81 research outputs found

    Results of matching valve and root repair to aortic valve and root pathology

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    ObjectiveFor patients with aortic root pathology and aortic valve regurgitation, aortic valve replacement is problematic because no durable bioprosthesis exists, and mechanical valves require lifetime anticoagulation. This study sought to assess outcomes of combined aortic valve and root repair, including comparison with matched bioprosthesis aortic valve replacement.MethodsFrom November 1990 to January 2005, 366 patients underwent modified David reimplantation (n = 72), root remodeling (n = 72), or valve repair with sinotubular junction tailoring (n = 222). Active follow-up was 99% complete, with a mean of 5.6 ± 4.0 years (maximum 17 years); follow-up for vital status averaged 8.5 ± 3.6 years (maximum 19 years). Propensity-adjusted models were developed for fair comparison of outcomes.ResultsThirty-day and 5-, 10-, and 15-year survivals were 98%, 86%, 74%, and 58%, respectively, similar to that of the US matched population and better than that after bioprosthesis aortic valve replacement. Propensity-score–adjusted survival was similar across procedures (P > .3). Freedom from reoperation at 30 days and 5 and 10 years was 99%, 92%, and 89%, respectively, and was similar across procedures (P > .3) after propensity-score adjustment. Patients with tricuspid aortic valves were more likely to be free of reoperation than those with bicuspid valves at 10 years (93% vs 77%, P = .002), equivalent to bioprosthesis aortic valve replacement and superior after 12 years. Bioprostheses increasingly deteriorated after 7 years, and hazard functions for reoperation crossed at 7 years.ConclusionsValve preservation (rather than replacement) and matching root procedures have excellent early and long-term results, with increasing survival benefit at 7 years and fewer reoperations by 12 years. We recommend this procedure for experienced surgical teams

    The spread of marine anoxia on the northern Tethys margin during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum

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    Records of the paleoenvironmental changes that occurred during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) are preserved in sedimentary rocks along the margins of the former Tethys Ocean and Peri-Tethys. This paper presents new geochemical data that constrain paleoproductivity, sediment delivery, and seawater redox conditions, from three sites that were located in the Peri-Tethys region. Trace and major element, iron speciation, and biomarker data indicate that water column anoxia was established during episodes when inputs of land-derived higher plant organic carbon and highly weathered detrital clays and silts became relatively higher. Anoxic conditions are likely to have been initially caused by two primary processes: (i) oxygen consumption by high rates of marine productivity, initially stimulated by the rapid delivery of terrestrially derived organic matter and nutrients, and (ii) phosphorus regeneration from seafloor sediments. The role of the latter process requires further investigation before its influence on the spread of deoxygenated seawater during the PETM can be properly discerned. Other oxygen-forcing processes, such as temperature/salinity-driven water column stratification and/or methane oxidation, are considered to have been relatively less important in the study region. Organic carbon enrichments occur only during the initial stages of the PETM as defined by the negative carbon isotope excursions at each site. The lack of observed terminal stage organic carbon enrichment does not support a link between PETM climate recovery and the sequestration of excess atmospheric CO2 as organic carbon in this region; such a feedback may, however, have been important in the early stages of the PETM

    A randomized comparative study of patients undergoing myocardial revascularization with or without cardiopulmonary bypass surgery: The MASS III Trial

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    The MASS III Trial is a large project from a single institution, The Heart Institute of the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (InCor), enrolling patients with coronary artery disease and preserved ventricular function. The aim of the MASS III Trial is to compare medical effectiveness, cerebral injury, quality of life, and the cost-effectiveness of coronary surgery with and without of cardiopulmonary bypass in patients with multivessel coronary disease referred for both strategies. The primary endpoint should be a composite of cardiovascular mortality, cerebrovascular accident, nonfatal myocardial infarction, and refractory angina requiring revascularization. The secondary end points in this trial include noncardiac mortality, presence and severity of angina, quality of life based on the SF-36 Questionnaire, and cost-effectiveness at discharge and at 5-year follow-up. In this scenario, we will analyze the cost of the initial procedure, hospital length of stay, resource utilization, repeat hospitalization, and repeat revascularization events during the follow-up. Exercise capacity will be assessed at 6-months, 12-months, and the end of follow-up. A neurocognitive evaluation will be assessed in a subset of subjects using the Brain Resource Center computerized neurocognitive battery. Furthermore, magnetic resonance imaging will be made to detect any cerebral injury before and after procedures in patients who undergo coronary artery surgery with and without cardiopulmonary bypass

    Report of the Snowmass 2021 Topical Group on Lattice Gauge Theory

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    Lattice gauge theory continues to be a powerful theoretical and computational approach to simulating strongly interacting quantum field theories, whose applications permeate almost all disciplines of modern-day research in High-Energy Physics. Whether it is to enable precision quark- and lepton-flavor physics, to uncover signals of new physics in nucleons and nuclei, to elucidate hadron structure and spectrum, to serve as a numerical laboratory to reach beyond the Standard Model, or to invent and improve state-of-the-art computational paradigms, the lattice-gauge-theory program is in a prime position to impact the course of developments and enhance discovery potential of a vibrant experimental program in High-Energy Physics over the coming decade. This projection is based on abundant successful results that have emerged using lattice gauge theory over the years: on continued improvement in theoretical frameworks and algorithmic suits; on the forthcoming transition into the exascale era of high-performance computing; and on a skillful, dedicated, and organized community of lattice gauge theorists in the U.S. and worldwide. The prospects of this effort in pushing the frontiers of research in High-Energy Physics have recently been studied within the U.S. decadal Particle Physics Planning Exercise (Snowmass 2021), and the conclusions are summarized in this Topical Report.Comment: 57 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to the Proceedings of the US Community Study on the Future of Particle Physics (Snowmass 2021). Topical Group Report for TF05 - Lattice Gauge Theor

    ACC/AHA 2007 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Unstable Angina/Non–ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines (Writing Committee to Revise the 2002 Guidelines for the Management of Patients With Unstable Angina/Non–ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction) Developed in Collaboration with the American College of Emergency Physicians, the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, and the Society of Thoracic Surgeons Endorsed by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation and the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine

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    "The ACC/AHA Task Force on Practice Guidelines was formed to make recommendations regarding the diagnosis and treatment of patients with known or suspected cardiovascular disease (CVD). Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the leading cause of death in the United States. Unstable angina (UA) and the closely related condition of non–ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) are very common manifestations of this disease. The committee members reviewed and compiled published reports through a series of computerized literature searches of the English-language literature since 2002 and a final manual search of selected articles. Details of the specific searches conducted for particular sections are provided when appropriate. Detailed evidence tables were developed whenever necessary with the specific criteria outlined in the individual sections. The recommendations made were based primarily on these published data. The weight of the evidence was ranked highest (A) to lowest (C). The final recommendations for indications for a diagnostic procedure, a particular therapy, or an intervention in patients with UA/NSTEMI summarize both clinical evidence and expert opinion.

    Isoform Diversity and Regulation in Peripheral and Central Neurons Revealed through RNA-Seq

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    To fully understand cell type identity and function in the nervous system there is a need to understand neuronal gene expression at the level of isoform diversity. Here we applied Next Generation Sequencing of the transcriptome (RNA-Seq) to purified sensory neurons and cerebellar granular neurons (CGNs) grown on an axonal growth permissive substrate. The goal of the analysis was to uncover neuronal type specific isoforms as a prelude to understanding patterns of gene expression underlying their intrinsic growth abilities. Global gene expression patterns were comparable to those found for other cell types, in that a vast majority of genes were expressed at low abundance. Nearly 18% of gene loci produced more than one transcript. More than 8000 isoforms were differentially expressed, either to different degrees in different neuronal types or uniquely expressed in one or the other. Sensory neurons expressed a larger number of genes and gene isoforms than did CGNs. To begin to understand the mechanisms responsible for the differential gene/isoform expression we identified transcription factor binding sites present specifically in the upstream genomic sequences of differentially expressed isoforms, and analyzed the 3′ untranslated regions (3′ UTRs) for microRNA (miRNA) target sites. Our analysis defines isoform diversity for two neuronal types with diverse axon growth capabilities and begins to elucidate the complex transcriptional landscape in two neuronal populations

    How many is enough? Determining optimal count totals for ecological and palaeoecological studies of testate amoebae

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    Testate amoebae are increasingly used in ecological and palaeoecological studies of wetlands. To characterise the amoeba community a certain number of individuals need to be counted under the microscope. To date, most studies have aimed for 150 individuals, but that sample size is not based on adequate evidence. When testate amoeba concentrations are low, it can be difficult or impossible to reach this total. The impacts of lower count totals have never been seriously scrutinised. We investigated the impact of count size on number of taxa identified, quantitative inferences of environmental variables and the strength of the links between amoebae and environmental data in the context of predicting depth to water table. Low counts were simulated by random selection of individuals from four existing datasets. Results show progressively diminishing returns by all criteria as count size increases from low numbers to counts of 150. A higher count is required to identify all taxa than to adequately characterise the community for transfer function inference. We suggest that in most cases, it will be a more efficient use of time to count a greater number of samples to a lower count. While a count of 50 individuals may be sufficient for some samples from some sites we recommend that counts of 100 individuals should be sufficient for most samples. Counts need only be increased to 150 or more where the aim is to identify relatively minor, but still potentially ecologically relevant community changes. This approach will help reduce lack of replication and low resolution, which are common limitations in testate amoeba-based palaeoecological and ecological studies
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