118 research outputs found

    Diseño de nueva arquitectura de red para la empresa colombiana Entersoft S.A.S.

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    Este documento presenta, una propuesta de rediseño de la arquitectura de red para la empresa colombiana Entersoft S.A.S, donde se realiza una evaluación de la infraestructura de TI actual y su funcionamiento; seguido del nuevo diseño que se propone para actualizar, innovar, y proponer buenas prácticas dentro de un diseño lógico, tomando en cuenta los estudios realizados en el seminario de profundización y garantizando que diseño sea escalable, seguro y operativo. Como resultado de esta propuesta, se espera lograr la implementación por un proveedor contratado por dicha empresa.This document presents a proposal to redesign the network architecture for the Colombian company Entersoft S.A.S, where an evaluation of the current IT infrastructure and its operation is carried out; followed by the new design that is proposed to update, innovate, and propose good practices within a logical design, taking into account the studies carried out in the in-depth seminar and ensuring that the design is scalable, safe and operational. As a result of this proposal, it is expected to achieve the implementation by a provider contracted by said company.1. Resumen - 2. Planteamiento del problema - 3. Planteamiento general - 4. Justificación - 5. Objetivos - 6.Objetivo general - 7. Objetivos específicos - 8. PPDIOO - 9. Metodología de diseño de redes CISCO (top - down network design) - 10. Estado del arte - 11. Metodología de diagnóstico de red 12. Planteamiento general del nuevo diseño 13. Análisis de resultados - 14. Diseño final - 15. Solución lógica - 16. Topología - 17. Redes lógicas independientes - 18. Protocolo de red - 19. Direccionamiento - 20. Servicios - 21. Buenas prácticas - 22. Recomendaciones - 23. Conclusiones - 24. Referencias bibliográficas - 25.Configuración de contraseñas de administración - 26. Anexos

    Performance assessment of 40 Gbit/s off-the-shelf network cards for virtual network probes in 5G networks

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    Incoming 5G networks will evolve regarding how they operate due to the use of virtualization technologies. Network functions that are necessary for communication will be virtual and will run on top of commodity servers. Among these functions, it will be essential to deploy monitoring probes, which will provide information regarding how the network is behaving, which will be later analyzed for self-management purposes. However, to date, the network probes have needed to be physical to perform at link-rates in high-speed networks, and it is challenging to deploy them in virtual environments. Thus, it will be necessary to rely on bare-metal accelerators to deal with existing input/output (I/O) performance problems. Next, to control the costs of implementing these virtual network probes, our approach is to leverage the capabilities that current commercial off-the-shelf network cards provide for virtual environments. Specifically, to this end, we have implemented HPCAP40vf, which is a driver that is GPL-licensed and available for download, for network capture in virtual machines. This driver handles the communication with an Intel XL710 40 Gbit/s commercial network card to enable a network monitoring application run within a virtual machine. To store the captured traffic, we have relied on NVMe drives due to their high transference rate, as they are directly connected to the PCIe bus. We have assessed the performance of this approach and compared it with DPDK, in terms of both capturing and storing the network traffic by measuring the achieved data rates. The evaluation has taken into account two virtualization technologies, namely, KVM and Docker, and two access methods to the underlying hardware, namely, VirtIO and PCI passthrough. With this methodology, we have identified bottlenecks and determined the optimal solution in each case to reduce overheads due to virtualization. This approach can also be applied to the development of other performance-hungry virtual network functions. The obtained results demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed approach: when we correctly use the capabilities that current commercial network cards provide, our virtual network probe can monitor at 40 Gbit/s with full packet capture and storage and simultaneously track the traffic among other virtual network functions inside the host and with the external networkThis work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund under the project TRÁFICA (MINECO/FEDER TEC2015-69417-C2-1-R),and by the European Commission under the project H2020METRO-HAUL (Project ID:761727

    Arsenic and chromium topsoil levels and cancer mortality in Spain

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    Spatio-temporal cancer mortality studies in Spain have revealed patterns for some tumours which display a distribution that is similar across the sexes and persists over time. Such characteristics would be common to tumours that shared risk factors, including the chemical soil composition. The objective of the present study is to assess the association between levels of chromium and arsenic in soil and the cancer mortality. This is an ecological cancer mortality study at municipal level, covering 861,440 cancer deaths in 7917 Spanish mainland towns from 1999 to 2008. Chromium and arsenic topsoil levels (partial extraction) were determined by ICP-MS at 13,317 sampling points. To estimate the effect of these concentrations on mortality, we fitted Besag, York and Mollié models, which included, as explanatory variables, each town’s chromium and arsenic soil levels, estimated by kriging. In addition, we also fitted geostatistical-spatial models including sample locations and town centroids (non-aligned data), using the integrated nested Laplace approximation (INLA) and stochastic partial differential equations (SPDE). All results were adjusted for socio-demographic variables and proximity to industrial emissions. The results showed a statistical association in men and women alike, between arsenic soil levels and mortality due to cancers of the stomach, pancreas, lung and brain and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas (NHL). Among men, an association was observed with cancers of the prostate, buccal cavity and pharynx, oesophagus, colorectal and kidney. Chromium topsoil levels were associated with mortality among women alone, in cancers of the upper gastrointestinal tract, breast and NHL. Our results suggest that chronic exposure arising from low levels of arsenic and chromium in topsoil could be a potential risk factor for developing cancer. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s11356-016-6806-y) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Overdentures-supported with implants in totally edentulous geriatric patients

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    En la actualidad, la implantología oral constituye una modalidad terapéutica en el tratamiento prostodóncico de los pacientes mayores edéntulos totales. La utilización de implantes oseointegrados para rehabilitar la mandíbula o el maxilar edéntulos ha aumentado en el tratamiento de los pacientes geriátricos. La odontología clínica ha demostrado la aplicación con éxito de las técnicas implantológicas orales en los pacientes ancianos. Las sobredentaduras son una excelente modalidad terapéutica de prótesis sobre implantes con una buena respuesta funcional y estética en estos pacientes. La valoración médica y un plan de tratamiento es necesaria para optimizar los beneficios de la rehabilitación oral con sobredentaduras implantosoportadas sobre la calidad de vida de los pacientes geriátricos. Algunos implantes pueden constituir los elementos retentivos, mediante ataches de las sobredentaduras. Los resultados clínicos de muchos estudios demuestran que la rehabilitación prostodóncica mediante una sobredentadura con implantes de los pacientes edéntulos representa una terapéutica implantológica con éxito

    Hunger & satiety signals: another key mechanism involved in the NAFLD pathway

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    Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a highly prevalent metabolic disease, although prevalence could change according to region, nowadays is considered a public health problem whose real impact on the health system is unknown. NAFLD has a multifactorial and complex pathophysiology, due to this, developing a unique and effective pharmacological treatment has not been successful in reverting or avoiding the progression of this liver disease. Even though NAFLD pathophysiology is known, all actual treatments are focused on modifying or regulating the metabolic pathways, some of which interplay with obesity. It has been known that impairments in hunger and satiety signals are associated with obesity, however, abnormalities in these signals in patients with NAFLD and obesity are not fully elucidated. To describe these mechanisms opens an additional option as a therapeutic target sharing metabolic pathways with NAFLD, therefore, this review aims to describe the hormones and peptides implicated in both hunger-satiety in NAFLD. It has been established that NAFLD pharmacological treatment cannot be focused on a single purpose; hence, identifying interplays that lead to adding or modifying current treatment options could also have an impact on another related outcome such as hunger or satiety signals

    Sistema fotovoltaico multifuncional conectado a la red eléctrica controlado por medio de modos deslizantes

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    Debido al uso de cargas electrónicas no lineales, la calidad de la energía eléctrica se ha ido deteriorando. Con el creciente uso de fuentes renovables de energía interconectadas a la red eléctrica es posible integrar la función de los filtros activos de potencia a los sistemas fotovoltaicos (PV, por sus siglas en inglés) conectados a la red, modificando el control del convertidor. Debido a lo antes mencionado en este trabajo se propone el uso de un sistema PV controlado por medio de modos deslizantes, con una superficie deslizante capaz de inyectar tanto potencia activa como reactiva para eliminar los armónicos de corriente en el punto de acoplamiento común (PAC) y mantener un factor de potencia elevado aún ante la presencia de cargas no lineales, con la ventaja de una fácil implementación.El sistema es diseñado y simulado, con lo cual se confirma la eficacia del controlador por modos deslizantes propuesto. Además se mencionan las ventajas sobre los inversores PV convencionales.Palabra(s) Clave(s): control por modos deslizantes, inversor fotovoltaico, potencia activa, superficie de deslizamiento

    Propuesta de plan de auditoría interna, al sistema de gestión de calidad e inocuidad de la empresa productos alimenticios Magdalana.

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    Una auditoria es un proceso sistemático, que permite mediante la recolección de evidencias, determinar la confiabilidad y calidad de la ejecución de las actividades realizadas, en congruencia a los criterios de auditoria, requisitos, políticas y procedimientos establecidos en la organización, para la toma de decisiones. ISO19011 (2018) describe que la auditoría interna es un mecanismo mediante el cual se realiza la medición referente al cumplimiento de los requisitos de un sistema de inocuidad. Para un ejercicio de auditoria es necesario apoyarse en una serie de criterios, entre los que se encuentran requisitos normativos, políticas, requisitos de las partes interesadas, requisitos legales, planes de calidad entre otros. Teniendo en cuenta el programa de auditoria interna al Sistema de Gestión de la Calidad de Productos Alimenticios Magdalana, quien se dedica a la producción de masas congeladas para panificación, se realiza un programa de auditoria con la necesidad de estructurar y planear la evaluación del cumplimiento de los requisitos pactados. De esta manera implementando diversas medidas para lograr identificar, prevenir, controlar y mantener los peligros asociados a los alimentos en niveles aceptables asegurando así la inocuidad alimentaria.An audit is a systematic process, which allows, through the collection of evidence, to determine the reliability and quality of the execution of the activities carried out, in accordance with the audit criteria, requirements, policies and procedures established in the organization, for the taking of decisions. ISO19011 (2018) describes that internal auditing is a mechanism by which measurement is carried out regarding compliance with the requirements of a safety system. For an audit exercise it is necessary to rely on a series of criteria, among which are regulatory requirements, policies, stakeholder requirements, legal requirements, quality plans, among others. Taking into account the internal audit program of the Magdalana Food Products Quality Management System, which is dedicated to the production of frozen doughs for baking, an audit program is carried out with the need to structure and plan the evaluation of compliance with the agreed requirements. In this way, implementing various measures to identify, prevent, control and maintain the hazards associated with food at acceptable levels, thus ensuring food safety

    Diversidad de coleópteros copro-necrófagos en el Rancho Canaletas, Paso del Macho, Veracruz, México

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    Se presenta un estudio de coleópteros Scarabaeidae (sensu stricto) encontrados en el Rancho Canaletas, de Paso del Macho, Veracruz. Los datos se obtuvieron de enero a diciembre de 2008 en una selva perennifolia (SP) y en un potrero (PT), situados a 500 m de altitud. Por medio de coprotrampas (CPT), necrotrampas permanentes (NTP) y colectas directas sobre estiércol de ganado vacuno, se obtuvo una muestra de 560 individuos representantes de tres familias, once géneros y 18 especies. Las especies Canthidium centrale (Boucomont), Canthon euryscelis (Bates), Deltochilum pseudoparile (Paulian), Deltochilum scabriusculum (Bates), Eurysternus angustulus (Harold) y Sulcophanaeus chryseicollis (Harold) son exclusivas de SP, mientras que Coprophanaeus pluto (Harold) y Omorgus rubricans (Robinson) son exclusivas de PT. Se aprecia mayor riqueza, diversidad y abundancia en SP que en PT; la coleopterofauna de esta localidad se agrupa con las de Pipiapan, Veracruz, Boca del Chajul, Chiapas y Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz