25 research outputs found

    Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Petani Padi dalam Mengikuti Kemitraan di Indonesia

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    Indonesia's rice crop production growth will possibly always increase every year. However, the direction of growth in production and the area of harvest which increases is inversely proportional to the condition of decreasing productivity growth, which is known as productivity inequality. Efforts to solve these problems are through partnerships with the government and the private sector. The purpose of this study is (1) to analyze the characteristics of Indonesian farmers following the partnership, (2) to analyze the factors that influenced Indonesian rice farmers to join contract farming, and (3) to measure the impact of the participation of Indonesian rice farmers in contract farming on farmer household income. This study used secondary data from the Rice Plant Business Household Survey 2014 (SPD 2014) conducted by the Central Statistics Agency with a total sample of 87,330 samples. Data were analyzed using logistic regression and propensity score matching, which resulted in (1) There are differences in characteristics of partner farmers in Indonesia including age, education, gender, participation in SLPTT, income, and a land area used; (2) There are four variables that significantly influence farmers in participating are age, education level, production costs, and the participation of institutional farmers; (3) The participation of farmers in partnerships has a positive impact on the income of rice farmers in Indonesia. &nbsp


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    Firm Value is one of the factors are considered by investors for making investment decisions. Research of the factors that affect the firm value being researched by Dossugi (2011), Hermawati (2011), Sulistyawan (2005), and Jatismara (2011) still shows adanta differences in outcomes research. Also based on the data available, there are differences regarding the direction of the relationship factors that influence the firm value. Therefore, it still needs to be done further research on the factors that affect the firm value. This study examined the effect of Total Asset Turnover (TATO), Sales growth (SG), Net Profit Margin (NPM) on Return on Assets (ROA) and the influence of Total Asset Turnover (TATO), Return on Assets (ROA), Net Profit Margin (NPM) of the Price Book Value (PBV) in the manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in the period from 2008 to 2011. The sample used in this study consisted of 71 manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) in the period from 2008 to 2011. Sampling was done by purposive sampling method. Data obtained from the Indonesian Capitan Market Directory (ICMD) and the Annual Report of the company. The analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis and Path Analysis with the help of SEM. The results showed that the Total Asset Turnover (TATO) significant positive effect on return on assets (ROA) and Price Book Value (PBV .Based on Path Analysis Total Asset Turnover (TATO) indirectly influence the Price Book Value (PBV) through the Return on Assets (ROA). Sales growth (SG)have no significant negative effect on Return on Assets (ROA). Net Profit Margin (NPM) a positive effect on return on assets (ROA) and negative effect on Price Book Value (PBV) .Based on Path analysis Net Profit Margin (NPM) indirectly influence the Price Book Value trough the Return on Asset (ROA

    Penerapan Tema Cablak pada Rancangan Rumah Budaya Betawi

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    Tema pada sebuah bangunan merupakan sebuah wujud dari identitas dan penerapan konsep rancangan. Konsep rancangan tersebut yang nantinya akan menerapkan berbagai macam elemen mulai dari bentuk, material, konsep ruang luar, dan interior bangunan. Dalam Rumah Budaya Betawi ini pengambilan tema juga disesuaikan dengan apa yang ingin ditunjukkan. Tema Cablak diambil karena diharapkan mampu mengaplikasikan salah satu karakter dari orang Betawi ke dalam objek rancang. Hal ini ditinjau karena karakter ini merupakan salah satu karakter kuat yang tercermin pada hampir setiap individu orang Betawi. Maka karakter tersebutlah yang menjadikan cablak dapat diangkat sebagai tema dalam perancangan ini. Metoda yang digunakan untuk mendukung dalam proses perancangan ini adalah studi literatur, studi lapangan, studi kasus, dan wawancara. Hasil rancangan adalah penerapan karakteristik cablak ke dalam lansekap dan bentuk yang ditata menjadi lebih terbuka, lebih mudah diakses, dan akrab bagi pengguna Rumah Budaya Betawi, yang diutamakan bagi penduduk sekitar yaitu penduduk Perkampungan Budaya Betawi, kampung Kalibata

    Udin: Optimalisasi Capacity Development UMKM Melalui Strategi Digital Marketing di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    Every year the growth of Micro-Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) has increased by 4.2% from 2016-2019 with a contribution to GDP of 50%. However, there is a challenge in the future: declining turnover due to high consumer interest through digital transactions, while only 13% of MSMEs are connected to the go-digital network. Whereas the concept of digital marketing provides hope for MSMEs to develop into centers of economic power. Departing from these problems, the author has the innovation called Udin (UMKM Digital Marketing), which is a platform that allows the empowerment of MSMEs through a digital-based creative economy in an effort to optimize capacity development. Udin will be integrated with the Department of Industry, Cooperatives and MSMEs. The methodology used is descriptive qualitative with literature study. The existence of innovation is expected to be able to regenerate go-digital-based MSMEs through capacity building in digital marketing, the impact of which is correlated to the improvement of the national economy as well as an effort to increase the standard of living of a just and prosperous society


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    Usaha tenda Siti Aisyah merupakan salah satu usaha yang bergerak dalam bidang persewaan tenda. Dalam menjalakan usahanya, usaha tenda Siti Aisyah mengalami kesulitan untuk dapat bersaing dengan para kompetitornya dan jumlah konsumen usaha tenda Siti Aisyah cendrung menurun. Dari permasalahan yang terjadi berdampak pada penjualan dan pendapatan yang menurun. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor internal dan eksternal yang mempengaruhi strategi pemasaran pada usaha tenda Siti Aisyah, menetapkan strategi pemasaran prioritas yang tepat untuk usaha tenda Siti Aisyah menggunakan pendekatan metode SWOT dan TOPSIS. Berdasarkan analisis matriks IFE diperoleh total skor yang dimiliki usaha tenda Siti Aisyah yaitu 3,5430 dan untuk analisis matriks EFE yaitu 3,8364. Hasil Matriks IE berada pada sel I yang disebut strategi pertumbuhan dan membangun. Matriks SWOT menghasilkan 8 alternatif strategi pemasaran dan kemudian diklasifikasikan berdasarkan perangkingan dengan menggunakan metode TOPSIS. Berdasarkan metode TOPSIS alternatif strategi yang paling diusulkan dan diprioritaskan adalah membuat dan mengembangkan produk dengan variasi baru dengan nilai preferensi sebesar 0,6999

    Analisis Sifat Fisika dan Derajat Keasaman terhadap Kualitas Air Minum Isi Ulang 20 Rumah RW 01 di Kampung Cilember Desa Jogjogan Kecamatan Cisarua Kabupaten Bogor

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    Air merupakan sumber daya alam yang berperan penting dalam kehidupan setelah udara, salah satu peran terpentingnya adalah untuk dikonsumsi. Namun, permasalahan yang sering terjadi adalah kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang kualitas air minum khususnya isi ulang yang dikonsumsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kualitas air minum isi ulang beberapa Rumah di RW 01 Kampung Cilember Desa Jogjogan Kecamatan Cisarua Kabupaten Bogor terhadap hasil uji sifat fisika dan derajat keasamannya. Metode penelitian yang dilakukan dalam pengambilan sampel air minum adalah metode sampel gabungan tempat atau integrated sampel, terdapat 20 rumah warga dilakukan pengambilan sampel air untuk diukur kualitas secara fisika (warna, bau, rasa, TDS dan suhu) dan secara kimia (pH atau derajat keasaman). Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, terdapat 5 rumah yang memenuhi standar kualitas air minum isi ulang dari 20 rumah warga yang diuji. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari parameter standar yang berlaku dengan kisaran pH antara 6,5-8,5, TDS rata-rata 600-900 ppm, suhu ±3oC suhu udara, serta tidak memiliki bau, rasa, dan warna

    How culturally unique are pandemic effects? Evaluating cultural similarities and differences in effects of age, biological sex, and political beliefs on COVID impacts

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    Despite being bio-epidemiological phenomena, the causes and effects of pandemics are culturally influenced in ways that go beyond national boundaries. However, they are often studied in isolated pockets, and this fact makes it difficult to parse the unique influence of specific cultural psychologies. To help fill in this gap, the present study applies existing cultural theories via linear mixed modeling to test the influence of unique cultural factors in a multi-national sample (that moves beyond Western nations) on the effects of age, biological sex, and political beliefs on pandemic outcomes that include adverse financial impacts, adverse resource impacts, adverse psychological impacts, and the health impacts of COVID. Our study spanned 19 nations (participant N = 14,133) and involved translations into 9 languages. Linear mixed models revealed similarities across cultures, with both young persons and women reporting worse outcomes from COVID across the multi-national sample. However, these effects were generally qualified by culture-specific variance, and overall more evidence emerged for effects unique to each culture than effects similar across cultures. Follow-up analyses suggested this cultural variability was consistent with models of pre-existing inequalities and socioecological stressors exacerbating the effects of the pandemic. Collectively, this evidence highlights the importance of developing culturally flexible models for understanding the cross-cultural nature of pandemic psychology beyond typical WEIRD approaches