93 research outputs found

    Conformational analysis and in vitro immunomodulatory and insulinotropic properties of the frog skin host-defense peptide rhinophrynin-27 and selected analogs

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    The study investigates conformational analysis and the in vitro cytokine-mediated immunomodulatory and insulin-releasing activities of rhinophrynin-27 (ELRLPEIARPVPEVLPARLPLPALPRN; RP-27), a proline-arginine-rich peptide first isolated from skin secretions of the Mexican burrowing toad Rhinophrynus dorsalis (Rhinophrynidae). In both water and 50% trifluoroethanol-water, the peptide adopts a polyproline type II helical conformation with a high degree of deviation from the canonical collagen-like folding and a pronounced bend in the molecule at the Glu13 residue. Incubation of mouse peritoneal cells with RP-27 significantly (P < 0.05) inhibited production of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-α and IL-1β and stimulated production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10. The peptide significantly (P < 0.01) stimulated release of insulin from BRIN-BD11 rat clonal β-cells at concentrations ≥ 1 nM while maintaining the integrity of the plasma membrane and also stimulated insulin release from isolated mouse islets at a concentration of 10−6 M. Increasing the cationicity of RP-27 by substituting glutamic acid residues in the peptide by arginine and increasing hydrophobicity by substituting alanine residues by tryptophan did not result in analogues with increased activity with respect to cytokine production and insulin release. The combination of immunosuppressive and insulinotropic activities together with very low cytotoxicity suggests that RP-27 may represent a template for the development of an agent for use in anti-inflammatory and Type 2 diabetes therapies

    Mesenchymal stem cells attenuate acute liver failure by promoting expansion of regulatory T cells in an indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-dependent manner

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    © 2020, University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Science. All rights reserved. The influence of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) on the phenotype and function of CD4+CD49b+FoxP3-regulatory cells has not been elucidated. We used Concanavalin A (ConA)-and α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer)-induced acute liver injury to estimate the effects of MSCs on liver-infiltrating CD4+CD49b+FoxP3-regulatory cells. MSCs significantly reduced ConA-and α-GalCer-mediated liver injury in C57BL/6 mice, as demonstrated by biochemical tests, reduced influx of inflammatory CD4+ T cells, and increased presence of CD4+CD49b+FoxP3-regulatory cells in the injured livers. The number of CD4+CD49b+FoxP3-regulatory cells was also significantly increased in α-GalCer-treated mice that received MSC-derived condi-tioned medium (MSC-CM). The presence of 1-methyltryp-tophan, a specific inhibitor of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO), in MSC-CM completely abrogated the hepatopro-tective effect of MSCs and significantly decreased the total number of liver-infiltrated CD4+CD49b+FoxP3-regulatory cells, indicating the crucial importance of MSC-derived IDO for the expansion of CD4+CD49b+FoxP3-regulatory cells and the consequent MSC-dependent attenuation of acute liver injury

    Acute muscle damage as a metabolic response to rapid weight loss in wrestlers

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    Study aim: Dietary and non-dietary weight loss methods are highly prevalent among combat sports athletes (CSA). Most CSA undergo rapid weight loss (RWL) usually a week before the competition to reduce their body mass and thus compete in the lowest weight category possible. The objective of the study was to distinguish the impact of high-intensity sport-specific training (HISST) combined with RWL (phase 1 - P1) on muscle damage markers as well as the effects of HISST alone (phase 2 - P2). Material and methods: This crossover study was carried out on 12 male wrestlers. It consisted of initial measurement (IM), high-intensity training combined with RWL of 5% (P1), and high-intensity training without RWL (P2). After each phase, muscle damage markers were measured, including myoglobin, aldolase, creatine kinase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and lactate dehydrogenase. Results: A substantial increase in analyzed biomarkers was evident in both phases (P1 and P2). However, higher levels of almost all biomarkers were observed in the phase that included RWL compared to the second phase, with a greater significance level. Conclusions: Our study revealed that 5% RWL combined with HISST impacted the assessed biomarkers to a greater extent than HISST alone, thus providing strong evidence of the influence of RWL on muscular damage in wrestlers. In order to minimize the adverse health-related effects induced by weight reduction, coaches and athletes should use caution when considering weight management methods

    Cytotoxicity of Glass Ionomer Cement on Human Exfoliated Deciduous Teeth Stem Cells Correlates with Released Fluoride, Strontium and Aluminum Ion Concentrations

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    Stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED) can be used as a cell-based therapy in regenerative medicine and in immunomodulation. Pulp from human deciduous teeth can be stored as a source of SHED. Glass ionomer cements (GICs) are commonly used in restorative dentistry and in cavity lining. GICs have lower biocompatibility and are cytotoxic for dental pulp cells. In this study, seven commonly used GICs were tested for their cytotoxic effects on SHED, for their potential to arrest mitosis in cells and induce chromosome aberrations, and were compared with the effects of composite. Fuji II, Fuji VIII, Fuji IX, Fuji plus and Vitrebond had significantly higher cytotoxic effects on SHED than composite. Only SHEDs that have been treated with Fuji I, Fuji IX, Fuji plus and composite recovered the potential for proliferation, but no chromosome aberrations were found after treatment with GICs. The cytotoxic effects of GICs on SHEDs were in strong correlation with combined concentrations of released fluoride, aluminum and strontium ions. Fuji I exhibited the lowest activity towards SHEDs; it did not interrupt mitosis and did not induce chromosome aberrations, and was accompanied by the lowest levels of released F, Al and Sr ions

    El fenómeno blog en España : análisis sectorial de hipertextualidad, multimedia e interactividad

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    El uso de internet y de las redes sociales influye en las decisiones de los turistas a la hora de consumir cualquier tipo de producto o servicio. De hecho, una estrategia eficiente en herramientas de marketing digital por parte de las empresas turísticas y los destinos aumenta su visibilidad de cara a la audiencia y, por tanto, sus ventas. Esta investigación pretende analizar algunos de los blogs más conocidos en lengua española mediante el análisis de contenido de sus webs. Así, se utiliza una metodología cualitativa (entrevistas en profundidad con profesionales del marketing y con lectores y creadores de blogs) y cuantitativa (una encuesta al público en general para valorar el perfil de los visitantes de los blogs, lo que capta más la atención de estas páginas web). Se establece una ficha técnica de cada blog que agrupa 22 variables que analizan cuatro partes principales (la cabecera como puerta de entrada, el artículo, la barra lateral y el pie de página). Se concluye que los blogs de viajes y sus redes sociales son herramientas de marketing muy relevantes en la actualidad y que la mayor parte de los mileniales los usan como primera opción a la hora de buscar información para viajar.L'ús d'internet i de les xarxes socials influeix en les decisions dels turistes a l'hora de consumir qualsevol tipus de producte o servei. De fet, una estratègia eficient en eines de màrqueting digital per part de les empreses turístiques i les destinacions augmenta la seva visibilitat de cara a l'audiència i, per tant, les seves vendes. Aquesta recerca pretén analitzar alguns dels blogs més coneguts en llengua espanyola mitjançant l'anàlisi de contingut dels seus webs. Així, s'utilitza una metodologia qualitativa (entrevistes en profunditat amb professionals del màrqueting i amb lectors i creadors de blogs) i quantitativa (una enquesta al públic en general per valorar el perfil dels visitants dels blogs, la qual cosa capta més l'atenció d'aquestes pàgines web). S'estableix una fitxa tècnica de cada blog que agrupa 22 variables que analitzen quatre parts principals (la capçalera com a porta d'entrada, l'article, la barra lateral i el peu de pàgina). Es conclou que els blogs de viatges i les seves xarxes socials són eines de màrqueting molt rellevants en l'actualitat i que la major part dels mil·lennistes els utilitzen com a primera opció a l'hora de buscar informació per viatjar.The use of the internet and social networks influences the decisions of tourists when it comes to consuming any type of tourist product or service. In fact, an efficient strategy in digital marketing tools by tourism companies and destinations increases their visibility to the audience and, therefore, their sales. This research aims to analyse some of the bestknown blogs in the Spanish language through content analysis of their websites. Both qualitative methodology (in-depth interviews with marketing professionals, blog readers and blog creators) and quantitative methodology (a survey of the general public to assess the profile of blog visitors; what attracts most attention on these web pages) are used. A technical sheet is established, which uses 22 variables to analyse four main sections of each blog (the header as entry point, the post, the sidebar and the footer). The study concludes that travel blogs and their social networks are very important marketing tools today, and that most millennials use travel blogs as the first option when looking for information for travel

    Insomnia in Patients Seeking Care at an Orofacial Pain Unit

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    Introduction: Orofacial pain and dysfunction include a broad range of disturbances among which pain and insomnia are some of the most common complaints. Sleep strengthens physiological and psychological resilience and is an absolute requirement for health. Insomnia is a common symptom or sleep disorder, yet data on its prevalence is sparse. Here we extracted data from the insomnia severity index which was part of the web-based interdisciplinary symptom evaluation (WISE) tool given to a large sample of patients seeking care at an orofacial pain unit for analyzing insomnia prevalence in this clinical population.Material and methods: Anonymized data were available from 952 patients who consulted the Orofacial Pain Unit at the Center of Dental Medicine, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland between January 2017 and December 2018. Prevalence data for insomnia stratified by gender and 10 age groups (decades) were calculated. The distribution of four insomnia severity grades was determined, also stratified by age and gender.Results: 952 patients (290 men: 30.5%) with a mean age of 44.8 ± 17.4 years completed a WISE. Three hundred and fifty-two (37.0%) patients with a mean age of 45.8 ± 16.7 years positively responded to a screening question for insomnia and/or hypersomnia. Insomnia was severe in women from the 2nd to 8th decade, ranging from 4.3% (3rd decade) to 14.5% (6th decade), and moderately severe from the 2nd to 9th decade, ranging from 18.8% (6th decade) to 27.8% (2nd decade). In men, severe insomnia was present from the 3rd to 7th decade, ranging from 2.3% (7th decade) to 4.4% (4th decade) and moderately severe insomnia from the 3rd to 7th decade, ranging from 4.6% (7th decade) to 12.2% (5th decade).Conclusions: This is the first study reporting on insomnia in a large sample of patients seeking care at an orofacial pain unit. One in three patients reported some form of sleep disturbances, which for almost half of them was moderate to severe insomnia. The gender ratio was almost equal throughout adulthood, yet younger and older women were more frequently affected and experienced higher insomnia severity than men

    High Risk First Degree Relatives of Type 1 Diabetics: An Association with Increases in CXCR3 +

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    We analyzed the level of (a) CXCR3+ (Th1) and CCR4+ (Th2) T memory cells (b) interferon-γ inducible chemokine (IP-10)(Th1) and thymus and activation-regulated chemokine (TARC)(Th2), in 51 first degree relatives (FDRs) of type 1 diabetics (T1D) (17 high risk FDRs (GADA+, IA-2+) and 34 low risk FDRs (GADA−, IA-2−)), 24 recent-onset T1D (R-T1D), and 18 healthy subjects. T memory subsets were analyzed by using four-color immunofluorescence staining and flowcytometry. IP-10 and TARC were determined by ELISA. High risk FDRs showed higher levels of CXCR3+ and lower level of CCR4+ T memory cells compared to low risk FDRs (64.98 ± 5.19 versus 42.13 ± 11.11; 29.46 ± 2.83 versus 41.90 ± 8.58%, resp., P<0.001). Simultaneously, both IP-10 and TARC levels were increased in high risk versus low risk FDRs (160.12 ± 73.40 versus 105.39 ± 71.30; 438.83 ± 120.62 versus 312.04 ± 151.14 pg/mL, P<0.05). Binary logistic regression analysis identified the level of CXCR3+ T memory cells as predictors for high risk FDRs, together with high levels of IP-10. The results imply that, in FDRs, the risk for T1D might be strongly influenced by enhanced activity of Th1 and diminished activity of Th2 autoimmune response

    HERSUS Sharing Platform [Commendation at 44th Salon of Architecture]

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    The HERSUS Sharing Platform is a digital platform for researchers and students conceived as an educational tool and archive of resources around the topics of sustainability and heritage awareness in architecture and urban design. The platform has been designed and developed as a source of reference and inspiration to refer to when doing research in the fields that the HERSUS project aims to investigate. In the platform, links are created between apparently distant subjects, showing underlying narratives, connections and overlappings that bring contents together on different levels

    Open House Seville - Exhibition

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    On 11 May 2023, in the framework of the USE HERSUS Event series, the USE OPEN HOUSE activity of the international HERSUS project took place. The Open House was organized in a form of exhibition which consists of three parts: (1) RESULTS OF THE HERSUS STUDENT WORKSHOPS (The brief preview of the Syllabuses and Student Results – research and designs), (2) AWARDED PROPOSALS OF THE HERSUS PRIZE ON MODERN HERITAGE (The awarded, finalist and shortlisted proposals for each of 4 categories – Edu- cation Students, Education Instructors, Practice, and Research), and (3) PRESENTATION OF HERSUS INTELLECTUAL OUTPUTS AND OTHER ACTIVITIES (Timeline of the HERSUS Intellectual outputs followed by presenta- tion of organized events and main achievements including HERSUS in numbers presentation) The exhibition was held at the LOBBY OF THE USE SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE ETSAS with participation and interest of local students, academics, and representatives from practice. Moreover, USE Team organized School tour for all HERSUS Partners and exhibition visitors in order to introduce the school profile and student life.HERSUS Consortium Vladan Djokić, Ana Radivojević, Ana Nikezić, Jelena Živković, Nataša Ćuković Ignjatović, Milica Milojević, Jelena Ristić Trajković, Aleksandra Milovanović, Aleksandra Djordjević, Mladen Pešić, Ana Zorić, Bojana Zeković, Tamara Popović, Nevena Lukić, Emanuela Sorbo, Enrico Anguillari, Sofia Tonello, Irene Sgarro,Maria Philokyprou, Aimilios Michael, Andreas Savvides, Panayiota Pyla, Odysseas Kontovourkis, Stavroula Thravalou, Maria Nodaraki, Theodora Hadjipetrou, Konstantinos Sakantamis, Alkmini Paka, Kleoniki Axarli, Maria Doussi, Angeliki Chatzidimitriou, Sofoklis Kotsopoulos, Mar Loren-Méndez, José Peral López, Enrique Larive, Julia Rey, Marta García de Casasola Gómez, María Carrascal, Daniel Pinzón-Ayala, María Álvarez de los Corrales, Roberto Alonso-Jiménez. Учесници: Архитектонски факултет, Универзитет у Београду (Србија), IUAV University of Venice (Италија), University of Cyprus (Кипар), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (Грчка), и University of Seville – UNESCO Chair on Built Urban Heritage CREhAR in the digital era (Шпанија)