39 research outputs found

    Informal carers of stroke survivors

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    Chapter 1 Caring is a part of life. Synopsis of chapter 1. Chapter 1 discusses why the need for help and support from another person may arise and covers related areas; the ageing of the population, trends in disability free life expectancy, health conditions associated with disability, long term care of people with disabling conditions, the need for informal care for another person, the historical roots of the word ‘carer’ and exposure to informal care and the effects on health of the care provider. Chapter 1 also presents the broad aims and objectives for this entire body of work. Chapter 2 Is informal care giving independently associated with poor health? A population-based study. Synopsis of Chapter 2. Chapter 2 focuses on the analysis of secondary data from the UK Census 2001 to quantify the magnitude of association between informal care and reported poor health in the UK population 2001. The main methods of data analysis are described. The binary logistic regression techniques are described along with the assumptions underlying the regression models. The results are presented and discussed. Abstract. Background: Providing informal care has been linked with poor health but has not previously been studied across a whole population. The aim of this study was to determine the association between informal care provision and self-reported poor health. Method: Data from the UK 2001 Census was used. The relationship between informal care giving and poor health was modelled using logistic regression, adjusting for age, sex, marital status, ethnicity, economic activity and educational attainment. Results: Data on 44,465,833 individuals free from permanent sickness or disability was included. 5,451,902 participants (12.3%) reported providing informal care to another person. There was an association between provision of informal care giving and self-reported poor health; odds ratio 1.100, 95% CI 1.096- 1.103. This association remained after adjustment for age, sex, ethnic group, marital status, economic activity and educational attainment. The strength of association also increased with the amount of care provided (hours per week). Conclusions: Informal care giving is associated with poor health, particularly in those providing over 20 hours of care per week. Chapter 3 The Glasgow Carers Cohort Study: informal care giving and risk of disease. Synopsis of Chapter 3. Chapter 3 presents the Glasgow Carers Cohort Study (GCCS). For presentation purposes Chapter 3 is split into several sections. The chapter opens with an introduction to the clinical condition of stroke including a description of the pathological and clinical definitions of stroke, the consequences of stroke, the challenges of living with stroke and the need for informal care for another person and finishes with the GCCS cohort study hypothesis and aims. The next section describes the GCCS study design, the study conduct and the data analysis. The results are presented and discussed. Abstract. Background: Adults with disability often require some form of assistance from informal carers. While being a carer can be a rewarding experience it is plausible that the demands of care-giving can result in ill health. The study of stroke survivors and their carers can inform this debate, as stroke is a leading cause of complex adult disability and many stroke survivors require input from informal carers. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of providing informal care on a group of people who provide care to stroke survivors compared to not providing informal care to anyone. Method: This was a prospective, six month study of two cohorts, one cohort of people who provided informal care to stroke survivors (exposed to care giving) and an age and sex matched random sample of a non care giving reference group from a Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health Board General practice population for comparison (non exposed). Participants in both exposed and non exposed cohorts had to be at least 16 years of age, fluent in English and free from any informal care-giving activities in excess of 20 hours per week at enrolment. The primary outcome measure was incidence of perceived stress as measured by the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). Secondary outcomes were psychological well being, psychosomatic symptoms and depression. Results: 28 people who were identified as potential informal carers of stroke survivors were enrolled in this study and 41 age-sex matched non exposed participants were enrolled. Over 6 months of observation, 36% (9/25) of the “exposed” care giving group and 5% (2/39) of the unexposed cohort had their first occurrence of stress (PSS score ≄ 23). Participants who were exposed to providing care had lower happiness scores, mean difference -5.7 (95%CI: -8.0 to -2.5). There was no difference between groups in psychosomatic symptoms; or depression score. After adjustment for age, sex and perceived stress at baseline, informal caring was associated with a raised perceived stress odds ratio 6.26 (95% CI: 0.94 to 41.41) but this was not statistically significant (p = 0.058). Conclusions: The results of this cohort study are not conclusive. Nevertheless, they provide stronger evidence than previous studies that exposure to providing informal care to stroke survivors affects levels of perceived stress and levels of psychological well-being. Chapter 4 Incidence, prevalence and association between providing informal care to stroke survivors and depression: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Synopsis of chapter 4. Chapter 4 focuses on the analysis and evaluation of the existing epidemiological literature on the putative association between informal care and depression. For presentation purposes, this chapter is divided into several sections. The first section describes the concepts and methods that are fundamental to the epidemiologic study of informal carers and the rationale for the systematic review and meta-analysis. The second section describes the diagnostic criteria for depression and criteria for the informal care exposure and the questions being addressed. The third section describes the methods of the systematic review including types of study design, the types of participants, types of interventions, types of outcome and types of study, searching for studies, selecting studies and collecting data, assessing risk of bias in included studies and includes a description of methods for statistically summarising the results from multiple studies. The final section presents the meta-analysis of the relevant studies. The results are presented and discussed. Abstract. Background: Reliable data on the incidence and prevalence of depression in people who provide informal care to stroke survivors are useful for helping inform clinical trials, plan stroke services, inform informal caregivers and stroke survivors and for the development of good public policy. However, data on the prevalence of depression are conflicting. Moreover, prevalence of depression in people who provide care survivors does not equate to a cause and effect relationship between provision of informal care to stroke survivors and depression. Objectives: This systematic review was undertaken to 1) obtain valid and precise estimates of the occurrence of depression in people who provide informal care to stroke survivors, 2) to assess whether existing studies provide evidence of an association between provision of informal care to stroke survivors and accepted definitions of depression and to and 3) to identify factors associated with the development of depression in people who provide care to stroke survivors. Search methods: The following electronic databases were searched: MEDLINE (1950 to October 2010), EMBASE (1980 to October 2010), CINAHL (1982 to October 2010), (AMED (Allied and Complementary Medicine) (1985 to October 2010), PsycINFO (1967 to October 2010) and eight other databases. In an effort to identify further published, unpublished and ongoing studies, conference proceedings and trials registers were searched, reference lists of relevant articles were scanned and researchers and authors in the field were contacted. Selection criteria: Studies were included if the focus was on; study participants as a provider of care to a stroke survivor living in the community, had no restrictions on admissible participants, had no restrictions on type of stroke patient, depression was measured using standard criteria and measures of occurrence of depression presented in a binary format (i.e., depressed/ not depressed). Types of epidemiologic study eligible included: cohort studies, case-control studies, including prevalent case-control studies and cross sectional studies, including prevalence studies. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors selected studies for inclusion, independently extracted data and assessed methodological quality. Estimates of pooled prevalence were calculated using inverse variance methods. Results: 19 studies were identified. 12 studies used a single cohort design and six studies used a cross sectional design. One study is ongoing and awaiting assessment. No cohort studies included a referent or comparator group of people who were unexposed to providing informal care. Data on prevalence of depression were available from 16 studies (1848 participants). No studies were identified that collected data on incidence of depression. No investigators reported including participants to cohort studies that were free of depression at the initial observation. The estimates of prevalence of depression are based on the number of people who scored above a clinical cut point on a self-report dimensional rating scale for depression. The overall pooled prevalence estimate calculated using the inverse variance method using a random effects model was slightly lower (28%, 95% CI 23%, 33%) than when the analysis was restricted to studies with an ideal design (30%, 95% CI 25%, 34%). The majority of studies lack a description of important characteristics that define the informal caregiver population. Lack of a clear and unambiguous operational definition of informal care is common across studies. Conclusions: Estimates of prevalence of depression in people who provide care to informal stroke survivors are similar to those observed in community studies of the prevalence of depression. There is currently insufficient evidence from epidemiological studies to suggest and association between the provision of informal care and the development of depression. Chapter 5 Non-pharmacological interventions for informal carers of stroke survivors. Synopsis of chapter 5. Chapter 5 focuses on the analysis and evaluation of the existing literature on the effects of non pharmacological interventions targeted towards people who provide informal care to stroke survivors. For presentation purposes, this chapter is divided into several sections. Section A describes the background and rationale for the systematic review. Section B describes the methods of the review including the types of participants, types of interventions, types of outcome and types of study, searching for studies, selecting studies and collecting data, assessing risk of bias in included studies, methods for analysing data and undertaking meta-analysis. Section C presents the meta-analysis of the relevant studies. The results are presented and discussed. Abstract. Background: A substantial component of care is provided to stroke survivors by informal caregivers. However, providing such care is often a new and challenging experience and has been linked to a number of adverse outcomes. A range of interventions targeted towards stroke survivors and their family or other informal caregivers have been tested in randomised controlled trials (RCTs). Objectives: To evaluate the effect of interventions targeted towards informal caregivers of stroke survivors or targeted towards informal caregivers and the care recipient (the stroke survivor). Search methods: The Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register (last searched March 2011), the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library Issue 4, 2010); MEDLINE (1950 to August 2010), EMBASE (1980 to December 2010), CINAHL; (1982 to August 2010), AMED (1985 to August 2010), PsycINFO (1967 to August 2010) Science Citation Index (1992 to August 2010) and six other electronic databases were searched. In an effort to identify further published, unpublished and ongoing studies, conference proceedings and trials registers were searched, reference lists of relevant articles were scanned and researchers and authors in the field were contacted. Selection criteria RCTs were included if they evaluated the effect of non-pharmacological interventions (compared with no care or routine care) on informal caregivers of stroke survivors. Trials of interventions were included if they delivered to stroke survivors and informal caregivers only if the stroke survivor and informal caregiver were randomised as a dyad. Studies which included stroke survivors and caregivers were excluded if the stroke survivors were the primary target of the intervention. Data collection and analysis: Two review authors selected studies for inclusion, independently extracted data and assessed methodological quality. Original data was sought from trialists. Interventions were categorised into three groups: support and information, teaching procedural knowledge/vocational training type interventions, and psycho-educational type interventions. The primary outcome was caregivers' stress or strain. Disagreements were resolved by consensus. Results: Eight studies, including a total of 1007 participants, met the inclusion criteria. The results of all the studies were not pooled because of substantial methodological, statistical and clinical heterogeneity. For caregivers' stress or strain no significant results were found within categories of intervention, with the exception of one single-centre study examining the effects of a 'vocational training' type intervention which found a mean difference between the intervention and comparator group at the end of scheduled follow-up of -8.67 (95% confidence interval -11.30 to -6.04, P < 0.001) in favour of the 'teaching procedural knowledge' type intervention group Conclusions: It was not possible to carry out a meta-analysis of the evidence from RCTs because of methodological, clinical and statistical heterogeneity. One limitation across all studies was the lack of a description of important characteristics that define the informal caregiver population. However, 'vocational educational' type interventions delivered to caregivers prior to the stroke survivor's discharge from hospital appear to be the most promising intervention. However, this is based on the results from one, small, single-centre study. Chapter 6 Conclusions. Synopsis of Chapter 6. This chapter, after outlining the findings of the individual studies included in this thesis and how they fit into the broader literature, makes observations about the approach that has been taken and lessons learned, some with the benefit of hindsight, in order to inform future research work on informal carers. This chapter also examines the structure, purpose, limitations, use and misuse of the informal care epidemiological literature. The chapter finishes with recommendations for future research, clinical practice and policy

    Worldviews in Music: A Rhetorical Study of Philosophies of Truth and Reality in Country Music and Contemporary Christian Music

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    This study examines the philosophies of truth and reality that are communicated through the lyrics of Country and Contemporary Christian Music. The lyrics from the top ten songs from the years 1980, 1990, and 2000 were collected and analyzed for both genres. The songs were then coded and placed in one of eight categories: N/A, Naturalism, Transcendentalism, Theism, Naturalism/Theism, Transcendentalism/Theism, Naturalism/Transcendentalism, and Undeterminable. Country and Contemporary Christian Music’s trends were discussed individually as well as compared and contrasted to each other. Results found that Contemporary Christian songs communicate a Theistic view of truth and reality every time worldviews were brought up. In Country music it was found that truth and reality were interpreted in a broad spectrum of ways. There is no way of predicting if a Country song will have worldview implications. If the song does discuss worldview, there is also no way of predicting which worldview will be promoted. Examples of every worldview category and combination were found in the 30 Country songs analyzed. The findings of this study help communication scholars understand what philosophical assumptions are being communicated through the lyrics of Country and Contemporary Christian Music

    Randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trials of non-individualised homeopathic treatment: systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: A rigorous systematic review and meta-analysis focused on randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of non-individualised homeopathic treatment has not previously been reported. We tested the null hypothesis that the main outcome of treatment using a non-individualised (standardised) homeopathic medicine is indistinguishable from that of placebo. An additional aim was to quantify any condition-specific effects of non-individualised homeopathic treatment. Methods: Literature search strategy, data extraction and statistical analysis all followed the methods described in a pre-published protocol. A trial comprised ‘reliable evidence’ if its risk of bias was low or it was unclear in one specified domain of assessment. ‘Effect size’ was reported as standardised mean difference (SMD), with arithmetic transformation for dichotomous data carried out as required; a negative SMD indicated an effect favouring homeopathy. Results: Forty-eight different clinical conditions were represented in 75 eligible RCTs. Forty-nine trials were classed as ‘high risk of bias’ and 23 as ‘uncertain risk of bias’; the remaining three, clinically heterogeneous, trials displayed sufficiently low risk of bias to be designated reliable evidence. Fifty-four trials had extractable data: pooled SMD was –0.33 (95% confidence interval (CI) –0.44, –0.21), which was attenuated to –0.16 (95% CI –0.31, –0.02) after adjustment for publication bias. The three trials with reliable evidence yielded a non-significant pooled SMD: –0.18 (95% CI –0.46, 0.09). There was no single clinical condition for which meta-analysis included reliable evidence. Conclusions: The quality of the body of evidence is low. A meta-analysis of all extractable data leads to rejection of our null hypothesis, but analysis of a small sub-group of reliable evidence does not support that rejection. Reliable evidence is lacking in condition-specific meta-analyses, precluding relevant conclusions. Better designed and more rigorous RCTs are needed in order to develop an evidence base that can decisively provide reliable effect estimates of non-individualised homeopathic treatment

    Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) for stroke recovery

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    BACKGROUND: Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) might theoretically reduce post‐stroke disability by direct effects on the brain. This Cochrane Review was first published in 2012 and last updated in 2019. OBJECTIVES: To determine if SSRIs are more effective than placebo or usual care at improving outcomes in people less than 12 months post‐stroke, and to determine whether treatment with SSRIs is associated with adverse effects. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Stroke Group Trials Register (last searched 7 January 2021), Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (CENTRAL, Issue 7 of 12, 7 January 2021), MEDLINE (1946 to 7 January 2021), Embase (1974 to 7 January 2021), CINAHL (1982 to 7 January 2021), PsycINFO (1985 to 7 January 2021), and AMED (1985 to 7 January 2021). PsycBITE had previously been searched (16 July 2018). We searched clinical trials registers. SELECTION CRITERIA: We included randomised controlled trials (RCTs) recruiting stroke survivors within the first year. The intervention was any SSRI, at any dose, for any period, and for any indication. The comparator was usual care or placebo. Studies reporting at least one of our primary (disability score or independence) or secondary outcomes (impairments, depression, anxiety, quality of life, fatigue, cognition, healthcare cost, death, adverse events and leaving the study early) were included in the meta‐analysis. The primary analysis included studies at low risk of bias. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We extracted data on demographics, stroke type and, our pre‐specified outcomes, and bias sources. Two review authors independently extracted data. We used mean difference (MD) or standardised mean differences (SMDs) for continuous variables, and risk ratios (RRs) for dichotomous variables, with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). We assessed bias risks and applied GRADE criteria. MAIN RESULTS: We identified 76 eligible studies (13,029 participants); 75 provided data at end of treatment, and of these two provided data at follow‐up. Thirty‐eight required participants to have depression to enter. The duration, drug, and dose varied. Six studies were at low risk of bias across all domains; all six studies did not need participants to have depression to enter, and all used fluoxetine. Of these six studies, there was little to no difference in disability between groups SMD ‐0.0; 95% CI ‐0.05 to 0.05; 5 studies, 5436 participants, high‐quality evidence) or in independence (RR 0.98; 95% CI 0.93 to 1.03; 5 studies, 5926 participants; high‐quality evidence) at the end of treatment. In the studies at low risk of bias across all domains, SSRIs slightly reduced the average depression score (SMD 0.14 lower, 95% CI 0.19 lower to 0.08 lower; 4 studies; 5356 participants, high‐quality evidence) and there was a slight reduction in the proportion with depression (RR 0.75, 95% CI 0.65 to 0.86; 3 studies, 5907 participants, high‐quality evidence). Cognition was slightly better in the control group (MD ‐1.22, 95% CI ‐2.37 to ‐0.07; 4 studies, 5373 participants, moderate‐quality evidence). Only one study (n = 30) reported neurological deficit score (SMD ‐0.39, 95% CI ‐1.12 to 0.33; low‐quality evidence). SSRIs resulted in little to no difference in motor deficit (SMD 0.03, ‐0.02 to 0.08; 6 studies, 5518 participants, moderate‐quality evidence). SSRIs slightly increased the proportion leaving the study early (RR 1.57, 95% CI 1.03 to 2.40; 6 studies, 6090 participants, high‐quality evidence). SSRIs slightly increased the outcome of a seizure (RR 1.40, 95% CI 1.00 to 1.98; 6 studies, 6080 participants, moderate‐quality evidence) and a bone fracture (RR 2.35, 95% CI 1.62 to 3.41; 6 studies, 6080 participants, high‐quality evidence). One study at low risk of bias across all domains reported gastrointestinal side effects (RR 1.71, 95% CI 0.33, to 8.83; 1 study, 30 participants). There was no difference in the total number of deaths between SSRI and placebo (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.82 to 1.24; 6 studies, 6090 participants, moderate quality evidence). SSRIs probably result in little to no difference in fatigue (MD ‐0.06; 95% CI ‐1.24 to 1.11; 4 studies, 5524 participants, moderate‐quality of evidence), nor in quality of life (MD 0.00; 95% CI ‐0.02 to 0.02, 3 studies, 5482 participants, high‐quality evidence). When all studies, irrespective of risk of bias, were included, SSRIs reduced disability scores but not the proportion independent. There was insufficient data to perform a meta‐analysis of outcomes at end of follow‐up. Several small ongoing studies are unlikely to alter conclusions. AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: There is high‐quality evidence that SSRIs do not make a difference to disability or independence after stroke compared to placebo or usual care, reduced the risk of future depression, increased bone fractures and probably increased seizure risk

    A systematic review of the evidence on home care reablement services

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    Objective To determine whether publically funded ‘reablement services’ have any effect on patient health or use of services. Design Systematic review of randomised controlled trials and non-randomized studies in which reablement interventions were compared to no care or usual care in people referred to public funded personal care services. Data sources included: Cochrane central register of controlled trials, EPOC register of studies, trials registers, Medline, Embase, and Cinhal. Searches were from 2000 up to end February 2015. Setting Not applicable. Participants Investigators’ definition of the target population for reablement interventions. Main outcome measures Use of publically-funded personal care services and dependence in personal activities of daily living (PADL). Results We found no studies fulfilling our inclusion criteria that assessed the effectiveness of reablement interventions. We did note the lack of an agreed understanding of the nature of reablement. Conclusions Reablement is an ill-defined intervention targeted towards an ill-defined and potentially highly heterogeneous population/ patient group. There is no evidence to suggest it is effective at either of its goals, increasing personal independence or reducing use of personal care services

    Seismic Expression of Pleistocene Paleoceanographic Changes in the California Borderland from Digitally Acquired 3.5 Khz Subbottom Profiles and Ocean Drilling Program Leg 167 Drilling

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    We correlate processed 3.5 kHz seismic profiles with physical properties of cores collected during ODP Leg 167 from the Tanner, East Cortes, and San Nicolas Basins through much of the Pleistocene succession. Results indicate that seismic horizons in the unconsolidated Pleistocene sediments (top 50 m) are mainly controlled by density contrasts. Removing of the compaction trend from the density reveals a very interesting relationship between density and composition - the density closely and inversely correlates with organic carbon indicating that large-scale variations in organic carbon are responsible for seismic reflections through their influence on density. This is a significant discovery since there apparently is no other paleoceanographic setting that we know of where such a close linkage between acoustic properties and organic carbon has been established. The variations in organic carbon are mainly marine in origin and derive from variations in primary productivity associated with upwelling and the preservation regime related to oxygenation of water. Pleistocene reflections on 3.5 kHz profiles in the Borderland province thus record regional cyclical fluctuations in the paleoclimatic signals. The close resemblance in the density profiles at the three different basins indicates that the sedimentary regime was similar in those basins through the Pleistocene. These common density patterns produce regional seismic horizons that correlate well among the basins. It is likely these correlated and dated horizons could be extrapolated to other Borderland basins (e.g., San Clemente), where they can potentially be used as time markers for neotectonic studies in the region

    Fluoxetine for stroke recovery: Meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials

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    Objective: To determine whether fluoxetine, at any dose, given within the first year after stroke to patients who did not have to have mood disorders at randomisation led to a reduction in disability, dependency, neurological deficits and fatigue; improved motor function, mood, and cognition at the end of treatment and follow-up, with the same number or fewer adverse effects. Methods: Searches in July 2018 included several databases, trials registers, reference lists, contact with experts. We excluded RCTs requiring patients to have mood disorder at randomisation. Co-primary outcomes were dependence and disability. Dichotomous data were synthesised using risk ratios (RR) and continuous data using standardised mean differences (SMD). Quality was appraised using Cochrane risk of bias methods. Sensitivity analyses explored influence of study quality. Results: The searches identified 3412 references of which 491 full texts were assessed for eligibility. Six new completed RCTs (n=3710) were eligible, making a total of 13 trials (n=4145). There was no difference in the proportion independent at the end of treatment (3 trials, n=3249, 36·6% fluoxetine vs 36·7% control; RR 1·00, 95% confidence interval 0·91 to 1.09, p=0·99, I2 78%) and no difference in disability (7 trials n=3404, SMD 0·05, -0·02 to 0·12 p=0·15, I2=81%). Fluoxetine was associated with better neurological scores and less depression but more seizures. Among the four (n=3283) high quality RCTs, the only difference between groups was lower depression scores with fluoxetine. Conclusion: Fluoxetine does not reduce disability and dependency after stroke. It improves depression scores but increases seizures. Ongoing RCTs will determine its effects in stroke vary depending on ethnicity, background treatment and other factors. Classification of evidence: meta-analysi