437 research outputs found

    EMPENTA : Aplicació web generador de pla d'empresa online

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    Empenta és una aplicació web per realitzar plans d’empresa online. Molt intuïtiva, degut a un extens sistema d’ajudes i enllaços externs. Mitjançant entrades de dades (formularis) per part dels usuaris emprenedors registrats, l’aplicació genera: 1. Anàlisi Financer – Anàlisi de ràtios econòmics (endeutament, liquiditat, solvència, etc) per determinar la viabilitat del projecte de negoci. 2. Pla d’empresa PDF – Maqueta i estructura totes les dades de l’aplicació en format PDF, per presentar com a documentació a entitats financeres(per demanar crèdits bancaris), al SOC (capitalització atur), etc. Té una part d’administració, per actualitzar totes les dades que els usuaris necessitin tals com: percentatges dels impostos (impost de societats, IVA, ...), amortitzacions del immobilitzat, etc. I també podrà donar de baixa usuaris i plans d’empresa. El projecte s’ha desenvolupat amb PHP5 i MySQL com SGBD, el disseny web amb HTML5 i CSS3, i s’ha fet us de jQuery per millorar funcionalitats i aspecte

    Novel Antibacterial and Toughened Carbon-Fibre/Epoxy Composites by the Incorporation of TiO2 Nanoparticles Modified Electrospun Nanofibre Veils

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    The inclusion of electrospun nanofiber veils was revealed as an effective method for enhancing the mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced epoxy resin composites. These veils will eventually allow the incorporation of nanomaterials not only for mechanical reinforcement but also in multifunctional applications. Therefore, this paper investigates the effect of electrospun nanofibrous veils made of polyamide 6 modified with TiO2 nanoparticles on the mechanical properties of a carbon-fiber/epoxy composite. The nanofibers were included in the carbon-fiber/epoxy composite as a single structure. The effect of positioning these veils in different composite positions was investigated. Compared to the reference, the use of unmodified and TiO2 modified veils increased the flexural stress at failure and the fracture toughness of composites. When TiO2 modified veils were incorporated, new antibacterial properties were achieved due to the photocatalytic properties of the veils, widening the application area of these composites.This research is funded by the ELKARTEK Programme, “ACTIMAT”, grupos de investigación del sistema universitario vasco (IT718-13), the Spanish government through the project TEC2015-63838-C3-1-R-OPTONANOSENS and from the Basque government through the project KK-2017/00089-µ4F


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    En el presente trabajo se procede a la utilización de la multimedia “NUTRICIÓN Y DEPORTE, como una opción para educar en Promoción de la Salud a los docentes de la Escuela Pedagógica, “Vladislav Volkov” del municipio de Cabaiguán. Para ello se elaboraron un conjunto de talleres que posibilitaron la preparación de los docentes.   La  muestra está formada por 20 docentes; en el proceso investigativo se utilizaron  diferentes métodos del nivel teórico, empírico,  matemático y/o estadístico. Se constató la efectividad de la autopreparación por parte de los docentes, al  apropiarse de conocimientos, habilidades, actitudes y valores para  contribuir a la promoción de la salud  en las instituciones educativas

    Corrected coupled-wave theory for non-slanted reflection gratings

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    In this work we present an analysis of non-slanted reflection gratings by using a corrected Coupled Wave Theory which takes into account boundary conditions. It is well known that Kogelnik's Coupled Wave Theory predicts with great accuracy the response of the efficiency of the zero and first order for volume phase gratings, for both reflection and transmission gratings. Nonetheless, since this theory disregard the second derivatives in the coupled wave equations derived from Maxwell equations, it doesn't account for boundary conditions. Moreover only two orders are supposed, so when either the thickness is low or when high refractive index high are recorded in the element Kogelnik's Theory deviates from the expected results. In Addition, for non-slanted reflection gratings, the natural reflected wave superimpose the reflection order predicted by Coupled Wave theories, so the reflectance cannot be obtained by the classical expression of Kogelnik's Theory for reflection gratings. In this work we correct Kogelnik's Coupled Wave Theory to take into account these issues, the results are compared to those obtained by a Matrix Method, showing good agreement between both theories.This work was supported by the “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación" of Spain under projects FIS2008-05856-C02-01 and FIS2008-05856-C02-02, and by the “Generalitat Valenciana" of Spain under project PROMETEO/2011/021

    The Successor Training as a Success Factor in the Management and Continuity of the Family Business

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    The formation of the successor is a process that begins at home from an early age, and its main objective is to preserve the family legacy and keep the company's administration in the hands of the family. The family business's continuity depends mainly on the training received by their predecessors' successors to replace them in business management when retirement them. A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out that identified the influence of the successors' formation to achieve success in business management and the family business's continuity. This study collected data from 15 family businesses located in southeastern Mexico. The data collection instrument used was a closed-order questionnaire that was validated using Pearson's correlation. The chi-square test of statistical independence generates the calculation of the dependency between the variables studied. The theoretical chi-square graph is the pair of variables that make up the hypothesis and its theoretical inverse function: p-value = 0.05 vs. chi-square of 1 degree of freedom to observe the intersection. In conclusion, the statistical tests yielded six variables more dependent on each other. Items three and four, four and one, and two and seven associated with 95% reliability in theoretical or critical chi and 100% reliability in observed or experimental chi. Therefore, these results found are statistically significant. It observed that the training of successors influences business management's success and the family business's continuity. This hypothesis verified an observed or experimental chi value of 5.2387 and a theoretical or critical chi of 3.8415