96 research outputs found

    Organization of sorting and surgery of wounds with soft tissue defects during the joint force surgery

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    Introduction. The experience of providing medical care during the Anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine showed that in the structure of modern combat surgical trauma gunshot wounds with soft tissue defects are between 64.9-68.2%, of which 36.4-37.5% are small and medium, 28.5-30.7% are large and very large defects.Aim: To improve the results of providing surgical care to the wounded with soft tissue defects by introducing a variety of surgical tactics of wound closure to the medical care levels.Material and Methods. The total array of the study was 2537 wounded with shrapnel, bullet and mine injuries from April 2014 to September 2018. The determination of surgical tactics for closing soft tissue defects was performed at the basis of metric classification taking into account the area, volume and anatomical areas of the lesion.Results. The combination of metric characteristics of wound defects by area, volume with localization of wounds in a single classification allowed the offer of a comprehensive approach to sorting the wounded at the level of medical care and to determine further surgical tactics to close soft tissue defects. In accordance with the sorting and evacuation purposes, the wounded with gunshot wounds to the foot and hand (third zone of injury) were treated in specialised centres to the fourth level of medical care. In the case of medium and large wounds of the thigh, leg, shoulder and forearm, medical care was provided at the second and third levels. And in the case of large and very large wounds of the specified localisation was provided in specialised clinics of the fourth level.Conclusions. The introduction of differentiated surgical tactics in the wounded with soft tissue defects at the levels of medical care has improved functional results: increase the proportion of good from 46.9% to 53.7%, reduce the relative number of unsatisfactory from 18.8% to 11, 6%

    Conceptual principles of the wounded combatants’ evacuation, suffering military surgical trauma on the medical support levels

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    Objective. To improve the results of treatment of the wounded persons, suffering a combat surgical trauma, elaborating and introducing of objective scales of the trauma severity estimation into the medical evacuation system while conduction of Antiterroristic operation / Operation of Joint Forces. Materials and metods. Complex medical-statistical investigation was performed, in which 684 wounded persons, suffering a combat surgical trauma were included. Dynamical medical control and determination of the trauma severity degree in accordance to AdTS (Admission trauma Scale) were applied on all levels of medical support. Results. In the beginning of conduction of Antiterroristic operation / Operation of Joint Forces a mortallty have had occurred during transportation of wounded persons in unstable state (more than 9 points) to military-medical clinical centers. The wounded persons in a traumatic shock state were transported on forth level of medical support, what have been considered an organization defect in the help deliver process, which leaded to death of military persons. At the same time an unjustified delay of transportation of servicemen, suffering wounds of the wrist and foot (up to 5 points), on the first and second levels of medical support, leading to development of severe complications, have occurred. Taking into account the above mentioned, the authors have provided a differentiated approach for medical evacuation of wounded persons, suffering a combat surgical trauma, depending on its severity degree. Conclusion. Evacuation of wounded persons, suffering a combat surgical trauma, constitutes an integral part of the medical support system of Antiterroristic operation/Operation of Joint Forces, closely connected with a medical support process during transportation. Medical evacuation of wounded persons with injuries of the vision organ, the wrist and foot must be accomplished urgently to specialized clinic of the fourth level of medical support

    A clinical case of using the concept of monitoring in the treatment of a gunshot defect of the soft tissues of the knee joint

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    Rapid rehabilitation and restoration of the function of damaged anatomical areas in the military is the main goal of military medicine. In the case of gunshot wounds of the knee joint with defects of soft tissues, one of the optional methods of reconstructive and plastic "closure" is the usage of a propeller flap. The clinical case represents a mine-explosive wound of the lower extremities with a defect of the soft tissues of the lateral aspect of the right knee joint in a serviceman of the Ukrainian Armed Forces as a result of artillery shelling in the east of Ukraine in November 2022. There was an isolated shrapnel tangential non-penetrating wound on the lateral aspect of the right knee joint with a soft tissue defect measuring 7.2x3.2-1.0 cm. The aim of the work was to study the thermographic and sonographic features of soft tissue perfusion after gunshot injuries of the lower extremities and on the basis of the temperature dynamics data from the wound surface in combination with the sonographic examination of the vessels to determine the rationality and relevance in the reconstruction of defects of the lower extremities by propeller tactics. Reconstruction with flap with a perforating vessel as the "key" of LSGA (lateral superior genicular artery) and a dynamic multimodal concept (DMT) with the use of audio doppler in the pre-, intra- and postoperative period) with closure of the defect due to a rotary perforating flap with supplying was carried out. During the entire period of treatment, of the injured the temperature background from the surface of the flap was followed up using FLIR C2, and sonographic changes in blood flow were monitored in the projection of the LSGA location. We came to the conclusion that applying the technique of flaps on perforating vessels, several goals are tactically achieved: restoration of the completeness and function of the damaged area, reduction of complications in the recipient and donor areas. Thus, the propeller flap can be classified as a primary option for "replacemen t" of tissues among the restorative tactics of the damaged area of the lower extremities caused by a gunshot origin

    Characterization of Unique Small RNA Populations from Rice Grain

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    Small RNAs (∼20 to 24 nucleotides) function as naturally occurring molecules critical in developmental pathways in plants and animals [1], [2]. Here we analyze small RNA populations from mature rice grain and seedlings by pyrosequencing. Using a clustering algorithm to locate regions producing small RNAs, we classified hotspots of small RNA generation within the genome. Hotspots here are defined as 1 kb regions within which small RNAs are significantly overproduced relative to the rest of the genome. Hotspots were identified to facilitate characterization of different categories of small RNA regulatory elements. Included in the hotspots, we found known members of 23 miRNA families representing 92 genes, one trans acting siRNA (ta-siRNA) gene, novel siRNA-generating coding genes and phased siRNA generating genes. Interestingly, over 20% of the small RNA population in grain came from a single foldback structure, which generated eight phased 21-nt siRNAs. This is reminiscent of a newly arising miRNA derived from duplication of progenitor genes [3], [4]. Our results provide data identifying distinct populations of small RNAs, including phased small RNAs, in mature grain to facilitate characterization of small regulatory RNA expression in monocot species

    PPR proteins - orchestrators of organelle RNA metabolism.

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    Pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR) proteins are important RNA regulators in chloroplasts and mitochondria, aiding in RNA editing, maturation, stabilisation or intron splicing, and in transcription and translation of organellar genes. In this review, we summarise all PPR proteins documented so far in plants and the green alga Chlamydomonas. By further analysis of the known target RNAs from Arabidopsis thaliana PPR proteins, we find that all organellar-encoded complexes are regulated by these proteins, although to differing extents. In particular, the orthologous complexes of NADH dehydrogenase (Complex I) in the mitochondria and NADH dehydrogenase-like (NDH) complex in the chloroplast were the most regulated, with respectively 60 and 28% of all characterised A. thaliana PPR proteins targeting their genes

    The RNA Editing Pattern of cox2 mRNA Is Affected by Point Mutations in Plant Mitochondria

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    The mitochondrial transcriptome from land plants undergoes hundreds of specific C-to-U changes by RNA editing. These events are important since most of them occur in the coding region of mRNAs. One challenging question is to understand the mechanism of recognition of a selected C residue (editing sites) on the transcript. It has been reported that a short region surrounding the target C forms the cis-recognition elements, but individual residues on it do not play similar roles for the different editing sites. Here, we studied the role of the −1 and +1 nucleotide in wheat cox2 editing site recognition using an in organello approach. We found that four different recognition patterns can be distinguished: (a) +1 dependency, (b) −1 dependency, (c) +1/−1 dependency, and (d) no dependency on nearest neighbor residues. A striking observation was that whereas a 23 nt cis region is necessary for editing, some mutants affect the editing efficiency of unmodified distant sites. As a rule, mutations or pre-edited variants of the transcript have an impact on the complete set of editing targets. When some Cs were changed into Us, the remaining editing sites presented a higher efficiency of C-to-U conversion than in wild type mRNA. Our data suggest that the complex response observed for cox2 mRNA may be a consequence of the fate of the transcript during mitochondrial gene expression

    Алгоритм оцінки перфузії м'яких тканин у схемі «закриття» вогнепальних дефектів

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    The purpose of the study was to determine indicators for the soft tissue perfusion evaluation in the scheme of gunshot defects “closure” using a variety of flaps from V–Y and Keystone till “propeller” and free flaps. A thermal imaging camera FLIR C2 with an integrated temperature gauge was used to obtain thermometric images together with a digital photograph of the scanned anatomical area. Microcirculation in damaged tissues plays an important role in wound substrate and the future flap in certain anatomical structure viability ensuring. That’s why its important to determine the features of the soft tissues perfusion fire transformation and the place of the corresponding blood supply from where it is possible to “raise” the flap in the future. The original dynamic multimodal concept using DDT and sonographic evaluation of soft tissue perfusion allows to look at the specific gunshot wound changes in a new way and to plan strategically the optimal path of reconstructive-plastic recovery. The thermographic and sonographic criteria uniqueness for soft tissue perfusion assessing in the context of large gunshot defects closing are reliable and objective, allow to assess the condition of the future wound bed and edges. They can be used not only to evaluate the wound before closing the defect but also to correct further tactics in the large defects or wounds treatment that do not heal for a long time.Метою дослідження є визначення показників перфузії м'яких тканин в схемі «закриття» вогнепальних дефектів під час використання різноманітних клаптів від V–Y та Кейстоуна до пропелерних та вільних клаптів. Для отримання термометричних зображень разом із цифровою фотографією сканованої анатомічної ділянки автори використовували тепловізійну камеру FLIR C2 з вбудованим датчиком температури. Мікроциркуляція в ушкоджених тканинах відіграє важливу роль у забезпеченні життєздатності ранового субстрата та майбутнього клаптя у вказаній анатомічній структурі, і тому існує необхідність визначити особливості вогнепальної трансформації перфузії в м’яких тканинах, місця відповідного кровопостачання, звідки в майбутньому можливо «піднімати» клапоть. Запропонована нами оригінальна динамічна мультимодальна концепція за рахунок ДЦТ та сонографічної оцінки перфузії м’яких тканин дозволяє по-новому подивитись на специфічні зміни, притаманні вогнепальному ураженню та стратегічно спланувати оптимальний шлях реконструктивно– пластичного відновлення. Унікальність термографічних та сонографічних критеріїв оцінки перфузії м'яких тканин в контексті закриття великих вогнепальних дефектів є надійними та об’єктивними, дозволяють оцінити стан майбутнього ложа та країв рани. Вони можуть бути застосовані не тільки для оцінки рани перед закриттям дефекту, але і для корекції подальшої тактики при лікуванні великих дефектів або ран, що довго не загоюються

    The Bicoid Stability Factor Controls Polyadenylation and Expression of Specific Mitochondrial mRNAs in Drosophila melanogaster

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    The bicoid stability factor (BSF) of Drosophila melanogaster has been reported to be present in the cytoplasm, where it stabilizes the maternally contributed bicoid mRNA and binds mRNAs expressed from early zygotic genes. BSF may also have other roles, as it is ubiquitously expressed and essential for survival of adult flies. We have performed immunofluorescence and cell fractionation analyses and show here that BSF is mainly a mitochondrial protein. We studied two independent RNAi knockdown fly lines and report that reduced BSF protein levels lead to a severe respiratory deficiency and delayed development at the late larvae stage. Ubiquitous knockdown of BSF results in a severe reduction of the polyadenylation tail lengths of specific mitochondrial mRNAs, accompanied by an enrichment of unprocessed polycistronic RNA intermediates. Furthermore, we observed a significant reduction in mRNA steady state levels, despite increased de novo transcription. Surprisingly, mitochondrial de novo translation is increased and abnormal mitochondrial translation products are present in knockdown flies, suggesting that BSF also has a role in coordinating the mitochondrial translation in addition to its role in mRNA maturation and stability. We thus report a novel function of BSF in flies and demonstrate that it has an important intra-mitochondrial role, which is essential for maintaining mtDNA gene expression and oxidative phosphorylation

    Conservation of Salmonella Infection Mechanisms in Plants and Animals

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    Salmonella virulence in animals depends on effectors injected by Type III Secretion Systems (T3SSs). In this report we demonstrate that Salmonella mutants that are unable to deliver effectors are also compromised in infection of Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Transcriptome analysis revealed that in contrast to wild type bacteria, T3SS mutants of Salmonella are compromised in suppressing highly conserved Arabidopsis genes that play a prominent role during Salmonella infection of animals. We also found that Salmonella originating from infected plants are equally virulent for human cells and mice. These results indicate a high degree of conservation in the defense and infection mechanism of animal and plant hosts during Salmonella infection

    Carbon Dynamics, Development and Stress Responses in Arabidopsis: Involvement of the APL4 Subunit of ADP-Glucose Pyrophosphorylase (Starch Synthesis)

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    An Arabidopsis thaliana T-DNA insertional mutant was identified and characterized for enhanced tolerance to the singlet-oxygen-generating herbicide atrazine in comparison to wild-type. This enhanced atrazine tolerance mutant was shown to be affected in the promoter structure and in the regulation of expression of the APL4 isoform of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, a key enzyme of the starch biosynthesis pathway, thus resulting in decrease of APL4 mRNA levels. The impact of this regulatory mutation was confirmed by the analysis of an independent T-DNA insertional mutant also affected in the promoter of the APL4 gene. The resulting tissue-specific modifications of carbon partitioning in plantlets and the effects on plantlet growth and stress tolerance point out to specific and non-redundant roles of APL4 in root carbon dynamics, shoot-root relationships and sink regulations of photosynthesis. Given the effects of exogenous sugar treatments and of endogenous sugar levels on atrazine tolerance in wild-type Arabidopsis plantlets, atrazine tolerance of this apl4 mutant is discussed in terms of perception of carbon status and of investment of sugar allocation in xenobiotic and oxidative stress responses