815 research outputs found

    Single pot sequential crystallization-distillation as a new purification procedure

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    A new purification procedure exploiting the simultaneous presence of a solid, liquid, and gas phase in a low surface area system is proposed and discussed. The assumptions of vanishingly low diffusion coefficients in the solid phase and that of the presence of a single "effective impurity" allow to plan the sequence of operations starting from the knowledge of just the melting and boiling points of the substance to be purified and of those of the "effective impurity". Examples and results are presented

    An SEI model for sarcoptic mange among chamois

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    We consider a simple model to study the dynamics of sarcoptic mange in a population of chamois. The epidemiological patterns observed during an epidemic in Italy are reconstructed and key parameters of the model are estimated from field data. In particular, we calculate the basic reproductive ratio R (0), a threshold value for chamois density for the occurrence of an epidemic and the speed of propagation of the epidemic wave. The model is then used to obtain indications on the effect of culling as a possible control measure in a closed population and extended to analyse the spatial diffusion of the epidemic. Our results are in agreement with mange epidemiology and observations, and suggest that intervention could be efficacious in reducing the impact of an epidemic

    Analysis of cleaning, sterilization, storage process and frequency of endodontic instrument replacement of endodontists from the city of Caxias do Sul/RS

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    Introduction: The maintenance of the aseptic chain associated with the knowledge and mastery of technique by the Endodontists are key factors for the success of endodontic treatment. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate, through a questionnaire, the care and cleaning, sterilization and storage methods of endodontic instruments, and the time of material disposal by endodontists from city of Caxias do Sul/ RS. Material and methods: Thirty-two endodontists participated in the study. The professionals answered a questionnaire with eight questions regarding biosecurity methods that they applied in their offices. Results: The cleaning process most adopted by most professionals was the use of brush associated or not with ultrasound. The disinfecting agent of choice by most respondents was the enzymatic detergent. All professionals performing the sterilization process by autoclave. Concerning tothe disposal of manual endodontic instruments, fifteen participants reported to control the presence of twist or fracture and sixteen by the number of uses. For the rotary and reciprocating systems, most endodontists controlled the instrument replacement by the number of uses; with mean age of five uses for rotatory instruments. For the reciprocating system, different responses regarding the number of uses were reported. Conclusion: This study showed that the endodontists from Caxias do Sul/RS followed a satisfactory protocol for cleaning and sterilization of endodontic instruments. However, for the replacement of rotatory and reciprocating instruments, it was found that mostprofessionals did not follow the manufacturers’ recommendation

    Meio Ambiente, tutelas de urgência e processo coletivo

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    A problemática ambiental vem assumindo grande importância na sociedade atual. A utilização demasiada dos recursos serve como base para grandes discussões. Ao mesmo tempo em que se reconhece ao cidadão o direito de usufruir do ambiente que o cerca, impõe deveres, no sentido de garantir-se a utilização racional dos recursos ambientais. Apesar da existência de uma vasta legislação ambiental, o tema exige maiores mecanismos de controle, visando a proteção e garantia dos recursos naturais. Assim, faz-se necessária uma nova interpretação dos princípios processuais que vigoram no ordenamento, no sentido de melhorar a tutela do bem ambiental

    Jurisdiction and alternative means for solving conflicts: a choice for environmental issues

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    A medida que las sociedades se fueron tornando más complejas, comenzaron a surgir nuevas categorías de conflictos, como es el caso de los conflictos ambientales. Sin embargo, el sistema procesal vigente todavía se rige por un ordenamiento jurídico positivista, apegado fundamentalmente a las directrices enmarcadas en la ley, ya que en la actualidad se utiliza la misma estructura judicial para resolver todo tipo de apremios. Como resultado de ello, se observa una deficiencia, por parte del Estado, en tutelar los nuevos derechos que surgen en una sociedad en constante evolución. Dado este contexto, el presente trabajo plantea la necesidad de utilizar medios alternativos de resolución de controversias, tales como la mediación-conciliación como opciones viables para poner fin a los conflictos ambientales, y con ello obtener una solución mediante medidas específicas al caso concreto.As societies became more complex, new kinds of conflicts emerged such as the environmental ones. However, current procedural system is still governed by a positivistic legal system basically supported on legal guidelines since the same judicial structure for solving all kind of issues is still used today. As a result, a deficiency is seen with the State when dealing with protecting new rights that emerge in a society in permanent evolution. For this reason, this article established a need for using alternative conflict resolution means (such as the mediation-conciliation) as viable choices for resolving environmental conflicts as a way to get a solution through concrete measures for specific cases


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    Profili molecolari predittivi del potenziale metastatico del carcinoma uroteliale della vescica di stadio pT1 o superiore Introduzione: i dati di analisi genomica per i tumori della vescica hanno definito sottogruppi che mostrano una aggressivit\ue0 e delle risposte alla chemioterapia dfferenti. Il nostro obiettivo era identificare marcatori molecolari predittivi dell'evoluzione tumorale. Materiali e metodi: il DNA estratto da 54 tumori solidi e da 50 campioni di urina di pazienti con tumore alla vescica sono stati ibridizzati sul chip CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization) BCA-oligo. Dei TMA (Tissue Micro Array) di tessuti inclusi in paraffina da 140 tumori primitivi e metastatici sono stati analizzati mediante immunoistochimica per marcatori coinvolti in: stabilit\ue0 del DNA, proliferazione cellulare e la definizione di sottogruppo basale o luminale. Le correlazioni con i dati clinici sono state ricercate a tutti i livelli di analisi. Risultati: il numero di alterazioni cromosomiche aumenta significativamente con lo stadio del tumore. La distribuzione di queste alterazioni era coerente tra i DNA estratti da tessuto tumorale e campioni urinari. Se nessun marcatore immunoistochimico ha permesso di differenziare tra pazienti metastatici e non metastatici, sono stati osservati profili di marcatura coerenti tra tumori primari e metastasi. La presenza di emboli linfatici del tumore era predittiva dello stato metastatico. Conclusione: L'uso nella pratica clinica del test BCA-oligo puo' essere realizzato per predire l'evoluzione di un tumore vescicale verso uno stadio o un grado superiore, ed eseguito su un semplice campione di urina. La ricerca sistematica di emboli linfatici sui tumori primari pu\uf2 essere utilizzata per prevedere un'evoluzione metastatica.Predictive Molecular Profiles of the Metastatic Potential of Urothelial Carcinoma of the Bladder Stage pT1 or Greater Introduction: Recent data from genomic analysis of bladder tumors have identified subgroups with different aggressiveness patterns and chemotherapy response profiles. The aim of our study was to identify molecular markers that can be used in clinical practice, to predict the evolution of these tumors in order to personalize their management. Materials and Methods: DNAs extracted from 54 solid tumors and 50 urine samples from patients with bladder cancer were hybridized on the BCA-oligo CGH (Comparative Genome Hybridization) chip. TMAs (Tissue Micro Array) from 140 paraffine-embedded tissues of primary and metastatic tumors, were analyzed in immunohistochemistry with antibodies directed against proteins involved in DNA stability, cell proliferation and the definition of basal or luminal subgroup. Correlations with clinical data were sought at all levels of analysis. Results: The number of chromosomal alterations increased significantly with the tumor stage. In addition, the distribution of these alterations was consistent between the DNAs extracted from tumor tissue and those from urinary samples. If no immunohistochemical marker differentiated between metastatic and non-metastatic patients, similar labeling patterns were observed between primary tumors and metastases. Notably, the presence of lymphatic emboli was predictive of metastatic status. Conclusion: The use in clinical practice of the BCA-oligo chip to predict a progression of a bladder tumor to a higher stage or grade may be considered. This analysis is feasible on urine sample. The systematic search for lymphatic emboli on primary tumors can be used in clinical practice to predict a metastatic evolution.Profils mol\ue9culaires pr\ue9dictifs du potentiel m\ue9tastatique du carcinome uroth\ue9lial de la vessie de stade pT1 ou sup\ue9rieur Introduction: Les donn\ue9es des analyses g\ue9nomiques des tumeurs de vessie ont d\ue9fini des sous-groupes qui pr\ue9sentent une agressivit\ue9 et une r\ue9ponse \ue0 la chimioth\ue9rapie diff\ue9rents. Notre but \ue9tait d\u2019identifier des marqueurs mol\ue9culaires pr\ue9dictifs de l'\ue9volution tumorale. Mat\ue9riels et m\ue9thodes: Les ADNs de 54 tumeur solides et de 50 \ue9chantillons d\u2019 urines de patients avec une tumeur de vessie ont \ue9t\ue9 hybrid\ue9s sur la puce CGH (Comparative Genomic Hybridization) BCA-oligo. Des TMAs (Tissue Micro Array) de 140 tissus paraffin\ue9s de tumeurs primitives et m\ue9tastatiques, ont \ue9t\ue9 analys\ue9s en immunohistochimie pour les marqueurs impliqu\ue9s dans: stabilit\ue9 de l\u2019ADN, prolif\ue9ration cellulaire et d\ue9finition de sous-groupe basal ou luminal. Des corr\ue9lations avec les donn\ue9es cliniques ont \ue9t\ue9 recherch\ue9es \ue0 tous les niveaux d\u2019analyse. R\ue9sultats: Le nombre d'alt\ue9rations chromosomiques augmentait significativement avec le stade tumoral. La distribution de ces alt\ue9rations \ue9tait coh\ue9rente entre les ADNs extraits de tissu tumoral et de pr\ue9l\ue8vements urinaires. Si aucun marqueur immunohistochimique ne permettait de diff\ue9rencier les patients m\ue9tastatiques ou non, des profils de marquage similaires ont \ue9t\ue9 observ\ue9s entre tumeurs primitives et m\ue9tastases. La pr\ue9sence d'emboles tumoraux lymphatiques \ue9tait pr\ue9dictive du statut m\ue9tastatique. Conclusion: l\u2019utilisation dans la pratique clinique de la puce BCA-oligo pour pr\ue9dire une \ue9volution d'une tumeur de vessie vers un stade ou un grade plus \ue9lev\ue9 peut \ueatre envisag\ue9e, et r\ue9alis\ue9e sur un simple pr\ue9l\ue8vement urinaire. La recherche syst\ue9matique d\u2019emboles lymphatiques sur tumeurs primitives peut \ueatre utilis\ue9e pour pr\ue9dire une \ue9volution m\ue9tastatique

    Perfil das crianças e adolescentes com tuberculose pleural assistidas pelo serviço de pneumologia pediátrica de um hospital infantil de referência do sul do Brasil

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    Introdução: O diagnóstico de tuberculose pleural é desafiador, e seu atraso pode gerar internações prolongadas e uso desnecessário de antibióticos. Poucos estudos caracterizam a população pediátrica com derrame pleural tuberculoso, contribuindo para que o diagnóstico seja negligenciado. Objetivo: Analisar as características das crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico de tuberculose pleural atendidas em um serviço de pneumologia pediátrica no sul do Brasil no período entre janeiro de 2007 e dezembro de 2016. Metodologia: Trata-se de um estudo descritivo no qual revisou-se as características de crianças e adolescentes internados no Hospital da Criança Santo Antônio de Porto Alegre, sul do Brasil, com diagnóstico de tuberculose pleural, baseado: 1) na presença do bacilo álcool-ácido resistente (BAAR) ou cultura positiva para Mycobacterium tuberculosis em amostra de escarro, aspirado gástrico, líquido pleural ou material de biópsia; 2) exame anatomopatológico de biópsia pleural demonstrando granuloma com ou sem necrose caseosa; 3) quadro clínico sugestivo de TBP associado à presença de derrame pleural e teste tuberculínico cutâneo maior ou igual a 10 mm (teste positivo, conforme definições da OMS) em pacientes com pelo menos um dos seguintes: história de contato com adulto com relato de tuberculose, predomínio de linfócitos à analise celular do líquido pleural, quantificação de ADA no líquido pleural maior ou igual a 40 U/L; ou 4) na melhora do quadro clínico e radiológico após tratamento com drogas tuberculostáticas. O projeto de pesquisa foi aprovado pelo Comitê de ética e pesquisa da Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia. Os dados foram registrados em Excel® e analisados através do programa estatístico SPSS versão 20.0. Resultados: Durante o período estudado, foram identificadas 59 crianças e adolescentes com diagnóstico de tuberculose pleural. A média de idade foi de 10,9 anos. A maioria (63%) era do sexo masculino. Em 70% dos casos havia história de contato com provável transmissor da tuberculose. Os sintomas mais comuns observados foram febre, tosse e dor torácica. A mediana de tempo entre o início dos sintomas e o diagnóstico foi 14 dias. Cerca de 80% fizeram uso de antibioticoterapia para tratamento de pneumonia comunitária, antes do diagnóstico de tuberculose pleural, e destes 43% usaram 2 ou mais antibióticos. Na análise do líquido pleural observou-se predomínio de linfócitos; não houve diferença significativa quando comparados o tempo do início dos sintomas e o predomínio de linfócitos no líquido pleural. A adenosina deaminase (ADA) foi maior ou igual a 40UI/L em 84% dos pacientes. Quando comparados os valores de ADA em diferentes faixas etárias não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos. A biópsia pleural foi realizada em 85% dos casos, desses 88% apresentavam granuloma. A cultura do material de biópsia foi positiva em 6 pacientes. Conclusões: Nesta serie de casos observou-se tempo prolongado entre o início dos sintomas e o diagnóstico, além de uso desnecessário de antibiótico em número significativo de pacientes. Não está bem esclarecido o motivo do elevado número de casos observados neste estudo. A alta prevalência de tuberculose pulmonar em adultos em Porto Alegre poderia explicar parcialmente esse achado.Introduction: The diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis is challenging, and its delay can lead to prolonged hospitalizations and unnecessary use of antibiotics. Few studies characterize the pediatric population with tuberculous pleural effusion, contributing to an overlooked diagnosis. Objective: To analyze the characteristics of children and adolescents diagnosed with pleural tuberculosis treated at a pediatric pulmonology service in southern Brazil between January 2007 and December 2016. Methodology: This is a retrospective descriptive study carried out through a review of the characteristics of children and adolescents hospitalized at the Hospital da Crianças Santo Antônio in Porto Alegre, southern Brazil, with a diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis based on: 1) the presence of alcohol-acid resistant bacilli (BAAR) or positive culture for Mycobacterium tuberculosis in sputum sample, gastric aspirate, pleural fluid or biopsy material; 2) histopathological examination of pleural biopsy showing granuloma with or without caseous necrosis; 3) clinical status suggestive of TB associated with the presence of pleural effusion and cutaneous tuberculin skin test greater than or equal to 10 mm (positive test, according to WHO definitions) in patients with at least one of the following: history of contact with an adult with tuberculosis, predominance of lymphocytes to cellular analysis of pleural fluid, ADA quantification in pleural fluid greater or equal to 40 U / L; or 4) improvement of clinical and radiological status after treatment with tuberculostatic drugs. The research project was approved by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Irmandade Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Porto Alegre. Data were recorded in Excel® and analyzed using the SPSS statistical program version 20.0. Results: During the study period, 59 children and adolescents with a diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis were identified. The mean age was 10.9 years. The majority (63%) were male. In 70% of cases there was a history of contact with probable tuberculosis transmitter. The most common symptoms observed were fever, cough and chest pain. The median time between onset of symptoms and diagnosis was 14 days. About 80% used antibiotics to treat bacterial pneumonia prior to diagnosis, of which 43% used 2 or more antibiotics. In the pleural fluid analysis, there was a predominance of lymphocytes, there was no significant difference when compared to the time of onset of symptoms and the predominance of lymphocytes. Adenosine deaminase (ADA) was greater than or equal to 40 IU / L in 84% of patients. There was no significant difference between groups when comparing ADA values in different age groups. Pleural biopsy was performed in 85% of the cases, of which 88% had granuloma. The culture of the biopsy material was positive in 6 patients. Conclusions: In this series of cases, there was a prolonged time between the onset of symptoms and the diagnosis, in addition to unnecessary use of antibiotics in a significant number. The reason for the high number of cases observed in this study is unclear. The high prevalence of pulmonary tuberculosis in adults in Porto Alegre could partially explain this finding

    Do Gender And Age Influence Agroforestry Farmers’ Knowledge Of Tree Species Uses In An Area Of The Atlantic Forest, Brazil?

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)This study aimed to explore the extent of knowledge of tree species and their uses by agroforestry farmers in the Vale do Ribeira, Brazil, to verify whether gender and age are related to species knowledge in different use categories. The study was conducted using semi-structured interviews, guided tours, direct observation and collection and identification of botanical material. Analyses were based on the frequency with which plants were mentioned. Forty farmers (17 women and 23 men aged 18 to 78 years) were interviewed. There were significant differences in the species richness cited exclusively by each gender; the number of species mentioned by men (36 sp.) was higher than by women (11 sp.). Men exhibited a greater knowledge of such categories as construction, organic matter, fuel, animal feed, technology and beekeeping, whereas there were no significant differences for food, medical and other categories. Age was also a distinguishing factor; younger people mentioned the lowest number of species (74 sp.) compared to adults (163 sp.) and the elderly (150 sp.). The greater number of species mentioned exclusively by men may indicate the existence of specialized knowledge, whereas environmental constraints and the availability of plant resources may limit the knowledge of young people. © 2016, Sociedade Botanica do Brasil. All rights reserved.304667682CAPES, Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível SuperiorCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES
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