24 research outputs found

    La notion de saut chez Sþren Kierkegaard: l'exemple de l’amour humain

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    La notion de saut chez Sþren Kierkegaard: l'exemple de l’amour humai

    Une dĂ©finition de l’art selon Kierkegaard : l’idĂ©e d’artiste et de gĂ©nie dans l’« introduction superflue » des Stades immĂ©diats de l’éros

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    Sur la question de l’art, Kierkegaard est dĂ©cidĂ©ment assimilĂ© Ă  Mozart. La figure du compositeur, associĂ©e Ă  celle de son Don Giovanni, double puissance s’il en est, occulte la dĂ©finition de l’art pouvant se dĂ©gager de la pensĂ©e kierkegaardienne. Se confondant Ă  Mozart, cette dĂ©finition a du mal Ă  apparaĂźtre en elle-mĂȘme. Il s’agira, dans ce prĂ©sent travail, d’extraire cette dĂ©finition de l’art, toujours mal identifiĂ©e dans les Ă©tudes kierkegaardiennes, et ce Ă  partir de l’« introduction superflue » des Stades immĂ©diats de l’éros ou L’éros et la musique. C’est lĂ  la seule Ɠuvre oĂč le penseur danois traite en propre de l’esthĂ©tique artistique. Le passage est privilĂ©giĂ© en ce qu’il est encore assez gĂ©nĂ©ral, avant une immersion complĂšte et dĂ©finitive dans les trois figures opĂ©ratives et esthĂ©tiques de Mozart – ChĂ©rubin, Papageno, Don Giovanni. La proposition de dĂ©finition synthĂ©tique et conclusive sera construite Ă  partir de l’analyse des quatre problĂšmes qui traversent cette « introduction superflue » : la notion d’Ɠuvre classique comme dĂ©sir et rencontre heureuse, l’affirmation de l’art comme idĂ©e et la mise Ă  l’écart du beau, la spontanĂ©itĂ© gĂ©niale de l’éros en musique, et enfin la spontanĂ©itĂ© du langage comme musique.When it comes to the question of art, Kierkegaard is definitely assimilated to Mozart. The figure of the composer, associated to his Don Giovanni, obscures the definition of art in the Kierkegaardian thought. Identified with Mozart, this definition has difficulty appearing in itself. This article sets out to extract the definition of art, always poorly defined in Kierkegaard studies, from the “insignificant introduction” of The immediate stages of Eros or Eros and music, the only work in which the Danish thinker specifically studies the artistic aesthetics. The passage is privileged as it remains fairly general, before a complete and final immersion in the three operative and aesthetic figures of Mozart - Cherubino, Papageno, Don Giovanni. The proposal for a synthetic and conclusive definition will be constructed from the analysis of the four problems that cross this “insignificant introduction” : the notion of classic work as a desire and happy encounter, the affirmation of art as an idea and the fact of putting aside the beauty, the brilliant spontaneity of Eros in music, and finally the spontaneity of language as music

    Cartographier en 3D avec MapIt : une plus-value pour un parcours de professionnalisation selon la perspective Ă©tudiante

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    Implication Statement During the pandemic, the MapIt app was integrated into an occupational therapy program to support remote learning of built environment adaptation. MapIt maps rooms in a home, then generates a 3D model for viewing and taking virtual measurements. The students express that the use of MapIt during their training leads to embodying the roles expected of an occupational therapist. To inspire other good pedagogical ideas, this article presents how MapIt can support learning in authentic situations, a key element of a professionalization path, approaching the realities experienced by patients, clients, or caregivers.ÉnoncĂ© des implications de la recherche Durant la pandĂ©mie, l’application MapIt a Ă©tĂ© intĂ©grĂ©e dans un programme d’ergothĂ©rapie pour soutenir l’apprentissage Ă  distance de l’adaptation de l’environnement bĂąti. MapIt permet de cartographier des piĂšces d’un domicile, puis d’en gĂ©nĂ©rer un modĂšle en 3D pour la visualisation et la prise de mesures virtuelles. Les Ă©tudiantes expriment que le recours Ă  MapIt durant leur formation mĂšne Ă  incarner les rĂŽles attendus d’une ergothĂ©rapeute. Pour inspirer d’autres bonnes idĂ©es pĂ©dagogiques, cet article prĂ©sente comment MapIt peut soutenir l’apprentissage en situations authentiques, un Ă©lĂ©ment clĂ© d’un parcours de professionnalisation, s’approchant des rĂ©alitĂ©s vĂ©cues par les personnes patientes, clientes ou intervenante

    SynthĂšse des facteurs externes qui influencent la capacitĂ© des ergothĂ©rapeutes Ă  agir en tant qu’agents de changement

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    Introduction. Afin de stimuler, voire rĂ©aliser des changements favorisant le bien-ĂȘtre, la santĂ© et la justice occupationnelle, on sollicite de plus en plus le rĂŽle d’agent de changement (AC) en ergothĂ©rapie. Les facteurs internes essentiels Ă  ce rĂŽle ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s. Cependant, aucun portrait complet des facteurs externes pouvant influencer son actualisation n’est Ă  ce jour disponible. Un tel portrait pourrait pourtant appuyer les ergothĂ©rapeutes dĂ©sirant agir comme AC. Cette Ă©tude vise donc Ă  documenter les facteurs externes influençant la capacitĂ© des ergothĂ©rapeutes d’agir en tant qu’AC. MĂ©thode. Reposant sur une stratĂ©gie validĂ©e et inspirĂ©e des Ă©tudes de portĂ©e d’Arksey et O’Malley (2005), une recension des Ă©crits a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e dans quatre banques de donnĂ©es jusqu’au 1er fĂ©vrier 2021. Une cote de niveau de preuve scientifique a Ă©tĂ© attribuĂ©e Ă  chaque Ă©crit retenu. Les donnĂ©es contextuelles et qualitatives ont Ă©tĂ© extraites et analysĂ©es par statistiques descriptives et par thĂšmes. RĂ©sultats. Des 739 articles repĂ©rĂ©s, 26 ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s, dont la plupart Ă©taient thĂ©oriques. Trois facteurs sociaux et deux facteurs institutionnels ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s, respectivement : les regroupements professionnels, la position hiĂ©rarchique et les relations avec les acteurs du milieu ; et la formation universitaire et les caractĂ©ristiques du systĂšme de santĂ©. La culture organisationnelle et les modĂšles conceptuels ont Ă©tĂ© reconnus comme facteurs culturels et les outils et les ressources, comme facteur physique. Conclusion. Par sa synthĂšse des facteurs externes, cet article peut soutenir la formation des futurs professionnels et contribuer ainsi Ă  une optimisation de la pratique du rĂŽle d’AC en ergothĂ©rapie. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction. To stimulate and even achieve changes that promote well-being, health and occupational justice, the role of change agent (CA) in occupational therapy is increasingly being called upon. The internal factors essential to this role have already been identified. However, no complete picture of the external factors that may influence its actualization is available to date. Such a picture could support occupational therapists who wish to act as CAs. The purpose of this study is therefore to document the external factors influencing the ability of occupational therapists to act as CAs. Method. Based on a validated strategy inspired by the scoping studies of Arksey and O’Malley (2005), a literature review was conducted in four databases through February 1, 2021. A rating of level of scientific evidence was assigned to each selected literature. Contextual and qualitative data were extracted and analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Results. Of the 739 articles identified, 26 were selected, most of which were theoretical. Three social and two institutional factors were identified, respectively: professional groups, hierarchical position, and relationships with stakeholders; and academic background and health system characteristics. Organizational culture and conceptual models were identified as cultural factors and tools and resources as a physical factor. Conclusion. Through its synthesis of external factors, this article can support the education of future professionals and thus contribute to an optimization of the practice of the CA role in occupational therapy

    SynthĂšse des facteurs externes qui influencent la capacitĂ© des ergothĂ©rapeutes Ă  agir en tant qu’agents de changement

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    Introduction. Afin de stimuler, voire rĂ©aliser des changements favorisant le bien-ĂȘtre, la santĂ© et la justice occupationnelle, on sollicite de plus en plus le rĂŽle d’agent de changement (AC) en ergothĂ©rapie. Les facteurs internes essentiels Ă  ce rĂŽle ont dĂ©jĂ  Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s. Cependant, aucun portrait complet des facteurs externes pouvant influencer son actualisation n’est Ă  ce jour disponible. Un tel portrait pourrait pourtant appuyer les ergothĂ©rapeutes dĂ©sirant agir comme AC. Cette Ă©tude vise donc Ă  documenter les facteurs externes influençant la capacitĂ© des ergothĂ©rapeutes d’agir en tant qu’AC. MĂ©thode. Reposant sur une stratĂ©gie validĂ©e et inspirĂ©e des Ă©tudes de portĂ©e d’Arksey et O’Malley (2005), une recension des Ă©crits a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e dans quatre banques de donnĂ©es jusqu’au 1er fĂ©vrier 2021. Une cote de niveau de preuve scientifique a Ă©tĂ© attribuĂ©e Ă  chaque Ă©crit retenu. Les donnĂ©es contextuelles et qualitatives ont Ă©tĂ© extraites et analysĂ©es par statistiques descriptives et par thĂšmes. RĂ©sultats. Des 739 articles repĂ©rĂ©s, 26 ont Ă©tĂ© sĂ©lectionnĂ©s, dont la plupart Ă©taient thĂ©oriques. Trois facteurs sociaux et deux facteurs institutionnels ont Ă©tĂ© identifiĂ©s, respectivement : les regroupements professionnels, la position hiĂ©rarchique et les relations avec les acteurs du milieu ; et la formation universitaire et les caractĂ©ristiques du systĂšme de santĂ©. La culture organisationnelle et les modĂšles conceptuels ont Ă©tĂ© reconnus comme facteurs culturels et les outils et les ressources, comme facteur physique. Conclusion. Par sa synthĂšse des facteurs externes, cet article peut soutenir la formation des futurs professionnels et contribuer ainsi Ă  une optimisation de la pratique du rĂŽle d’AC en ergothĂ©rapie. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Introduction. To stimulate and even achieve changes that promote well-being, health and occupational justice, the role of change agent (CA) in occupational therapy is increasingly being called upon. The internal factors essential to this role have already been identified. However, no complete picture of the external factors that may influence its actualization is available to date. Such a picture could support occupational therapists who wish to act as CAs. The purpose of this study is therefore to document the external factors influencing the ability of occupational therapists to act as CAs. Method. Based on a validated strategy inspired by the scoping studies of Arksey and O’Malley (2005), a literature review was conducted in four databases through February 1, 2021. A rating of level of scientific evidence was assigned to each selected literature. Contextual and qualitative data were extracted and analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. Results. Of the 739 articles identified, 26 were selected, most of which were theoretical. Three social and two institutional factors were identified, respectively: professional groups, hierarchical position, and relationships with stakeholders; and academic background and health system characteristics. Organizational culture and conceptual models were identified as cultural factors and tools and resources as a physical factor. Conclusion. Through its synthesis of external factors, this article can support the education of future professionals and thus contribute to an optimization of the practice of the CA role in occupational therapy

    L’éthique de la dĂ©libĂ©ration et de la dĂ©cision. (Installation et facilitation de la dimension Ă©thique dans la dĂ©libĂ©ration publique et les stratĂ©gies de dĂ©cision)

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    Pourquoi l’éthique ? Vladimir JankĂ©lĂ©vitch dit de l’éthique qu’elle s’éveille et s’impose Ă  nous sous la forme d’une « évidence morale ». « Nous avons, de loin et en gros, la certitude qu’il y a une Ă©vidence morale, mais nous sommes dans la plus complĂšte incertitude touchant les contenus de cette Ă©vidence : l’agent se sent lui-mĂȘme obligĂ© Ă  quelque chose avant de savoir Ă  quoi (...). Étrange situation que d’ĂȘtre condamnĂ© Ă  ne jamais savoir ce qu’il faut faire tout en comprenant qu’il faut le ..

    The quest for a consistent signal in ground and GRACE gravity time series

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    International audienceRecent studies show that terrestrial and space based observations of gravity agree overEurope. In this paper, we compare time series of terrestrial gravity (including thecontribution due to surface displacement) as measured by superconducting gravimeters(SGs), space based observations from GRACE, and predicted changes in gravity derived fromtwo global hydrological models at 10 SG stations in Central Europe. Despite the fact that allobservations and models observe a maximum in the same season due to water storagechanges, there is little agreement the SG time series even when they are separated bydistances smaller than the spatial resolution of GRACE. We also demonstrate that GRACE andthe SG observations and the water storage models do not display significant correlation atseasonal periods nor at inter-annual periods. These findings are consistent with the fact thatthe SGs are sensitive primarily to mass changes in the few hundred meters surrounding thestation. Even if the hydrological models were perfect, we show that we could not correct theSGs for these local effects that would allow comparisons with GRACE

    Characterizing long-time scale hydrological effects on gravity for improved distinction of tectonic signals

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    The influence of the hydrological noise on repeated gravity measurements has been investigated on the basis of the time series of 18 superconducting gravimeters (SGs) and on predictions inferred from the Land Dynamics (LaD) world-Gascoyne land water-energy balances model. Presently, the global hydrologic models are not precise enough to fulfill the geodetic requirements and are not efficient enough to separate the hydrology from tectonic motion in the land-based gravity time series. However, although the LaD model predictions and the gravity observations present significant differences in the time domain, it is shown that they have similar amplitudes in the frequency domain in most of the cases. The time series of the Global Geodynamics Project make it possible to investigate phenomena of a few years in the best case. Given the similarity between the power spectral densities (PSDs) of the LaD model predictions and the SG measurements when taken at the same epoch, it makes sense to use the LaD model to study the spectral behavior of the hydrological effects down to the decadal time scale, which is not yet possible with land-based measurements. It is shown that the PSDs of the hydrological effects flattens at low frequency and is characterized by a generalized Gauss-Markov structure. With such a noise level, the time necessary to measure a gravity rate of change of 1 nm/s(2)/a, at the 1 sigma level should not extend any longer than 17 years at the locations where the hydrological effects play a major rol