193 research outputs found

    Evaluación de la inuencia del ciclo vital en la producción de los productos de carne de cerdo sobre el medio ambiente

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    The objective of this paper was to assess the environmental performance of the production of pork products in Serbia. Life cycle assessment calculations have been performed to identify and quantify the environmental impacts from a cradle-to-grave perspective covering four subsystems: ‘pig housing farm’, ‘slaughterhouse’, ‘meat processing plant’ and ‘waste and waste water treatment’. Structured survey has been conducted in order to collect life cycle inventory input data. Six environmental impact potentials were calculated in this study: global warming potential, acidification potential, eutrophication potential, ozone layer depletion, photochemical smog and human toxicity. The global warming potential associated with the production of 1 kg of pork products is 9.04 kg CO2eq. Acidification potential within the pork meat chain is 9.874 x 10-3 kg SO2eq while the eutrophication potential is 0.0151 kg PO4eq. The largest contributor to the environmental profile of meat production within the pork meat chain is the production of feed and manure management. Contributions of the processing plants are mainly due to water and energy requirement and use of refrigerants in the cold chain.Cilj je ovog rada bio procijeniti utjecaj proizvodnje proizvoda od svinjetine u Srbiji na okoliš. Izračuni za procjenu životnog ciklusa provedeni su kako bi identi.cirali i kvanti.cirali utjecaj na okoliš po načelu „od kolijevke do groba“, koji obuhvaća četiri podsustava: ‘farmu za uzgoj svinja’, ‘klaonicu’, pogone za preradu mesa’ i ‘pogon za zbrinjavanje otpada i otpadnih voda’. U cilju prikupljanja ulaznih podataka inventara životnog ciklusa provedeno je strukturirano istraživanje. Navedenim smo istraživanjem procijenili šest potencijalnih utjecaja na okoliš: potencijal globalnog zatopljenja, potencijal akiseljavanja, potencijal eutro.kacije, potencijal razaranja ozona, potencijal stvaranja fotokemijskog smoga i toksičnost za čovjeka. Potencijal globalnog zatopljenja povezan s proizvodnjom 1 kg proizvoda od svinjetine iznosi 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Potencijal zakiseljavanja unutar lanca svinjskog mesa iznosi 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq, a potencijal eutro.kacije 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Na okoliš u lancu svinjskog mesa tijekom proizvodnje najviše utječu proizvodnja stočne hrane i upravljanje gnojivom. Utjecaj pogona za preradu uglavnom se odnosi na zahtjeve za vodu i energiju te uporabu rashladnih sustava u hladnom lancu.Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, den Ein!uss der Herstellung von Schweine!eischprodukten in Serbien auf die Umwelt zu bewerten. Berechungen für die Bewertung des Lebenszyklus wurden vorgenommen, um die Umweltein!üsse zu identi.zieren und quanti.zieren, nach dem Grundsatz „von der Wiege bis zum Grabe“, der vier Teilsysteme umfasst: ‘Schweinezuchtbetrieb’, ‘Schlachtbetrieb’, ‘Fleischverarbeitungsbetrieb’ und ‘Abfall- und Abwasserentsorgungsbetrieb’. Um Eingangsdaten über das Lebenszyklusinventar zu sammeln, wurde eine strukturierte Untersuchung durchgeführt. In der genannten Untersuchung haben wir sechs potentielle Umweltein!üsse ausgewertet: Potential der globalen Erwärmung, Potential der Versauerung, Potential der Eutrophierung, Potential der Ozonzerstörung, Potential der Entstehung von Sommersmog und Toxizität für den Menschen. Das Potential der globalen Erwärmung, das mit der Herstellung von 1 kg Schweine!eischprodukten verbunden ist, beträgt 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Das Potential der Versauerung innerhalb der Schweine!eischkette beläuft sich auf 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq und das Potential der Eutrophierung auf 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Der größte Ein!uss in der Fleischkette während der Herstellung haben die Produktion von Viehfutter und die Verwaltung von Düngemitteln. Die Auswirkung des Verarbeitungsbetriebs bezieht sich größtenteils auf die Wasser- und Energieanforderungen und den Einsatz von Kühlmitteln in der Kühlkette.Obiettivo di questo studio č quello di valutare l’incidenza della produzione dei prodotti di carne suina sull’ambiente in Serbia. I rilevamenti per la valutazione del ciclo vitale sono stati eseguiti ai .ni dell’identi.cazione e della quanti.cazione dell’incidenza sull’ambiente in base al principio “dalla culla alla tomba”, comprendente quattro sottosistemi: “impianto d’allevamento di suini”, “macello/mattatoio”, “impianto di lavorazione delle carni” e “impianto per lo smaltimento dei ri.uti e delle acque reue”. Ai .ni della raccolta dei dati d’ingresso dell’inventario del ciclo vitale animale, č stata eseguita una ricerca strutturata. Mediante detta ricerca, abbiamo valutato sei potenziali fattori d’incidenza sull’ambiente: il potenziale di riscaldamento globale, il potenziale di acidi.cazione, il potenziale di eutro.zzazione, il potenziale di degrado dell’ozono, il potenziale di creazione dello smog fotochimico e di tossicitŕ per l’uomo. Il potenziale di riscaldamento globale legato alla produzione di 1 kg di prodotti di carne suina č pari a 9,04 kg CO2Eq. Il potenziale di acidicazione nell’ambito della catena di produzione della carne suina č pari a 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq, mentre il potenziale di eutro.zzazione čpari a 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Sull’ambiente, nel nell’ambito della catena della carne suina, nel corso della produzione, incidono maggiormente la produzione del mangime e la gestione del concime. L’incidenza dell’impianto di lavorazione delle carni si riferisce in prevalenza alle esigenze di acqua ed energia e all’uso di sistemi di ra#reddamento nella catena del freddo.El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la inuencia de la producción de los productos de carne de cerdo en Serbia sobre el medio ambiente. Los cálculos para evaluar el ciclo vital fueron hechos para identi.car y cuanti.car la inuencia sobre el medio ambiente según el principio ‘’de la cuna a la tumba’’, el cual incluye cuatro subsistemas: ‘la planta para crianza de cerdos’, ‘el matadero’, la planta para el procesamiento de carne’ y ‘la planta para deposito de residuos y aguas residuales’. Fue hecha una investigación estructurada el .n de recoger los datos de entrada del inventario del ciclo vital fue hecha una. Con la investigación mencionada evaluamos seis potenciales impactos sobre el medio ambiente: el potencial de calentamiento global, el potencial de acidi.cación, el potencial de eutro.zación, el potencial de destrucción de la capa de ozono, el potencial de formación de esmog fotoquímico y toxicidad para los seres humanos. El potencial de calentamiento global conectado con la producción de 1 kg del producto de carne de cerdo es 9,04 kg CO2Eq. El potencial de acidi.cación dentro de la cadena de carne de cerdo es 9,874 x 10-3 kg SO2Eq y el potencial de eutro.zación es 0,0151 kg PO4Eq. Dentro de la cadena de carne de cerdo los que más inuyen sobre el medio ambiente son la producción del pienso y la gestión del estiércol. La inuencia de la planta para el procesamiento de carne se re.ere principalmente a la demanda de agua y energía, y el uso de los sistemas de enfriamiento en la cadena de frío

    Hydrogen storage in a layered flexible [Ni2(btc)(en)2]n coordination polymer

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    [Ni2(btc)(en)2]n coordination polymer exhibits a layered two-dimensional structure with weak interaction between the layers. Correlation of experimental measurements, DFT calculations and molecular simulations demonstrated that its structural features, primarily the inherent flexibility of the layered polymeric structure, lead to improved hydrogen storage performance at room temperature, due to significant enhancement in isosteric heats of hydrogen adsorption. Volumetric measurements of hydrogen adsorption at room temperature show up to 0.3 wt.% hydrogen absorbed at 303 K and 2.63 bar of hydrogen pressure, with isosteric heats of adsorption of about 12.5 kJ mol−1. Predicted performance at room temperature is 1.8 wt.% at 48 bar and 3.5 wt.% at 100 bar, better than both MOF-5 and NU-100, with calculated values of isosteric heats for adsorption of hydrogen in 8–13 kJ mol−1 range at both 77 K and 303 K. Grand canonical Monte Carlo calculations show that this material, at 77 K, exhibits gravimetric hydrogen densities of more than 10 wt.% (up to 8.3 wt.% excess) with the corresponding volumetric density of at least 66 gL−1, which is comparable to MOF-5, but achieved with considerably smaller surface area of about 2500 m2 g−1. This study shows that layered two-dimensional MOFs could be a step towards MOF systems with significantly higher isosteric heats of adsorption, which could provide better room temperature hydrogen storage capabilities.This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Blagojević, V.A., Lukić, V., Begović, N.N., Maričić, A.M., Minić, D.M., 2016, “Hydrogen storage in a layered flexible [Ni2(btc)(en)2]n coordination polymer”, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2016.08.20

    Social media and community policing implementation in South Eastern Europe : a question of trust

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    At the present time, social media are increasingly used within community policing as a tool of fostering communication, and improving trust between the police and communities. Community policing programmes implemented in post-communist countries in South Eastern Europe, as well as processes of building police legitimacy in general, have been facing challenges related to insufficient public confidence in the law enforcement, and a necessity to re-define police roles. This paper uses the results of empirical research to argue that the still ongoing processes of bridging gaps in police-community communication can be supported by the use of social media. Presented argumentation is based on the analysis of selected quantitative studies on police legitimacy, and chosen findings of qualitative field research which was conducted in 2016 in Bosnia and Herzegovina as a part of the project Community-Based Policing and Post-Conflict Police Reform (ICT4COP). An implication of presented study should be a more in-depth analysis of key factors influencing both the formation of police legitimacy, and ways in which the use of social media in police–community relations, especially, in post-communist societies, should be designed to serve the purpose of building trust in the police

    Dielectronic Recombination of Fe XV forming Fe XIV: Laboratory Measurements and Theoretical Calculations

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    We have measured resonance strengths and energies for dielectronic recombination (DR) of Mg-like Fe XV forming Al-like Fe XIV via N=3 -> N' = 3 core excitations in the electron-ion collision energy range 0-45 eV. All measurements were carried out using the heavy-ion Test Storage Ring at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg, Germany. We have also carried out new multiconfiguration Breit-Pauli (MCBP) calculations using the AUTOSTRUCTURE code. For electron-ion collision energies < 25 eV we find poor agreement between our experimental and theoretical resonance energies and strengths. From 25 to 42 eV we find good agreement between the two for resonance energies. But in this energy range the theoretical resonance strengths are ~ 31% larger than the experimental results. This is larger than our estimated total experimental uncertainty in this energy range of +/- 26% (at a 90% confidence level). Above 42 eV the difference in the shape between the calculated and measured 3s3p(^1P_1)nl DR series limit we attribute partly to the nl dependence of the detection probabilities of high Rydberg states in the experiment. We have used our measurements, supplemented by our AUTOSTRUCTURE calculations, to produce a Maxwellian-averaged 3 -> 3 DR rate coefficient for Fe XV forming Fe XIV. The resulting rate coefficient is estimated to be accurate to better than +/- 29% (at a 90% confidence level) for k_BT_e > 1 eV. At temperatures of k_BT_e ~ 2.5-15 eV, where Fe XV is predicted to form in photoionized plasmas, significant discrepancies are found between our experimentally-derived rate coefficient and previously published theoretical results. Our new MCBP plasma rate coefficient is 19-28% smaller than our experimental results over this temperature range

    The Halo Mass Function: High-Redshift Evolution and Universality

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    We study the formation of dark matter halos in the concordance LCDM model over a wide range of redshifts, from z=20 to the present. Our primary focus is the halo mass function, a key probe of cosmology. By performing a large suite of nested-box N-body simulations with careful convergence and error controls (60 simulations with box sizes from 4 to 256 Mpc/h, we determine the mass function and its evolution with excellent statistical and systematic errors, reaching a few percent over most of the considered redshift and mass range. Across the studied redshifts, the halo mass is probed over 6 orders of magnitude (10^7 - 10^13.5 M_sun/h). Historically, there has been considerable variation in the high redshift mass function as obtained by different groups. We have made a concerted effort to identify and correct possible systematic errors in computing the mass function at high redshift and to explain the discrepancies between some of the previous results. We discuss convergence criteria for the required force resolution, simulation box size, halo mass range, initial and final redshift, and time stepping. Because of conservative cuts on the mass range probed by individual boxes, our results are relatively insensitive to simulation volume, the remaining sensitivity being consistent with extended Press-Schechter theory. Previously obtained mass function fits near z=0, when scaled by linear theory, are in good agreement with our results at all redshifts, although a mild redshift dependence consistent with that found by Reed and collaborators exists at low redshifts.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figures. Minor changes to the text and figures; results and conclusions unchange

    Ageing in Serbia: Perceptions and Experiences of Nursing Home Residents / Starenje u Srbiji: percepcije i iskustva lica u domovima za stare

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    Population ageing in Serbia has pervading effect on many societal spheres. Paradigm of active ageing highlights the importance for older to lead healthy and productive life. The aim of this paper is to explore active ageing practices of institutionalised older citizens considering their sociodemographic characteristics and migration background. Semi-structured interview, as a qualitative research method was used to grasp perceptions and experiences of 27 older residents in nursing homes regarding adjustment in later life and daily activities. Additional valuable insight on topic was gained from institutional social workers. According to the results, the routine of daily living of the elders varies depending on individual abilities, preferences, health, marital status and migration history. The findings suggest that institutional setting does not have to represent barrier to active ageing, with implications for further research and practice

    Experimental study of fragmentation products in the reactions 112Sn + 112Sn and 124Sn + 124Sn at 1 AGeV

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    Production cross-sections and longitudinal velocity distributions of the projectile-like residues produced in the reactions 112Sn + 112Sn and 124Sn + 124Sn both at an incident beam energy of 1 AGeV were measured with the high-resolution magnetic spectrometer, the Fragment Separator (FRS) of GSI. For both reactions the characteristics of the velocity distributions and nuclide production cross sections were determined for residues with atomic number Z \geq 10. A comparison of the results of the two reactions is presented.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figure

    The halo mass function conditioned on density from the Millennium Simulation: insights into missing baryons and galaxy mass functions

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    The baryon content of high-density regions in the universe is relevant to two critical unanswered questions: the workings of nurture effects on galaxies and the whereabouts of the missing baryons. In this paper, we analyze the distribution of dark matter and semianalytical galaxies in the Millennium Simulation to investigate these problems. Applying the same density field reconstruction schemes as used for the overall matter distribution to the matter locked in halos we study the mass contribution of halos to the total mass budget at various background field densities, i.e., the conditional halo mass function. In this context, we present a simple fitting formula for the cumulative mass function accurate to ~ 5% for halo masses between 10^{10} and 10^{15}Msol/h. We find that in dense environments the halo mass function becomes top heavy and present corresponding fitting formulae for different redshifts. We demonstrate that the major fraction of matter in high-density fields is associated with galaxy groups. Since current X-ray surveys are able to nearly recover the universal baryon fraction within groups, our results indicate that the major part of the so-far undetected warm-hot intergalactic medium resides in low-density regions at low temperatures. Similarly, we show that the differences in galaxy mass functions with environment seen in observed and simulated data stem predominantly from differences in the mass distribution of halos. In particular, the hump in the galaxy mass function is associated with the central group galaxies, and the bimodality observed in the galaxy mass function is therefore interpreted as that of central galaxies versus satellites.Comment: aligned with version published in Ap

    A Numerical Model for Brownian Particles Fluctuating in Incompressible Fluids

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    We present a numerical method that consistently implements thermal fluctuations and hydrodynamic interactions to the motion of Brownian particles dispersed in incompressible host fluids. In this method, the thermal fluctuations are introduced as random forces acting on the Brownian particles. The hydrodynamic interactions are introduced by directly resolving the fluid motions with the particle motion as a boundary condition to be satisfied. The validity of the method has been examined carefully by comparing the present numerical results with the fluctuation-dissipation theorem whose analytical form is known for dispersions of a single spherical particle. Simulations are then performed for more complicated systems, such as a dispersion composed of many spherical particles and a single polymeric chain in a solvent.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figure