1,239 research outputs found

    Barriers to the development of palliative care in Western Europe

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    The Eurobarometer Survey of the <i>EAPC Task Force on the Development of Palliative Care in Europe</i> is part of a programme of work to produce comprehensive information on the provision of palliative care across Europe. Aim: To identify barriers to the development of palliative care in Western Europe. Method: A qualitative survey was undertaken amongst boards of national associations, eliciting opinions on opportunities for, and barriers to, palliative care development. By July 2006, 44/52 (85%) European countries had responded to the survey; we report here on the results from 22/25 (88%) countries in Western Europe. Analysis: Data from the Eurobarometer survey were analysed thematically by geographical region and by the degree of development of palliative care in each country. Results: From the data contained within the Eurobarometer, we identified six significant barriers to the development of palliative care in Western Europe: (i) Lack of palliative care education and training programmes (ii) Lack of awareness and recognition of palliative care (iii) Limited availability of/knowledge about opioid analgesics (iv) Limited funding (v) Lack of coordination amongst services (vi) Uneven palliative care coverage. Conclusion: Findings from the EAPC Eurobarometer survey suggest that barriers to the development of palliative care in Western Europe may differ substantially from each other in both their scope and context and that some may be considered to be of greater significance than others. A number of common barriers to the development of the discipline do exist and much work still remains to be done in the identified areas. This paper provides a road map of which barriers need to be addressed

    Three-minute wave enhancement in the solar photosphere

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    It is a well-known result that the power of five-minute oscillations is progressively reduced by magnetic fields in the solar photosphere. Many authors have pointed out that this fact could be due to a complex interaction of many processes: opacity effects, MHD mode conversion and intrinsic reduced acoustic emissivity in strong magnetic fields. While five-minute oscillations are the dominant component in the photosphere, it has been shown that chromospheric heights are in turn dominated by three-minute oscillations. Two main theories have been proposed to explain their presence based upon resonance filtering in the atmospheric cavity and non linear interactions. In this work we show, through the analysis of IBIS observations of a solar pore in the photospheric Fe I 617.3 nm line, that three-minute waves are already present at the height of formation of this line and that their amplitude depends on the magnetic field strength and is strictly confined in the umbral region.Comment: A&A accepte

    Influence Diffusion in Social Networks under Time Window Constraints

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    We study a combinatorial model of the spread of influence in networks that generalizes existing schemata recently proposed in the literature. In our model, agents change behaviors/opinions on the basis of information collected from their neighbors in a time interval of bounded size whereas agents are assumed to have unbounded memory in previously studied scenarios. In our mathematical framework, one is given a network G=(V,E)G=(V,E), an integer value t(v)t(v) for each node vVv\in V, and a time window size λ\lambda. The goal is to determine a small set of nodes (target set) that influences the whole graph. The spread of influence proceeds in rounds as follows: initially all nodes in the target set are influenced; subsequently, in each round, any uninfluenced node vv becomes influenced if the number of its neighbors that have been influenced in the previous λ\lambda rounds is greater than or equal to t(v)t(v). We prove that the problem of finding a minimum cardinality target set that influences the whole network GG is hard to approximate within a polylogarithmic factor. On the positive side, we design exact polynomial time algorithms for paths, rings, trees, and complete graphs.Comment: An extended abstract of a preliminary version of this paper appeared in: Proceedings of 20th International Colloquium on Structural Information and Communication Complexity (Sirocco 2013), Lectures Notes in Computer Science vol. 8179, T. Moscibroda and A.A. Rescigno (Eds.), pp. 141-152, 201

    Local Renal Circadian Clocks Control Fluid-Electrolyte Homeostasis and BP.

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    The circadian timing system is critically involved in the maintenance of fluid and electrolyte balance and BP control. However, the role of peripheral circadian clocks in these homeostatic mechanisms remains unknown. We addressed this question in a mouse model carrying a conditional allele of the circadian clock gene Bmal1 and expressing Cre recombinase under the endogenous Renin promoter (Bmal1(lox/lox)/Ren1(d)Cre mice). Analysis of Bmal1(lox/lox)/Ren1(d)Cre mice showed that the floxed Bmal1 allele was excised in the kidney. In the kidney, BMAL1 protein expression was absent in the renin-secreting granular cells of the juxtaglomerular apparatus and the collecting duct. A partial reduction of BMAL1 expression was observed in the medullary thick ascending limb. Functional analyses showed that Bmal1(lox/lox)/Ren1(d)Cre mice exhibited multiple abnormalities, including increased urine volume, changes in the circadian rhythm of urinary sodium excretion, increased GFR, and significantly reduced plasma aldosterone levels. These changes were accompanied by a reduction in BP. These results show that local renal circadian clocks control body fluid and BP homeostasis

    Correction to: The Role of Adsorbed and Subsurface Carbon Species for the Selective Alkyne Hydrogenation Over a Pd-Black Catalyst: An Operando Study of Bulk and Surface

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    The selective hydrogenation of propyne over a Pd-black model catalyst was investigated under operando conditions at 1 bar making use of advanced X-ray diffraction (bulk sensitive) and photo-electron spectroscopy (surface sensitive) techniques. It was found that the population of subsurface species controls the selective catalytic semi-hydrogenation of propyne to pro-pylene due to the formation of surface and near-surface PdCx that inhibits the participation of more reactive bulk hydrogen in the hydrogenation reaction. However, increasing the partial pressure of hydrogen reduces the population of PdCx with the concomitant formation of a β-PdHx phase up to the surface, which is accompanied by a lattice expansion, allowing the participation of more active bulk hydrogen which is responsible for the unselective total alkyne hydrogenation. Therefore, controlling the surface and subsurface catalyst chemistry is crucial to control the selective alkyne semi-hydrogenation

    Nanoscale control of Ag nanostructures for plasmonic fluorescence enhancement of near-infrared dyes

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    Potential utilization of proteins for early detection and diagnosis of various diseases has drawn considerable interest in the development of protein-based detection techniques. Metal induced fluorescence enhancement offers the possibility of increasing the sensitivity of protein detection in clinical applications. We report the use of tunable plasmonic silver nanostructures for the fluorescence enhancement of a near-infrared (NIR) dye (Alexa Fluor 790). Extensive fluorescence enhancement of ∼2 orders of magnitude is obtained by the nanoscale control of the Ag nanostructure dimensions and interparticle distance. These Ag nanostructures also enhanced fluorescence from a dye with very high quantum yield (7.8 fold for Alexa Fluor 488, quantum efficiency (Qy) = 0.92). A combination of greatly enhanced excitation and an increased radiative decay rate, leading to an associated enhancement of the quantum efficiency leads to the large enhancement. These results show the potential of Ag nanostructures as metal induced fluorescence enhancement (MIFE) substrates for dyes in the NIR “biological window” as well as the visible region. Ag nanostructured arrays fabricated by colloidal lithography thus show great potential for NIR dye-based biosensing applications

    Real-space mapping of tailored sheet and edge plasmons in graphene nanoresonators

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    Plasmons in graphene nanoresonators have many potential applications in photonics and optoelectronics, including room-temperature infrared and terahertz photodetectors, sensors, reflect arrays or modulators1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. The development of efficient devices will critically depend on precise knowledge and control of the plasmonic modes. Here, we use near-field microscopy8, 9, 10, 11 between λ0 = 10–12 μm to excite and image plasmons in tailored disk and rectangular graphene nanoresonators, and observe a rich variety of coexisting Fabry–Perot modes. Disentangling them by a theoretical analysis allows the identification of sheet and edge plasmons, the latter exhibiting mode volumes as small as 10−8λ03. By measuring the dispersion of the edge plasmons we corroborate their superior confinement compared with sheet plasmons, which among others could be applied for efficient 1D coupling of quantum emitters12. Our understanding of graphene plasmon images is a key to unprecedented in-depth analysis and verification of plasmonic functionalities in future flatland technologies.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The Source of Three-minute Magneto-acoustic Oscillations in Coronal Fans

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    We use images of high spatial, spectral and temporal resolution, obtained using both ground- and space-based instrumentation, to investigate the coupling between wave phenomena observed at numerous heights in the solar atmosphere. Intensity oscillations of 3 minutes are observed to encompass photospheric umbral dot structures, with power at least three orders-of-magnitude higher than the surrounding umbra. Simultaneous chromospheric velocity and intensity time series reveal an 87 \pm 8 degree out-of-phase behavior, implying the presence of standing modes created as a result of partial wave reflection at the transition region boundary. An average blue-shifted Doppler velocity of ~1.5 km/s, in addition to a time lag between photospheric and chromospheric oscillatory phenomena, confirms the presence of upwardly-propagating slow-mode waves in the lower solar atmosphere. Propagating oscillations in EUV intensity are detected in simultaneous coronal fan structures, with a periodicity of 172 \pm 17 s and a propagation velocity of 45 \pm 7 km/s. Numerical simulations reveal that the damping of the magneto-acoustic wave trains is dominated by thermal conduction. The coronal fans are seen to anchor into the photosphere in locations where large-amplitude umbral dot oscillations manifest. Derived kinetic temperature and emission measure time-series display prominent out-of-phase characteristics, and when combined with the previously established sub-sonic wave speeds, we conclude that the observed EUV waves are the coronal counterparts of the upwardly-propagating magneto-acoustic slow-modes detected in the lower solar atmosphere. Thus, for the first time, we reveal how the propagation of 3 minute magneto-acoustic waves in solar coronal structures is a direct result of amplitude enhancements occurring in photospheric umbral dots.Comment: Accepted into ApJ (13 pages and 10 figures

    Strontium hexaferrite platelets: a comprehensive soft X-ray absorption and Mössbauer spectroscopy study

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    Platelets of strontium hexaferrite (SrFe12O19, SFO), up to several micrometers in width, and tens of nanometers thick have been synthesized by a hydrothermal method. They have been studied by a combination of structural and magnetic techniques, with emphasis on Mössbauer spectroscopy and X-ray absorption based-measurements including spectroscopy and microscopy on the iron-L edges and the oxygen-K edge, allowing us to establish the differences and similarities between our synthesized nanostructures and commercial powders. The Mössbauer spectra reveal a greater contribution of iron tetrahedral sites in platelets in comparison to pure bulk material. For reference, high-resolution absorption and dichroic spectra have also been measured both from the platelets and from pure bulk material. The O-K edge has been reproduced by density functional theory calculations. Out-of-plane domains were observed with 180° domain walls less than 20 nm width, in good agreement with micromagnetic simulationsThis work is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness through Projects MAT2015-64110-C2-1-P, MAT2015-64110-C2-2-P, MAT2015-66888-C3-1-R and by the European Commission through Project H2020 No. 720853 (Amphibian). These experiments were performed at the CIRCE, MISTRAL and BOREAS beamlines of the ALBA Synchrotron Light Facility. G.D.S. acknowledges the European Youth Employement Initiative and the Autonomous Community of Madrid for a one-year fellowship. Slovenian Research Agency is acknowledged for funding the research program Ceramics and complementary materials for advanced engineering and biomedical applications (P2-0087), CEMM, JSI for the use of TE

    MHD wave transmission in the Sun's atmosphere

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    MHD wave propagation inside the Sun's atmosphere is closely related to the magnetic field topology. For example, magnetic fields are able to lower the cutoff frequency for acoustic waves thus allowing waves which would otherwise be trapped below the photosphere to propagate into the upper atmosphere. Another example is that MHD waves can be transmitted or converted into other forms of waves at altitudes where the sound speed equals the Alfv\'en speed. We take advantage of the large field-of-view provided by the IBIS experiment to study the wave propagation at two heights in the solar atmosphere, as sampled by the photospheric Fe 617.3 nm spectral line and the chromospheric Ca 854.2 nm spectral line, and its relationship to the local magnetic field. Among other things, we find substantial leakage of waves with 5-minute periods in the chromosphere at the edges of a pore and in the diffused magnetic field surrounding it. By using spectro-polarimetric inversions of Hinode SOT/SP data, we also find a relationship between the photospheric power spectrum and the magnetic field inclination angle; in particular, well-defined transmission peaks around 25\degree for 5 minutes waves and around 15\degree for 3 minutes waves. We propose a very simple model based upon wave transmission theory to explain this behavior. Finally, an analysis of both the power spectra and chromospheric amplification spectra suggests the presence of longitudinal acoustic waves along the magnetic field lines.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic