10 research outputs found

    Diálogo intercultural e integração social – competências necessárias no trabalho dos jovens com os media

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    O objetivo deste projeto é criar uma proposta de alfabetização mediática, informacional e de integração social, com jovens de um meio multicultural em situação de exclusão social para implementar em ambientes de aprendizagem não formais. Partiu-se de atividades de diálogo, expressão e comunicação, as quais consistiram na criação de vídeos, entrevistas com a comunidade, notícias, reportagens, cartografias, dinâmicas de grupo, animações digitais, revistas e debates. Sempre esteve presente a temática do eu e do outro para compreender, aprender e respeitar em conjunto as diferenças multiculturais, falar sobre os problemas de exclusão ou de integração que existem, criar diálogo e, assim, promover a interculturalidade para poder ser a base de mudanças sociais. Através da abordagem metodológica de Investigação Ação Participativa e com base na Teoria da Atividade como referencial teórico, o campo empírico do estudo foram 20 jovens entre os 14 e os 18 anos de idade da cidade da Amadora em Portugal, provenientes de famílias de Portugal, Brasil, Angola, Cabo Verde e Guiné. Ao ser um estudo qualitativo, para a recolha e análise de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas individuais e de focus group, produtos produzidos pelos jovens, sessões de debates, notas de campo e relatórios pelos mediadores. Este estudo visa uma aprendizagem coletiva e significativa dos jovens, para os ajudar no desenvolvimento de habilidades necessárias para o século XXI e a ter sempre presente a ética, a sociedade e o uso e criação dos media com diálogo

    Multiculturality as a Point of Union

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    El libro de artista y una propuesta pedagógica: una aproximación metodológica entre arte y educación

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    [EN] Is art essential todays in education?, Are necesary new artistic-educational dynamics in this era of transformations?, The construction of an artist’s book can serve as an educational tool? From these questions, is built the research of this project. The major changes through history, have forced that in the education produce more active proposals. Current generations need attractive activities to capture their attention and art is the way. In this research develop the creation of an artist’s book as a learning strategy, not only considered in the artistic field, but used in any specialty discipline. The approach discussed in this project, part of the social concerns of the whole potential that has the collaborative and community work, taking as case studies the parallel activities with the development and cooperation. The most important is not our final result, is the creative procedures that made together to get a new idea, knowledge and constructive learning for each student. The educational artistic actions are key to the growth of children, youth, students, artists and educators themselves; actions that are necessary for a better educational development present and future.[ES] ¿Es indispensable el arte hoy en día en la educación?, ¿son necesarias nuevas dinámicas artístico-educativas en esta era de transformaciones?, ¿la construcción de un libro de artista puede funcionar como una herramienta educativa? A partir de estas preguntas se construye la investigación del Trabajo Final de Máster. Las grandes transformaciones a través de la historia, han obligado que en la educación se produzcan propuestas más activas. Las generaciones actuales necesitan de actividades atractivas para captar su atención y las artes son la vía para lograrlo. En esta investigación se plantea la elaboración de un libro de artista como estrategia de aprendizaje, no solo considerada dentro del área artística, sino empleada en cualquier especialidad disciplinar. El planteamiento que se hace en este TFM, parte de las preocupaciones sociales en conjunto de la potencialidad que tiene el trabajo colaborativo y comunitario, teniendo como estudios de caso la elaboración de actividades paralelas con la cooperación y al desarrollo. Lo más importante no es el resultado final, sino los procedimientos creativos que se realizan en conjunto para llegar a una idea, conocimiento o aprendizaje construido por cada alumno. Las acciones artístico educativas son clave para el crecimiento de los niños, jóvenes, estudiantes, artistas y de los mismos educadores; acciones que son necesarias para un mejor desarrollo educativo actual y futuro.Luna Muñoz, E. (2015). El libro de artista y una propuesta pedagógica: una aproximación metodológica entre arte y educación. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/62612.Archivo delegad

    Efecto de un entrenamiento de balance y kinesiotape en la postura de personas con enfermedad de Parkinson: un estudio piloto

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    50 p.Objetivo: Describir los efectos del kinesiotape (KT) sobre la flexión anterior de tronco y anteposición de cabeza en pacientes con enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) estadio 2 y 3 de la escala de Hoehn y Yahr pertenecientes a un programa de intervención de la clínica kinésica de la Universidad de Talca. Metodología: Estudio piloto, pre experimental pre y post prueba, realizado en personas con EP pertenecientes a un entrenamiento de balance en la Clínica de Kinesiología de la Universidad de Talca (N=5). Se realizó evaluación postural del plano sagital de columna torácica con inclinómetro e imagen 2D y flexibilidad de extremidad superior mediante Senior Fitness Test. Evaluados previo y posterior al entrenamiento realizado para disminuir el riesgo de caídas. La aplicación del KT se realizó durante el mes de intervención en todos los participantes. Al finalizar la intervención, se aplicó una encuesta de autopercepción de cambio postural posterior al uso de KT. Resultados: La edad media de la muestra fue de 62.8±4.1 años, con IMC 28.5 ± 4.6 Kg/cm2. Mediante el análisis estadístico con SPSS, se obtuvieron valores significativos pre y post intervención para la flexión anterior de tronco (p=0,040), no así para las variables de anteposición de cabeza (p=0,894), cifosis torácica (p=0,446) y flexibilidad de extremidades superiores (p= 0,581). Además, se pudo observar que la autopercepción de los cambios en la postura de los sujetos evaluados post aplicación de KT fue favorable al finalizar la intervención.Conclusión: La aplicación del KT más un entrenamiento durante un mes, tiene cambios significativos en la flexión anterior de tronco (p=0,040) y cambios favorables en la postura del plano sagital, la flexibilidad de miembro superior y autopercepción de cambio postural posterior al uso de KT en pacientes con EP. Palabras claves: Kinesiotape, Enfermedad de Parkinson, Postura, Columna torácica, Inclinómetro./ABSTRACT: Objective: Describe the effects of kinesio taping (KT) on the anterior trunk bending and the forward head posture in patients belonging to Kinesiology clinic of the University of Talca with Parkinson disease (PD) stages 2 and 3 according to Hoehn & Yahr scale. Methods: Pre-experimental, pretest-posttest pilot study. Realized in patients with PD belonging balance training, of the kinesiology clinic in the University of Talca (N=5). Postural evaluation of the sagittal plane in thoracic spine through a bubble inclinometer and a 2D image, also was evaluated the flexibility of upper limbs through the Senior Fitness test. It was evaluated before and after a training to reduce the risk of falls. The KT was applied during the month of intervention in all participants. At the end intervention was applied the self-perception survey of postural change after the use KT. Results: The average of the sample was 62.8±4.1 years old and the BMI was 28.5 ± 4.6 Kg/cm2. Through statistical analysis with SPSS, were obtained significant pre and post intervention for the anterior trunk bending (p=0,040), but no significant in forward head posture (0,894) and thoracic kyphosis (p=0,446) and flexibility of upper limbs (p=0,581). In addition, it was observed self-perception changes in the posture, of subjects evaluated post application of KT was favorable the end of intervention. Conclusion: The application of KT more training for one month has significant changes in the anterior trunk (p=0,040) and favorable changes in sagittal plane posture, upper imb flexibility and postural changes self-perception after the use KT in patients with EP

    MIL Cities and MIL Citizens: Informed, Engaged, Empowered by Media and Information Literacy (MIL).

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    Libro completoThe UNESCO UNITWIN Cooperation Programme on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue (MILID) is based on an initiative from the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the UN Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC). This Network was created in line with UNESCO’s mission and objectives, as well as the mandate of UNAOC, to serve as a catalyst and facilitator helping to give impetus to innovative projects aimed at reducing polarization among nations and cultures through mutual partnerships. This UNITWIN Network is composed of universities from different geographical areas: Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain), University of the West Indies (Jamaica), Cairo University (Egypt), University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), Temple University (USA), Tsinghua University (China), Moulay Ismail University (Morocco), Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah University (Morocco), University of Guadalajara (Mexico), Western University (Canada), University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Sorbonne Nouvelle University (France), Punjabi University, Patiala (India), University of the South Pacific (Fiji), University of South Africa (South Africa), Nnamdi Azikiwe University (Nigeria), Ahmadu Bello University (Nigeria), Lagos State University (Nigeria), University of Jors (Nigeria), University of Calabar (Nigeria), Hosei University (Japan), University of Latvia (Latvia), Moscow Pedagogical State University (Russia), Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios UNIMINUTO (Colombia), Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania), MICA (India), University of Campinas (Brazil). The main objectives of the Network are to foster collaboration among member universities, to build capacity in each of the countries in order to empower them to advance media and information literacy and intercultural dialogue, and to promote freedom of speech, freedom of information and the free flow of ideas and knowledge. Specific objectives include acting as an observatory for the role of media and information literacy (MIL) in promoting civic participation, democracy and development as well as enhancing intercultural and cooperative research on MIL. The programme also aims at promoting global actions related to MIL and intercultural dialogue. In such a context, a MILID Yearbook series is an important initiative. This MILID Yearbook is a result of a collaboration between UNESCO UNITWIN Cooperation Programme on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue, The Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO (Colombia) and the University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

    Technical Considerations for the Conformation of Specific Competences in Mechatronic Engineers in the Context of Industry 4.0 and 5.0

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    The incursion of disruptive technologies, such as the Internet of Things, information technologies, cloud computing, digitalization and artificial intelligence, into current production processes has led to a new global industrial revolution called Industry 4.0 or Manufacturing 4.0. This new revolution proposes digitization from one end of the value chain to the other by integrating physical assets into systems and networks linked to a series of technologies to create value. Industry 4.0 has far-reaching implications for production systems and engineering education, especially in the training of mechatronic engineers. In order to face the new challenges of the transition from manufacturing 3.0 to Industry 4.0 and 5.0, it is necessary to implement innovative educational models that allow the systematic training of engineers. The competency-based education model has ideal characteristics to help mechatronic engineers, especially in the development of specific competencies. This article proposes 15 technical considerations related to generic industrial needs and disruptive technologies that serve to determine those specific competencies required by mechatronic engineers to meet the challenges of Industry 4.0 and 5.0

    Construcción de ciudadanías críticas y fortalecimiento de las democracias en contextos de hiperconexión

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    Libro completo en acceso abierto.El texto recorre la intersección de las revoluciones política, social y tecnológica que marca el presente. Pasa de la descripción de una apertura económica global a la descripción, paso por paso, de un acceso a la red mediado por técnicos ― informáticos― a un escenario de producción ágil y abierto a un mayor número de personas y agentes, pero, en el que desafortunadamente ―a pesar de los desarrollos y movimientos paralelos― las estructuras hegemónicas aún controlan el alcance y rumbo de la información. La propuesta concluye en la proposición conceptual explorada desde la AMI; en palabras de los autores, como la necesidad de una “alfabetización radical crítica como esperanza”, en la que la comprensión sobre datos y programación básica debe formar parte de los sistemas educativos, en especial de básica y media

    Biodiversity, distribution, ecology and management of non-native weeds in Mexico: a review

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