227 research outputs found

    Project and its plan

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    Tématem této bakalářské práce bylo seskupení relevantních teoretických poznatků, které se váží k dané problematice plánování projektů, a porovnání jejich uplatnění při práci na skutečném projektu ve společnosti eSports.cz, který se týkal uvedení nového statistického systému pro potřeby mezinárodní hokejové soutěže Champions Hockey League. V teoretické části práci tak byly uvedeny základní dokumenty, plány, postupy a metody, a doplněn výklad o jejich využívání a sestavení. V praktické části pak byl pospán samotný projekt a to, jak s jednotlivými nástroji pracoval a využíval je. Součástí praktické části je konkrétní diagram WBS, Ganttův diagram projektu, detailní analýza rizik, popsány jsou ale i další oblasti plánování, při kterých nebyly vždy využity teoretické poznatky z první části této práce.ObhájenoThe main topic for this bachelor thesis was to summarize theoretical knowledge in the field of project planning in project management, and to take this theoretical knowledge and to see and compare its usefulness and benefits while working on a real project in an eSports.cz company, where the project was an implementation of a new statistical system for an international hockey competition called Champions Hockey League. In the theoretical part, I mentioned all the most important documents, plans, approaches and methods while mentioning how to use them or assemble them. In the second part of the thesis, the real project is being described. I mention utilization of the documents, plans, charts which were described earlier. WBS, Gantt diagram, risk analysis and its matrix and other tools are part of the second part of this thesis

    Microsatellite distribution on sex chromosomes at different stages of heteromorphism and heterochromatinization in two lizard species (Squamata: Eublepharidae: Coleonyx elegans and Lacertidae: Eremias velox)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The accumulation of repetitive sequences such as microsatellites during the differentiation of sex chromosomes has not been studied in most squamate reptiles (lizards, amphisbaenians and snakes), a group which has a large diversity of sex determining systems. It is known that the <it>Bkm </it>repeats containing tandem arrays of GATA tetranucleotides are highly accumulated on the degenerated W chromosomes in advanced snakes. Similar, potentially homologous, repetitive sequences were found on sex chromosomes in other vertebrates. Using FISH with probes containing all possible mono-, di-, and tri-nucleotide sequences and GATA, we studied the genome distribution of microsatellite repeats on sex chromosomes in two lizard species (the gecko <it>Coleonyx elegans </it>and the lacertid <it>Eremias velox</it>) with independently evolved sex chromosomes. The gecko possesses heteromorphic euchromatic sex chromosomes, while sex chromosomes in the lacertid are homomorphic and the W chromosome is highly heterochromatic. Our aim was to test whether microsatellite distribution on sex chromosomes corresponds to the stage of their heteromorphism or heterochromatinization. Moreover, because the lizards lie phylogenetically between snakes and other vertebrates with the <it>Bkm</it>-related repeats on sex chromosomes, the knowledge of their repetitive sequence is informative for the determination of conserved versus convergently evolved repetitive sequences across vertebrate lineages.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Heteromorphic sex chromosomes of <it>C. elegans </it>do not show any sign of microsatellite accumulation. On the other hand, in <it>E. velox</it>, certain microsatellite sequences are extensively accumulated over the whole length or parts of the W chromosome, while others, including GATA, are absent on this heterochromatinized sex chromosome.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The accumulation of microsatellite repeats corresponds to the stage of heterochromatinization of sex chromosomes rather than to their heteromorphism. The lack of GATA repeats on the sex chromosomes of both lizards suggests that the <it>Bkm</it>-related repeats on sex chromosomes in snakes and other vertebrates evolved convergently. The comparison of microsatellite sequences accumulated on sex chromosomes in <it>E. velox </it>and in other eukaryotic organisms suggests that historical contingency, not characteristics of particular sequences, plays a major role in the determination of which microsatellite sequence is accumulated on the sex chromosomes in a particular lineage.</p

    Analýza predátorských znaků publikací jako služba Knihovny univerzitního kampusu

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    Účel – Od roku 2017 Knihovna univerzitního kampusu (KUK) poskytuje pracovištím v Univerzitním kampusu Bohunice službu na prověření přítomnosti znaků typických pro tzv. predátorské časopisy a vydavatele. Metoda – Po obdržení vyplněného online formuláře na webu knihovny pověření zaměstnanci analyzují formální atributy časopisů, jakými jsou kontaktní informace, autorské poplatky, redakční rada, délka recenzního řízení, indexace v odborných databázích, scientometrické metriky, Open Access režim a další. Výsledky – Během prvního roku se na KUK o tuto službu obrátilo 41 uživatelů se 134 požadavky na prověření časopisů, vydavatelů a konferencí, které trvalo úhrnem 65 hodin. Přitom bylo jako podezřelé vyhodnoceno 39 časopisů, 2 konference a 3 vydavatelé. Nejčastější prohřešky proti publikační etice byly netransparentnost recenzního řízení, (22 případů), podobnost názvu s prestižním časopisem (20), neuvedení hlavního editora (18) nebo žádný kontakt na něj (17), nedodržování periodicity (18), fiktivní osoby v redakční radě (14), nejasně stanovené autorské poplatky (13) a napodobování impakt faktoru (11). Originalita/hodnota – Z hlediska ekonomických a personálních nároků se zavedení služby ukázalo efektivnější než využívání externí služby Cabells Scholarly Analytics. Poskytování služeb zároveň vedlo ke zvýšení prestiže KUK v očích akademické obce, když práce knihovníků byla oceněna vedením lékařské fakulty či uživateli opakovaně využívající tuto službu. Zároveň poskytování služby vedlo KUK k přehodnocení relevantnosti některých znaků predátorství, otevření interní diskuse o vhodnosti pojmu „predátorské časopisy“ a přehodnocení způsobu poskytování služby na ověřování dodržování transparentnosti a dobré praxe vědeckého publikování stanoveného organizacemi COPE, DOAJ, OASPA a WAME.Purpose – Since 2017 the University Campus Library has been providing service intended to uncover typical attributes of so-called predatory journals. The service is provided exclusively to PhD students and researchers from CEITEC, Faculty of Sports Studies, Faculty of Medicine and departments of Faculty of Science situated in the University Campus Bohunice. Design/methodology/approach – Responsible persons in the library analyze formal attributes of journals e.g. contact details, author fees, editorial board, peer review, indexing in databases, metrics and Open Access. Requests are submitted via a form available on the website. Results – A total of 134 requests submitted by 41 users were handled during first year of service. It took 65 hours to perform all of these analyses. Overall 39 journals, 2 conferences and 3 publishers were found suspicious. The most frequent attributes were lack of information regarding review time (22), mimicking titles of trustworthy high-quality scholarly journals (20), no information about editor-in-chief (18) or lack of his/her contact details (17), irregular periodicity (18), fictional members of editorial board (14), unspecified or missing article processing charges and using misleading metrics. Originality/value – From economics and personal view the service proved to be more efficient and much cheaper than Cabell's Scholarly Analytics. Coincidentally providing the service has led to an increase in library reputation and a reassessment of the importance of some attributes to check. One of the side-effects is re-consideration of the term „predatory journals” and whether it is still appropriate and explanatory enough. The best way how to evaluate formal attributes of scholarly journals is on the COPE, DOAJ, OASPA and WAME principles of transparency basis

    Predátorské časopisy: praktiky jejich vydavatelů a jak se jim bránit

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    V současnosti se autoři publikující ve vědeckých časopisech potýkají s rizikem publikování v tzv. predátorských časopisech. Jedná se o časopisy parazitující na jinak ušlechtilé myšlence hnutí Open Access zpřístupnit čtenáři zdarma aktuální vědecké poznatky, když predátorské tituly na rozdíl od těch renomovaných v režimu Open Access rezignují na kvalitu recenzního řízení a publikují i texty nízké odborné úrovně. Základními znaky predátorských časopisů jsou velmi rychlé či dokonce žádné recenzní řízení, netransparentní informace o autorských poplatcích za vydání článku, klamání potenciálních autorů napodobováním názvů zavedených časopisů a lživým tvrzením o indexaci časopisu v renomovaných databázích či přiděleném impakt faktoru. Preventivními opatřeními proti publikování v predátorských časopisech či čerpání informací z nich je pečlivá kontrola věrohodnosti informací na webu časopisu, ověření indexace časopisu na Beallově seznamu a v databázích Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus, ERIH PLUS a DOAJ či zjištění povědomí o časopisu mezi ostatními vědci a jejich zkušeností s ním. Bez těchto nezbytných kroků autoři podstupují zvýšené riziko publikování v nekvalitním časopise bez možnosti získání bodového ohodnocení v RIV a především poškození jejich pověsti a dobrého jména jejich domovských institucí u odborné veřejnosti.Authors who publish in scientific or scholarly journals today face the risk of publishing in so-called predatory journals. These journals exploit the noble idea of the Open Access movement, whose goal is to make the latest scientific findings available for free. Predatory journals, unlike the reputable ones working on an Open Access basis, neglect the review process and publish low-quality submissions. The basic attributes of predatory journals are a very quick review process or even none at all, failure to be transparent about author fees for publishing an article, misleading potential authors by imitating the names of well-established journals, and false information on indexing in renowned databases or assigned impact factor. Some preventive measures against publishing in predatory journals or drawing information from them are: a thorough credibility check of the journal’s webpages, verification of the journal’s indexing on Beall’s List and in the following databases: Web of Science Core Collection, Scopus, ERIH PLUS and DOAJ. Asking other scientists or scholars about their experience with a given journal can also be helpful. Without these necessary steps authors face an increased risk of publishing in a journal of poor quality, which will prevent them from obtaining Research and Development Council points (awarded based on the Information Register of Research &amp; Development results); even more importantly, it may damage their reputation as well as the good name of their home institution in the professional community

    Evaluation of untrustworthy journals: Transition from formal criteria to a complex view

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    Not all the journals included in credible indices meet the ethical rules of COPE, DOAJ, OASPA, and WAME, and there may also be trustworthy journals excluded from these indices, which means they cannot be used as whitelists for trustworthy journals. Equally, the many methods suggested to determine trustworthiness are not reliable because they include questionable criteria. The question arises whether valid criteria for identifying an untrustworthy journal can be determined and whether other assessment procedures are necessary. Since 2017, the Masaryk University Campus Library has been developing a suitable evaluation method for journals. A list of 19 criteria based on those originally suggested by Beall, COPE, DOAJ, OASPA, and WAME were reduced to 10 objectively verifiable criteria following two workshops with librarians. An evaluation of 259 biomedical journals using both the list of 19 and then 10 criteria revealed that 74 journals may have been incorrectly assessed as untrustworthy using the longer list. The most common reason for failure to comply was in the provision of sufficient editorial information and declaration of article processing charges. However, our investigation revealed that no criteria can reliably identify predatory journals. Therefore, a complex evaluation is needed combining objectively verifiable criteria with analysis of a journal's content and knowledge of the journal's background

    Compliance with ethical rules for scientific publishing in biomedical Open Access journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports

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    This study examined compliance with the criteria of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing defined by COPE, DOAJ, OASPA and WAME in Biomedical Open Access journals indexed in Journal Citation Reports (JCR). 259 Open Access journals were drawn from the JCR database and on the basis of their websites their compliance with 14 criteria for transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing was verified. Journals received penalty points for each unfulfilled criterion when they failed to comply with the criteria defined by COPE, DOAJ, OASPA and WAME. The average number of obtained penalty points was 6, where 149 (57.5%) journals received 6 points or less and 110 (42.5%) journals 7 or more points. Only 4 journals met all criteria and did not receive any penalty points. Most of the journals did not comply with the criteria declaration of Creative Commons license (164 journals), affiliation of editorial board members (116), unambiguity of article processing charges (115), anti-plagiarism policy (113) and the number of editorial board members from developing countries (99). The research shows that JCR cannot be used as a whitelist of journals that comply with the criteria of transparency and best practice in scholarly publishing.Studie zjišťovala dodržování kritérií transparentnosti a dobré praxe ve vědeckém publikování definovaných COPE, DOAJ, OASPAt a WAME v biomedicínských Open Access časopisech indexovaných v Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Z JCR bylo excerpováno 259 Open Access časopisů a na jejich webech ručně ověřeno plnění 14 kritérií transparentnosti a dobré praxe ve vědeckém publikování. Časopisy obdržely penalizační body za každé nedodržení kritéria definovaného COPE, DOAJ, OASPA a WAME. Průměrný počet přidělených penalizačních bodů byl 6, přičemž 149 (57,5 %) časopisů získalo 6 a méně bodů a 110 (42,5 %) časopisů získalo 7 a více bodů. Pouze 4 periodika splnila všechna kritéria a nezískala žádný penalizační bod. Nejvíce časopisů nedodrželo kritéria deklarace Creative Commons (164 časopisů), afiliace členů redakční rady (116), jednoznačnosti autorských poplatků (115), antiplagiátorské politiky (113) a počtu členů redakční rady z rozvojových zemí (99). Výzkum ukazuje, že JCR nelze používat jako whitelist časopisů dodržujících kritéria transparentnosti a dobré praxe ve vědeckém publikování

    Two newly recognized species of Hemidactylus (Squamata, Gekkonidae) from the Arabian Peninsula and Sinai, Egypt

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 (CC-BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.A recent molecular phylogeny of the Arid clade of the genus Hemidactylus revealed that the recently described H. saba and two unnamed Hemidactylus species from Sinai, Saudi Arabia and Yemen form a well-supported monophyletic group within the Arabian radiation of the genus. The name 'Hemidactylus saba species group' is suggested for this clade. According to the results of morphological comparisons and the molecular analyses using two mitochondrial (12S and cytb) and four nuclear (cmos, mc1r, rag1, rag2) genes, the name Hemidactylus granosus Heyden, 1827 is resurrected from the synonymy of H. turcicus for the Sinai and Saudi Arabian species. The third species of this group from Yemen is described formally as a new species H. ulii sp. n. The phylogenetic relationships of the members of 'Hemidactylus saba species group' are evaluated and the distribution and ecology of individual species are discussed. © Jiří Šmíd et al.The study was supported by the NAKI project of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic (# DF12P01OVV021 MKČR to JŠ and JM), by grant CGL2012-36970 to SC from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (co-funded by FEDER). We are thankful to the Deanship of academic research at Taif University for funding the sample collection in Saudi Arabia (Grant no. 1-433-2108) and to Omer Baeshen, Environment Protection Agency, Sana'a, Republic of Yemen for issuing the collecting permit (Ref 10/2007).Peer Reviewe

    Selected Analytical Techniques of Solid State, Structure Identification, and Dissolution Testing in Drug Life Cycle

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    The textbook provides an overview of the main techniques applied in pharmaceutical industry, with the focus on solid-state analysis. It discusses spectral methods, thermal analysis, and dissolution testing, explains the theoretical background for each method and shows practical examples from a real-life drug-design and quality control applications. The textbook is thus intended for both pharmacy students and early career professionals

    Turtles of the genera Geoemyda and Pangshura (Testudines: Geoemydidae) lack differentiated sex chromosomes: the end of a 40-year error cascade for Pangshura

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    For a long time, turtles of the family Geoemydidae have been considered exceptional because representatives of this family were thought to possess a wide variety of sex determination systems. In the present study, we cytogenetically studied Geoemyda spengleri and G. japonica and re-examined the putative presence of sex chromosomes in Pangshura smithii. Karyotypes were examined by assessing the occurrence of constitutive heterochromatin, by comparative genome hybridization and in situ hybridization with repetitive motifs, which are often accumulated on differentiated sex chromosomes in reptiles. We found similar karyotypes, similar distributions of constitutive heterochromatin and a similar topology of tested repetitive motifs for all three species. We did not detect differentiated sex chromosomes in any of the species. For P. smithii, a ZZ/ZW sex determination system, with differentiated sex chromosomes, was described more than 40 years ago, but this finding has never been re-examined and was cited in all reviews of sex determination in reptiles. Here, we show that the identification of sex chromosomes in the original report was based on the erroneous pairing of chromosomes in the karyogram, causing over decades an error cascade regarding the inferences derived from the putative existence of female heterogamety in geoemydid turtles

    A brief review of vertebrate sex evolution with a pledge for integrative research: towards ‘sexomics’

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    Triggers and biological processes controlling male or female gonadal differentiation vary in vertebrates, with sex determination (SD) governed by environmental factors or simple to complex genetic mechanisms that evolved repeatedly and independently in various groups. Here, we review sex evolution across major clades of vertebrates with information on SD, sexual development and reproductive modes. We offer an up-to-date review of divergence times, species diversity, genomic resources, genome size, occurrence and nature of polyploids, SD systems, sex chromosomes, SD genes, dosage compensation and sex-biased gene expression. Advances in sequencing technologies now enable us to study the evolution of SD at broader evolutionary scales, and we now hope to pursue a sexomics integrative research initiative across vertebrates. The vertebrate sexome comprises interdisciplinary and integrated information on sexual differentiation, development and reproduction at all biological levels, from genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes, to the organs involved in sexual and sex-specific processes, including gonads, secondary sex organs and those with transcriptional sex-bias. The sexome also includes ontogenetic and behavioural aspects of sexual differentiation, including malfunction and impairment of SD, sexual differentiation and fertility. Starting from data generated by high-throughput approaches, we encourage others to contribute expertise to building understanding of the sexomes of many key vertebrate species. This article is part of the theme issue 'Challenging the paradigm in sex chromosome evolution: empirical and theoretical insights with a focus on vertebrates (Part I)'