272 research outputs found

    Subthreshold K+ production in deuteron and alpha induced nuclear reactions

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    Double differential cross sections have been measured for pi+ and K+ emitted around midraidity in d+A and He+A collisions at a beam kinetic energy of 1.15 GeV/nucleon. The total pi+ yield increases by a factor of about 2 when using an alpha projectile instead of a deuteron whereas the K+ yield increases by a factor of about 4. According to transport calculations, the K+ enhancement depends both on the number of hadron-hadron collisions and on the energy available in those collisions: their center-of-mass energy increases with increasing number of projectile nucleons

    Production of Charged Pions, Kaons and Antikaons in Relativistic C+C and C+Au Collisions

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    Production cross sections of charged pions, kaons and antikaons have been measured in C+C and C+Au collisions at beam energies of 1.0 and 1.8 AGeV for different polar emission angles. The kaon and antikaon energy spectra can be described by Boltzmann distributions whereas the pion spectra exhibit an additional enhancement at low energies. The pion multiplicity per participating nucleon M(pi+)/A_part is a factor of about 3 smaller in C+Au than in C+C collisions at 1.0 AGeV whereas it differs only little for the C and the Au target at a beam energy of 1.8 AGeV. The K+ multiplicities per participating nucleon M(K+)/A_part are independent of the target size at 1 AGeV and at 1.8 AGeV. The K- multiplicity per participating nucleon M(K-)/A_part is reduced by a factor of about 2 in C+Au as compared to C+C collisions at 1.8 AGeV. This effect might be caused by the absorption of antikaons in the heavy target nucleus. Transport model calculations underestimate the K-/K+ ratio for C+C collisions at 1.8 AGeV by a factor of about 4 if in-medium modifications of K mesons are neglected.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in Eur. Phys. J.

    Evidence for a Soft Nuclear Equation-of-State from Kaon Production in Heavy Ion Collisions

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    The production of pions and kaons has been measured in Au+Au collisions at beam energies from 0.6 to 1.5 AGeV with the Kaon Spectrometer at SIS/GSI. The K+ meson multiplicity per nucleon is enhanced in Au+Au collisions by factors up to 6 relative to C+C reactions whereas the corresponding pion ratio is reduced. The ratio of the K+ meson excitation functions for Au+Au and C+C collisions increases with decreasing beam energy. This behavior is expected for a soft nuclear equation-of-state.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Enhanced Out-of-plane Emission of K+ Mesons observed in Au+Au Collisions at 1 AGeV

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    The azimuthal angular distribution of K+ mesons has been measured in Au + Au collisions at 1 AGeV. In peripheral and semi-central collisions, K+ mesons preferentially are emitted perpendicular to the reaction plane. The strength of the azimuthal anisotropy of K+ emission is comparable to the one of pions. No in-plane flow was found for K+ mesons near projectile and target rapidity.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.Let

    Inclusive K^+ meson production in proton-nucleus interactions

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    The production of K^+ mesons in pA (A = D, C, Cu, Ag, Au) collisions has been investigated at the COoler SYnchrotron COSY-J\"ulich for beam energies T_p = 1.0 - 2.3 GeV. Double differential inclusive pC cross sections at forward angles theta < 12 degrees as well as the target-mass dependence of the K^+ momentum spectra have been measured with the ANKE spectrometer. Far below the free NN threshold at T_{NN}=1.58 GeV the spectra reveal a high degree of collectivity in the target nucleus. From the target-mass dependence of the cross sections at higher energies, the repulsive in-medium potential of K^+ mesons can be deduced. Using pN cross-section parameterisations from literature and our measured pD data we derive a cross-section ratio of sigma(pn -> K^+ X) / sigma(pp -> K^+ X) ~ (3-4).Comment: Accepted for publication in EPJ A; 17 pages, 10 figures, 11 table

    Phenomenological analysis of K+ meson production in proton-nucleus collisions

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    Total and differential cross sections from literature, on the production of K+ mesons in pA interactions at projectile energies between T=0.8 and 2.9 GeV, covering the transition across the free nucleon-nucleon threshold at 1.58 GeV, have been investigated. From the target-mass dependence of the production cross sections no evidence for the expected change of the dominant reaction mechanism from two-step to direct kaon production was found. At T=1.0 GeV the A dependences of the total cross sections and of the most recent data from COSY-Juelich, differential cross sections measured under forward angles, are strongly different. The invariant K+ production cross sections show an overall exponential scaling behavior with the squared four-momentum transfer between the beam proton and the produced K+ meson for t< -0.05 GeV^2 independent of the beam energy and emission angle. The data from COSY-Juelich reveal a strongly different t dependence in the region of t>0 GeV^2. Further data at forward angles and different beam energies should be taken in order to explore this region of kinematically extreme conditions.Comment: 9 Pages, 11 Figure

    Transnational higher education partnerships and the role of operational faculty members: developing an alternative theoretical approach for empirical research

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    For too long, transnational higher education (TNE) has been linked to discourse predominately focused upon strategic implementation, quality assurance and pedagogy. Whilst these aspects are important when designing and managing overseas provisions, there is a lack of research focusing on the social interactions that influence the pace and development of TNE partnerships. This gap is particularly evident at the operational phase of TNE partnerships. This conceptual article therefore offers an alternative way in which to research TNE partnerships, in relation to the interactions of faculty members delivering at the operational level. It provides an integrated theoretical framework, comprising of three different theoretical approaches in order to provide a conceptual tool in which to investigate and evaluate TNE partnership development. The article concludes that by understanding how relationships develop between faculty members tasked with delivering TNE, international partnerships can be significantly strengthened in terms of their progression and value