1,041 research outputs found

    Mutagenesis of Raphanus sativus Using Ionizing Radiation

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    Mutagenesis of Raphanus sativus was conducted using 10kR, 20kR, and 30kR radiation in an attempt to determine the dosage which produces most mutants without being lethal. Pelargonidin production and physical characteristics of the storage root of the radishes were used as measures of mutagenicity. Plants which received of radiation exhibited the poorest development in every measured aspect except germination which was high. The results of this study suggest that at least 30kR of radiation should be used in experiments involving mutagenesis of Raphanus plants

    DON’T KITSCH YOURSELF!: A Social and Political Critique of American Culture through the Ceramic Collectible and Souvenir

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    The objective of this thesis paper is to describe my current projects and research within my studio practice. First, this thesis illustrates my personal relationship with kitsch, my ordinary suburban childhood experience, and how these relate to my artwork. Then, the paper discusses my research interests in self fashioning, nostalgia, and sentiment and how it affects the content, imagery and material choices that I make. Next, the thesis goes on to describe particular projects, their subject matter and content. Finally, the thesis concludes that the artwork is successful but where is goes in the world has yet to be determined

    The aging epigenome: DNA methylation from the cradle to the grave

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    A Preliminary Look into Unsolicited Mobile App Traffic

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    The number of smart devices keeps on growing every year, and with that the potential market for mobile apps. As of May 2016, Google Play hosted 2.6 million apps and had an accumulative total of 65 billion app downloads. Any developer can publish apps through Play, and it is quite prevalent to granting apps permission use the phone's network network interfaces at will and under very limited supervision (beyond overall traffic volume and bitwise access to an interface). This raises the following questions: can certain apps be harmful to users? Should we trust mobile developers to 'do no evil' in terms of the volume and type of traffic their apps generate? We are motivated to identify whether there is a need for more scrutiny on the connections apps make, especially when not in use

    Nucleoside Drugs Induce Cellular Differentiation by Caspase-Dependent Degradation of Stem Cell Factors

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    BACKGROUND: Stem cell characteristics are an important feature of human cancer cells and play a major role in the therapy resistance of tumours. Strategies to target cancer stem cells are thus of major importance for cancer therapy. Differentiation therapy by nucleoside drugs represents an attractive approach for the elimination of cancer stem cells. However, even if it is generally assumed that the activity of these drugs is mediated by their ability to modulate epigenetic pathways, their precise mode of action remains to be established. We therefore analysed the potential of three nucleoside analogues to induce differentiation of the embryonic cancer stem cell line NTERA 2 D1 and compared their effect to the natural ligand retinoic acid. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: All nucleoside analogues analyzed, but not retinoic acid, triggered proteolytic degradation of the Polycomb group protein EZH2. Two of them, 3-Deazaneplanocin A (DZNep) and 2'-deoxy-5-azacytidine (decitabine), also induced a decrease in global DNA methylation. Nevertheless, only decitabine and 1beta-arabinofuranosylcytosine (cytarabine) effectively triggered neuronal differentiation of NT2 cells. We show that drug-induced differentiation, in contrast to retinoic acid induction, is caused by caspase activation, which mediates depletion of the stem cell factors NANOG and OCT4. Consistent with this observation, protein degradation and differentiation could be counteracted by co-treatment with caspase inhibitors or by depletion of CASPASE-3 and CASPASE-7 through dsRNA interference. In agreement with this, OCT4 was found to be a direct in-vitro-target of CASPASE-7. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We show that drug-induced differentiation is not a consequence of pharmacologic epigenetic modulation, but is induced by the degradation of stem-cell-specific proteins by caspases. Our results thus uncover a novel pathway that induces differentiation of embryonic cancer stem cells and is triggered by the established anticancer drugs cytarabine and decitabine. These findings suggest new approaches for directly targeting the stem cell fraction of human tumours

    Organbuilding Company Rieger

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    Předkládaná práce reflektuje jednu z největších evropských varhanářských firem, působících od konce 19. století do druhé dekády století 21. Firma byla pod názvem Gebrüder Rieger založena roku 1873 ve slezském městě Krnově (tehdejší německý název Jägerndorf). V roce 1904 změnila název na Rieger, jenž používala až do konce druhé světové války. Po jejím ukončení byli němečtí majitelé odsunuti, továrna byla poté převzata pod národní správu a následně znárodněna. Zároveň do ní byla také včleněna menší varhanářská dílna Josefa Klosse. Továrna od té doby používala na svých nástrojích obchodní značku Rieger- Kloss. Po roce 1989 byl závod privatizován, roku 2015 však svou činnost fakticky a roku 2018 i právně ukončil. Práce sleduje nejen historii firmy, ale zejména problematiku uměleckých a konstrukčních specifik krnovských nástrojů. V umělecké rovině byly tyto varhany silně ovlivněny nejprve paradigmatem tzv. romantického varhanářství (příp. též podněty ceciliánské reformy), které ve střední Evropě zažívalo největší rozvoj právě v době založení firmy, a vrcholilo přibližně na přelomu 19. a 20. století, a poté myšlenkami reformního varhanního hnutí, jež ovlivnily produkci továrny od cca druhé čtvrtiny 20. století, víceméně až do její poslední etapy. Firma Rieger využívala maximálním způsobem technické...This paper reflects one of the largest European organ companies, operating from the late 19th century to the second decade of the 21st century. The company was founded under the name Gebrüder Rieger in 1873 in the Silesian town of Krnov (then the German name Jägerndorf). In 1904 it changed its name to Rieger, which was used until the end of the Second World War. After its termination, the German owners were expelled, the factory was then taken over under national administration and subsequently nationalized. At the same time, a smaller organ workshop by Josef Kloss was also included. The factory has since used the Rieger-Kloss brand on its instruments. After 1989, the plant was privatized, but ended its activity in 2015. The work follows not only the history of the company, but also the issues of artistic and structural specifics of the Krnov instruments. On the artistic level, these organs were, in the beginning, heavily influenced by the paradigm of the so-called romantic organ (or even the stimulus of the Cecilian reform), which in Central Europe experienced the greatest development at the time of the founding of the company, and culminated at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and then by the ideas of the reformist organ movement that has affected the production of the factory since about...Katedra hudební výchovyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Measurement of Let-Through Energy of Circuit Breaker at Switch-Off of Short-Circuit Current

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    Import 26/06/2013Diplomová práce řeší problematiku elektrických dějů v jističích nízkého napětí při několika násobném vypínání zkratu. Úvodní pasáže práce obsahují teoretický rozbor vypínání, popis jističů i pojistek vhledem k jejich omezovací schopnosti a následného použití k selektivitě chráněných obvodů. Těžiště této diplomové práce spočívá v měření míry propuštěné energie jističem do chráněného obvodu při průchodu zkratového proudu generovaného impulsním zdrojem. Propuštěná energie je analyticky vypočítávána z vyhodnocených průběhů okamžitých hodnot napětí a proudu na kontaktech jističů při hoření oblouku.This thesis deals with the issue of electrical processes in low-voltage circuit breakers during multiple shutdown of the circuit. Introductory passages of the work include theoretical analysis of disconnecting, description of circuit breakers and fuses with respect to their limiting capabilities and subsequent use for the selectivity of protected circuits. The focus of this thesis is to measure the level of energy transmitted by the breaker to the protected circuit during the passing of short-circuit current generated by the pulse source. Transmitted energy is evaluated analytically from evaluated waveforms containing instantaneous values of voltage and current at the circuit-breaker contacts during arcing.410 - Katedra elektroenergetikyvýborn

    Algorithms for electrical motor control

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    Tato práce popisuje strukturu a základní prvky softwarové architektury Autosar. Dále jsou představeny možnosti generování konfiguračních kódu jak pro ovladače MC-ISAR tak pro hardwarové moduly procesoru AURIX TriCore TC277 pomocí nástroje EB tresos Studio. Pro účely možné integrace řídících algoritmů elektrických motorů byly vytvořeny a popsány konfigurace hardwarových modulů GTM a VADC umožňující generaci PWM signálů spolu se synchronně spouštěnými paralelními analogově digitálními převody. K tomuto účelu bylo také vytvořeno a popsáno aplikační rozhraní včetně PWM ovladače.This paper presents the structure and basic elements of the Autosar software architecture. In addition, the configuration code generation options are presented for both MC-ISAR drivers and AURIX TriCore TC277 hardware modules using EB tresos Studio. For the purpose of possible integration of the electric motor control algorithms, configurations of the GTM and VADC hardware modules have been created and described to enable the generation of PWM signals along with synchronously triggered parallel analogue-to-digital conversions. For this purpose, an application interface including the PWM driver was also developed and described.

    Bibliographie "Die Küste"

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    Fatores sociais, comportamentais e microbiológicos associados à saúde bucal de crianças e adolescentes com Anemia de Fanconi

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    Orientador: Prof. Dr. José Miguel Amenabar CéspedesCo-orientadora: Profª Drª Elaine Machado BenelliDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências da Saúde, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Odontologia, Área de concentração: Saúde Bucal durante a Infância e Adolescência. Defesa: Curitiba, 30/03/2012Bibliografia: fls. 74-80Resumo: A Anemia de Fanconi (AF) é uma desordem genética de fenótipo variado sendo o mais importante a falência medular progressiva. O único recurso terapêutico com possibilidade de cura das complicações hematológicas é o transplante de células tronco hematopoéticas (TCTH). O regime de condicionamento terapêutico antes e após o TCTH pode provocar alterações da microbiota bucal em pacientes com AF aumentando o risco de problemas bucais e agravando o quadro clínico geral. O propósito deste estudo foi avaliar fatores sociais, comportamentais e microbiológicos associados à saúde bucal de crianças e adolescentes com AF. A amostra foi composta por três grupos: AF pré-transplante (n=25), AF pós-transplante (n=23) e controle (n=24). Os indivíduos com AF foram avaliados no Serviço de Transplante de Medula Óssea do Hospital de Clínicas da UFPR, entre abril/2011 e julho/2011 e os indivíduos saudáveis foram avaliados na Clínica de Odontologia da UFPR, entre maio/2011 e dezembro/2011. Todos os pacientes leram e aceitaram participar do estudo assinando o termo de consentimento. A idade média dos grupos foi de 10 anos (6 a 18 anos). Os hábitos de higiene dos indivíduos em geral foi caracterizado com três ou mais escovações ao dia, sem o uso de fio dental e enxaguatório bucal. Diferenças significativas não foram observadas entre os grupos quanto aos hábitos de higiene. No acesso odontológico, os grupos pré-transplante e controle utilizaram o serviço odontológico público pelo menos uma vez no ultimo ano para avaliação de rotina. Em geral, o grupo pós-transplante visitou o cirurgião-dentista do serviço privado liberal em menos de um ano também para avaliação de rotina. O Índice de Higiene Oral-Simplificado (IHO-S) não apresentou diferença significativa entre os grupos, sendo em sua maioria insatisfatório. A prevalência salivar de Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola e Fusobacterium nucleatum foi de 44%, 84%, 24% e 64% respectivamente para o grupo pré-transplante; de 65%, 96%, 22% e 48% para o grupo pós-transplante e de 58%, 75%, 46% e 75% para o grupo controle. No biofilme supragengival a presença de A. actinomycetemcomitans foi observada em apenas uma amostra do grupo pré-transplante. P. gingivalis foi detectado em uma amostra do biofilme supragengival dos grupos pré e pós-transplante T. denticola esteve presente em 16% no grupo pré-transplante, não sendo detectado em outros grupos. A presença de F. nucleatum no biofilme supragengival foi de 62% no grupo pré-transplante, 38% no grupo pós-transplante e 30% no controle. Diferenças significativas não foram observadas entre os grupos no que diz respeito aos fatores comportamentais e a presença dos microrganismos estudados na saliva e biofilme supragengival, sugerindo que as alterações sistêmicas observadas nos pacientes com AF e o acondicionamento pré-transplantes não afetou a distribuição destes microrganismos na saliva e no biofilme supragengival.Abstract: The Fanconi Anemia (FA) is a genetic disorder with a varied phenotype that leads to a progressive bone marrow failure. The only therapeutic option with the possibility of cure is the hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). The conditioning treatment before and after the HSCT can cause alterations in the oral microbiota of this patients and increases the risk of dental problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate social, behavioral and microbiological aspects associated with the oral health of children and adolescents with FA. The sample was composed by three groups: FA pre-transplant (n = 25) FA post-transplant (n = 23) and Control (n = 24). Subjects with FA were evaluated in the Bone Marrow Transplantation Service, Hospital de Clinicas da Universidade Federal do Paraná, from April/2011 to July/2011 and the control subjects were evaluated at the Dental School, Universidade Federal do Paraná, from May/2011 to December/2011. All patients read and agreed to participate signed a consent form. The mean age of the groups was 10 years (6-18 years). The profile of oral hygiene habits from all the groups included tooth brushing three or more times a day, no use of dental floss or mouthwash. No statistical differences were found among the groups. Regarding to the dental treatment acess, while the control and pre-transplant groups assisted public dental service for routine evaluation in the last year, the post-transplant group used private practice dentists in the last a year also for routine evaluation. The Simplified Oral Hygiene Index (IHO-S) showed no significant difference among groups, being mostly unsatisfactory. The detection Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Treponema denticola and Fusobacterium nucleatum in saliva was 44%, 84%, 24% and 64% respectively in the pre-transplant group, 65%, 96%, 22% and 48% in the post-transplant group and 58%, 75%, 46% and 75% in the control group. The presence of A. actinomycetemcomitans in supragingival plaque was observed only in one sample of the pre-transplant group. P. gingivalis was detected in one sample of the supragingival plaque in both pre-transplant and post-transplant groups. T. denticola was present in 16% of the samples of pre-transplant group and it was not detected in other groups. F. nucleatum was present in 62% of dental plaque samples from the pre-transplant group, 38% from the post-transplant group and 30% of the control group. Significant differences were not observed among the groups regarding to the presence of microorganisms in saliva and supragingival plaque suggesting that the systemic changes observed in patients with FA and conditioning treatment before the HSCT did not affect the distribution of these microorganisms in saliva and supragingival biofilm