185 research outputs found

    Kebijakan Ekonomi Cina pada Kebijakan Alibaba

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    ABSTACT The purpose of this study is to analyze the similarities between Alibaba's economic policies during the Ali Sastroamidjojo 1 Cabinet and the policies of China's First 5-Year Plan. The research method used is historical research. The results show that there are similarities between Alibaba's economic policies and China's First 5-Year Plan economic policies. The equation studied is in the economy of the agricultural sector and medium industry. In the field of agriculture, China is making more modern agriculture for the advancement of its country's agricultural system, this is also done in Alibaba's cabinet, namely by modernizing the agricultural system in Indonesia. In the industrial sector, companies in China are granted credit licenses to nationalize industry in China. In addition, the procurement of taxes and a government system that is centralized to the center makes it easier for the government to regulate the process of nationalizing the economy in China. The conclusion of the study is that the policies in Indonesia and China have many similarities, including the similarity in the ideals of eliminating oppression and realizing social justice. Keywords: Alibaba, China, Economy, Polic

    El poblado Calcolítico de Valencina de la Concepción (Sevilla): una revisión crítica

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    Pretendemos demostrar como el yacimiento de valenciana de la concepción tiene una amplia ocupación que puede ser sistematizada en fases y como el calcolítico en Huelva y Sevilla se encuentra estrechamente relacionado. Las diferencias, siempre dentro de una continuidad cultural, se deben a una mayor antigüedad del yacimiento onubense de papa uvas sobre la mas reciente de valenciana de la concepción, y las lógicas adaptaciones a ecosistemas ligeramente distinto

    Is the Digital Economy Driving the Economic Growth of the Sumatra Region During the Pandemic?

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    Digitalization has an essential role during the pandemic because it helps facilitate various economic activities. This study aims to analyze the economic digitization of financial technology on economic growth in the Sumatra region (North Sumatra, West Sumatra, and South Sumatra) in January 2020-June 2021. We also used macroeconomic indicators in the form of inflation, foreign direct investment (FDI), and domestic investment (DI) as a control to explain economic conditions. The analysis results using the Panel Vector Autoregression (P-VAR) showed that fintech contributed positively to economic growth. This result was supported by maintained inflation stability that created a conducive investment climate, thereby attracting FDI. We recommend that the regional government take advantage of existing fintech and that "prudent" policies on inflation management must always be adequately prioritized to support the acceleration of economic growth in the Sumatra region, especially North Sumatra, West Sumatra, and South Sumatra

    TRIM-NHL protein, NHL-2, modulates cell fate choices in the C. elegans germ line

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    Many tissues contain multipotent stem cells that are critical for maintaining tissue function. In Caenorhabditis elegans, germline stem cells allow gamete production to continue in adulthood. In the gonad, GLP-1/Notch signaling from the distal tip cell niche to neighboring germ cells activates a complex regulatory network to maintain a stem cell population. GLP-1/Notch signaling positively regulates production of LST-1 and SYGL-1 proteins that, in turn, interact with a set of PUF/FBF proteins to positively regulate the stem cell fate. We previously described sog (suppressor of glp-1 loss of function) and teg (tumorous enhancer of glp-1 gain of function) genes that limit the stem cell fate and/or promote the meiotic fate. Here, we show that sog-10 is allelic to nhl-2. NHL-2 is a member of the conserved TRIM-NHL protein family whose members can bind RNA and ubiquitinate protein substrates. We show that NHL-2 acts, at least in part, by inhibiting the expression of PUF-3 and PUF-11 translational repressor proteins that promote the stem cell fate. Two other negative regulators of stem cell fate, CGH-1 (conserved germline helicase) and ALG-5 (Argonaute protein), may work with NHL-2 to modulate the stem cell population. In addition, NHL-2 activity promotes the male germ cell fate in XX animals

    Statistics of the purse seine spanish fleet in the Indian Ocean (1984- 2009)

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    This document presents summary statistics of the purse seiner Spanish fleet fishing in the Indian Ocean from 1990 to 2009. Data include catch and effort statistics as well as some fishery index by species and fishing mode. Information about the sampling scheme and the coverage of sampling, together with maps and diagrams representing the fishing patter n of this fleet by time and area strata is also included

    Low cost gaze estimation: knowledge-based solutions

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    Eye tracking technology in low resolution scenarios is not a completely solved issue to date. The possibility of using eye tracking in a mobile gadget is a challenging objective that would permit to spread this technology to non-explored fields. In this paper, a knowledge based approach is presented to solve gaze estimation in low resolution settings. The understanding of the high resolution paradigm permits to propose alternative models to solve gaze estimation. In this manner, three models are presented: a geometrical model, an interpolation model and a compound model, as solutions for gaze estimation for remote low resolution systems. Since this work considers head position essential to improve gaze accuracy, a method for head pose estimation is also proposed. The methods are validated in an optimal framework, I2Head database, which combines head and gaze data. The experimental validation of the models demonstrates their sensitivity to image processing inaccuracies, critical in the case of the geometrical model. Static and extreme movement scenarios are analyzed showing the higher robustness of compound and geometrical models in the presence of user's displacement. Accuracy values of about 3° have been obtained, increasing to values close to 5° in extreme displacement settings, results fully comparable with the state-of-the-art

    Depletion of the heaviest stable N isotope is associated with NH4+/NH3 toxicity in NH4+-fed plants

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    Open Access article - can be viewed online without a subscription at: http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.1186/1471-2229-11-83Background: In plants, nitrate (NO3 -) nutrition gives rise to a natural N isotopic signature (δ15N), which correlates with the δ15N of the N source. However, little is known about the relationship between the δ15N of the N source and the 14N/15N fractionation in plants under ammonium (NH4 +) nutrition. When NH4 + is the major N source, the two forms, NH4 + and NH3, are present in the nutrient solution. There is a 1.025 thermodynamic isotope effect between NH3 (g) and NH4 + (aq) which drives to a different δ15N. Nine plant species with different NH4 +-sensitivities were cultured hydroponically with NO3 - or NH4 + as the sole N sources, and plant growth and δ15N were determined. Short-term NH4 +/NH3 uptake experiments at pH 6.0 and 9.0 (which favours NH3 form) were carried out in order to support and substantiate our hypothesis. N source fractionation throughout the whole plant was interpreted on the basis of the relative transport of NH4 + and NH3. Results: Several NO3 --fed plants were consistently enriched in 15N, whereas plants under NH4 + nutrition were depleted of 15N. It was shown that more sensitive plants to NH4 + toxicity were the most depleted in 15N. In parallel, N-deficient pea and spinach plants fed with 15NH4 + showed an increased level of NH3 uptake at alkaline pH that was related to the 15N depletion of the plant. Tolerant to NH4 + pea plants or sensitive spinach plants showed similar trend on 15N depletion while slight differences in the time kinetics were observed during the initial stages. The use of RbNO3 as control discarded that the differences observed arise from pH detrimental effects. Conclusions: This article proposes that the negative values of δ15N in NH4 +-fed plants are originated from NH3 uptake by plants. Moreover, this depletion of the heavier N isotope is proportional to the NH4 +/NH3 toxicity in plants species. Therefore, we hypothesise that the low affinity transport system for NH4 + may have two components: one that transports N in the molecular form and is associated with fractionation and another that transports N in the ionic form and is not associated with fractionatio

    Pesquería del pez espada : tendencias y perspectivas

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    La pesquería del pez espada (Xíphias gladíus) ha adquirido especial relevancia dentro del subsector pesquero chileno. En este trabajo se rnisan los antecedentes biológicos de esta especie y aquellos relacionados con la evolución de la pesquería en los océanos Atlántico y Pacífico, y posteriormente en Chile con especial énfasis en el período 1987-1988The swordfish (Xíphias gladílLI) attained special relevance within the Chilean fisheries. The present paper reviews the biological knowledge of the species as well as the fishery evolution in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, and later in Chile with special reference to the 1987-1988 perio