739 research outputs found

    Optically trapped bacteria pairs reveal discrete motile response to control aggregation upon cell–cell approach

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    Aggregation of bacteria plays a key role in the formation of many biofilms. The critical first step is cell–cell approach, and yet the ability of bacteria to control the likelihood of aggregation during this primary phase is unknown. Here, we use optical tweezers to measure the force between isolated Bacillus subtilis cells during approach. As we move the bacteria towards each other, cell motility (bacterial swimming) initiates the generation of repulsive forces at bacterial separations of ~3 μm. Moreover, the motile response displays spatial sensitivity with greater cell–cell repulsion evident as inter-bacterial distances decrease. To examine the environmental influence on the inter-bacterial forces, we perform the experiment with bacteria suspended in Tryptic Soy Broth, NaCl solution and deionised water. Our experiments demonstrate that repulsive forces are strongest in systems that inhibit biofilm formation (Tryptic Soy Broth), while attractive forces are weak and rare, even in systems where biofilms develop (NaCl solution). These results reveal that bacteria are able to control the likelihood of aggregation during the approach phase through a discretely modulated motile response. Clearly, the force-generating motility we observe during approach promotes biofilm prevention, rather than biofilm formation

    Background and Method of the Striving to be Strong Study a RCT Testing the Efficacy of a M-health Self-management Intervention

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    Background Osteoporosis is a prevalent and debilitating condition affecting \u3e50% of post-menopausal women. Yet, a low percentage of women regularly engage in health promoting behaviors associated with osteoporosis prevention. Complex, multidimensional, m-Health interventions hold promise to effect engagement in health behavior change related to calcium and vitamin D intake, balance, core and leg strength, and physical activity. Methods Striving to be Strong study (R01NR013913-01) tests the efficacy of a research and theory based, patient centered, dynamically tailored intervention delivered via smart phone apps. Ecological Momentary Assessments (EMAs) enhance immediate feedback and complement traditional measures. The desired outcomes are the maintenance of osteoporosis self-management behaviors and a decrease in the loss of bone density over time. The Individual and Family Self-management Theory provided the conceptual foundation for the study. The sample consists of 290 healthy women between the ages of 40 and 60 with an anticipated attrition of 33%. This three group repeated measures Randomized Clinical Trial spans a 12-month time period. Data collected occurs via web site, smart-phone app, self-report, observation, and measures. Proximal (engagement in osteoporosis health behaviors) and distal (serum vitamin D, DXA, and body composition) outcomes are collected for testing of the efficacy of the intervention and theory evaluation. Discussion Active and rigorous quality management processes continually evaluate enrollment and retention goals, functionality of the automated intervention delivery and data collection systems, EMAs, and dispersion of incentives

    Disease progression in Plasmodium knowlesi malaria is linked to variation in invasion gene family members.

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    Emerging pathogens undermine initiatives to control the global health impact of infectious diseases. Zoonotic malaria is no exception. Plasmodium knowlesi, a malaria parasite of Southeast Asian macaques, has entered the human population. P. knowlesi, like Plasmodium falciparum, can reach high parasitaemia in human infections, and the World Health Organization guidelines for severe malaria list hyperparasitaemia among the measures of severe malaria in both infections. Not all patients with P. knowlesi infections develop hyperparasitaemia, and it is important to determine why. Between isolate variability in erythrocyte invasion, efficiency seems key. Here we investigate the idea that particular alleles of two P. knowlesi erythrocyte invasion genes, P. knowlesi normocyte binding protein Pknbpxa and Pknbpxb, influence parasitaemia and human disease progression. Pknbpxa and Pknbpxb reference DNA sequences were generated from five geographically and temporally distinct P. knowlesi patient isolates. Polymorphic regions of each gene (approximately 800 bp) were identified by haplotyping 147 patient isolates at each locus. Parasitaemia in the study cohort was associated with markers of disease severity including liver and renal dysfunction, haemoglobin, platelets and lactate, (r = ≥ 0.34, p =  <0.0001 for all). Seventy-five and 51 Pknbpxa and Pknbpxb haplotypes were resolved in 138 (94%) and 134 (92%) patient isolates respectively. The haplotypes formed twelve Pknbpxa and two Pknbpxb allelic groups. Patients infected with parasites with particular Pknbpxa and Pknbpxb alleles within the groups had significantly higher parasitaemia and other markers of disease severity. Our study strongly suggests that P. knowlesi invasion gene variants contribute to parasite virulence. We focused on two invasion genes, and we anticipate that additional virulent loci will be identified in pathogen genome-wide studies. The multiple sustained entries of this diverse pathogen into the human population must give cause for concern to malaria elimination strategists in the Southeast Asian region

    Characteristics and Survival of Anti-U1 RNP Antibody-Positive Patients With Connective Tissue Disease-Associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension

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    OBJECTIVE: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a severe complication of connective tissue diseases (CTDs). This study aimed to investigate the clinical and hemodynamic characteristics and survival of anti-U1 RNP-positive patients with CTD-associated PAH, with a focus on systemic sclerosis (SSc)-associated PAH. METHODS: We implemented a prospective database that included patients with CTD-associated PAH for whom there were clinical, autoantibody, and mortality data. We compared clinical and hemodynamic characteristics to anti-U1 RNP antibody status. We then assessed whether anti-U1 RNP antibodies could be a prognostic factor in CTD-associated PAH with a focus on SSc-associated PAH. RESULTS: We studied a total of 342 patients with CTD-associated PAH, of whom 36 (11%) were anti-U1 RNP antibody positive. Anti-U1 RNP-positive patients were younger and less functionally impaired than were anti-U1 RNP-negative patients in CTD- and SSc-associated PAH. Hemodynamic parameters were similar in anti-U1 RNP-positive and anti-U1 RNP-negative patients. In CTD-associated PAH, anti-U1 RNP positivity was associated with decreased mortality in univariable analysis (hazard ratio 0.34 [95% confidence interval 0.18-0.65], P < 0.001). In multivariable analysis, anti-U1 RNP positivity was also associated with decreased mortality (hazard ratio 0.44 [95% confidence interval 0.20-0.97], P = 0.043) independently of age, sex, functional parameters, lung involvement, and hemodynamic parameters. Results were similar in SSc-associated PAH, although the association between anti-U1 RNP positivity and survival did not reach significance in univariable (hazard ratio 0.47 [95% confidence interval 0.22-1.02], P = 0.055) and multivariable (hazard ratio 0.47 [95% confidence interval 0.20-1.11], P = 0.085) analyses. CONCLUSION: Anti-U1 RNP positivity was associated with distinct clinical characteristics and survival in CTD- and SSc-associated PAH. While hemodynamic parameters were similar in anti-U1 RNP-positive and anti-U1 RNP-negative patients, our results suggest that anti-U1 RNP positivity could be a factor protecting against mortality in CTD- and SSc-associated PAH

    Extensive Copy-Number Variation of Young Genes across Stickleback Populations

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    MM received funding from the Max Planck innovation funds for this project. PGDF was supported by a Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant (proposal nr 270891). CE was supported by German Science Foundation grants (DFG, EI 841/4-1 and EI 841/6-1). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Does publication bias inflate the apparent efficacy of psychological treatment for major depressive disorder? A systematic review and meta-analysis of US national institutes of health-funded trials

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    Background The efficacy of antidepressant medication has been shown empirically to be overestimated due to publication bias, but this has only been inferred statistically with regard to psychological treatment for depression. We assessed directly the extent of study publication bias in trials examining the efficacy of psychological treatment for depression. Methods and Findings We identified US National Institutes of Health grants awarded to fund randomized clinical trials comparing psychological treatment to control conditions or other treatments in patients diagnosed with major depressive disorder for the period 1972–2008, and we determined whether those grants led to publications. For studies that were not published, data were requested from investigators and included in the meta-analyses. Thirteen (23.6%) of the 55 funded grants that began trials did not result in publications, and two others never started. Among comparisons to control conditions, adding unpublished studies (Hedges’ g = 0.20; CI95% -0.11~0.51; k = 6) to published studies (g = 0.52; 0.37~0.68; k = 20) reduced the psychotherapy effect size point estimate (g = 0.39; 0.08~0.70) by 25%. Moreover, these findings may overestimate the "true" effect of psychological treatment for depression as outcome reporting bias could not be examined quantitatively. Conclusion The efficacy of psychological interventions for depression has been overestimated in the published literature, just as it has been for pharmacotherapy. Both are efficacious but not to the extent that the published literature would suggest. Funding agencies and journals should archive both original protocols and raw data from treatment trials to allow the detection and correction of outcome reporting bias. Clinicians, guidelines developers, and decision makers should be aware that the published literature overestimates the effects of the predominant treatments for depression

    Protein coalitions in a core mammalian biochemical network linked by rapidly evolving proteins

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cellular ATP levels are generated by glucose-stimulated mitochondrial metabolism and determine metabolic responses, such as glucose-stimulated insulin secretion (GSIS) from the β-cells of pancreatic islets. We describe an analysis of the evolutionary processes affecting the core enzymes involved in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in mammals. The proteins involved in this system belong to ancient enzymatic pathways: glycolysis, the TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identify two sets of proteins, or protein coalitions, in this group of 77 enzymes with distinct evolutionary patterns. Members of the glycolysis, TCA cycle, metabolite transport, pyruvate and NADH shuttles have low rates of protein sequence evolution, as inferred from a human-mouse comparison, and relatively high rates of evolutionary gene duplication. Respiratory chain and glutathione pathway proteins evolve faster, exhibiting lower rates of gene duplication. A small number of proteins in the system evolve significantly faster than co-pathway members and may serve as rapidly evolving adapters, linking groups of co-evolving genes.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results provide insights into the evolution of the involved proteins. We find evidence for two coalitions of proteins and the role of co-adaptation in protein evolution is identified and could be used in future research within a functional context.</p
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