431 research outputs found

    Organic colorants based on lac dye and brazilwood as markers for a chronology and geography of medieval scriptoria: a chemometrics approach

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    CORES-PD/00253/2012 PD/BD/105895/2014 SFRH/BD/148729/2019 PTDC/LLT-EGL/30984/2017 UIDB/50006/2020 UIDP/50006/2020This work presents the first proof of concept for the use of molecular fluorescence signatures in medieval colours based on lac dye and brazilwood lake pigments. These two important medieval dyes were tested as markers using their UV–Visible emission and excitation spectra. These medieval paints had been previously fully characterized through a multi-analytical approach. In this work, molecular fluorescence spectra were acquired in manuscripts dating from 12th to 15th c., which were produced in monastic scriptoria or workshops. First, the spectral distribution and relative intensity of the emission and excitation spectra were discussed in detail by comparison with reference compounds, including reproductions of paints based on medieval technical texts. It was possible to group the spectra according to recipe specificities. Then, statistical methods (principal component analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis) were applied to the same fluorescence spectra and the generated clusters were compared with the previous ones. Principal component analysis was initially employed to eliminate redundancy in fluorescence data, so minimizing bias on the hierarchical cluster analysis results. Except for some misplaced spectra, the placement of samples per group was confirmed. The outliers resulted from either a poor signal to noise ratio or occurred because certain paints were unique, such as the colour produced by mixing lac dye and brazilwood, which was found in manuscripts from the Alcobaça monastic scriptorium. Previously, by using infrared or Raman spectroscopies, only lac dye could be detected. Notably, these paints compare well with a recipe that was reproduced from the text by Jean Le Begue, in which both dyes were required.[Figure not available: see fulltext.]publishersversionpublishe

    Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) and severe pulmonary involvement: case report

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    Juvenile dermatomyositis (JDM) is an inflammatory, non-pustular disorder of skeletal muscles and skin. Other organs, such as the lungs, can be involved. Pulmonary complications are associated with high morbimortality rates and can develop in the acute phase of the disease. Due to its rarity, diagnosis difficulty and severity pulmonary involvement, we report the case of a 3-year-old girl with JDM and pulmonary involvement and evolution to death.A dermatomiosite juvenil (DMJ) é uma doença inflamatória não supurativa dos músculos esqueléticos e da pele.Outros órgãos podem estar envolvidos, como, por exemplo, os pulmões. As complicações pulmonares estão associadas a altas taxas de morbimortalidade e podem ocorrer na fase aguda da doença. Devido à raridade, dificuldade no diagnóstico e gravidade do acometimento pulmonar, relatamos o caso de uma menina de 3 anos com DMJ e envolvimento pulmonar que evoluiu para óbito.UNIFESP-EPM Departamento de PediatriaUNIFESP-EPM Departamento de PatologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de PediatriaUNIFESP, EPM Depto. de PatologiaSciEL

    Bons professores, formação inicial e desafios: de quem estamos falando?

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    Good teachers, initial training and challenges: what are we speaking about?ResumoFalar sobre a boa prática em sala de aula é polêmico. Definir bons professores e suas características também. A literatura tem tentado expressar algumas características. Esta pesquisa pretendeu descrever bons professores dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Para tanto, valeu-se da abordagem qualitativa. A princípio foram consultados estudantes do 3º ao 5º ano de duas escolas de ensino fundamental, de contextos distintos, uma particular e uma pública, por meio de questionário cujas perguntas foram embasadas na literatura sobre bons professores, a fim de que indicassem um docente como um profissional exitoso. As principais características apontadas pelos estudantes para bons professores foram: exigente, possui domínio do conteúdo e tem boa interação com os estudantes. Em seguida, foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com as docentes indicadas pelos alunos a fim de conhecer mais profundamente essas profissionais, sua formação, seus desafios e a maneira como estes foram superados, e a possível relação destes aspectos com a sua prática pedagógica. Percebeu-se que ambas as professoras eleitas chegaram à docência por caminhos diferentes, encontraram desafios quanto ao “saber fazer” comuns ao início do exercício profissional e superaram com apoio da escola e autoformação.Palavras-chave: Bons professores. Formação docente. Saberes Docentes. AbstractThis research aimed to describe good primary school teachers, initial years, initially pointed out by their students, regarding their initial formation and main challenges of the beginning of teaching. For that, a qualitative methodology was used, with the application of a questionnaire to the students, based on the literature on good teachers, in order to indicate a teacher and to choose characteristics that make him successful. After that, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teachers indicated to know their initial formation, their challenges and the way they were overcome, and a possible relation of these aspects to the current practice. The main characteristics pointed out by the students for good teachers were: requirement, mastery of content, which is always contextualized according to the realities, good interaction with the students. It was noticed that both elected teachers came to teaching in different ways, encountered challenges in the "know-how" common to the beginning of the professional exercise and surpassed with school support and self-training..Keywords: Good teachers. Teachers Trainning. Knowledge teachers

    Adverse drug reaction monitoring: support for pharmacovigilance at a tertiary care hospital in Northern Brazil

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    BACKGROUND: Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are recognised as a common cause of hospital admissions, and they constitute a significant economic burden for hospitals. Hospital-based ADR monitoring and reporting programmes aim to identify and quantify the risks associated with the use of drugs provided in a hospital setting. This information may be useful for identifying and minimising preventable ADRs and may enhance the ability of prescribers to manage ADRs more effectively. The main objectives of this study were to evaluate ADRs that occurred during inpatient stays at the Hospital Geral de Palmas (HGP) in Tocantins, Brazil, and to facilitate the development of a pharmacovigilance service. METHODS: A prospective study was conducted at HGP over a period of 8 months, from January 2009 to August 2009. This observational, cross-sectional, descriptive study was based on an analysis of medical records. Several parameters were utilised in the data evaluation, including patient demographics, drug and reaction characteristics, and reaction outcomes. The reaction severity and predisposing factors were also assessed. RESULTS: The overall incidence of ADRs in the patient population was 3.1%, and gender was not found to be a risk factor. The highest ADR rate (75.8%) was found in the adult age group 15 to 50 years, and the lowest ADR rate was found in children aged 3 to 13 years (7.4%). Because of the high frequency of ADRs in orthopaedic (25%), general medicine (22%), and oncology (16%) patients, improved control of the drugs used in these specialties is required. Additionally, the nurse team (52.7%) registered the most ADRs in medical records, most likely due to the job responsibilities of nurses. As expected, the most noticeable ADRs occurred in skin tissues, with such ADRs are more obvious to medical staff, with rashes being the most common reactions. Metamizole, tramadol, and vancomycin were responsible for 21, 11.6, and 8.4% of ADRs, respectively. The majority of ADRs had moderate severity (58.9%), thus requiring intervention. Type A reactions were the most common (82.1%). At least one predisposing factor was present in 79.9% of the reports examined, and the most common predisposing factor was polypharmacy. CONCLUSIONS: The results obtained will contribute to the development of strategies for the pharmacovigilance service at HGP and other hospitals throughout the country, which will improve the quality of ADR reporting and ensure safer drug use in Brazilian hospitals

    Literacy and metalinguistic development: a study with illiterate adults

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    This study was designed to investigate the role of literacy in metalinguistic development. Twenty-five adults (5 illiterate, 7 in an intermediate level of literacy and 13 in a advanced level) participated in this study. The adults were tested in several syntactic and phonological awareness tasks. Results of non-parametric Analysis of Variance showed that illiterate adults had overall worse performance than the literate ones. There was little difference between the literate groups. The results suggest that literacy have an effect in metalinguistic awareness development.Este estudo - com vinte e cinco adultos (5 não alfabetizados, 7 com nível de leitura intermediário e 13 com nível de leitura mais avançado) - foi delineado para investigar o papel da alfabetização no desenvolvimento da consciência metalingüística. Os adultos realizaram várias tarefas de consciência sintática e fonológica. Os resultados das análises de variância não paramétricas realizadas mostraram que os adultos não alfabetizados tiveram performances inferiores, em geral, a dos alfabetizados. No entanto pouca diferença foi encontrada entre os grupos de leitores. Os resultados sugerem que a alfabetização tem um efeito no desenvolvimento metalingüístico

    Surto epidêmico de rubeola no Rio de Janeiro em 1974

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    A educação brasileira no movimento da história: caminhos e desdobramentos

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    The objective is to weave a dialogue about Brazilian education in the movement of history, in order to understand and elucidate the main paths and mismatches experienced by this education, from the arrival of the Jesuits to Brazilian lands until the end of the 1990, and what are the consequences of these historical events for society, especially for the field of public education. The research presented here is a bibliographical study, with a qualitative approach, revealing in this sense that Brazilian education, in that period, followed many paths and faced several impasses in the struggle for essential rights to the whole society, having experienced several consequences, sometimes positive, sometimes negative. Given the above, we consider that education needs to be treated as a social priority and that the struggles carried out by those who believe that education is a fundamental mediation in the process of transforming society are essential.Objetiva-se tecer um diálogo sobre a educação brasileira no movimento da história, de forma a compreender e elucidar os principais caminhos vivenciados desde a chegada dos jesuítas às terras brasileiras até o final da década de 1990, e quais os desdobramentos desses eventos históricos para a sociedade, destacadamente para o campo da educação pública. A pesquisa aqui exposta trata-se de um estudo de cunho bibliográfico, de abordagem qualitativa, revelando neste sentido que a educação brasileira, no referido período, enfrentou diversos impasses na luta por direitos essenciais a toda a sociedade, tendo experimentado desdobramentos, ora positivos, ora negativos. Ante o exposto, consideramos que a educação precisa ser tratada como prioridade social e que as lutas realizadas pelos que acreditam ser a educação uma mediação fundamental no processo de transformação da sociedade é imprescindíveis

    Ciência e Arte na escola: (re)configurando o ensino de Biologia

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    Biology teaching has specificities and, therefore, requires the use of resources that can favor the teaching and learning processes. This work was developed from the subjects' demand to report that they had never worked with games and didactic models in Biology teaching and believed that these resources favored knowledge gain. Thus, the research was developed with students from the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year of high school at a state school located in the city of Jucás/CE. The results show that games and didactic models enrich Biology classes and help in understanding the content, arousing interest. In addition, the proposal presented in this work indicates that activities of this nature promote student interaction, the search for dynamic proposals for learning, proactivity, artistic development, responsibility, creative capacity and other important characteristics in the students' training process.O ensino de Biologia apresenta especificidades e, com isso, requer a utilização de recursos que possam favorecer os processos de ensino e de aprendizagem. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir da demanda dos sujeitos de relatarem que nunca haviam trabalhado com jogos e modelos didáticos no ensino de Biologia e acreditavam que esses recursos favoreciam o ganho de conhecimento. Dessa forma, a pesquisa foi desenvolvida com alunos do 1º, 2º e 3º ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola estadual localizada no município de Jucás/CE. Os resultados apontam que os jogos e modelos didáticos enriquecem as aulas de Biologia e auxiliam na compreensão do conteúdo, despertando interesse. Além disso, a proposta apresentada neste trabalho sinaliza que atividades dessa natureza promovem a interação dos alunos, a busca por propostas dinâmicas de aprendizagem, a proatividade, o desenvolvimento artístico, a responsabilidade, a capacidade criativa e outras características importantes no processo formativo dos estudantes

    Curso Técnico de Enfermería del PROFAE - Ceará: un análisis bajo la óptica de los egresados

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    Este estudo objetivou analisar o curso Técnico em Enfermagem do PROFAE, sob a perspectiva dos egressos, vislumbrando o reconhecimento dos pontos fortes e as dificuldades decorrentes do desenvolvimento do curso. Estudo descritivo-exploratório de natureza qualitativa, desenvolvido com os egressos da Escola de Saúde Pública do Ceará. Foram realizados dois grupos focais, com 21 egressos, em maio e junho de 2007. Utilizou-se a análise de conteúdo para a compreensão das falas. Evidenciou-se que o curso proporcionou aquisição de conhecimentos, transformando a vida dos participantes, passando a ser agente de mudança no contexto de trabalho. Foram analisados a qualidade do currículo, a metodologia, o material didático disponibilizado pela instituição, bem como a atuação do corpo docente. Como pontos frágeis citaram-se a limitação do campo de estágio, duração do curso e gerenciamento de ajuda de custo. Entende-se que a avaliação representa um aspecto importante para o curso, ensejando o aperfeiçoamento da proposta.Este estudio objetivó analizar el curso Técnico en Enfermería del PROFAE, bajo la perspectiva de los egresados, con la finalidad de conocer los puntos fuertes y las dificultades provenientes del desarrollo del curso. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y exploratorio, de naturaleza cualitativa, desarrollado con los egresados de la Escuela de Salud Pública de Ceará. Fueron creados dos grupos, con 21 egresados, en mayo y junio de 2.007. Se utilizó el análisis de contenido para comprender los diálogos. Se colocó en evidencia que el curso proporcionó la adquisición de conocimientos, transformando la vida de los participantes, pasando a ser un agente de cambios en el contexto de trabajo. Fueron analizados la calidad del currículum, la metodología, el material didáctico disponible en la institución, así como la actuación del cuerpo docente. Como puntos frágiles se citaron la limitación del campo de prácticas, la duración del curso y la administración de ayuda de costo. Se entiende que la evaluación representa un aspecto importante para el curso, que tiene por finalidad perfeccionar la propuesta.This study aimed to analyze PROFAE's technical Nursing course from the perspective of the students that had completed the course regarding the identification of strengths and weaknesses they identified during the program. This exploratory, qualitative-based descriptive study was carried out with graduates of the Public Healthcare School of Ceará, who had completed the course. Two focal groups composed of 21 graduates were organized in the months of May and June 2007. The content analysis was used for the comprehension of the discourses. Results indicated that the course provided the graduates with a great deal of knowledge, thus positively affecting their lives and transforming them into agents of change in their work contexts. The study analyzed the curriculum, the methodology, the textbooks and other available materials, as well as the professors. The reported weaknesses were training field limitations, the length of the course, and the sponsorship management. The present assessment represents an important tool for the development of the course, generating an opportunity for the improvement of the proposal