122 research outputs found

    Common Patterns of Prediction of Literacy Development in Different Alphabetic Orthographies

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    We are grateful to Brett Kessler for computing the consistency estimates in each of the four languages of this studyPrevious studies have shown that phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, rapid automatized naming (RAN), and verbal memory span are reliable correlates of learning to read in English. However, the extent to which these different predictors have the same relative importance in different languages remains uncertain. In this article, we present the results from a 10-month longitudinal study that began just before or soon after the start of formal literacy instruction in four languages (English, Spanish, Slovak, and Czech). Longitudinal path analyses showed that phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and RAN (but not verbal memory span) measured at the onset of literacy instruction were reliable predictors, with similar relative importance, of later reading and spelling skills across the four languages. These data support the suggestion that in all alphabetic orthographies, phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and RAN may tap cognitive processes that are important for learning to read.Grant PITN-215961 – ELDEL from the Marie Curie, Seventh Framework Programm

    Conteúdos linguísticos como subsídio à formação de professores alfabetizadores: a experiência do Brasil e de Portugal

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    Objetiva identificar em dois programas de formação de professores alfabetizadores – no Brasil, Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa (Pnaic) e, em Portugal, Programa Nacional do Ensino do Português (Pnep) – os conteúdos linguísticos relacionados ao ensino da leitura que fundamentaram a atualização dos professores com vistas a compreender como as descobertas científicas penetram o campo pedagógico. Por meio de análise documental, são apresentadas, de forma resumida, a estrutura e a organização dos dois programas e os respectivos conteúdos de formação. Há muita similaridade entre os dois programas com relação à organização e às estratégias metodológicas e há diferenças importantes quanto à atualidade dos conteúdos oferecidos aos professores alfabetizadores, assim como o tempo de formação aplicado a este conteúdo. A formação linguística do professor é essencial para desenvolver competência para o ensino da língua e, por conseguinte, melhorar as habilidades de ler e escrever dos alunos do ensino fundamental.This article aims to identify the linguistic contents related to the teaching of reading in two training programs for literacy teachers: Brazil’s National Pact for Literacy at the Right Age (Pacto Nacional pela Alfabetização na Idade Certa – Pnaic) and the National Program for Portuguese Teaching (Programa Nacional do Ensino do Português – Pnep) of Portugal. The focus is on the linguistic contents that served as foundation for the updating of teachers, in order to understand how scientific discoveries permeate the teaching field. Through documentary analysis, the structure and the organization of the two programs and their respective training contents are briefly presented. There are many similarities between the two programs, regarding the organization and the methodological strategies; but there are also differences in relation to the timeliness of the content offered to the literacy teachers, as well as to the duration of the training applied to the content. The linguistic training of teachers is essential to developing the competence for language teaching and, therefore; for the improvement of reading and writing skills of elementary school students.CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, IE, UMinho (UI 317 da FCT), PortugalFundos Nacionais através da FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia) e cofinanciado pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) através do COMPETE 2020 – Programa Operacional Competitividade e Internacionalização (POCI) com a referência POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007562info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The history of language learning and teaching in Britain

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    This article provides an introduction, based on the most recent research available, to the history of language learning and teaching (HoLLT) in Britain. After an overview of the state of research, I consider which languages have been learnt, why and how that has changed; the role of teachers and tests in determining what was taught; changes in how languages have been taught (and why); and the emergence of the modern infrastructure of language teaching policy and practice. I conclude with case study of the contribution of Walter Rippmann, a key figure, in the period 1895 to ca. 1920, a time of professionalisation of language teaching and of efforts towards innovation and change, which set the agenda for many of the major developments of the twentieth century, including a call for scientifically based language teaching and a greater emphasis on the spoken language

    Cognitive predictors of shallow-orthography spelling speed and accuracy in 6th grade children

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    Spelling accuracy and time course was investigated in a sample of 100 Norwegian 6th grade students completing a standardized spelling-to-dictation task. Students responded by keyboard with accurate recordings of response-onset latency (RT) and inter-keypress interval (IKI). We determined effects of a number of child-level cognitive ability factors, and of word-level factors—particularly the location within the word of a spelling challenge (e.g., letter doubling), if present. Spelling accuracy was predicted by word reading (word split) performance, non-word spelling accuracy, keyboard key-finding speed and short-term memory span. Word reading performance predicted accuracy just for words with spelling challenges. For correctly spelled words, RT was predicted by non-word spelling response time and by speed on a key-finding task, and mean IKI by non-verbal cognitive ability, word reading, non-word spelling response time, and key-finding speed. Compared to words with no challenge, mean IKI was shorter for words with an initial challenge and longer for words with a mid-word challenge. These findings suggest that spelling is not fully planned when typing commences, a hypothesis that is confirmed by the fact that IKI immediately before within word challenges were reliably longer than elsewhere within the same word. Taken together our findings imply that routine classroom spelling tests better capture student competence if they focus not only on accuracy but also on production time course

    Spelling improvement through letter-sound and whole-word training in two multilingual Greek- and English- speaking children

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    Case studies of two children with spelling difficulty are reported. LK was multilingual and ED bilingual. A training programme that targeted phonic decoding (or sublexical) spelling processes was conducted with both children. Immediate and delayed post-training assessments showed improvement in spelling nonwords for LK but not for ED. Training that targeted whole word (or lexical) spelling processes was then conducted with ED. Improvement in spelling of irregular words (a marker for lexical spelling processes) was observed. Research into literacy difficulties with multilingual children is sparse, although multilingualism is increasingly widespread. Up to now theoretically based training studies have focused on monolingual children and results were promising. The present findings indicate that theoretically based training programmes for literacy difficulties can also be effective for multilingual children