336 research outputs found

    Man är som man är. En undersökning om behovet av fortbildning i jämställdhet, genus och normkritik bland musiklärare på en gymnasieskola.

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    Studiens syfte är att primärt att ta reda på vilka behov musiklärare på en gymnasieskola har av fortbildning kring jämställdhet, genus och normkritik i ensembleundervisning. I ett vidare perspektiv syftar också studien till att utgöra grunden för ett normkritiskt fortbildningsmaterial riktat till lärare i ensemble. Bakgrunden till studien bygger på att det svenska samhället år 2014 fortfarande brister i jämställdhet på många plan. Musikundervisningen i våra skolor är inget undantag (Bergman, 2009; Björck, 2011; Borgström Källén, 2014a). Detta faktum gås igenom och kopplas till feministiska teorier som genuspedagogik och normkritisk pedagogik. Tidigare forskning om genus och normkritik i relation till musik och musikpedagogik redovisas också i teorikapitlet. Litteraturstudier tillsammans med en fokusgruppintervju med tre manliga musiklärare har utformat resultatet. Det pekar på att informanterna har viss kunskap i frågor som rör jämställdhet och genus, men musiklärarna har svårt att uppfylla alla krav utifrån Skolverkets läroplaner. För att komma åt dessa brister föreslår författaren fortbildning i normkritisk pedagogik och genuspedagogik överlag, men också en rad konkreta övningar. De är riktade både till skolpersonal i allmänhet och specifikt till musiklärare i ensemble.The study's purpose is primarily to find out what needs teachers at an upper secondary school have in terms of continuing education on gender equality, gender and norm criticism in ensemble learning. More broadly, the study aims to provide the basis for a norm-critical training material for teachers in ensemble playing. The background to the study is based on the fact that Swedish society in 2014 still has gaps in gender equality on many levels. The music education in our schools is no exception (Bergman, 2009; Björck, 2011; Borgström Källén, 2014a). This fact is reviewed and linked to feminist theories of gender pedagogy and norm critical pedagogy. Previous research on gender and norm criticism in relation to music and music education are also presented in the theory chapter. The study includes literature studies and a focus group interview with three male music teachers. The results indicates that the informants have some knowledge on issues relating to gender equality and gender. But music teachers find it difficult to meet all the requirements based on the National Agency for Education curricula. To access these shortcomings the author proposes training in norm critical pedagogy and gender education in general, but also a series of practical exercises. They are directed to both the school staff in general and specifically to the ensemble teachers

    Modelling of non uniform washcoat in catalytic monolith reactors

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    For advances in the design of exhaust aftertreatment systems, modelling can be a valuable tool. There have been various efforts in modelling the diesel oxidation catalyst (DOC) with varying degree of complexity. The simplest 1D models discretize the monolithic channel axially and use an effectiveness factor to account for different washcoat geometries. The more complex 1+1D models also resolve the catalyst washcoat which makes them able to better predict efficiency of e.g. layered catalysts. However, the vast majority of these 1+1D models assume the washcoat to be a uniform slab with homogeneous properties. Thus, they cannot identify tangential washcoat variations which have been found to have substantial effects on washcoat diffusivity (1). In this work a new parallel 1+1D reactor model has been developed. Similar to the sectionalizing method presented by Papadias et al (2), the washcoat is sliced into multiple tangential sections based on an evenly distributed angle. The model then solves each section of the washcoat independently – assuming that no mass is transferred between each section. Preliminary results (see figure 1) compare NO light-off simulations using the original 1+1D model and the parallel model using 3 sections. If the washcoat properties for each section are kept constant, then the conversion efficiency of the parallel model is slightly decreased because of the increased diffusive resistance of the thicker corners. However, if including the local porosity of each section (where the corners show a 13% increase in local porosity based on SEM images), the conversion efficiency of the parallel model is significantly higher because of the increased pore diffusivity in the corners. The proposed methodology enables analysis of local washcoat properties. The results are important for high performance modelling towards zero emission vehicles

    Особливості дослідження соціокультурної варіативності інтонації мовлення

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    (uk) У статті обґрунтовано специфіку процедури дослідження соціокультурної варіативності інтонації англійського мовлення. На основі проведеного експериментально-фонетичного дослідження розглянуто методологію, основні процедури й методи вивчення варіативних характеристик інтонації, що дозволяють виявити інваріант та соціокультурні варіантні просодичні реалізації.(en) The paper explores thespecific research procedure of sociocultural variability of intonation of English oral speech. On the basis of experimental phonetic research the author discusses the methodology, main procedures and methods of research of intonation variant features which allow revealing the invariant and sociocultural variant prosodic realizations

    Redovisning av bonus- och incitamentsprogram - En internationell jämförelse

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    Vi vill presentera och jämföra svenska och amerikanska regelverk som reglerar redovisningen av bonus- och incitamentsprogram, undersöka hur redovisning av bonus- och incitamentsprogram har utvecklats i Sverige och koppla denna utveckling till det rådande läget i USA. Kärnan i vår slutsats är att Sveriges företag tenderar att utforma sin redovisning av bonus- och incitamentsprogram mer och mer i likhet med hur dessa redovisas i USA. Vi har i vår undersökning sett att skillnaderna mellan länderna, både gällande regelverk och hur redovisningen ser ut i praktiken, har minskat

    Durability of antireflective SiO2 coatings with closed pore structure

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    The use of antireflective coatings to increase the transmittance of the cover glass is a central aspect of achieving high efficiencies for solar collectors and photovoltaics alike. Considering an expected lifetime of 20-30 years for solar energy installations, the durability of the antireflective surfaces is essential. Here, a novel antireflective SiO2 coating with a hexagonally ordered closed pore structure, produced with an aerosol-based sol-gel method is benchmarked against two commercial coatings; produced with acid etching and sol-gel roll coating. The optical and mechanical properties together with contact angle characteristics were evaluated before and after various durability tests, including climate chamber tests, outdoor exposure, and abrasion. Compared to the commercial antireflective coatings with open pore structures, the novel coating performed in parity, or better, in all tests. Based on the results of humidity freeze and industrial climate chamber tests, it appears that the coating with closed pore structure has a better ability to prevent water adsorption. Additionally, the closed pore structure of the coating seems to minimize the accumulation of dirt and deposits. The abrasion and cleanability test further confirm the advantages of a closed pore structure, showcasing the coating's mechanical durability. While the coatings exhibit similar hardness and reduced elastic modulus, the closed pore coating proves to be even harder after undergoing the industrial climate chamber test, but also slightly more brittle, as indicated by the probability of crack initiation. In summary the closed pore structure is well suited for tempered and arid climates, making it a truly competitive alternative to existing antireflective coatings

    Our Place in the World: A New Relationship for Environmental Ethics and Law

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    Forty years ago, at the birth of environmental law, both legal and philosophical luminaries assumed that the new field would be closely connected with environmental ethics. Instead, the two grew dramatically apart. This article diagnoses that divorce and proposes a rapprochement. Environmental law has always grown through changes in public values: for this and other reasons, it cannot do without ethics. Law and ethics are most relevant to each other when there are large open questions in environmental politics: lawmakers act only when some ethical clarity arises; but law can itself assist in that ethical development. This is true now in a set of emerging issues: the law of food systems, animal rights, and climate change. This article draws on philosophy, history, and neuroscience to develop an account of the ethical changes that might emerge from each of these issues, and proposes legal reforms to foster that ethical development

    Кейсовый метод обучения при преподавании дисциплины "Стоматология детского возраста и профилактика стоматологических заболеваний"

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    Scattering theory for Klein-Gordon equations with non-positive energy

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    We study the scattering theory for charged Klein-Gordon equations: \{{array}{l} (\p_{t}- \i v(x))^{2}\phi(t,x) \epsilon^{2}(x, D_{x})\phi(t,x)=0,[2mm] \phi(0, x)= f_{0}, [2mm] \i^{-1} \p_{t}\phi(0, x)= f_{1}, {array}. where: \epsilon^{2}(x, D_{x})= \sum_{1\leq j, k\leq n}(\p_{x_{j}} \i b_{j}(x))A^{jk}(x)(\p_{x_{k}} \i b_{k}(x))+ m^{2}(x), describing a Klein-Gordon field minimally coupled to an external electromagnetic field described by the electric potential v(x)v(x) and magnetic potential b(x)\vec{b}(x). The flow of the Klein-Gordon equation preserves the energy: h[f, f]:= \int_{\rr^{n}}\bar{f}_{1}(x) f_{1}(x)+ \bar{f}_{0}(x)\epsilon^{2}(x, D_{x})f_{0}(x) - \bar{f}_{0}(x) v^{2}(x) f_{0}(x) \d x. We consider the situation when the energy is not positive. In this case the flow cannot be written as a unitary group on a Hilbert space, and the Klein-Gordon equation may have complex eigenfrequencies. Using the theory of definitizable operators on Krein spaces and time-dependent methods, we prove the existence and completeness of wave operators, both in the short- and long-range cases. The range of the wave operators are characterized in terms of the spectral theory of the generator, as in the usual Hilbert space case