1,632 research outputs found

    Invariant multicones for families of matrices

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    In this paper, we investigate sufficient conditions on the structure of the eigenspaces of a given finite family of matrices to assure the existence of an embedded pair of invariant multicones, which are the smallest and the biggest in a suitable and natural sense. Multicones, very similar structures to those known in the literature as 1-multicones, are quite natural generalizations of the classical cones. The conditions we find also suggest us a practical computational procedure for the actual construction of such invariant embedded pair

    On the Singularities of Surfaces Ruled by Conics

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    We classify the singularities of a surface ruled by conics: they are rational double points of type A n or D n . This is proved by showing that they arise from a precise series of blow-ups of a suitable surface geometrically ruled by conics. We determine also the family of such surfaces which are birational models of a given surface ruled by conics and obtained in a \u201cminimal way\u201d from it

    Stratification of the moduli space of four\u2013gonal curves

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    Let X be a smooth irreducible projective curve of genus g and gonality 4. We show that the canonical model of X is contained in a uniquely defined surface, ruled by conics, whose geometry is deeply related to that of X. This surface allows us to define four invariants of X and hence to stratify the moduli space of four\u2013gonal curves by means of closed irreducible subvarieties whose dimensions we compute

    Atmospheric Newtonian noise modeling for third-generation gravitational wave detectors

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    The sensitivity and the frequency bandwidth of third-generation gravitational-wave detectors are such that the Newtonian noise (NN) signals produced by atmospheric turbulence could become relevant. We build models for atmospheric NN that take into account finite correlation times and inhomogeneity along the vertical direction, and are therefore accurate enough to represent a reliable reference tool for evaluating this kind of noise. We compute the NN spectral density from our models and compare it with the expected sensitivity curve of the Einstein Telescope (ET) with the xylophone design. The noise signal decays exponentially for small values of the frequency and the detector's depth, followed by a power law for large values of the parameters. We find that, when the detector is built at the Earth's surface, the NN contribution in the low-frequency band is above the ET sensitivity curve for strong wind. Building the detector underground is sufficient to push the noise signal under the ET sensitivity curve, but the decrement is close to marginal for strong wind. In light of the slow decay with depth of the NN, building the detector underground could be only partially effective as passive noise mitigation

    Glutathione increase by the n-butanoyl glutathione derivative (GSH-C4) inhibits viral replication and induces a predominant Th1 immune profile in old mice infected with influenza virus

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    During aging, glutathione (GSH) content declines and the immune system undergoes a deficiency in the induction of Th1 response. Reduced secretion of Th1 cytokines, which is associated with GSH depletion, could weaken the host defenses against viral infections. We first evaluated the concentration of GSH and cysteine in organs of old mice; then, the effect of the administration of the N-butanoyl GSH derivative (GSH-C4) on the response of aged mice infected with influenza A PR8/H1N1 virus was studied through the determination of GSH concentration in organs, lung viral titer, IgA and IgG1/IgG2a production and Th1/Th2 cytokine profile. Old mice had lower GSH than young mice in organs. Also the gene expression of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress markers involved in GSH metabolism and folding of proteins, i.e. Nrf2 and PDI, was reduced. Following infection, GSH content remained low and neither infection nor GSH-C4 treatment affected Nrf2 expression. In contrast, PDI expression was upregulated during infection and appeared counterbalanced by GSH-C4. Moreover, the treatment with GSH-C4 increased GSH content in organs, reduced viral replication and induced a predominant Th1 response. In conclusion, GSH-C4 treatment could be used in the elderly to contrast influenza virus infection by inducing immune response, in particular the Th1 profile

    Pfaffian representations of cubic surfaces

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    Let K be a field of characteristic zero. We describe an algorithm which requires a homogeneous polynomial F of degree three in K[x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3] and a zero A of F in P^3_K and ensures a linear pfaffian representation of V(F) with entries in K[x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3], under mild assumptions on F and A. We use this result to give an explicit construction of (and to prove the existence of) a linear pfaffian representation of V(F), with entries in K'[x_0,x_1,x_2,x_3], being K' an algebraic extension of K of degree at most six. An explicit example of such a construction is given.Comment: 17 pages. Expanded with some remarks. Published with minor corrections in Geom. Dedicat

    Genetic structure and introgression in riparian populations of Populus alba L.

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    White poplar (Populus alba) is a widespread species of the northern hemisphere. Introgressed populations or hybrid zones with the related species of the European aspen (Populus tremula) have been suggested as potential venues for the identification of functionally important variation for germplasm conservation, restoration efforts and tree breeding. Data on the genetic diversity and structure of introgressed P. alba are available only for sympatric populations from central Europe. Here, clonality, introgression and spatial genetic patterns were evaluated in three riparian populations of P. alba along the Ticino, Paglia-Tevere and Cesano river drainages in Italy. Samples of all three populations were typed for five nuclear microsatellite markers and 137 polymorphic amplified fragment length polymorphisms. Microsatellite-based inbreeding co-efficients (FIS) were significantly positive in all three populations. Genetic diversity was consistently highest in Ticino, the population with the highest level of introgression from P. tremula. Population differentiation (FST) was low between the Ticino valley in northern Italy and the Cesano valley in central Italy and between the central Italian populations of Cesano and Paglia-Tevere, consistent with a role of the Appenine mountain range as a barrier to gene flow between adjacent drainage areas. Introgression was not the primary determinant of within-population spatial genetic structure (SGS) in the studied populations

    Improving pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg, 1793) production in Mediterranean coastal lagoons: Validation of the growth model “ShellSIM” on traditional and novel farming methods

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    Bivalve farming is a major European aquaculture activity, representing 48.5% of total biomass produced. Italy is one of the largest consumers of oysters but local production does not meet the market demand. Italy has approximately 384,000 ha of shallow lagoons in its coastal area, already devoted to extensive aquaculture activities, which could also represent potential locations for Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas, Thunberg, 1793) farming. The aim of this study is to enhance Pacific oyster farming in shallow coastal lagoons by testing novel farming technologies and validating an existing bioenergetic growth model (ShellSIM). Commercial performance of Pacific oysters and associated environmental parameters were monitored in two Sardinian coastal lagoons (San Teodoro and Santa Gilla, Italy). Oyster growth and survival were compared during a production cycle for two rearing systems: traditional systems (floating bags or lanterns) and Ortac units. The latter has not been previously tested in coastal lagoons. Measured performances were compared with ShellSIM predictions to evaluate the model's ability to predict growth and the potential production in other coastal lagoons. Results showed that at the end of a six months cycle the oysters mean weight and Condition Index were significantly higher (p valu

    Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm: Genomics mark epigenetic dysregulation as a primary therapeutic target

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    Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) is a rare and aggressive hematologic malignancy for which there is still no effective B therapy. In order to identify genetic alterations useful for a new treatment design, we used whole-exome sequencing to analyze 14 BPDCN patients and the patient-derived CAL-1 cell line. The functional enrichment analysis of mutational data reported the epigenetic regulatory program to be the most significantly undermined (P<0.0001). In particular, twenty-five epigenetic modifiers were found mutated (e.g. ASXL1, TET2, SUZ12, ARID1A, PHF2, CHD8); ASXL1 was the most frequently affected (28.6% of cases). To evaluate the impact of the identified epigenetic mutations at the gene-expression and Histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation/acetylation levels, we performed additional RNA and pathology tissue-chromatin immunoprecipitation sequencing experiments. The patients displayed enrichment in gene signatures regulated by methylation and modifiable by decitabine administration, shared common H3K27-acetylated regions, and had a set of cell-cycle genes aberrantly up-regulated and marked by promoter acetylation. Collectively, the integration of sequencing data showed the potential of a therapy based on epigenetic agents. Through the adoption of a preclinical BPDCN mouse model, established by CAL-1 cell line xenografting, we demonstrated the efficacy of the combination of the epigenetic drugs 5’-azacytidine and decitabine in controlling disease progression in vivo

    Consistency of impact assessment protocols for non-native species

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    Standardized tools are needed to identify and prioritize the most harmful non-native species (NNS). A plethora of assessment protocols have been developed to evaluate the current and potential impacts of non-native species, but consistency among them has received limited attention. To estimate the consistency across impact assessment protocols, 89 specialists in biological invasions used 11 protocols to screen 57 NNS (2614 assessments). We tested if the consistency in the impact scoring across assessors, quantified as the coefficient of variation (CV), was dependent on the characteristics of the protocol, the taxonomic group and the expertise of the assessor. Mean CV across assessors was 40%, with a maximum of 223%. CV was lower for protocols with a low number of score levels, which demanded high levels of expertise, and when the assessors had greater expertise on the assessed species. The similarity among protocols with respect to the final scores was higher when the protocols considered the same impact types. We conclude that all protocols led to considerable inconsistency among assessors. In order to improve consistency, we highlight the importance of selecting assessors with high expertise, providing clear guidelines and adequate training but also deriving final decisions collaboratively by consensus
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