42 research outputs found


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    Participants included 50 individuals of age20.5. Oculo-motor reactions and sympathetic skin response (SSR) have been monitored during perception of visual stimuli of different comfort. The research is unique in that sympathetic skin response registration is realized at the same time with eye tracking, giving thus an opportunity of analyzing cognitive visual-motor activity while viewing images and related physiological parameters, which reflect the autonomic nervous system (ANS) functional status. Activation of the ergotropic brain system has been found during uncomfortable stimuli perception that is to provide vegetative mobilizationof organizm. When comfort visual stimuli were presented to participants the trophotropic brain system was activated, indicating relaxing influence of the stimuli. An eye tracking analysis revealed an increase of dynamic and static parameters during uncomfortable images perception. This increase characterizes high tension of visual functional system. A correlational analysis has revealed diverse and significant relations between eye tracking and SSR measures in comfort stimuli perception. This relies upon consensual functioning of the ANS and oculo-motor system, providing optimal mode of visual analyzer

    The Technology Of Forming A Future Specialist’s Basic Economic Culture

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    Despite a significant role of a society’s economic culture and a worker’s personality in the life of the society, an enterprise or another person, the problem of forming economic culture is underdeveloped in pedagogic and economic literature. It is still not clear how the processes of forming an individual’s basic economic culture and a specialist’s professional education in the conditions of continuous economic education are interconnected. Low effectiveness of a person who is not economically educated is underestimated. The process of a person’s economic culture growth causes significant problems as it appears to be a complex integrated phenomenon characterizing the manufacturing and entrepreneurial activities (the most important values accepted by the society members; dominating ethical standards of economic activity; the code of behavior; the system of formal and informal norms of economic activity; rituals, customs and traditions, individual and community interests; the level of the company consciousness and management, the manager’s organizing and administrative activity; availability and high quality of company’s basic and business documents; state-of-the-art office equipment, etc.). The economic component is a part of each block of requirements to the specialist and as a consequence is not an independent direction. However, its formation cannot be reached by a single learning discipline or a course of disciplines, but requires a system approach. The move to the market economy, the integration into the international educational space, the processes of democratization and humanization of the society life have required the Russian system of education to respond to a whole range of demands: to make the process of the specialist’s preparation for life and the specialist him/herself more flexible, able to respond to the changes in social processes; to adapt the graduates to the market relationships, which depend on the occupation level and the level of proposition in a work sphere; to ensure the flexibility of education which will facilitate a more comprehensive realization of a person’s creative potential

    Focus Laterality and Interface Between Depression and Anxiety in Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

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    The aim of the current study was to evaluate an interaction between anxiety and depression in persons with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) in relation to foci lateralization. Ninety-four patients with temporal lobe epilepsy were included in the study (25 cases with left-sided focus activity, 25 cases with right-sided focus activity, and 44 patients with bilateral foci activity). The Hopkins Symptoms Check List (SCL-90) scale was used for psychopathological assessment. Pearson product moment correlations between nine constructs of SCL-90 were calculated separately for left-sided, right-sided, and bilateral foci groups. On the final stage, forward stepwise regression analysis was used for left-sided, right-sided, and bilateral foci groups separately. As dependent variables, the SCL-90 constructs of depression and anxiety were used. The obtained findings have shown the existence of close correlation between constructs of depression and anxiety in the right-sided focus and bilateral foci TLE patients, whereas the correlation was less expressed in the left-sided focus group. Regression analysis revealed the dependence of depression on anxiety and vice versa dependence of anxiety on depression in the right-sided focus group, but not the left-sided focus group. Depression and anxiety seem to represent one more solid syndrome in TLE patients with right-sided focus activity and rather two independent syndromes in TLE patients with the left-sided focus activity

    Technology Of Forming A Multicomponent Organizational Structure Of A Continuous Pedagogical Education System

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    Successful results of all types of professional activities largely depend on the quality of training. At present, however, the acquired knowledge does not guarantee a university graduate stability of success throughout his/her career. Thus, the concept of lifelong education was gradually formed. From the previously established stereotype “education for life”, society is moving to the “education throughout life”. The traditional division of a person’s active life into the period of professional activity and study is blurring. There is a need for a transition to continuing professional education throughout life. One of the most important tasks for the management is to ensure the continuous development and survival of the organizations. Such a task is also vital for the institutions of additional professional education. With the transition to the newly established market relations, in the Russian Federation, the conditions for the operation of the system of additional professional education have changed significantly. First of all, a market for services in the field of additional professional education has emerged, where a large number of organizations of various forms of ownership operate, creating strong competition. In these conditions, the maximum consideration of different factors influencing on the additional professional education institutions, as well as the choice of a management strategy, is an important condition for their successful development and competitiveness. The demand of society for an effective system of additional vocational education determines its place and role in the state policy in relation to the development of human resources. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the challenges of the labor market, the increasing needs of production, the real sector of the economy, the non-production sphere in qualified workers, specialists, managers, as well as training and re-training of unemployed citizens

    Technology Of Forming A Multicomponent Organizational Structure Of A Continuous Pedagogical Education System

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    Successful results of all types of professional activities largely depend on the quality of training. At present, however, the acquired knowledge does not guarantee a university graduate stability of success throughout his/her career. Thus, the concept of lifelong education was gradually formed. From the previously established stereotype “education for life”, society is moving to the “education throughout life”. The traditional division of a person’s active life into the period of professional activity and study is blurring. There is a need for a transition to continuing professional education throughout life. One of the most important tasks for the management is to ensure the continuous development and survival of the organizations. Such a task is also vital for the institutions of additional professional education. With the transition to the newly established market relations, in the Russian Federation, the conditions for the operation of the system of additional professional education have changed significantly. First of all, a market for services in the field of additional professional education has emerged, where a large number of organizations of various forms of ownership operate, creating strong competition. In these conditions, the maximum consideration of different factors influencing on the additional professional education institutions, as well as the choice of a management strategy, is an important condition for their successful development and competitiveness. The demand of society for an effective system of additional vocational education determines its place and role in the state policy in relation to the development of human resources. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the challenges of the labor market, the increasing needs of production, the real sector of the economy, the non-production sphere in qualified workers, specialists, managers, as well as training and re-training of unemployed citizens

    The Role of Personal and Immune Variables in the Development of Co-Morbid Affective and Related Psychopathological Syndromes in Partial Epilepsies in Relation to Handedness

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    The current study was performed in order to find the influence of premorbid personality traits and immune variables on psychopathological constructs including affective and related syndromes in patients with epilepsy separately for right-handers and left-handers. Ninety two patients with epilepsy have been included into the study. There were 85 right-handers and 7 left-handers. Assessment of psychopathological status of patients has been performed by using of Symptom Check List −90 (SCL-90) and the Hamilton rating scales for Depression and Anxiety. The Munich Personality test (MPT) was used for the assessment of personality trait. The amounts of different lymphocytes clusters were calculated. The multiple stepwise regression analysis was used to find the relationships between personality, immunity variables and affective and related psychopathological syndromes separately for right-handers and left-handers.In the right-handers significant relationships between the Neuroticism level (MPT) and value of HAM-D, Depression construct (SCL-90), Anxiety (SCL-90), Obsessions (SCL-90) and Phobia construct (SCL-90) have been obtained. In the left-handers stochastically significant correlations between Regulatory Index (CD4/CD8) with Depression construct (SCL-90) and Obsession construct (SCL-90) were revealed. Premorbid personality traits determine the affective, anxiety, obsessive and phobia syndromes strictly in right-handed patients with epilepsy, while immunity variables (CD4/CD) quite the contrary predispose to affective and obsessive syndromes strictly in left-handed patients

    Модели корпоративного образования в Соединенных Штатах Америки

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    This paper analyzes the socio-economic determinants of the development of corporate education in the conditions of social changes, philosophical foundations of corporate education as an integral part of adult education, determines the methodological approaches to its analysis, reveals theoretical principles, raises the concept of the research, elucidates the features of the development of corporate education in developed countries of the world. Modern models of corporate education were singled out; interconnection and mutual influence of corporate culture and corporate training was found; the role of social partnership in the functioning and management of corporate education in the USA was defined.В данной статье анализируются социально-экономические детерминанты развития корпоративного образования в условиях социальных изменений, философские основы корпоративного образования как неотъемлемой части образования взрослых, определяются методологические подходы к его анализу, Раскрывает теоретические основы, поднимает концепцию исследования, выясняет особенности развития корпоративного образования в развитых странах мира. Были выделены современные модели корпоративного образования; взаимосвязь и взаимовлияние корпоративной культуры и корпоративное обучение было найдено; была определена роль социального партнерства в функционировании и управлении корпоративным образованием в США.У цій роботі проаналізовано соціально-економічні детермінанти розвитку корпоративної освіти в умовах соціальних змін, філософські основи корпоративної освіти як складової частини освіти дорослих, визначені методичні підходи до її аналізу, розкриває теоретичні засади, піднімає концепцію дослідження, з’ясовує особливості розвитку корпоративної освіти в розвинених країнах світу. Виокремлено сучасні моделі корпоративної освіти; взаємозв'язок та взаємовплив корпоративної культури знайдено корпоративне навчання; визначено роль соціального партнерства у функціонуванні та управлінні корпоративною освітою в США