206 research outputs found

    A new proteid salamander (Urodela, Proteidae) from the middle Miocene of Hambach (Germany) and implications for the evolution of the family

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    Members of the urodele family Proteidae currently account for eight extant species within two genera and at least four extinct species within three genera. The clade has a clear disjunct geographical range, with the extinct Paranecturus and the extant Necturus in North America and the extinct Mioproteus and the extant Proteus in Europe and Asia. A recent phylogenetic analysis supported a Eurasian clade including both fossil and living species found east of the Atlantic Ocean. However, the finding of a new proteid salamander, herein named Euronecturus grogu, from the Miocene of western Germany sheds new light on the evolution of this family, challenging the idea of all Eurasian members of the group deriving from a single lineage separated from the North American ones at least prior to the Oligocene. This new proteid taxon is based on five isolated atlases found in late Orleanian (MN 5) sediments in Hambach 6C, and displays features that are unknown in any other proteid, such as the presence of secondary dorsal crests, small and posteriorly-directed postzygapophyses, and (in at least some specimens) a wide and deep ventral fossa between the anterior cotyles. A phylogenetic analysis recovered the new taxon in an early-branching position within Proteidae, sister to all other proteids but the late Maastrichtian Paranecturus. It thus suggests the presence in Europe of a second proteid lineage, currently known only in the middle Miocene, that appears unrelated to the Mioproteus-Proteus clade

    First fossil frog from Antarctica: Implications for Eocene high latitude climate conditions and Gondwanan cosmopolitanism of Australobatrachia

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    Cenozoic ectothermic continental tetrapods (amphibians and reptiles) have not been documented previously from Antarctica, in contrast to all other continents. Here we report a fossil ilium and an ornamented skull bone that can be attributed to the Recent, South American, anuran family Calyptocephalellidae or helmeted frogs, representing the first modern amphibian found in Antarctica. The two bone fragments were recovered in Eocene, approximately 40 million years old, sediments on Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. The record of hyperossified calyptocephalellid frogs outside South America supports Gondwanan cosmopolitanism of the anuran clade Australobatrachia. Our results demonstrate that Eocene freshwater ecosystems in Antarctica provided habitats favourable for ectothermic vertebrates (with mean annual precipitation ≥900 mm, coldest month mean temperature ≥3.75 °C, and warmest month mean temperature ≥13.79 °C), at a time when there were at least ephemeral ice sheets existing on the highlands within the interior of the continent.Fil: Mörs, Thomas. Stockholms Universitet; SueciaFil: Reguero, Marcelo Alfredo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Paleontología Vertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Vasilyan, Davit. University of Fribourg; Suiz

    Avaliação de indicadores de saneamento básico e os custos vinculados à saúde em municípios do RS - Brasil

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    O bem-estar da população é a combinação de diversos fatores, entre eles se destaca a saúde, definida pela OMS como “um estado completo de bem-estar físico, mental e social e não somente a ausência de afecções e enfermidade”. Neste contexto, o saneamento básico é um serviço que visa a preservação do ambiente e fornece saúde a população. Assim, o objetivo desta monografia é analisar a ocorrência de doenças relacionadas ao saneamento básico inadequado em dois municípios do Rio Grande do Sul avaliando os indicadores de saneamento básico e custos relacionados a compra de medicamentos, realização de exames e internações. A metodologia deste trabalho envolveu a definição de dois municípios conveniados ao CONSISA VRT através da análise dos índices de cobertura dos serviços de esgotamento sanitário e abastecimento de água, desta forma foram selecionados dois municípios, um que apresentou bons índices e o outro índices baixos, respectivamente, Santa Clara do Sul e Boqueirão do Leão. A etapa seguinte consistiu na avaliação dos indicadores relacionados à cobertura dos serviços de saneamento através dos PMSB dos municípios, a análise da ocorrência de doenças registradas no DATASUS e o levantamento dos custos com aquisição de medicamentos e realização de exames por meio do CONSISA VRT, buscou-se por fim relacionar a ocorrência de doenças com os custos gerados. A pesquisa revelou uma fragilidade no saneamento básico de ambos os municípios, principalmente em Boqueirão do Leão, onde apenas 21,8% dos habitantes possuem aceso a rede de abastecimento de água e 585 residências têm um sistema de esgotamento sanitário adequado. No município foram registradas 40 internações devido doenças de veiculação hídrica no período de agosto/2019 a julho/2020, os custos gerados somaram R43.783,11,jaˊemSantaClaradoSul,10043.783,11, já em Santa Clara do Sul, 100% da população possui cesso a rede de água e 1.050 domicílios possuem sistema sanitário adequado, foram registradas 8 internações e o custo somou R23.269,28. Chegou-se à conclusão que o saneamento básico é muito importante para a saúde da população, principalmente relacionado ao abastecimento de água, pois em quantidade e qualidade adequadas previne doenças e agravos a saúde, como consequência gera economia ou eleva os gastos para os cofres públicos.The well-being of the population is a combination of several factors, including health defined by WHO as "a complete state of physical, mental and social well-being and not just the absence of affections and illness". In this context, basic sanitation is a service that aims to preserve the environment and provide health services to the population. Thus, the objective of this monograph is to analyze the occurrence of diseases related to the low supply of basic sanitation in two municipalities in Rio Grande do Sul, evaluating the basic sanitation indicators and costs related to the purchase of medicines, tests and hospitalizations. The work methodology involved the definition of two municipalities associated with CONSISA VRT through the analysis of the coverage rates of sewage and water supply services, thus, two municipalities were selected, one with good rates and the other with low rates, respectively, Santa Clara do Sul and Boqueirão do Leão. The next stage consisted of the evaluation of the indicators related to the coverage of sanitation services through the PMSB of the municipalities, the analysis of the occurrence of diseases produced in DATASUS and the survey of the costs with the purchase of medicines and realization exams through CONSISA VRT, we sought to relate the occurrence of diseases with the costs generated. The survey revealed a weakness in basic sanitation in both municipalities, mainly in Boqueirão do Leão, where only 21.8% of them have access to a water supply network and 585 households have an adequate sanitation system. In the municipality, 40 hospitalizations were generated due to water-borne diseases in the period from August / 2019 to July / 2020, the costs generated amounted to R 43,783.11,inSantaClaradoSul,100 43,783.11, in Santa Clara do Sul, 100% of the population has access to the water network and 1,050 households have an adequate system, 8 hospitalizations were produced and the cost totaled R 23,269.28. It was concluded that basic sanitation is very important for the health of the population, mainly related to water supply, since in prevailing quantity and quality it prevents diseases and health problems, as a consequence it generates savings or increases spending for public coffers

    Notonuphar antarctica, an extinct water lily (Nymphaeales) from the Eocene of Antarctica

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    A new genus and species, Notonuphar antarctica, is described from the Eocene of Seymour (Marambio) Island, the Antarctic Peninsula and assigned to the Nymphaeales based on well-preserved seeds. This is the first record of a water lily from Antarctica and the first record of a Gondwanan plant with close link to the genus Nuphar (Nymphaeaceae), which is restricted today to the Northern Hemisphere. Critical features for systematic placement of Notonuphar are the presence of a germination cap with closely spaced hilar scar and micropyle, anatropous, bitegmic and exotestal seed organization, exotesta composed of one cell layer of high sclerenchymatic palisadeshape cells, mesotesta of smaller, low parenchymatic cells, a few cell layers deep, and a thin tegmen. The seeds of Notonuphar are particularly similar to seeds of extant and fossil Nuphar in the straight, unfolded anticlinal wall of the exotestal cells and the presence of a narrow zone of exotestal tissue between hilum and micropyle. Other seed features including the very tall exotestal cells and strongly thickened cell walls of exotesta also link Notonuphar to Brasenia and related fossil taxa (Cabombaceae). This character mosaic observed in Notonuphar corroborates the transitional position of Nuphar between Cabombaceae and Nymphaeaceae. Notonuphar is the only member of Nymphaeales recorded from Antarctica and so far the only fossil seeds of Nymphaeales known from the Southern Hemisphere. The discovery of this extinct Gondwanan taxon with features suggesting close relationship with extant Northern Hemisphere genus Nuphar is a further evidence for the relictual nature of the extant group.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Fossil clitellate annelid cocoons and their microbiological inclusions from the Eocene of Seymour Island, Antarctica

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    Clitellate annelids have a meagre body fossil record but they secrete proteinaceous cocoons for the protection of eggs that, after hardening, are readily fossilized and offer a largely untapped resource for assessing the evolutionary history of this group. We describe three species of clitellate cocoons (viz., Burejospermum seymourense sp. nov., B. punctatum sp. nov. and Pegmatothylakos manumii gen. et sp. nov.) from the lower Eocene La Meseta Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctica. The cocoons probably derive from continental settings and were transported to, and preserved within, nearshore marine to estuarine environments. The cocoons provide the first evidence of commensal or parasitic relationships in the Eocene continental ecosystemsof Antarctica. Moreover, numerous micro-organisms and the oldest fossilizedexamples of animal spermatozoa are preserved as moulds within the consolidatedwalls of the cocoons. Fossil annelid cocoons offer potential for enhanced palaeoenvironmental interpretation of sediments, correlation between continental and shallowmarine strata, and improved understanding of the development of clitellate annelid reproductive traits and the evolutionary history of soft-bodied micro-organisms in general.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    An Eocene orthocone from Antarctica shows convergent evolution of internally shelled cephalopods

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    Background The Subclass Coleoidea (Class Cephalopoda) accommodates the diverse present-day internally shelled cephalopod mollusks (Spirula, Sepia and octopuses, squids, Vampyroteuthis) and also extinct internally shelled cephalopods. Recent Spirula represents a unique coleoid retaining shell structures, a narrow marginal siphuncle and globular protoconch that signify the ancestry of the subclass Coleoidea from the Paleozoic subclass Bactritoidea. This hypothesis has been recently supported by newly recorded diverse bactritoid-like coleoids from the Carboniferous of the USA, but prior to this study no fossil cephalopod indicative of an endochochleate branch with an origin independent from subclass Bactritoidea has been reported. Methodology/Principal findings Two orthoconic conchs were recovered from the Early Eocene of Seymour Island at the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctica. They have loosely mineralized organic-rich chitincompatible microlaminated shell walls and broadly expanded central siphuncles. The morphological, ultrustructural and chemical data were determined and characterized through comparisons with extant and extinct taxa using Scanning Electron Microscopy/Energy Dispersive Spectrometry (SEM/EDS). Conclusions/Significance Our study presents the first evidence for an evolutionary lineage of internally shelled cephalopods with independent origin from Bactritoidea/Coleoidea, indicating convergent evolution with the subclass Coleoidea. A new subclass Paracoleoidea Doguzhaeva n. subcl. is established for accommodation of orthoconic cephalopods with the internal shell associated with a broadly expanded central siphuncle. Antarcticerida Doguzhaeva n. ord., Antarcticeratidae Doguzhaeva n. fam., Antarcticeras nordenskjoeldi Doguzhaeva n. gen., n. sp. are described within the subclass Paracoleoidea. The analysis of organic-rich shell preservation of A. nordenskjoeldi by use of SEM/EDS techniques revealed fossilization of hyposeptal cameral soft tissues. This suggests that a depositional environment favoring soft-tissue preservation was the factor enabling conservation of the weakly mineralized shell of A. nordenskjoeldi.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Fossil clitellate annelid cocoons and their microbiological inclusions from the Eocene of Seymour Island, Antarctica

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    Clitellate annelids have a meagre body fossil record but they secrete proteinaceous cocoons for the protection of eggs that, after hardening, are readily fossilized and offer a largely untapped resource for assessing the evolutionary history of this group. We describe three species of clitellate cocoons (viz., Burejospermum seymourense sp. nov., B. punctatum sp. nov. and Pegmatothylakos manumii gen. et sp. nov.) from the lower Eocene La Meseta Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctica. The cocoons probably derive from continental settings and were transported to, and preserved within, nearshore marine to estuarine environments. The cocoons provide the first evidence of commensal or parasitic relationships in the Eocene continental ecosystemsof Antarctica. Moreover, numerous micro-organisms and the oldest fossilizedexamples of animal spermatozoa are preserved as moulds within the consolidatedwalls of the cocoons. Fossil annelid cocoons offer potential for enhanced palaeoenvironmental interpretation of sediments, correlation between continental and shallowmarine strata, and improved understanding of the development of clitellate annelid reproductive traits and the evolutionary history of soft-bodied micro-organisms in general.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Fossilized spermatozoa preserved in a 50-Myr-old annelid cocoon from Antarctica

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    The origin and evolution of clitellate annelids-earthworms, leeches and their relatives-is poorly understood, partly because body fossils of these delicate organisms are exceedingly rare. The distinctive egg cases (cocoons) of Clitellata, however, are relatively common in the fossil record, although their potential for phylogenetic studies has remained largely unexplored. Here, we report the remarkable discovery of fossilized spermatozoa preserved within the secreted wall layers of a 50-Myr-old clitellate cocoon from Antarctica, representing the oldest fossil animal sperm yet known. Sperm characters are highly informative for the classification of extant Annelida. The Antarctic fossil spermatozoa have several features that point to affinities with the peculiar, leech-like 'crayfish worms' (Branchiobdellida). We anticipate that systematic surveys of cocoon fossils coupled with advances in non-destructive analytical methods may open a new window into the evolution of minute, soft-bodied life forms that are otherwise only rarely observed in the fossil record.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Incisor enamel microstructure places New and Old World Eomyidae outside Geomorpha (Rodentia, Mammalia)

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaThe lower incisor enamel microstructure of the fossil rodent family Eomyidae was believed to be three-layered and highly derived but rather uniform throughout the clade. Here, we describe a new four-layered schmelzmuster in Eomyidae consisting of a three-fold portio interna with longitudinal oriented, uniserial Hunter-Schreger bands and a one-fold portio externa, accounting for a unique enamel microstructure character combination in Rodentia. This new schmelzmuster type has developed early in eomyid evolution and is detectable already in the late Eocene (Chadronian) of North America. In European eomyids, it first occurs in the early Miocene (MN 3), implying that this four-layered schmelzmuster was not present in all members of the family but restricted to species included in Eomyini and some genera currently considered Eomyidae incertae sedis within Eomyidae. Additionally, our analysis recognizes three taxa with schmelzmuster divergent from all other eomyids. Incisor enamel microstructure does not advocate a close phylogenetic relationship of Eomyidae to either fossil or extant Heteromyidae and Geomyidae, nor to fossil Heliscomyidae and Florentiamyidae. Our results rather support the view that Eomyidae are placed outside Geomorpha

    Renewable Power‐to‐Gas : A Technical and Economic Evaluation of Three Demo Sites Within the STORE&GO Project

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    For a successful energy transition, Power-to-Gas (PtG) offers the opportunity to convert renewable electricity to substitute natural gas. This renewable synthetic natural gas (SNG) can be used for long-term storage, transport, or can be integrated into other energy sectors. Main challenges for the commercial application of PtG are to achieve a high PtG process efficiency, dynamic operation capability, and low investment and production costs. Within the STORE&GO project, three demo sites were developed, operated, and evaluated. An overall efficiency of > 75% is possible, the SNG production costs are expected to drop to less than 10 €-Cent kWh–1 in 2050