1,482 research outputs found

    Assessment method for photo-induced waveguides

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    A method to probe the guiding characteristics of waveguides formed in real-time is proposed and evaluated. It is based on the analysis of the time dependent light distribution observed at the exit face of the waveguide while progressively altering its index profile and probed by a large diameter optical beam. A beam propagation method is used to model the observed dynamics. The technique is applied to retrieve the properties of soliton-induced waveguides

    Identifying business cycle turning points in real time

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    This paper evaluates the ability of a statistical regime-switching model to identify turning points in U.S. economic activity in real time. The authors work with a Markov-switching model fit to real gross domestic product and employment data that, when estimated on the entire postwar sample, provides a chronology of business cycle peak and trough dates close to that produced by the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Next, they investigate how accurately and quickly the model would have identified NBER-dated turning points had it been used in real time for the past 40 years. In general, the model identifies turning point dates in real time that are close to the NBER dates. For both business cycle peaks and troughs, the model provides systematic improvement over the NBER in the speed at which turning points are identified. Importantly, the model achieves this with few instances of “false positives.” Overall, the evidence suggests that the regime-switching model could be a useful supplement to the NBER Business Cycle Dating Committee for establishing turning point dates. It appears to capture the features of the NBER chronology accurately and swiftly; furthermore, the method is transparent and consistent.Forecasting ; Economic conditions ; Business cycles

    A comparison of the real-time performance of business cycle dating methods

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    This paper evaluates the ability of formal rules to establish U.S. business cycle turning point dates in real time. We consider two approaches, a nonparametric algorithm and a parametric Markov-switching dynamic-factor model. In order to accurately assess the real-time performance of these rules, we construct a new unrevised "real-time" data set of employment, industrial production, manufacturing and trade sales, and personal income. We then apply the rules to this data set to simulate the accuracy and timeliness with which they would have identified the NBER business cycle chronology had they been used in real time for the past 30 years. Both approaches accurately identified the NBER dated turning points in the sample in real time, with no instances of false positives. Further, both approaches, and especially the Markov-switching model, yielded significant improvement over the NBER in the speed with which business cycle troughs were identified. In addition to suggesting that business cycle dating rules are an informative tool to use alongside the traditional NBER analysis, these results provide formal evidence regarding the speed with which macroeconomic data reveals information about new business cycle phases.Business cycles

    Comparación de tests: Cooper y Rockport

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    La presente investigación compara los tests de Cooper y Rockport según las variables frecuencia cardiaca (FC), consumo máximo de oxígeno (VO2máx.), valoración del esfuerzo percibido y distancia ¿ tiempo. La muestra se corresponde con 27 alumnos de 2º de ESO de un instituto de Madrid. El registro de FC se hizo a través de pulsómetros en periodos de 60 segundos. Se constataron para el test de Cooper, FC máx > 200 lat.· min-1 en el 66,6 % (sexo femenino). El 100 % (sexo masculino) registró FC > 200 lat.· min-1. En el test de Rockport los valores de FC fueron inferiores; el 40 % (sexo femenino) registró FC > 200 lat.· min-1 y el 44,4% (sexo masculino) observó una FC > 200 lat.· min-1. Cinco sujetos superaron su FC máxima teórica. Se constata diferencias significativas en la valoración de la escala del esfuerzo percibido entre los tests (sexo femenino) y en la valoración del VO2máx. en ambos sexos

    Evolutionary Stability of Ecological Hierarchy

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    A self-similar hierarchical solution that is both dynamically and evolutionarily stable is found to the multi dimensional Lotka-Volterra equation with a single chain of prey-predator relations. This gives a simple and natural explanation to the key features of hierarchical ecosystems, such as its ubiquity, pyramidal population distribution, and higher aggressiveness among higher trophic levels. pacs{87.23.Kg, 89.75.Da, 05.45.-a} keywords{Lotka-Volterra equation, Trophic pyramid, Self-similarity}Comment: 4 Pages RevTeX4, 1 Fig, 1 Table, shortened by publishers reques

    A 1d-model for the simulation of the arterial wall displacement

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    Revival of Silenced Echo and Quantum Memory for Light

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    We propose an original quantum memory protocol. It belongs to the class of rephasing processes and is closely related to two-pulse photon echo. It is known that the strong population inversion produced by the rephasing pulse prevents the plain two-pulse photon echo from serving as a quantum memory scheme. Indeed gain and spontaneous emission generate prohibitive noise. A second π\pi-pulse can be used to simultaneously reverse the atomic phase and bring the atoms back into the ground state. Then a secondary echo is radiated from a non-inverted medium, avoiding contamination by gain and spontaneous emission noise. However, one must kill the primary echo, in order to preserve all the information for the secondary signal. In the present work, spatial phase mismatching is used to silence the standard two-pulse echo. An experimental demonstration is presented.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figure

    Roles of resonance and dark irradiance for infrared photorefractive self-focusing and solitons in bi-polar InP:Fe

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    This paper shows experimental evidence of photorefractive steady state self-focusing in InP:Fe for a wide range of intensities, at both 1.06 and 1.55μ\mum. To explain those results, it is shown that despite the bi-polar nature of InP:Fe where one photocarrier and one thermal carrier are to be considered, the long standing one photocarrier model for photorefractive solitons can be usefully applied. The relationship between the dark irradiance stemming out of this model and the known resonance intensity is then discussed

    Locking Local Oscillator Phase to the Atomic Phase via Weak Measurement

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    We propose a new method to reduce the frequency noise of a Local Oscillator (LO) to the level of white phase noise by maintaining (not destroying by projective measurement) the coherence of the ensemble pseudo-spin of atoms over many measurement cycles. This scheme uses weak measurement to monitor the phase in Ramsey method and repeat the cycle without initialization of phase and we call, "atomic phase lock (APL)" in this paper. APL will achieve white phase noise as long as the noise accumulated during dead time and the decoherence are smaller than the measurement noise. A numerical simulation confirms that with APL, Allan deviation is averaged down at a maximum rate that is proportional to the inverse of total measurement time, tau^-1. In contrast, the current atomic clocks that use projection measurement suppress the noise only down to the level of white frequency, in which case Allan deviation scales as tau^-1/2. Faraday rotation is one of the possible ways to realize weak measurement for APL. We evaluate the strength of Faraday rotation with 171Yb+ ions trapped in a linear rf-trap and discuss the performance of APL. The main source of the decoherence is a spontaneous emission induced by the probe beam for Faraday rotation measurement. One can repeat the Faraday rotation measurement until the decoherence become comparable to the SNR of measurement. We estimate this number of cycles to be ~100 cycles for a realistic experimental parameter.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, submitted to New Journal of Physic