318 research outputs found

    Diferencijacija komercijalnih vina sa zaštićenom oznakom izvornosti proizvedenih u Istri (Hrvatska), dobivenih od različitih sorata iz dvije berbe, pomoću hlapljivih sastojaka arome određenih metodom HS-SPME-GC/MS

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    To differentiate monovarietal wines made from native and introduced varieties in Istria (Croatia), samples of Malvazija istarska, Chardonnay and Muscat yellow from two harvest years (2013 and 2014) were subjected to headspace solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatographic/mass spectrometric analysis (HS-SPME-GC/MS) of volatile aroma compounds. Significant effects of variety and harvest year were determined, but their interaction complicated the differentiation. Particular compounds were consistent as markers of variety in both years: nerol for Malvazija, ethyl cinnamate and a tentatively identified isomer of dimethylbenzaldehyde for Chardonnay, and terpenes for Muscat yellow. Wines from 2013 contained higher concentrations of the majority of important volatiles. A 100 % correct differentiation of Malvazija istarska and Chardonnay wines according to both variety and harvest year was achieved by stepwise linear discriminant analysis.Mikroekstrakcijom na čvrstoj fazi uz plinsku kromatografiju i spektrometriju masa (HSSPME-GC/MS) ispitani su hlapljivi sastojci arome za diferencijaciju vina domaćih i introduciranih sorata Malvazija istarska, Chardonnay i Muškat žuti, ubranih 2013. i 2014. godine u Istri (Hrvatska). Utvrđen je značajan utjecaj sorte i godine berbe na hlapljive sastojke arome, no interakcija tih dvaju faktora otežala je diferencijaciju uzoraka vina. Spojevi koji su poslužili kao pouzdani markeri sortnog podrijetla, i to: nerol u sorti Malvazija, etil-cinamat i kvalitativno određen izomer dimetilbenzaldehida u sorti Chardonnay, te terpeni u sorti Muškat žuti pronađeni su u uzorcima vina iz obje godine. Vina dobivena od grožđa ubranog 2013. godine imala su veću koncentraciju skoro svih važnih hlapljivih spojeva. Primjenom postupne linearne diskriminantne analize postignuta je 100 % točna diferencijacija uzoraka vina Malvazija istarska i Chardonnay prema sorti i godini berbe

    Towards optimal ph of the skin and topical formulations: From the current state of the art to tailored products

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    Acidic pH of the skin surface has been recognized as a regulating factor for the maintenance of the stratum corneum homeostasis and barrier permeability. The most important functions of acidic pH seem to be related to the keratinocyte differentiation process, the formation and function of epidermal lipids and the corneocyte lipid envelope, the maintenance of the skin microbiome and, consequently, skin disturbances and diseases. As acknowledged extrinsic factors that affect skin pH, topically applied products could contribute to skin health maintenance via skin pH value control. The obtained knowledge on skins’ pH could be used in the formulation of more effective topical products, which would add to the development of the so-called products ‘for skin health maintenance’. There is a high level of agreement that topical products should be acidified and possess pH in the range of 4 to 6. However, formulators, dermatologists and consumers would benefit from some more precise guidance concerning favorable products pH values and the selection of cosmetic ingredients which could be responsible for acidification, together with a more extensive understanding of the mechanisms underlaying the process of skin acidification by topical products

    Nutritional theraphy intervention in the re-establishment of cyrcadian rhythm

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    Cirkadijalni ritam je ciklička izmjena određene biološke funkcije s trajanjem jednog ciklusa oko 24 sata. Veliki broj čovjekovih fizioloških i patofizioloških funkcija pokazuje dnevne varijacije. Cirkadijalni ritmovi su postojani i u potpuno stalnim vanjskim uvjetima, a to pokazuje da ih reguliraju neki mehanizmi unutar organizma (tzv. biološki satovi). Cirkadijalni oscilatori prisutni u središnjem živčanom sustavu i perifernim tkivima sisavaca osjetljivi su na okolišne faktore poput izmjene svjetla i tame odnosno vremena uzimanja hrane. U globalnoj kapitalističkoj ekonomiji modernog doba sve veći broj ljudi izložen je nekom obliku smjenskog rada, odnosno noćnom radu te čestim putovanjima kroz različite vremenske zone što dugoročno dovodi do disrupcije prirodnog cirkadijalnog ritma koja može dovesti do kroničnih poremećaja poput metaboličkog sindroma koji predstavlja veliki rizik za razvoj dijabetesa i kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Talijanska studija provedena na medicinskim sestrama i tehničarima pokazala je veću incidenciju metaboličkog sindroma u onih koji rade noćne smjene u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu koja radi isključivo preko dana. Također studije provedene na uzorku ispitanika iz populacije osoba koje rade smjenski/noćni rad pokazale su veću incidenciju karcinoma prostate, kolona i dojke (Haus & Smolensky, 2006). Potencijalna rješenja nude se u okviru kronobiologije, znanstvene discipline koja proučava biološke ritmove (Tahara&Shibata, 2014). Uz nju se razvila kronodijetetika prema kojoj se usklađuje ritam obroka s unutrašnjim neuroendokrinim ritmovima organizma. Prema tome, nije bitan samo sadržaj hrane nego i podudarnost vremena uzimanja hrane s prirodnim funkcioniranjem cirkadijalnog sustava. Poštujući načela kronobiologije, dijetoterapijske intervencije mogu utjecati na uspostavu ravnoteže, samim time i prevenirati štetne učinke kronodisrupcije.The circadian rhythm is the cyclical fluctuation of certain biological functions with cycle duration of about 24 hours. A large number of human physiological and pathophysiological functions exhibit daily variations. Circadian rhythms are stable also under completely constant external conditions, and this fact leads to the conclusion that they are regulated by a mechanism within the body (the so-called “biological clock”). Circadian oscillators present in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues of mammals are susceptible to environmental factors such as the light/dark shift or feeding. Today “capitalist” economy exposes an increasing number of people to shift work or night shifts, as well as frequent travels through different time zones, which, in the long run, leads to a disruption of the natural circadian rhythm. This can lead to chronic disorders such as the metabolic syndrome, which is a major risk factor for the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. An Italian study conducted among nurses and medical technicians showed a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome in those who work night shifts compared to the control group that works exclusively during the day. Studies conducted among people who work in shifts and during the night have also shown a higher incidence of prostate, colon and breast cancer. (Haus & Smolensky, 2006) Potential solutions are offered as part of chronobiology, a scientific discipline that studies biological rhythms. (Tahara&Shibata, 2014) Another discipline, chrono-nutrition, synchronizes the feeding rhythm with the internal neuroendocrine rhythm of the body. The importance lies therefore not only in the structure of the food, but also in the synchronization of feeding times with the natural functioning of the circadian system. By following the principles of chronobiology, medical nutrition therapy may affect stablishing the balance, and thus prevent the harmful effects of this “chronodisruption”

    Nutritional theraphy intervention in the re-establishment of cyrcadian rhythm

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    Cirkadijalni ritam je ciklička izmjena određene biološke funkcije s trajanjem jednog ciklusa oko 24 sata. Veliki broj čovjekovih fizioloških i patofizioloških funkcija pokazuje dnevne varijacije. Cirkadijalni ritmovi su postojani i u potpuno stalnim vanjskim uvjetima, a to pokazuje da ih reguliraju neki mehanizmi unutar organizma (tzv. biološki satovi). Cirkadijalni oscilatori prisutni u središnjem živčanom sustavu i perifernim tkivima sisavaca osjetljivi su na okolišne faktore poput izmjene svjetla i tame odnosno vremena uzimanja hrane. U globalnoj kapitalističkoj ekonomiji modernog doba sve veći broj ljudi izložen je nekom obliku smjenskog rada, odnosno noćnom radu te čestim putovanjima kroz različite vremenske zone što dugoročno dovodi do disrupcije prirodnog cirkadijalnog ritma koja može dovesti do kroničnih poremećaja poput metaboličkog sindroma koji predstavlja veliki rizik za razvoj dijabetesa i kardiovaskularnih bolesti. Talijanska studija provedena na medicinskim sestrama i tehničarima pokazala je veću incidenciju metaboličkog sindroma u onih koji rade noćne smjene u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu koja radi isključivo preko dana. Također studije provedene na uzorku ispitanika iz populacije osoba koje rade smjenski/noćni rad pokazale su veću incidenciju karcinoma prostate, kolona i dojke (Haus & Smolensky, 2006). Potencijalna rješenja nude se u okviru kronobiologije, znanstvene discipline koja proučava biološke ritmove (Tahara&Shibata, 2014). Uz nju se razvila kronodijetetika prema kojoj se usklađuje ritam obroka s unutrašnjim neuroendokrinim ritmovima organizma. Prema tome, nije bitan samo sadržaj hrane nego i podudarnost vremena uzimanja hrane s prirodnim funkcioniranjem cirkadijalnog sustava. Poštujući načela kronobiologije, dijetoterapijske intervencije mogu utjecati na uspostavu ravnoteže, samim time i prevenirati štetne učinke kronodisrupcije.The circadian rhythm is the cyclical fluctuation of certain biological functions with cycle duration of about 24 hours. A large number of human physiological and pathophysiological functions exhibit daily variations. Circadian rhythms are stable also under completely constant external conditions, and this fact leads to the conclusion that they are regulated by a mechanism within the body (the so-called “biological clock”). Circadian oscillators present in the central nervous system and peripheral tissues of mammals are susceptible to environmental factors such as the light/dark shift or feeding. Today “capitalist” economy exposes an increasing number of people to shift work or night shifts, as well as frequent travels through different time zones, which, in the long run, leads to a disruption of the natural circadian rhythm. This can lead to chronic disorders such as the metabolic syndrome, which is a major risk factor for the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. An Italian study conducted among nurses and medical technicians showed a higher incidence of metabolic syndrome in those who work night shifts compared to the control group that works exclusively during the day. Studies conducted among people who work in shifts and during the night have also shown a higher incidence of prostate, colon and breast cancer. (Haus & Smolensky, 2006) Potential solutions are offered as part of chronobiology, a scientific discipline that studies biological rhythms. (Tahara&Shibata, 2014) Another discipline, chrono-nutrition, synchronizes the feeding rhythm with the internal neuroendocrine rhythm of the body. The importance lies therefore not only in the structure of the food, but also in the synchronization of feeding times with the natural functioning of the circadian system. By following the principles of chronobiology, medical nutrition therapy may affect stablishing the balance, and thus prevent the harmful effects of this “chronodisruption”

    Визуелни ефекти комбиноване урбане матрице Барселоне

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    У раду који следи комбинована урбана матрица Барселоне се у највећој мери разматра са визуелног аспекта. Указује се на оне визуелне последице структуре градских амбијената које доприносе унапређењу њиховог квалитета. Аспект визуелног се третира са научног, објективног становишта, тежећи да се пронађу визуелне константе које као објективни визуелни елементи у сложеном пољу визуелног у свом међуодносу чине композицију градског амбијента који код посматрача изазива сличну сензитивну провокацију. Градски амбијенти комбиноване матрице Барселоне дејствују на перцепцију својих корисника, услед чега као визуелна интеракција настаје мноштво визуелних ефеката. Рад резултује категорисањем разноврсности остварених визуелних ефеката Барселоне, затим поређењем ове урбане матрице и матрица планских градова 20. века по броју остварених визуелних ефеката, као и давањем генералних смерница за њихово унапређење код постојећих и будућих градова. Од метода коришћен је емпиријски, који се базира на визуелном опажању и посматрању /код анализе карактеристика урбане матрице Барселоне и детекције њених визуелних ефеката/, историјски метод / настанак комбиноване матрице Барселоне кроз историју/, компаративна метода /поређење са матрицама планских градова 20. века по оствареним визуелним ефектима/, дескриптивни метод као и методолошкодијалектички парови: анализа-синтеза, индукција-дедукција.The research below draws heavily on the visual aspect of miscellaneous urban pattern of Barcelona. It highlights those visual effects of the structure of city ambiences which tend to improve their quality. Visual aspect is treated from the scientific, detached standpoint, trying to identify visual invariables which, being detached visual elements in complex field of visual, in their interaction constitute the composition of city ambiences which induces similar sensitive provocation. City ambiances of miscellaneous urban pattern of Barcelona affect the perception of it’s users which causes the appearance of variety of visual effects because of visual interaction. This research results in categorization of diversity of achieved visual effects of Barcelona, as well as comparison of this urban pattern with the urban pattern of planned cities of 20th century according the number of achieved visual effects, also providing the general guidelines for their improvement in existing and prospective planned cities. Following methods are used - empirical method which basis on visual detection and observation /analysis of characteristics of urban pattern of Barcelona and identification of it’s visual effects/, historical method /develop of miscellaneous urban pattern of Barcelona through history/, comparative method / comparison with the urban patterns of planned cities of 20th century according the achieved visual effects/, descriptive method as well as methodological - dialectic couples: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction

    Analiza zn. izražavanja na primjeru članka A. Häcki Buhofera et al. "Mehrsprachige Jug

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    Diese Abschlussarbeit befasst sich mit den Eigenschaften des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens. Zu Beginn werden die Elemente einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit und deren Funktionen genannt. Der erste bzw. der theoretische Teil der Arbeit widmet sich der Frage, welche Teile eine Arbeit beinhalten muss und wie ihre Struktur aussehen muss. Darauf aufbauend werden im analytischen Teil die Erkenntnisse aus dem theoretischen Teil verdeutlicht. Die Zielsetzung der Arbeit ist die genannten Elemente und Funktionen des wissenschaftlichen Schreibens zu definieren und anhand des Textes Mehrsprachige Jugendliche im Umgang mit Dialekt und Hochsprache in der Deutschen Schweiz von Buhofer et al. zu analysieren. Die Arbeit behandelt auch die Frage, ob Buhofer et al. die Regeln zur Verfassung einer wissenschaftlichen Arbeit befolgen

    Music in therapy of stuttering

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    Mucanje je poremećaj tečnosti govora i okarakterizirano je abnormalno visokom učestalošću i trajanjem zastoja u toku govora, a zastoji se javljaju u obliku ponavljanja glasova, slogova ili jednosložnih riječi, produljivanja glasova te zastoja zračne struje (Guitar, 2006). Postoji veliki broj terapija mucanja te se one mogu podijeliti na terapije prikladne za djecu predškolske dobi, terapije za djecu školske dobi i odrasle osobe. Jedan od pristupa u terapiji mucanja koji se može izdvojiti je primjena glazbe u terapiji mucanja. Tijekom primjene glazbe u terapiji mucanja najčešće se koriste terapijsko pjevanje te ritmičko-govorno signaliziranje. Također se koriste tehnike auditivnog maskiranja i oralno-motorne i respiratorne vježbe (OMREX). Cilj ovog diplomskog rada je bio ispitati koliki postotak logopeda članova Hrvatskog logopedskog društva (HLD-a) koristi glazbu u terapiji mucanja. Također, cilj je bio ispitati koje terapije mucanja logopedi najčešće koriste u svojoj praksi te koliko njih smatra da terapije mucanja imaju pozitivan učinak. Za potrebe ovog rada i istraživanja kreirana je anketa na koju je odgovorilo 40 ispitanika, tj. članova Hrvatskog logopedskog društva. Rezultati su pokazali da je samo 20% ispitanika koristilo glazbu u terapiji mucanja. Nadalje, najčešće korištena terapija mucanja su tehnike oblikovanja tečnosti (32,5%), a više od polovice logopeda smatra da terapije mucanja imaju pozitivan učinak (55%). Budući da postoje brojne pozitivne promjene nakon korištenja glazbe u terapiji mucanja, vidljivo je da su potrebna daljnja istraživanja o utjecaju i uporabi glazbe u terapijske svrhe. Zaključno, potrebno je dobro strukturirati terapije mucanja i odabrati onu koja odgovara osobi koja muca kako bi se postigao dugotrajan i pozitivan učinak.Stuttering is a disorder of fluency and it is characterized by an abnormally high frequency and duration of stoppages in the flow of speech. These stoppages take the form of repetitions of sounds,syllables or onesyllable words, prolongations of sounds and blocks of airflow (Guitar, 2006). There are many therapies of stuttering and they can be divided into therapies appropriate for preschool children, therapies for school children and therapies for adults. Music in therapy of stuttering is the approach we can single out from other therapies of stuttering. The most used approaches that are part of music in therapy of stuttering are therapeutic singing and rhythmic speech cueing. Auditory masking and oral motor and respiratory exercises (OMREX) are also used. The aim of this study was to examine which percentage of speech-language pathologists who are members of Croatian speech-language pathology association (HLD) use music in therapy of stuttering. The aim of study was also to examine which therapies of stuttering are mostly used by speech-language pathologists and how many of them think that these therapies have positive effect. The poll, created for the purpose of this study, was answered by 40 speechlanguage pathologists, members of Croatian speech-language pathology association (HLD). Results have shown that only 20% of respondents use music in therapy of stuttering. Furthermore, the most used therapy of stuttering is fluency shaping (32,5%) and more than half of respondents think that therapies of stuttering have positive effect (55%). Since there are many proofs for positive changes after using of music in therapy of stuttering, further research about influence and use of music in therapy of stuttering is necessary. At last, well established therapy of stuttering and selection of the most appropriate therapy for person who stutter is also necessary

    Therapeutic potential of anti-tetanus toxoid monoclonal antibodies: application based on binding properties

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    Tetanus toksin (TT), produkt anaerobne bakterije Clostridium tetani, je izuzetnopotentan neurotoksin koji može izazvati tetanus, teško i često fatalno oboljenje. Uprkosvišedecenijskom sistematskom sprovođenju vakcinacije protiv tetanusa, incidencatetanusa još uvek nije zanemarljiva. TT-specifična antitela su ključni faktor usprečavanju intoksikacije TT-om. Pored toga, predpostavlja se da bi ova antitela, usledukrštene reaktivnosti, mogla doprinositi i otpornosti ka heterologim infekcijama. Kodosoba koja nemaju uspostavljen adekvatan TT-specifičan imunski odgovor, a postojisumnja na intoksikaciju TT-om, preporučuje se imunoterapija koja podrazumevaaplikaciju TT-specifičnih antitela sposobnih da neutrališu slobodno cirkulišući TT. Dužiniz godina se kao imunoterapeutici razmatraju i TT-specifična monoklonska antitela(MAt) gde se kao jedan od problema nameće pitanje kako selektovati zaštitno MAt i / iliformulisati efikasan preparat s obzirom da specifičnost ka TT ne znači nužno i zaštinipotencijal.Cilj ove doktorske disertacije je da se, kroz ispitivanje vezivnih karakteristikapanela TTd/TT-specifičnih MAt i njihovog zaštitnog potencijala in vivo, utvrdi na kojinačin i u kojoj meri vezivne karakteristike TTd/TT specifičnih antitela određuju njihovusposobnost da spreče intoksikaciju TT-om i / ili doprinesu otpornosti ka heterologiminfekcijama.Istraživanja realizovana u okviru izrade ove doktorske teze su pokazala da sezaštitni potencijal anti-TTd / TT antitela može proceniti na osnovu afiniteta ka TT-u isposobnosti da inhibiraju TT-GD1b interakciju. TT-specifična antitela koja mogu daspreče in vivo intoksikaciju TT-om treba da vezuju TT-om sa afinitetom ≥ 1x108 M-1 ida istovremeno imaju sposobnost da inhibiraju vezivanje TT-a za GD1b gangliozide.Afinitet prema TT-u je prvi selekcioni kriterijum zaštitnih TT-specifičnih antitela, apotom njihova sposobnost da preveniraju TT-GD1b interakciju. Zaštitni potencijal TTspecifičnihantitala čiji je afinitet ka TT-u ≥ 1x108 M-1 dominantno određuje sposobnostinhibiranja TT-GD1b interakcije a ne sam afinitet...is an extremely potent neurotoxin that can cause tetanus, a severe and often fataldisease. Mandatory vaccination against tetanus is introduced worldwide and it wascrucial for a significant decline of tetanus cases. Nevertheless, the prevalence of thedisease is not negligible, particularly in the developing world. Antibodies capable toneutralize TT are key factors in protection against tetanus disease. It is assumed thatantibodies may, due to cross-reactivity, contribute to the immunity against heterologouspathogens. TT intoxications can be efficiently treated with various polyclonal antibodybasedtherapies. Although antibody-based therapeutics for treatment of tetanus exist onthe market its production is tedious. Monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) are considered for along time as a reagent of choice, but the core drawback is how to select a MAb and howto prepare oligoclonal MAbs-based preparation that would be safe in providingefficacious protection, since available data clearly demonstrate that the ability of asingle MAb to bind TT does not necessarily mean that this MAb protects from tetanusintoxication.The aims of this thesis were to evaluate the binding characteristics andprotective capacity of TTd/TT-specific MAb(s)-based preparations, to determine howthese binding characteristics correlate with the observed in vivo effects and toinvestigate whether these preparations could contribute to the development ofheterologous immunity.In this PhD thesis, we showed that the selection of protective anti-TTd/TT MAbscan be performed by the in vitro testing combining two assays: (i) the measurement ofMAb affinity toward TT (ii) the evaluation of its capability to prevent TT-gangliosideinteraction. TT-specific antibodies that prevent in vivo TT intoxication bind TT withaffinity ≥ 1x108 M-1 and, at the same time, possess the ability to inhibit binding of TT toGD1b ganglioside. MAb’s afinity toward TT is the first selection criterion of protectiveTT-specific antibodies, and the second criterion is their ability to prevent TT-GD1binteraction..

    Aesthetic criteria and regulation in shaping the urban landscape - the case of city of Belgrade

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    Урбана естетика је окосница дисертације – полази се од њених основа и начела и они су присутни до краја истраживања кроз испитивање мере и начина њихове примене у пракси урбаног планирања и дизајна. Имајући у виду хаотично стање урбанистичке праксе у нашој земљи и низак естетски квалитет урбаног пејзажа многих градова, ово истраживање представља допринос побољшању такве ситуације на примеру естетског аспекта анализа и регулативе који утичу на обликовање урбаног пејзажа Београда. Изабраном предмету истраживања приступљено је на целовит и систематичан начин. Његови главни чиниоци су естетска анализа за потребе регулације и естетски аспект регулативе. Из чињеничног стања непостојања усмераваног, контролисаног и заокруженог урбаног пејзажа Београда, са високим нивоом остварености естетског квалитета, произашла је релациона хипотеза да методологија естетске анализе и имплементације естетских критеријума, као њених резултата, у регулативу у урбанистичкој пракси Београда није јасно дефинисана. Њу допуњује тврдња да је мера примене прелиминарне естетске анализе као и постојања естетског аспекта регулативе минимална. Она је, на основу свих предочених примера, информација и веза између њих, потврђена у закључним разматрањима. Допринос овог истраживања урбаном планирању, дизајну и урбаној естетици, дефинисан је још у његовим циљевима и изражен кроз функцију научног сазнања, и то кроз научно објашњење (потенцирање концепта креативног процеса анализе, планирања и регулисања који води ка обликовању естетски квалитетног урбаног пејзажа, упознавање начина (методологије) примене урбане естетике у продукцији урбаног пејзажа у Србији, конкретно у Београду, у регулативи и њеној припреми, као и могућности за њихово унапређење) и систематизацију (уобличење теоријске основе која се може применити у урбанистичкој пракси и регулативи како би се добила што боља повратна реакција јавности, као и сумирање препорука/смерница из успешних иностраних примера за побољшање естетског аспекта анализе и регулативе у домаћој пракси). Поред ових главних циљева битан је и допринос развоју објективних критеријума за анализу (критицизам и евалуација) и синтезу (планирање и дизајн). Они су дефинисани и систематизовани из естетских принципа као и из принципа везаних за пешачење/кретање, културне и друштвене услове који, сви заједно, утичу на естетски квалитет урбаног пејзажа. Естетски принципи су од примарне важности али су и остали врло значајни за објективност процеса процене вредности посматраног субјекта.Urban Aesthetics is the frame of reference of the thesis – it begins with its foundation and principles, and they remain present throughout the study through exploration of the extent and the methods of their implementation in the practice of urban planning and urban design, i. e. in the aesthetic analysis and regulation. Bearing in mind the chaotic urban practices in our country and low aesthetic quality of urban landscape of many cities, this study is a contribution to improvement of this situation in the case of the aesthetic aspect of the analysis and regulation which affect the shaping of the urban landscape of City of Belgrade. The chosen research subject is examined in a comprehensive and systematic manner. Its main factors are aesthetic analysis for the purpose of regulation and the aesthetic aspect of the regulation. The established fact of absence of channeled, controlled and completed urban landscape of Belgrade, with the high level of attained aesthetic quality, resulted in relational hypothesis that methodology of aesthetic analysis and implementation of aesthetic criteria, as well as its results, in the regulation of urban planning practice of City of Belgrade is not clearly defined. It is complemented with the assertion that the extent of application of the preliminary aesthetic analysis as well as the existence of the aesthetic aspect in regulation is minimal. Based on all presented cases, the informations and relations between them, the hypothesis is confirmed in concluding remarks. The contribution of this study to urban planning, urban design and urban aesthetics, is defined in its objectives and expressed through the function of scientific knowledge, through scientific explanation (emphasizing the concept of the creative process of analysis, planning and regulation which leads to shaping the urban landscape with the aesthetic quality, exploring the manner (methodology) of implementation of urban aesthetics in the production of urban landscape in Serbia, in particular, in Belgrade, in regulation and its implementation, as well as possibilities for its improvement) and systematization (shaping the theoretical foundation which could be applied in urban planning practices and regulation in order to obtain better feedback from the public, as well as summarizing the recommendations/guidelines from successful international examples to improve the aesthetic aspect of the analysis and regulation in local practice). In addition to these main objectives, the contribution to the development of objective criteria for analysis (criticism and evaluation) and synthesis (planning and design) is important, too. They are defined and systematized from the aesthetic principles, as well as principles related to walking /moving, cultural and social conditions that, all together, affect the aesthetic quality of the urban landscape. Aesthetic principles are of primary importance but the rest are also very important for the objectivity of the process of evaluation of the observed subjec

    A comparison of Myribase and Doublebase gel: Does qualitative similarity of emollient products imply their direct interchangeability in everyday practice?

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    Emollients are acknowledged as a part of standard care in therapeutic and prevention protocols as well as a part of everyday skin care routine. When it comes to making a final decision between two emollient products, the ingredient list, that is, the formulation composition could be the determining factor. In such cases the consumer, and some healthcare providers, believe that products with the same qualitative composition (ingredient list) must have the same efficacy. In this study, we have investigated the skin hydration performance of two emollient preparations (DBG and MBG), which appear to contain the same ingredients, and hence, could be considered interchangeable in everyday practice. Our studies showed that the effects of DBG were overall superior to the ones attributed to MBG at each investigated time point (1, 2, 4, and 24 h post application) when tested on normal and dry skin. Consequently, it is shown that two apparently qualitatively identical products do not necessarily provide matching efficacy