1,389 research outputs found

    Factores reguladores de la monocigocia y dicigocia en España (2006)

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    En este trabajo se analiza la influencia de la edad materna, paridad, intervalo intergenési-co, estacionalidad del parto y el ambiente rural/urbano, definido en función del tamaño demográ-fico del lugar de residencia de la madre, sobre las frecuencias de gemelos monocigotos y dicigo-tos que se están produciendo recientemente en España. El estudio se ha realizado a partir de la información demográfica obtenida en la base de datos del Instituto Nacional de Estadística del año 2006. Los resultados indican que la monocigocia (gemelos idénticos) aumenta conforme lo hace la edad materna así como en los intervalos intergenésicos cortos (periodos entre embarazos consecutivos menores a dos años). Se ha comprobado que las mayores tasas de monocigocia se dan en ambientes rurales y que a partir del quinto embarazo la tasa de monocigocia disminuye mucho. En cuanto a la dicigocia, su frecuencia es mucho mayor en madres primerizas, en interva-los intergenésicos mayores de tres años y medio y en madres con edad avanzada. En primavera es donde se registran menos casos de dicigocia a lo largo del año

    Las habilidades blandas y su relación con la productividad humana en el personal del área de caja de plaza vea – real plaza, Trujillo – 2020

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    El presente estudio tuvo como propósito determinar la relación que existe entre las habilidades blandas y la productividad humana del personal del área de caja de Plaza Vea – Real Plaza, Trujillo – 2020. Se realizó un estudio transversal, descriptivo – correlacional el cual se basó en un cuestionario anónimo y autorrealizable que consistió en 3 preguntas básicas y 2 cuestionarios que permitieron categorizar los niveles de habilidades blandas y los niveles de productividad humana se basó a escalas previamente publicadas. Este cuestionario se aplicó a colaboradores del área de caja de Plaza Vea – Real Plaza, Trujillo – 2020. La relación estadística entre estas categorías se realizó mediante la prueba de Chi – cuadrado para muestras independientes. El total de colaboradores fue 90 de los cuales 84 aceptaron participar en el estudio. El 73.81% de colaboradores tuvo entre 18 y 29 años de edad, 66.67% fueron mujeres y el 35.71% tuvieron menos de un año como experiencia en atención al cliente. Con respecto a las habilidades blandas el 86.90% fue categorizado con un alto nivel de habilidades blandas y el 84.52% con un nivel alto en productividad humana. El alto nivel de habilidades blandas estuvo relacionado con el alto nivel de productividad humana (p<0.05). Las dimensiones de habilidades blandas relacionada con el alto nivel de productividad humana fueron la comunicación asertiva, flexibilidad y trabajo en equipo mientras que la integridad, actitud positiva y responsabilidad no se demostró relación estadística (p>0.05). Existió relación entre un alto nivel de habilidades blandas y un alto nivel de productividad humana del personal del área de caja de Plaza Vea – Real Plaza, Trujillo – 2020. Es necesario más estudios prospectivos que puedan determinar la magnitud de la influencia de los niveles de habilidades blandas en la productividad humanaThe purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between soft skills and human productivity of the cashier area staff at Plaza Vea - Real Plaza, Trujillo - 2020. A cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational study was carried out which was based on an anonymous and self-conducting questionnaire that consisted of 3 basic questions and 2 questionnaires that allowed categorizing the levels of soft skills and the levels of human productivity, based on previously published scales. This questionnaire was applied to collaborators in the cashier area of Plaza Vea - Real Plaza, Trujillo - 2020. The statistical relationship between these categories was performed using the Chi-square test for independent samples. The total number of collaborators was 90 of which 84 agreed to participate in the study. 73.81% of collaborators were between 18 and 29 years old, 66.67% were women and 35.71% had less than one year of experience in customer service. Regarding soft skills, 86.90% were categorized with a high level of soft skills and 84.52% with a high level of human productivity. The high level of soft skills was related to the high level of human productivity (p <0.05). The soft skills dimensions related to the high level of human productivity were assertive communication, flexibility and teamwork, while integrity, positive attitude and responsibility were not shown to be statistically related (p> 0.05). There was a relationship between a high level of soft skills and a high level of human productivity of the personnel of the cashier area of Plaza Vea - Real Plaza, Trujillo - 2020. More prospective studies are necessary that can determine the magnitude of the influence of the levels of soft skills in human productivity.Tesi

    Afectación tumoral del sistema nervioso periférico

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    Se han estudiado 18 pacientes con afectación del S.N.P. por lesiones tumorales tratados en nuestra unidad en un período de 8 años. La mayoría de estos tumores tenían una localización intraneural (14 casos), eran de naturaleza benigna (13 casos) y afectaban al miembro superior. La prueba diagnóstica más exacta fue la R.M.N. Destacamos la existencia en nuestra seria de algunos tumores de rara presentación en la clínica, como un caso de fibrolipoma, condroma intraneural y neurosarcoma de la variedad "Tritón", respectivamente.Eighteen patients who had tumours of peripheral nerves have been studied retrospectively. They were treated in our department for eight years. Most of these tumours were placed intraneuraly (14 cases), were benignant (13 cases), and located in the upper limb. The most precise test for diagnosis was the MRI. We want to emphasize the existence in our series of some tumours which rarely appears in clinic, for example a Fibrolipoma, a intraneural chondroma and a malignant triton tumour

    Estación de trabajo para registro 3D y fusión de imágenes para la planificación de radioterapia

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    Este trabajo presenta una estación de trabajo para registro tridimensional y fusión de imágenes orientada a la ayuda en la planificación y monitorización de terapias de radiación externa. El concepto de radioterapia adaptativa propone la realización de una planificación del tratamiento en cada una de las sesiones a las que acude el paciente, lo que supondría un decremento importante en la radiación que afecta a los tejidos sanos circundantes al tumor y por tanto, una mejora significativa en la evolución de estos pacientes. Para reducir el tiempo que conlleva la delineación manual de los volúmenes de interés en la realización de una nueva planificación en cada sesión, la herramienta en la que se debe basar la radioterapia adaptativa es el registro tridimensional deformable de estudios CT para radioterapia. El prototipo que se presenta en este artículo permite el registro de imágenes DICOM mediante algoritmos no rígidos, su visualización, la comparación cualitativa de los resultados mediante fusión de imágenes, selección de regiones de interés en las imágenes y el almacenamiento de resultados en formato DICOM, visualizables por cualquier otro lector. El empleo de esta estación de trabajo, en combinación con algoritmos de reconstrucción tridimensional y segmentación automática desarrollados dentro del grupo, supone una gran ayuda en los procesos previos de la planificación radioterápica

    Metaheuristic approaches for optimal broadcasting design in metropolitan MANETs

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    11th International Conference on Computer Aided Systems Theory. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, February 12-16, 2007Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs) are composed of a set of communicating devices which are able to spontaneously interconnect without any pre-existing infrastructure. In such scenario, broadcasting becomes an operation of tremendous importance for the own existence and operation of the network. Optimizing a broadcasting strategy in MANETs is a multiobjective problem accounting for three goals: reaching as many stations as possible, minimizing the network utilization, and reducing the duration of the operation itself. This research, which has been developed within the OPLINK project (http://oplink.lcc.uma.es), faces a wide study about this problem in metropolitan MANETs with up to seven different advanced multiobjective metaheuristics. They all compute Pareto fronts of solutions which empower a human designer with the ability of choosing the preferred configuration for the network. The quality of these fronts is evaluated by using the hypervolume metric. The obtained results show that the SPEA2 algorithm is the most accurate metaheuristic for solving the broadcasting problem.Publicad

    Effects of the substituents of pyrazole/thiazine ligands on the magnetic properties of chloro-bridged Cu(II) complexes

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    [Abstract] We have synthesised and characterised the dimeric copper(II) complexes [{CuCl(PzTz)}2(μ-Cl)2], [{CuCl(DMPzTz)}2(μ-Cl)2] and [{CuCl(DPhPzTz)}2(μ-Cl)2] and the monomeric complex [CuCl2(DMPzTz)] (PzTz = 2-(1-pyrazolyl)-1,3-thiazine, DMPzTz = 2-(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)-1,3-thiazine and DPhPzTz = 2-(3,5-diphenyl-1-pyrazolyl)-1,3-thiazine). Single crystal X-ray diffraction studies show that the geometry around the copper(II) center in the dimeric units is a distorted squared pyramid, while the monomeric compound presents a distorted squared planar coordination. The electronic and magnetic properties of complexes are discussed on the basis of their X-ray structures and EPR spectral studies combined with DFT calculations. Magnetostructural comparisons with structurally similar copper(II) complexes are also carried out. DFT calculations indicate that the dinuclear species are more stable than the mononuclear ones, although the inclusion of methyl or phenyl substituents provokes an important stabilization of the mononuclear forms. DFT calculations fail to predict the sign of the magnetic coupling constants of the complexes whereas multiconfigurational methods, CASSCF/NEVPT2 calculations, predict the correct sign of the exchange coupling constant.Junta de Extremadura; GR15147Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; CTQ2015-71211-RED

    Manganese supplementation in deer under balanced diet increases impact energy and contents in minerals of antler bone tissue

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    Bone ash, collagen, Ca and P composition, are considered the main factors affecting mechanical properties in bones. However, a series of studies in bone and antler have shown that some trace minerals, such as manganese, may play a role whose importance exceeds what may be expected considering their low content. A previous study showed that a reduction in manganese in antlers during a year of late winter frosts led to generalized antler breakage in Spain, which included a reduction of 30% of cortical thickness, 27% reduction in impact energy, and 10% reduction in work to peak force. Starting for this observation, we experimentally studied the effects of manganese supplementation in adults and yearling (yearlings) red deer under a balanced diet. Subjects were 29 deer of different age classes (adult n = 19, yearlings n = 10) that were divided in a manganese injected group (n = 14) and a control group (n = 15). Antler content in ashes and minerals, intrinsic mechanical properties and cross section structure were examined at 4 points along the antler beam. A one way ANOVA (mean per antler) showed that in yearlings, manganese supplementation only increased its content and that of Fe. However, in adults, Mn supplementation increased the mean content per antler of Ca, Na, P, B, Co, Cu, K, Mn, Ni, Se (while Si content was reduced), and impact work but not Young's modulus of elasticity, bending strength or work to peak force. A GLM series on characteristics in the uppermost part examined in the antler, often showing physiological exhaustion and depletion of body stores, showed also a 16% increase in work to peak force in the antlers of the treated group. Thus, manganese supplementation altered mineral composition of antler and improved structure and some mechanical properties despite animals having a balanced diet.Funding was provided by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Government of Spain (MINECO): Project AGL2012-38898 to TLC, AG, LG, FC, JC; Consejería de Educación y Deportes de Castilla-La Mancha: Project PEII-2014-004-P to LG TLC AG.Peer Reviewe

    Influence of Obesity and Metabolic Disease on Carotid Atherosclerosis in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease (CordioPrev Study)

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    Background Recent data suggest that the presence of associated metabolic abnormalities may be important modifiers of the association of obesity with a poorer prognosis in coronary heart disease. We determined the influence of isolated overweight and obesity on carotid intima media thickness (IMT-CC), and also assessed whether this influence was determined by the presence of metabolic abnormalities. Methods 1002 participants from the CordioPrev study were studied at entry. We determined their metabolic phenotypes and performed carotid ultrasound assessment. We evaluated the influence of obesity, overweight and metabolic phenotypes on the IMT-CC. Results Metabolically sick participants (defined by the presence of two or more metabolic abnormalities) showed a greater IMT-CC than metabolically healthy individuals (p = 4 * 10−6). Overweight and normal weight patients who were metabolically healthy showed a lower IMT-CC than the metabolically abnormal groups (all p<0.05). When we evaluated only body weight (without considering metabolic phenotypes), overweight or obese patients did not differsignificantly from normal-weight patients in their IMT-CC (p = 0.077). However, obesity was a determinant of IMT-CC when compared to the composite group of normal weight and overweight patients (all not obese). Conclusions In coronary patients, a metabolically abnormal phenotype is associated with a greater IMTCC, and may be linked to a higher risk of suffering new cardiovascular events. The protection conferred in the IMT-CC by the absence of metabolic abnormality may be blunted by the presence of obesit

    Brain structures identification based on feature descriptor

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    Traumatic Brain Injury -TBI- -1- is defined as an acute event that causes certain damage to areas of the brain. TBI may result in a significant impairment of an individuals physical, cognitive and psychosocial functioning. The main consequence of TBI is a dramatic change in the individuals daily life involving a profound disruption of the family, a loss of future income capacity and an increase of lifetime cost. One of the main challenges of TBI Neuroimaging is to develop robust automated image analysis methods to detect signatures of TBI, such as: hyper-intensity areas, changes in image contrast and in brain shape. The final goal of this research is to develop a method to identify the altered brain structures by automatically detecting landmarks on the image where signal changes and to provide comprehensive information to the clinician about them. These landmarks identify injured structures by co-registering the patient?s image with an atlas where landmarks have been previously detected. The research work has been initiated by identifying brain structures on healthy subjects to validate the proposed method. Later, this method will be used to identify modified structures on TBI imaging studies

    Métodos de segmentación y seguimiento de estructuras para vídeo laparoscópico.

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    En este artículo se presenta el diseño, implementación y evaluación de tres métodos que permiten realizar la detección y el seguimiento de estructuras de interés seleccionadas por el usuario a lo largo de un conjunto de fotogramas de vídeo quirúrgico. El objetivo de estos métodos es la extracción de la información relativa a las estructuras presentes en una determinada escena quirúrgica en entornos de formación o durante los procedimientos de mínima invasión. Los resultados muestran su directa aplicabilidad a entornos didácticos, por ser técnicas semiautomáticas en las que se requiere interacción del usuario