1,707 research outputs found

    Waiting for the unexpected. Some reflections about contingency in the work of Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar and José Ortega y Gasset

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    En primer lugar, queremos expresar nuestro agradecimiento a los compañeros del proyecto sobre la Escuela de Madrid (FFI2009-11707) –Gerardo Bolado, José Emilio Esteban Enguita, LaneKauffmann, Rafael Lorenzo, Pepe Lasaga, Lucía Parente, Stascha Rohmer y Agustín Serrano de Haro– por la benevolencia con la que acogieron este primer trabajo en común. Su escepticismo sobre esta forma de escribir a cuatro manos no ha ido creciendo con el paso del tiempo y eso nos reconforta. En segundo lugar, no podemos dejar de mencionar a Yansi, Gema y Antón. Sin su ayuda y cariño, nada sería posibleEl presente ensayo, escrito a cuatro manos, cuenta también cuatro historias filosóficas. En ellas, los avatares que hemos creado a propósito de Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar, José ortega y Gasset, Richard Rorty y John Gray nos desgranan algunos de sus manejos filosóficos con la categoría de contingencia. En la primera parte del trabajo nos hacemos cargo de la teoría de la contingencia que Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar reelabora a partir de los mimbres fundamentales que le ha proporcionado su maestro ortega. Huéscar entenderá que el núcleo de esta categoría tiene que ver con la apertura constante de la realidad a acontecimientos inesperados. En bella frase resume el corazón de la contingencia como «esperar lo inesperado». En la segunda parte abordamos las derivas ético-políticas de la contingencia, es decir, cómo se ha leído social y políticamente esta categoría. Y aquí comparamos la tesis ortega-Huéscar con aquellas que proceden de dos importantes pensadores contemporáneos que han hecho de este concepto uno de los ejes centrales de sus filosofías: Richard Rorty y John Gray. El resultado de la comparación nos llevará a que ortega y Gray van a fijarse de modo importante en las opacidades, ambigüedades y oscuridades políticas que trae consigo la plena historicidad del sentido de la vida; su cercanía con la discordia y la violencia. Su gran miedo es la anarquía y el desorden. Rorty, en cambio, verá la contingencia como una posibilidad para que todos seamos más humildes con los sentidos que generamos y, por eso, avecindará de modo claro contingencia y democraciaThis essay, written with four hands, also tells four philosophical stories. In them, the avatars that we have created for Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar, José ortega y Gasset, Richard Rorty and John Gray allow us to work through their philosophical use of contingency as a category. In the first part of the article, we study the theory of contingency that Antonio Rodríguez Huéscar elaborates using the fundamentals he learned from ortega. Huéscar understands that the nucleus of this category is related to the constant opening of reality to unexpected occurrences. He summarizes contingency as «waiting for the unexpected». In the second part, we study the ethical- political dimensions of contingency. It is a study of how this category has been read socially and politically. In this section we compare the ortega-Huéscar thesis with those that proceed from two important contemporary thinkers who have made this category one of the central tenets of their philosophical thought: Richard Rorty and John Gray. The result of this comparison will lead us to the conclusion that ortega and Gray will focus on the lack of transparency, the ambiguities, and political obscurities that the historicity of the meaning of life carries with it. ortega and Gray great fear is anarchy and chaos. Rorty, on the other hand, sees contingency as a possibility so that we can all be humble with the meanings we generate and for that reason will bring together contingency with democrac

    Communication tree problems

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    In this paper, we consider random communication requirements and several cost measures for a particular model of tree routing on a complete network. First we show that a random tree does not give any approximation. Then give approximation algorithms for the case for two random models of requirements.Postprint (published version


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    In the processes of an oil refinery, considerable emissions of atmospheric pollutants are generated that produces hazard to mans health and the environment. In this study, the obtained results of the characterization of the gaseous emissions by chimneys of the furnaces and boilers of the refinery are presented. The sampling and analysis of SO2, NOX, CO, total suspended particles, and flow measurements were carried out. The aromatic hydrocarbons were determined by UV Spectroscopy. The model of dispersion of pollutants emitted by chimneys was executed using the software for the calculation of the gas concentration from continuous industrial sources following the methodology approved in the Cuban standards, according to the Berliand Model. We conclude that the combustion processes of the Refinery reflect a fault, given the particles emissions. The emissions of the furnaces and boilers exert negative impact or pressure on the atmospheric environment in the area

    Estimation of the Primary Net Production above Ground through Remote Sensing in a Pastoral System of the Colombian Altillanura.

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    The primary net production above ground (ANPP) represents the main forage resource that supports the bovine production systems and its valuation is essential to help in the decision making on the management of the pastures. The ANPP has been estimated by periodic biomass courtesy, but with the use of the remote sensor integrated into the efficiency model formulated by Monteih (1972), it has been possible to estimate this biophysical parameter more efficiently at different scales and at low cost. The objective of this study was to estimate the PPNA based on a model of efficiency in the use of light for pastoral coverage in the Colombian Altillanura. The work is in the Carimagua Research Center of the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation –AGROSAVIA– located in the municipality of Puerto Gaitán - Meta, Colombia. The pasture was monitored through forage supply gaps, in 14 paddocks with an approximate area of 2.6 ha each, established with Urochloa humidicola CIAT 6133 c.v Llanero under grazing of cattle with rest periods of 28 to 30 days. The spectral information was obtained from the on-board Sentinel 2 sensor and the global radiation data was obtained from a field weather station. A PPNA observed in the field and estimated by the efficiency model of 603.79 ±189kgDM/ha ± 188 and de 589.22 ±104 kgDM/ha was found, with a coefficient of determination R2 (0.79) and a significant correlation p \u3c 0.01 of 0.89. This methodology would quantify the supply of fodder on a larger scale under the same type of pastures

    ¿Es Husserl un fundacionalista? Algunas reflexiones con motivo de un fragmento de "La crisis de las ciencias europeas"

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    Husserl ha sido considerado tradicionalmente como un pensador fundacionalista, es decir, alguien que creyó que la filosofía podía encaminarse por el seguro camino de la «ciencia». Pero los trabajos más recientes e interesantes han insistido en que esta forma de entender su pensamiento es un profundo malentendido. El fenomenólogo danés Dan Zahavi es uno de los más importantes defensores de esta tesis. En el presente ensayo, trato de explorar la plausibilidad de su interpretación, confrontando sus ideas sobre este aspecto central de la fenomenología de Husserl con las mucho más clásicas del filósofo pragmatista Richard Rorty. El propósito último será ver si Zahavi puede desmentir las opiniones de Rorty sobre el autor de Ideen. El texto terminará con un epílogo sobre las grandezas y miserias del fundamento«Is Husserl a Foundationalist? Some Reflections parting from Fragment of The Crisis of European Sciences». Husserl was traditionally considered a foundationalist thinker, someone who believed that philosophy could be rigorous science. But the last and more interesting scholarship about him has insisted that this way to understand his philosophy is a misunderstanding. One of the most important defenders of this thesis is the Danish phenomenologist Dan Zahavi. In the current essay, I try to explore the plausibility of his interpretation, confronting his ideas about this central aspect of Husserl´s phenomenology with the much more classical ones of the pragmatist philosopher Richard Rorty. The last purpose will be to consider if Zahavi can contradict Rorty’s opinions about the author of Ideen. The text will finish with an epilog about the greatness and the poverty of fundament

    Lester Embree. Un retrato personal

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