24 research outputs found

    Hydraulic properties at the North Sea island of Borkum derived from joint inversion of magnetic resonance and electrical resistivity soundings

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    For reliably predicting the impact of climate changes on salt/freshwater systems below barrier islands, a long-term hydraulic modelling is inevitable. As input we need the parameters porosity, salinity and hydraulic conductivity at the catchment scale, preferably non-invasively acquired with geophysical methods. We present a methodology to retrieve the searched parameters and a lithological interpretation by the joint analysis of magnetic resonance soundings (MRS) and vertical electric soundings (VES). Both data sets are jointly inverted for resistivity, water content and decay time using a joint inversion scheme. Coupling is accomplished by common layer thicknesses. <br><br> We show the results of three soundings measured on the eastern part of the North Sea island of Borkum. Pumping test data is used to calibrate the petrophysical relationship for the local conditions in order to estimate permeability from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data. Salinity is retrieved from water content and resistivity using a modified Archie equation calibrated by local samples. As a result we are able to predict porosity, salinity and hydraulic conductivities of the aquifers, including their uncertainties. <br><br> The joint inversion significantly improves the reliability of the results. Verification is given by comparison with a borehole. A sounding in the flooding area demonstrates that only the combined inversion provides a correct subsurface model. Thanks to the joint application, we are able to distinguish fluid conductivity from lithology and provide reliable hydraulic parameters as shown by uncertainty analysis. <br><br> These findings can finally be used to build groundwater flow models for simulating climate changes. This includes the improved geometry and lithological attribution, and also the parameters and their uncertainties

    Hydraulic properties at the North Sea island of Borkum derived from joint inversion of magnetic resonance and electrical resistivity soundings

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    For reliably predicting the impact of climate changes on salt/freshwater systems below barrier islands, a long-term hydraulic modelling is inevitable. As input we need the parameters porosity, salinity and hydraulic conductivity at the catchment scale, preferably non-invasively acquired with geophysical methods. We present a methodology to retrieve the searched parameters and a lithological interpretation by the joint analysis of magnetic resonance soundings (MRS) and vertical electric soundings (VES). Both data sets are jointly inverted for resistivity, water content and decay time using a joint inversion scheme. Coupling is accomplished by common layer thicknesses. We show the results of three soundings measured on the eastern part of the North Sea island of Borkum. Pumping test data is used to calibrate the petrophysical relationship for the local conditions in order to estimate permeability from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data. Salinity is retrieved from water content and resistivity using a modified Archie equation calibrated by local samples. As a result we are able to predict porosity, salinity and hydraulic conductivities of the aquifers, including their uncertainties. The joint inversion significantly improves the reliability of the results. Verification is given by comparison with a borehole. A sounding in the flooding area demonstrates that only the combined inversion provides a correct subsurface model. Thanks to the joint application, we are able to distinguish fluid conductivity from lithology and provide reliable hydraulic parameters as shown by uncertainty analysis. These findings can finally be used to build groundwater flow models for simulating climate changes. This includes the improved geometry and lithological attribution, and also the parameters and their uncertainties. © Author(s) 2012

    Improving the accuracy of 1D SNMR surveys using the multi-central-loop configuration

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    Temeljna svrha i cilj ovoga rada bilo je ispitati koliko su potrošači skloni dijeljenju svojih turističkih iskustva s drugima te putem kojih medija. Osim navedenog, drugi cilj provedenog istraživanja bilo je utvrditi koliko su potrošačima važna iskustva i komentari drugih posjetitelja u procesu donošenja odluke o kupnji. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom ispitivanja, a kao instrument korišten je anketni upitnik sastavljen od 22 pitanja. Utvrđivanjem problema istraživanja, postavljene su tri hipoteze. Od tri hipoteze, u potpunosti je dokazana samo prva koja pretpostavlja da su potrošačima tuđa iskustva i komentari od velike važnosti kod planiranja i odabira putovanja. Druga hipoteza je djelomično potvrđena, tj. potvrđeno je da su potrošači skloni dijeliti svoja iskustva s drugima u situaciji kada su jako zadovoljni dok s druge strane nije potvrđeno kako su potrošači skloni dijeliti svoja iskustva u situaciji kada su nezadovoljni uslugom ili proizvodom. Na kraju, potvrđena je i treća hipoteza koja pretpostavlja kako su potrošači skloni dijeljenju vlastitog turističkog iskustva putem više društvenih medija, iako je utvrđeno kako najveći broj ispitanika ne dijeli svoja turistička iskustva. Istraživano je i mišljenje ispitanika o turističkoj destinaciji iz snova, a iznenađujuće, najveći broj ispitanika je navelo hrvatske destinacije kao svoje destinacije iz snova kao i one koje su im dosada pružile najnezaboravnije turističko iskustvo. Potrebno je provesti detaljnija istraživanja kako bi se detaljnije istražilo novije društvene medije koji su dostupni potrošačima za dijeljenje svog iskustva

    Improving the accuracy of 1D SNMR surveys using the multi-central-loop configuration

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    A multi-central loop configuration has been studied through forward and inverse modelling of synthetics and real data. This set-up takes advantage of the multichannel features of the NMR device and consists of using several (2 to 3) additional receiver loops displayed concentrically with the main transmitter/receiver loop, which all record the NMR signal simultaneously within a single acquisition. If the loop diameters are chosen appropriately, the kernel sensitivity distributions for each receiver loop can show complementary features. Inverting simultaneously the data sets obtained through each different receiver loop can then enhance the accuracy of the final model. To do so, a 1D QT inversion scheme in the frequency domain dedicated to the inversion of multiple data sets is being used. One challenging feature is to adapt the regularization of the inverse process so as to handle correctly the noise originating from different data sets. The efficiency of this multi-central loop acquisition set-up and procedure is being assessed through the forward and inverse modelling of several scenarios implying varying aquifer characteristics. Finally a field case is being presented that was conducted on a low noise level site located in Germany, where conditions were favourable to the implementation and testing of circular multi-central loop configurations.We also introduce a new method for determining NMR parameters, named the prediction-focused-approach (PFA), that is based on statistical analysis of a large number of simple models. We observe, using synthetic examples, that the effciency of the method benefits from the use of the multi-central-loop configurations

    Hydraulic properties at the North Sea island of Borkum derived from joint inversion of magnetic resonance and electrical resistivity soundings

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    For reliably predicting the impact of climate changes on salt/freshwater systems below barrier islands, a long-term hydraulic modelling is inevitable. As input we need the parameters porosity, salinity and hydraulic conductivity at the catchment scale, preferably non-invasively acquired with geophysical methods. We present a methodology to retrieve the searched parameters and a lithological interpretation by the joint analysis of magnetic resonance soundings (MRS) and vertical electric soundings (VES). Both data sets are jointly inverted for resistivity, water content and decay time using a joint inversion scheme. Coupling is accomplished by common layer thicknesses. <br><br> We show the results of three soundings measured on the eastern part of the North Sea island of Borkum. Pumping test data is used to calibrate the petrophysical relationship for the local conditions in order to estimate permeability from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data. Salinity is retrieved from water content and resistivity using a modified Archie equation calibrated by local samples. As a result we are able to predict porosity, salinity and hydraulic conductivities of the aquifers, including their uncertainties. <br><br> The joint inversion significantly improves the reliability of the results. Verification is given by comparison with a borehole. A sounding in the flooding area demonstrates that only the combined inversion provides a correct subsurface model. Thanks to the joint application, we are able to distinguish fluid conductivity from lithology and provide reliable hydraulic parameters as shown by uncertainty analysis. <br><br> These findings can finally be used to build groundwater flow models for simulating climate changes. This includes the improved geometry and lithological attribution, and also the parameters and their uncertainties

    Hydraulic characterisation of iron-oxide-coated sand and gravel based on nuclear magnetic resonance relaxation mode analyses

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    The capability of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) relaxometry to characterise hydraulic properties of iron-oxide-coated sand and gravel was evaluated in a laboratory study. Past studies have shown that the presence of paramagnetic iron oxides and large pores in coarse sand and gravel disturbs the otherwise linear relationship between relaxation time and pore size. Consequently, the commonly applied empirical approaches fail when deriving hydraulic quantities from NMR parameters. Recent research demonstrates that higher relaxation modes must be taken into account to relate the size of a large pore to its NMR relaxation behaviour in the presence of significant paramagnetic impurities at its pore wall. We performed NMR relaxation experiments with water-saturated natural and reworked sands and gravels, coated with natural and synthetic ferric oxides (goethite, ferrihydrite), and show that the impact of the higher relaxation modes increases significantly with increasing iron content. Since the investigated materials exhibit narrow pore size distributions, and can thus be described by a virtual bundle of capillaries with identical apparent pore radius, recently presented inversion approaches allow for estimation of a unique solution yielding the apparent capillary radius from the NMR data. We found the NMR-based apparent radii to correspond well to the effective hydraulic radii estimated from the grain size distributions of the samples for the entire range of observed iron contents. Consequently, they can be used to estimate the hydraulic conductivity using the well-known Kozeny–Carman equation without any calibration that is otherwise necessary when predicting hydraulic conductivities from NMR data. Our future research will focus on the development of relaxation time models that consider pore size distributions. Furthermore, we plan to establish a measurement system based on borehole NMR for localising iron clogging and controlling its remediation in the gravel pack of groundwater wells

    First evidence of detecting surface nuclear magnetic resonance signals using a compact B-field sensor

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    The noninvasive detection and characterization of subsurface aquifer structures demands geophysical techniques. Surface nuclear magnetic resonance (SNMR) is the only technique that is directly sensitive to hydrogen protons and, therefore, allows for unambiguous detection of subsurface water. Traditionally, SNMR utilizes large surface coils for both transmitting excitation pulses and recording the groundwater response. Recorded data are thus a voltage induced by the time derivative of the secondary magnetic field. For the first time, we demonstrate that the secondary magnetic field in a SNMR experiment can be directly detected using a superconducting quantum interference device magnetometer. Conducting measurements at a test site in Germany, we demonstrate not only the ability to detect SNMR signals on the order of femtoTesla but also we are able to satisfy the observed data by inverse modeling. This is expected to open up completely new applications for this exciting technology