67 research outputs found


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    Sándor Petőfi was the greatest poet of the Hungarian romantic literature, but aft er his participation in the events of the Hungarian revolution of 1848 he became the legendary fi gure of the national liberty and republicanism. Petőfi ’s mysterious disappearance aft er the batt le of Segesvár further confi rmed the importance of his personal heroism and at the end of the 19th Century Petőfi became an emblematic fi gure of the national freedom and independence not just in Hungary, but in Europe too.Petőfi ’s cult was signifi cant in the period between the two world wars too, mainly at the time of hundredth anniversary of his birth. A memorial banknote was issued on this occasion and were staged a national commemoration in 1925.In the communist era Petőfi was the idol of the radical revolutionary republicans, who fought against the members of the oppressive ruling classes. His glorious and heroic image became one of the fi gures of the Hungarian communist pantheon. But also the anti-dictatorship young intellectuals viewed Petőfi as a role model and founded Petőfi Circle prepared for the events of the revolution of 1956.Until the end of the seventies Petőfi became again the emblematic historical hero of the antiregime democratic opposition movement. Th e square at Petőfi statue was the scene of many demonstrations. Th is square was also the favorite commemoration place also of the Hungarianliberal political party aft er the Hungarian political transition in the last decade of 20th Century

    Effects of Solar Panels on Electrical Networks

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    Today, the increasing use of solar energy contributes to the EU's energy policies. Increasing use of renewable energy sources reduces pollutant emissions, dependence on fossil fuels and improves air quality. Globally, installed photovoltaic capacity has reached 400 GW by the end of 2017, and is projected to reach 4,500 GW by 2050. In the context of this research, we would like to present a detailed presentation of the possibilities and effects of integrating solar systems into electricity networks. The integration of renewable energies into networks is of paramount importance to researchers because of current energy demand and the depletion of fossil fuel reserves and environmental impacts. In this study, we highlight the effects of solar network integration on both the solar system and the public utility service. We also report on the opportunities and impacts of integration in Hungary in connection with our research. Today, solar panels are the cornerstone of sustainable development

    Functional equations arisen from the characterization of beta distributions

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    Erőművi szerkezeti anyagok leromlásának mágneses vizsgálata = Magnetic investigation of degradation processes of power plant steels

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    Az erőművek csővezetékeinek ill. nyomástartó edényeinek készítésére használt szerkezeti acélokban számos szerkezeti változás történik az üzemeltetés során. Ezek közül a legfontosabbak a kúszás és a hőfáradás ill. ezek kombinációja. A pályázat kapcsán végzett kutatómunkánkban mágneses mérési módszereket és kiértékelési eljárásokat fejlesztettünk és teszteltünk. A szerkezeti acélokban üzemeltetés hatására bekövetkező szerkezeti változásokat az ötvözet mágneses tulajdonságainak megváltozásának detektálásával jellemeztük. Ennek kapcsán több mérési elrendezést, módszert ill. kiértékelési eljárást fejlesztettünk és teszteltünk. Kifejlesztettünk és megépítettünk egy új rezgőmintás magnetométer típust, egy permeameter nevű célműszert és egy kvázi-DC hiszterográfot. Vizsgálatokat végeztünk hőfárasztott 15Mo3 ill. kúszatott 1Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V típusú erőművi acél mintasorozatokon. Kidolgoztuk és teszteltük az ún. többfázisú hiperbolikus mágnesezési görbe modellt (MHM). Kidolgoztunk és teszteltük egy új roncsolásmentes mérési eljárást (Magnetic Adapive Testing, MAT), amely mágneses hiszterézis alhurkok szisztematikus mérésén alapul. Megítélésünk szerint a kutatás eredményei nagymértékben hozzájárulnak olyan roncsolásmentes vizsgálati eljárások kifejlesztéséhez, amelyek megbízható információt szolgáltatnak a szerkezeti elemek elhasználódásának mértékéről, s így lehetővé teszik azok maradék élettartamának pontos becslését. | There are different structural changes in the pipeline and pressure vessel steels due to long term service in power plants. The most important deterioration processes are known to be the creep, thermal shock fatigue and their combinations. We have developed and tested magnetic material testing and data evaluation techniques in this research project. The structural (micro- and dislocation structural) changes in the power plant steels were detected and characterized by magnetic testing. We have developed and tested several magnetic measuring techniques, measuring settings and model based data evaluation methods. A new vibration sample magnetometer, a permeameter type AC magnetometer and a quasi-DC hysterograph setting was developed and built. Among others thermal shock fatigue tested 15Mo3 and creep tested 1Cr-0.5Mo-0.25V power plant steel sample series were investigated. The so called multiphase-hyperbolic magnetization model (MHM) was developed for evaluating the data of magnetic measurements. The MHM model was tested and validated in several different samples. The Magnetic Adaptive Testing (MAT) technique was introduced which is based on the measurement of the systematic measurement of minor hysteresis loops. The research results of this project can efficiently promote the further development of new nondestructive magnetic investigation techniques and devices for controlling the deterioration processes induced microstructural transformations in power plant steels

    Effects of solar panels on electrical networks

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    Today, the increasing use of solar energy contributes to the EU's energy policies. Increasing use of renewable energy sources reduces pollutant emissions, dependence on fossil fuels and improves air quality. Globally, installed photovoltaic capacity has reached 400 GW by the end of 2017, and is projected to reach 4,500 GW by 2050. In the context of this research, we would like to present a detailed presentation of the possibilities and effects of integrating solar systems into electricity networks. The integration of renewable energies into networks is of paramount importance to researchers because of current energy demand and the depletion of fossil fuel reserves and environmental impacts. In this study, we highlight the effects of solar network integration on both the solar system and the public utility service. We also report on the opportunities and impacts of integration in Hungary in connection with our research. Today, solar panels are the cornerstone of sustainable development