267 research outputs found

    Please don't stop the music: A meta-analysis of the cognitive and academic benefits of instrumental musical training in childhood and adolescence

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    An extensive literature has investigated the impact of musical training on cognitive skills and academic achievement in children and adolescents. However, most of the studies have relied on cross-sectional designs, which makes it impossible to elucidate whether the observed differences are a consequence of the engagement in musical activities. Previous meta-analyses with longi- tudinal studies have also found inconsistent results, possibly due to their reliance on vague definitions of musical training. In addition, more evidence has appeared in recent years. The current meta-analysis investigates the impact of early programs that involve learning to play musical instruments on cognitive skills and academic achievement, as previous meta-analyses have not focused on this form of musical training. Following a systematic search, 34 indepen- dent samples of children and adolescents were included, with a total of 176 effect sizes and 5998 participants. All the studies had pre-post designs and, at least, one control group. Overall, we found a small but significant benefit (gΔ = 0.26) with short-term programs, regardless of whether they were randomized or not. In addition, a small advantage at baseline was observed in studies with self-selection (gpre = 0.28), indicating that participants who had the opportunity to select the activity consistently showed a slightly superior performance prior to the beginning of the inter- vention. Our findings support a nature and nurture approach to the relationship between instru- mental training and cognitive skills. Nevertheless, evidence from well-conducted studies is still scarce and more studies are necessary to reach firmer conclusions.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y DeporteComunidad Autónoma de MadridMinisterio de Economía, Industria y CompetitividadUniversidad de Granada / CBU

    A process-specific approach in the study of normal aging deficits in cognitive control: What deteriorates with age?

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    Bearing in mind that cognitive control is a complex function that includes several processes, it is not clear exactly which ones deteriorate with age. In fact, controversial results have been found. For example, some studies indicate that age-related deficits are observed in proactive and not in reactive control, others show that it is reactive control that is impaired and not proactive control, and some studies find no deficits at all (e.g., Kopp, Lange, Howe, & Wessel, 2014; Xiang et al., 2016). One possible reason is that the contribution of different processes to the deterioration of cognitive control was investigated separately, i.e., without testing all processes within the same paradigm. Therefore, the main goal of the present experiment was to study the impact of normal aging on several processes related to cognitive control within the same task, which included both Simon and Spatial Stroop trials. The study focused on the following processes: generation of conflict measured by automatic response capture (i.e., stronger task-irrelevant information processing compared to task-relevant information processing); conflict detection; and control implementation (which can be reactive control, both within trials and across trials, and proactive control, as a task-set strategy). The results showed larger automatic response capture for older adults when facing a stimulus-response conflict (Simon) but not a stimulus-stimulus conflict (Spatial Stroop). Similarly, older adults also showed larger detection effects for both conflicts. However, regarding control implementation, they only showed difficulties in inhibiting the early automatic response capture (within-trial reactive control) but not reactive control across trials or proactive control. In conclusion, it seems that older adults are more affected by the presence of task-irrelevant information, especially when it comes to resolving stimulus-response conflict. However, they showed no impairments in their ability to implement cognitive control both across trials and as a task-set strategy

    Interrelaciones del metabolismo glucídico con otras rutas del metabolismo celular

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    La síntesis de glucosa a partir de lactato y otros compuestos no glucídicos se denomina gluconeogénesis, y constituye la secuencia inversa del proceso glucolítico. Este proceso tiene también lugar a partir de moléculas de piruvato derivadas de la desaminación de aminoácidos como alanina, serina, etc. Parte de las moléculas de piruvato que entran en la mitocondria son oxidadas en el ciclo del ácido cítrico. Sin embargo si la concentración de ATP es alta la mayor cantidad de piruvato es convertida en oxalacetato y malato, el cual puede dejar la mitocondria y ser reoxidado, para finalmente convertirse en glucosa a través de fosfoenolpiruvato. La gluconeogénesis hepática está fuertemente estimulada por glucagon y catecolaminas. Los efectos de estas hormonas están mediados por cAMP, lo que incluye la estimulación de la fructosa 1,6-bisfosfatasa y la inhibición de la fosfofructoquinasa. Durante el ayuno prolongado los almacenes de glucógeno corporal se agotan y las grasas constituyen el principal combustible para las celulas. Mientras la hidrólisis de lípidos suministra glicerol la cantidad de precursores de glucosa formada en este camino es limitada. Además las relaciones entre el metabolismo de carbohidratos y los metabolismos lipídico, proteico y amoniogénesis renal se tratan en este artículo.The con ve rsio n of phosphoenolpyruvate to glucose represents a reversal of part of the glycolysis sequence. It will be convenient to discuss this along with the reversal of the complete glycolysis sequence from lactic. The latter, which is called gluconeogenesis, is an essential part of the Cori cycle. The same process may be used by the body to convert pyruvate derived from deamina tion of alanine or serine into carbohydrates. If a large amount of lactate enters the liver it is oxidized to pyruvate which enters the mitochondria. There is part of pyruvate that it is oxidized through the citric acid cyele. However if A TP is high pyruvate dehydrogenase is blocked. If this happens, the amount of pyruvate converted to oxalacetate and malate may increase. Malate may leave the mitochondrion to be reoxidized to oxalacetate which is then converted to phosphoenolpyruvate and on to glycogeri. Gluconeogenesis in liver is strongly promoted by glucagon and catecholamines. The effects, mediated by cAMP, may inelude stimulation of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase and inhibition of phos phofructokinase. During prolonged fasting glycogen supplies are depleted and fats become the principal fuel. Both glucose and pyruvate are in short supply. While the hydrolisis of lipids provide sorne glycerol the quantity of glucose precursors formed in this way is limited

    “Desarrollo de las capacidades gluconeogénica y glucolítica de corteza renal durante ciclos de ayuno y alimentación”

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    The effects of different starve-feed cycles on gluconeogenic and glycolytic capacities of kidney cortex have been studied. Opposite effects were found during these nutritional states (feeding, characterized by a high carbohydrate diet, and starvation) and both metabolic processes. During the feeding state, a decrease in the gluconeogenic flux was parallel to an increase in the glycolytic one. The behaviour of these metabolic processes was opposed during starvation. The results in this work show that kidney cortex, is able to adapt itself to different availability of exogenous macronutrients or nutritional situations, pointing out the important role that it plays in the maintenance of the glucostatic state of the animal.Se han estudiado los efectos de diferentes ciclos alternativos de alimentación y ayuno sobre las capacidades gluconeogénica y glucolítica de corteza renal, así como sobre los principales enzimas implicados en ambos procesos. Durante el período de alimentación, caracterizado por someter a los animales a una dieta rica en carbohidratos, la capacidad gluconeogénica de corteza renal disminuyó hasta un máximo del 60 %, mientras que el flujo glucolítico se incrementó significativamente a lo largo del tiempo llegando a alcanzar un valor superior al 100 %. La situación cambia durante el período de ayuno, dando lugar a un importante y significativo (70 %) incremento de la síntesis de glucosa con una disminución (31 %) de la capacidad glucolítica. Los resultados presentados en este trabajo permiten concluir que la corteza renal es capaz de poner en marcha los mecanismos adecuados de adaptación frente a diferentes situaciones nutricionales, indicando el importante papel que juega este tejido en el mantenimiento del estado glucostático del animal

    Maximizing opportunities and minimizing risks for children online: the role of digital skills in emerging strategies of parental mediation

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    As internet use becomes widespread at home, parents are trying to maximize their children’s online opportunities while also minimizing online risks. We surveyed parents of 6- to 14-year-olds in eight European countries (N=6,400). A factor analysis revealed two strategies. Enabling mediation is associated with increased online opportunities but also risks. This strategy incorporates safety efforts, responds to child agency and is employed when parent or child is relatively digitally skilled, so may not support harm. Restrictive mediation is associated with fewer online risks but at the cost of opportunities, reflecting policy advice that regards media use as primarily problematic. It is favoured when parent or child digital skills are lower, potentially keeping vulnerable children safe yet undermining their digital inclusion

    Ciclo de las Pentosas Fosfato. II. Regulación metabólica y nutricional a corto y largo plazo

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    The widespread occurrence of the pentose phosphate pathway in living cells testifies to the importance of this metabolic route, whose primary functions are: a) the production of pentose phosphate for mono-, di- and polynucleotide synthesis; b) the formation of NADPH to be used by the cell in a variety of biosynthetic pathways and reductive processes. The control of the pentose phosphate cycle is not yet fully understood; regulatory mechanisms are likely to operate at the initial step (the glucose 6-phosphate reaction). The activity of hepatic glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase is inhibited by NADPH. The experiments confirm that the inhibition by NADPH is competitively reserved by NADP and depends on the [NADPH] / [NADP+] ratio. However, other factors must overcome the inhibition by NADPH, and in this sense glutation has been proposed. Several observations have indicated that the activity of the glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase is regulated by the nutritional and hormonal state of the animal. Enzyme activity increases when an animal is starved and re-fed with a high-carbohydrate diet, or after administration of insulin or glucocorticoids. In addition, the dietary induction of these enzyrnes is regulate in a fashion that is coordinate with other lipogenic enzymes. Also, sorne features of the renal pentose phosphate pathway are discussed.La amplia distribución del ciclo de las pentosas fosfato en las células vivas, justifica la importancia de esta ruta, cuyas principales funciones son: a) producción de pentosas fosfato para la síntesis de nucleótidos; b) formación de NADPH para ser usado por la célula en una variedad de caminos biosintéticos y procesos de reducción. El control del ciclo de las pentosas fosfato no está totalmente dilucidado; los mecanismos reguladores probablemente operan en las reacciones iniciales (a nivel de la glucosa 6-fosfato). La actividad de la G6PDH hepática es inhibida por NADPH. Los experimentos confirman que la inhibición por NADPH es revertida competitivamente por NADP y que depende de la relación [NADPH] / [NADP+]. Sin embargo, otros factores deben acompañar la inhibición por NADPH, y en este sentido se ha propuesto al glutation. Varias observaciones han indicado que la actividad de la G6PDH y 6PGDH están reguladas por el estado nutricional y hormonal del animal. La actividad enzimática aumenta cuando un animal es sometido a ayuno y realimentado después con una dieta alta en carbohidratos, o después de la administración de insulina o glucocorticoides. Por otro lado, la inducción de estos enzimas por la dieta es regulada de forma coordinada con otros enzimas lipogénicos. También se discuten y comentan algunas propiedades del ciclo de las pentosas fosfato en riñón

    Implementation of an Artificial Neural Network on the Test Barcelona Workstation As a Predictive Model for the Classification of Normal, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease Subjects Using the Neuronorma Battery

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    Objective: To develop and implement an online Artificial Neural Network (ANN) that provides the probability of a subject having mild cognitive impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Method: Different ANNs were trained using a sample of 350 controls (CONT), 75 MCI and 93 AD subjects. The ANN structure chosen was the following: (1) an input layer of 33 cognitive variables from the Neuronorma battery plus two sociodemographic variables, age and education. This layer was reduced to a 15 features input vector using Multiple Discriminant Analysis method, (2) one hidden layer with 8 neurons, and (3) three output neurons corresponding to the 3 expected cognitive states. This ANN was defined in a previous study [28]. The ANN was implemented on the web site www.test-barcelona.com (Test Barcelona Workstation) [9]. Results: When comparing CONT, MCI and AD participants, the best ANN correctly classifies up to 94,87% of the study participants. Conclusions: The online implemented ANN, delivers the probabilities (%) of belonging to the CONT, MCI and AD groups of a subject assessed using the 35 characteristics (variables) of the Neuronorma profile. This tool is a good complement for the interpretation of cognitive profiles. This technology improves clinical decision making. Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, Probability, Alzheimer disease, Test Barcelona Workstation

    Adaptación metabólica del ciclo de las pentosas fosfato en corteza renal de rata. I.-Regulación nutricional de las actividades glucosa 6-fosfato deshidrogenasa y 6-fosfatogluconato deshidrogenasa

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    The effects of several different nutritional conditions on rat-kidney-cortex glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH) activities have been studied. Neither lipogenic (high-carbohydrate diet) nor lipolityc (fast and high-fat diet) conditions modified the enzymes activities. Only the high-protein diet produced a significant increase on both renal G6PDH and 6PGDH actlvltles about 60-70 % respectively. These changes were significant as well at saturant as subsaturant substrate concentrations after eight days of treatment. The enhanced enzyme activity are in agreement with variations in the cellular concentration of these enzymes. Finally, the reasons of this induction was analized and the different aspects of renal nutritional regulation of pentose phosphate pathway have been discussed.Se han estudiado las actividades glucosa 6-fosfato deshidrogenasa y 6-fosfogluconato deshidrogenasa de corteza renal de rata en animales sometidos a diferentes situaciones nutricionales. Ni situaciones claramente lipogénicas (tales como las dietas altas en carbohidratos), ni lipolíticas (como ayuno y las dietas altas en grasas), modificaron las actividades de ambos enzimas, solo la suplementación con proteínas en la dieta fue capaz de producir una estimulación de la actividad G6PDH y 6PGDH del orden del 60 y 70 % respectivamente. Esta estimulación tuvo lugar tanto a concentración saturante de sustrato como subsaturante, a partir de los ocho días de tratamiento. Posiblemente este incremento en las actividades enzimáticas sea el resultado de un aumento en la síntesis de nuevas moléculas de enzima. Finalmente se discuten las razones que pueden explicar esta inducción, así como el papel que juegan los aspectos nutricionales en la regulación del ciclo en corteza renal

    Ciclo de las Pentosas Fosfato. II. Regulación metabólica y nutricional a corto y largo plazo

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    La amplia distribución del ciclo de las pentosas fosfato en las células vivas, justifica la importancia de esta ruta, cuyas principales funciones son: a) producción de pentosas fosfato para la síntesis de nucleótidos; b) formación de NADPH para ser usado por la célula en una variedad de caminos biosintéticos y procesos de reducción. El control del ciclo de las pentosas fosfato no está totalmente dilucidado; los mecanismos reguladores probablemente operan en las reacciones iniciales (a nivel de la glucosa 6-fosfato). La actividad de la G6PDH hepática es inhibida por NADPH. Los experimentos confirman que la inhibición por NADPH es revertida competitivamente por NADP y que depende de la relación [NADPH] / [NADP+]. Sin embargo, otros factores deben acompañar la inhibición por NADPH, y en este sentido se ha propuesto al glutation. Varias observaciones han indicado que la actividad de la G6PDH y 6PGDH están reguladas por el estado nutricional y hormonal del animal. La actividad enzimática aumenta cuando un animal es sometido a ayuno y realimentado después con una dieta alta en carbohidratos, o después de la administración de insulina o glucocorticoides. Por otro lado, la inducción de estos enzimas por la dieta es regulada de forma coordinada con otros enzimas lipogénicos. También se discuten y comentan algunas propiedades del ciclo de las pentosas fosfato en riñón

    Adaptación metabólica del ciclo de las pentosas fosfato en corteza renal de rata. I.-Regulación nutricional de las actividades glucosa 6-fosfato deshidrogenasa y 6-fosfatogluconato deshidrogenasa

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    Se han estudiado las actividades glucosa 6-fosfato deshidrogenasa y 6-fosfogluconato deshidrogenasa de corteza renal de rata en animales sometidos a diferentes situaciones nutricionales. Ni situaciones claramente lipogénicas (tales como las dietas altas en carbohidratos), ni lipolíticas (como ayuno y las dietas altas en grasas), modificaron las actividades de ambos enzimas, solo la suplementación con proteínas en la dieta fue capaz de producir una estimulación de la actividad G6PDH y 6PGDH del orden del 60 y 70 % respectivamente. Esta estimulación tuvo lugar tanto a concentración saturante de sustrato como subsaturante, a partir de los ocho días de tratamiento. Posiblemente este incremento en las actividades enzimáticas sea el resultado de un aumento en la síntesis de nuevas moléculas de enzima. Finalmente se discuten las razones que pueden explicar esta inducción, así como el papel que juegan los aspectos nutricionales en la regulación del ciclo en corteza renal.The effects of several different nutritional conditions on rat-kidney-cortex glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PDH) and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGDH) activities have been studied. Neither Ijpogenic (high-carbohydrate diet) nor lipolityc (fast and high-fat diet) conditions modified the enzymes activities. Only the high-protein diet produced a significant increase on both renal G6PDH and 6PGDH actlvltles about 60-70 % respectively. These changes were significant as well at saturant as subsaturant substrate concentrations after eight days of treatment. The enhanced enzyme activity are in agreement with variations in the cellular concentration of these enzymes. Finally, the reasons of this induction was analized and the different aspects of renal nutritional regulation of pentose phosphate pathway have been discussed