict Moderator: Professor Jennifer Kern

    A dynamically consistent analysis of circulation and transports in the southwestern Weddell Sea

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    International audienceAn inverse model is applied for the analysis of hydrographic and current meter data collected on the repeat WOCE section SR4 in the Weddell Sea in 1989?1992. The section crosses the Weddell Sea cyclonic gyre from Kapp Norvegia to the northern end of the Antarctic Peninsula. The concepts of geostrophy, conservation of planetary vorticity and hydrostatics are combined with advective balances of active and passive properties to provide a dynamically consistent circulation pattern. Our variational assimilation scheme allows the calculation of three-dimensional velocities in the section plane. Current speeds are small except along the coasts where they reach up to 12 cm/s. We diagnose a gyre transport of 34 Sverdrup which is associated with a poleward heat transport of 28×1012 W corresponding to an average heat flux of 15 Wm?2 in the Weddell Sea south of the transect. This exceeds the estimated local flux on the transect of 2 Wm?2. As the transect is located mostly in the open ocean, we conclude that the shelf areas contribute significantly to the ocean-atmosphere exchange and are consequently key areas for the contribution of the Weddell Sea to global ocean ventilation. Conversion of water masses occuring south of the section transform 6.6±1.1 Sv of the inflowing warm deep water into approximately equal amounts of Weddell Sea deep water and Weddell Sea bottom water. The volume transport of surface water equals in the in- and outflow. This means that almost all newly formed surface water is involved in the deep and bottom water formation. Comparison with the results obtained by pure velocity interpolation combined with a hydrographic data subset indicates major differences in the derived salt transports and the water mass conversion of the surface water. The differences can be explained by deviations in the structure of the upper ocean currents to which shelf areas contribute significantly. Additionally a rigorous variance analysis is performed. When only hydrographic data are used for the inversion both the gyre transport and the poleward heat transport are substantially lower. They amount to less than 40% of our best estimate while the standard deviations of both quantities are 6.5 Sv and 37×1012 W, respectively. With the help of long-term current meter measurements these errors can be reduced to 2 Sv and 8×1012 W. Our result underlines the importance of velocity data or equivalent information that helps to estimate the absolute velocities

    Weddell Sea iceberg drift: Five years of observations

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    Since 1999, 52 icebergs have been tagged with GPS buoys in the Weddell Seato enable monitoring of their position. The chosen icebergs were of small tomedium size, with a few icebergs larger than 10 km associatedwith the calving of icebergs A38 and A43 from the Ronne Ice Shelf.The majority of icebergs were tagged off Neumayer Station (8E, 70S).It was found that smaller bergs with edges shorter than 200 m had the shortestlife cycle (< 0.5 yr). Iceberg and thus freshwater export out of theWeddell Sea was found to be highly variable. In one year the majority of buoysdeployed remained in the Weddell Sea, constituting about 40 % of the NCEP P-Efreshwater input, whereas in other years all of the tagged icebergs were exported.The observed drifts of icebergs and sea-ice showed a remarkably coherent motion.The analysis of an iceberg - sea-ice buoy array in the western Weddell Seaand an iceberg array in the eastern Weddell Sea showed a coherent sea-iceiceberg drift in sea-ice concentrations above 86 %. Dynamic kinematic parameter(DKP) during the course of coherent movement were low and deviations from the meancourse associated with the passage of low-pressure system. The length scale ofcoherent movement was estimated to be less than 250km; about half the value found forthe Arctic Ocean

    The hybrid zone between the Italian and Northern Crested Newts (Triturus carnifex and T. cristatus) reaches Germany

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    While it is generally assumed that only the Northern Crested Newt (Triturus cristatus) occurs in Germany, there are early reports of Crested Newts with features typical of the Italian Crested Newt (T. carnifex) from the Berchtesgadener Land (Bavaria). We study a panel of eight nuclear DNA SNP markers for 26 individual Crested Newts to test if T. carnifex alleles occur in this region. All but two of the studied individuals contain alleles diagnostic for T. carnifex, with the largest percentage of T. carnifex alleles observed in a single individual being 37.5%. The sampled individuals show morphological characteristics typically associated with T. carnifex. We conclude that the natural hybrid zone between the Northern Crested Newt and the Italian Crested Newt reaches further west than previously realized and extends into the extreme southeast of Germany.Animal sciencesNaturali

    Assessment of the structure and variability of Weddell Sea water masses in distinct ocean reanalysis products

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    We assessed and evaluated the performance of five ocean reanalysis products in reproducing essential hydrographic properties and their associated temporal variability for the Weddell Sea, Antarctica. The products used in this assessment were ECMWF ORAS4 (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts Ocean Reanalysis System 4), CFSR (Climate Forecast System Reanalysis), MyOcean UR025.4 (University of Reading), ECCO2 (Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the Ocean, Phase II) and SODA (Simple Ocean Data Assimilation). The present study focuses on the Weddell Sea deep layer, which is composed of the following three main water masses: Warm Deep Water (WDW), Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW) and Weddell Sea Bottom Water (WSBW). The MyOcean UR025.4 product provided the most accurate representation of the structure and thermohaline properties of the Weddell Sea water masses when compared with observations. All the ocean reanalysis products analyzed exhibited limited capabilities in representing the surface water masses in the Weddell Sea. The CFSR and ECCO2 products were not able to represent deep water masses with a neutral density ? 28.40 kg m?3, which was considered the WSBW's upper limit throughout the simulation period. The expected WDW warming was only reproduced by the SODA product, whereas the ECCO2 product was able to represent the trends in the WSDW's hydrographic properties. All the assessed ocean reanalyses were able to represent the decrease in the WSBW's density, except the SODA product in the inner Weddell Sea. Improvements in parameterization may have as much impact on the reanalyses assessed as improvements in horizontal resolution primarily because the Southern Ocean lacks in situ data, and the data that are currently available are summer-biased. The choice of the reanalysis product should be made carefully, taking into account the performance, the parameters of interest, and the type of physical processes to be evaluated
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