269 research outputs found

    Ikääntyneen muistisairaan toimintakyvyn harjoittelu : liikunnallinen opas päivätoiminnan henkilökunnalle

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    Tämä toiminnallinen opinnäytetyö on tuotettu Järvenpään kaupungille ikääntyvien päivätoimintaan. Tarve muistisairaiden liikunnalliselle oppaalle syntyi päivätoiminnan henkilökunnan halusta kehittää omaa työtä. Henkilökunta toivoi arkeen konkreettisen työvälineen muistisairaan fyysiseen kuntouttamiseen. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tuottaa päivätoiminnan henkilökunnalle ikääntyneiden muistisairaiden kaksiosainen liikunnallinen opas. Opinnäyte sisältää kirjallisen raportin ja kuvallisen osion. Tarkoituksena on tukea muistisairaan kuntoutumista liikunnallisten harjoitteiden avulla. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on tuoda helpotusta omaishoitajien jaksamiseen sekä kunnalle kustannussäästöjä, koska laitospaikat vähenisivät ja tehdyillä ratkaisuilla on tuettava kotihoitoa. Liikunnallisen oppaan kehittäminen pohjautuu tuotteistamisprosessiin, jonka vai-heina ovat: tarpeen tunnistaminen, ideointi, luonnostelu, kehittäminen ja valmis tuote. Raportissa tuodaan esille normaali ikääntyminen ja yleisimmät etenevät muistisairaudet sekä päivätoiminta. Lisäksi tuotiin esille, millaisilla liikuntaharjoitteilla voidaan ylläpitää ja edistää muistisairaan toimintakykyä. Opas luovutetaan päivätoiminnan henkilökunnan käyttöön opinnäytetyön valmistuttua. Opas on käytettävissä kaikille ikääntyneille, omaishoitajille, hoitohenkilökunnalle sekä kaikille ikääntyneen muistisairaan ohjaamisesta kiinnostuneille. Harjoitteita voidaan tehdä ryhmä- sekä yksilöharjoitteina.This functional thesis work is carried out for Järvenpää city personnel for daytime activities for the elderly. The need for this kind of a guide has risen from the personnel of daytime activities for the elderly. The personnel's aim is to develop their own work and to have a concrete tool for physical rehabilitation of clients with memory diseases. The main goal of this thesis work was to produce a day center personnel practice guide and the work was divided into two proportions. The thesis work includes a written report section and a graphic exercise section. The objective was to support the memory disease persons’ rehabilitation with the exercises. Additionally, the objective was also to bring relief to the work of the home carers and economical savings to the municipality, because institutional care places will be decreased and that solution and will support home care. The different phases of the practice guide were: recognitions of needs, ideas, sketching, development and an output. The report brings up normal process of ageing, the more common progressive memory diseases and the day center. Moreover, it discusses with what kind of exercises can be maintained the clients’ with memory diseases ability to function. The exersice guide will be given to the day center personnel after the thesis work is completed. The guide will be available to elderly, home carers, nursing staff and to all who are interested in guiding persons with memory disability. The exercises can be made either individually or in groups

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    Non-drinkers’ experiences of drinking occasions : A population-based study of social consequences of abstaining from alcohol

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    Background People should be able to quit or moderate their drinking without negative social consequences, but studies have shown how nondrinkers often face pressure and negative reactions. As previous research has mostly focused on youth, we conducted a population-level study of the ways adult nondrinkers encounter their drinking companions on drinking occasions and what kinds of reactions they perceive from their social environments. Method The data were based on the Finnish Drinking Habits Survey (FDHS), a general population survey of Finns aged 15-79 collected in 2016 (N = 2,285; 330 nondrinkers; response rate 60%). Characteristics of drinking occasions where nondrinkers participate ("non-drinking occasions") were measured through self-reports of frequency, time, purpose, and social companion on those occasions. Nondrinkers' experiences of non-drinking occasions and reactions from the social environment were measured by question batteries on social consequences. Results Compared with drinking occasions, non-drinking occasions occurred more often at family events at home than on late-night drinking occasions. Accordingly, nondrinkers reported relatively low levels of negative consequences, and the reported consequences were least frequent in the oldest age group. Nondrinkers reported mostly positive feedback from people around them, more often from family members than from peers. However, negative consequences were reported in all studied groups, most commonly among youth and former drinkers. Conclusions The study indicates that nondrinkers' social environments may be more supportive than what has been suggested previously, yet coping mechanisms are required especially from youth and former drinkers. The positive social experiences of being a nondrinker should guide the promotion of moderate and non-drinking.Peer reviewe

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    Alkoholiongelmat ja työmarkkinoilla pysyminen: varhaista puuttumista tarvitaan

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    Työikäisten alkoholin ongelmakäyttöön tulee puuttua terveydenhuollon kaikilla tasoilla

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