1,652 research outputs found

    O argumento do ajuste-fino em favor do teísmo

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília,Instituto de Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Filosofia, 2018.O tema deste trabalho é o argumento teleológico, conforme vem sendo elaborado, criticado e defendido, principalmente, na atualidade. Assumindo uma posição de diálogo, ou mesmo de integração, entre ciência e religião cristã, mais particularmente a abordagem teísta, surge um importante papel para a filosofia, o de prestar um esforço argumentativo que extraia, dos dados da ciência, uma razoável conclusão em favor da existência de Deus. Inicialmente, serão apresentadas algumas intuições e inferências iniciais que dão forma ao argumento teleológico. Também será formalizada a famosa quinta via de Tomás de Aquino. Em seguida, os argumentos clássicos dedutivos, da tradição aristotélica e tomista, são atualizados para responder aos novos desafios que a ciência e a filosofia apresentam, até a contemporaneidade. Entre os defensores do argumento teleológico dedutivo atual, foram escolhidos os filósofos Regis Jolivet e Mariano Artigas. Na parte final, os argumentos indutivos, buscando uma abordagem probabilística a partir de critérios familiares à ciência, contornam, por sua vez, dificuldades apontadas nas versões dedutivas, visando trazer a avaliação da hipótese teísta em face das concorrentes hipóteses ateístas. Incluímos como defensores dessa abordagem os autores Richard Swinburne e Robin Collins. Assim, serão mostradas as críticas filosóficas e científicas feitas ao argumento teleológico em suas principais versões atuais, as respostas oferecidas em sua defesa e a elaboração, enfim, do argumento do ajuste-fino como forma de evitar as objeções científicas delineadas no desenvolvimento do trabalho. Portanto, mostraremos algumas possibilidades filosóficas de defesa do argumento teleológico, frente ao avanço científico e às objeções filosóficas atuais.The subject of this work is the teleological argument, as it has been elaborated, criticized and defended at the present time. Assuming a position of dialogue, or even integration, between science and Christian religion, more particularly theism, an important role arises for philosophy, namely, to make an argumentative effort to draw, from the data of science, a reasonable conclusion to the existence of God. Initially, some intuitions and initial inferences will be presented that are basic to the teleological argument. The famous Fifth Way of Thomas Aquinas will also be formalized. Next, the classic deductive arguments of the Aristotelian and Thomist traditions are updated to respond to the new challenges that science and philosophy have presented until the contemporaneity. Among the proponents of the current deductive teleological argument were Regis Jolivet and Mariano Artigas. In the final part, the inductive arguments, seeking a probabilistic approach based on criteria familiar to science, circumvent difficulties pointed in the deductive versions, aiming to bring the evaluation of the theistic hypothesis in face of competing atheistic hypotheses. We have included as proponents of this approach Richard Swinburne and Robin Collins. Thus, it will be shown the philosophical and scientific criticisms made to the teleological argument in its main current versions, the answers offered in its defense and, finally, an elaboration of the argument of fine-tuning as a way to avoid the scientific objections delineated in the development of this work. Therefore, we will show some philosophical possibilities of defense of the teleological argument in view of the scientific advance and current philosophical objections

    Evolutionary processes underlying latitudinal differences in reef fish biodiversity

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    Aim: To examine the dynamics among the processes of speciation, extinction and dispersal in marine environments using phylogenies to reveal the evolutionary mechanisms that promote latitudinal differences in biodiversity. Using phylogenetic comparative methods we assess whether tropical reef fish lineages show higher diversification rates and whether the majority of extratropical reef fish lineages have originated from tropical areas. Location: Shallow water tropical and extratropical reefs globally. Methods: Using fossil-calibrated phylogenies for four reef-associated fish families (Chaetodontidae, Labridae, Pomacentridae and Sparidae) we apply evolutionary models (GeoSSE and HiSSE) that allow the estimation of speciation, extinction and dispersal rates associated with geographical ranges and explore potential biases from unsampled characters. Results: We found that tropical lineages show higher rates of speciation and tended to have lower extinction rates. Overall, we identify higher net diversification rates for tropical lineages compared with those in extratropical regions in all four families. Rates of dispersal tended to be higher for lineages with tropical origins expanding into extratropical regions. Within the family Labridae, two tropical lineages were found to exhibit higher net diversification rates, above that expected from latitudinal differences. Main conclusions : Our results offer support for the predictions of the out of the tropics' and evolutionary speed' models of evolution, both of which highlight the marine tropics as an important evolutionary engine promoting latitudinal differences in reef fish biodiversity. Moreover, we find that two tropical labrid lineages are undergoing exceptional diversification associated with additional traits, possibly linked with the extreme sexual dichromatism observed in both clades

    Evaluation of the incidence of antidepressant use among medical students in the state of Alagoas

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    This study aimed to determine the frequency of antidepressant use among medical students in the State of Alagoas, thus consisting of a prospective and cross-sectional study carried out in higher education institutions in the State of Alagoas that offer undergraduate medical education. Inclusion criteria were being enrolled and attending the course, from the first to the fourth year, and being 18 years old or older. The exclusion criteria were being in the fifthor sixth year of medical school; being younger than 18 years old, even if emancipated. Through a self-completed questionnaire (sociodemographic information, lifestyle, and Beck’s Anxiety Inventory), 342 students were randomly interviewed. The data were typed, tabulated and analyzed. This study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee. All participants who participated read and signed the Informed Consent Form according to the criteria of resolution 466/12. Fifteen percent of the respondents use antidepressants and 85% do not use this type of drug. Even giving a low percentage, it is still worrisome and quite important to always address this issue and reformulate medical education in order to decrease the levels of stress and anxiety among students.O presente estudo objetivou determinar a frequência do uso de antidepressivos entre os estudantes de Medicina do Estado de Alagoas, dessa forma, consiste em um estudo prospectivo e transversal, realizado nas instituições de ensino superior do Estado de Alagoas possuidoras da graduação de Medicina. Critérios de inclusão foram estar matriculado e frequentando o curso, cursando do primeiro ao quarto ano e possuir 18 anos ou mais. Já os critérios de exclusão foram ser do quinto ou sexto ano de graduação; possuir idade menor que 18 anos, mesmo que emancipado. Através de questionário autopreenchido (informações sociodemográficas, estilo de vida e inventário de Ansiedade de Beck), foram entrevistados 342 acadêmicos de forma aleatória. Os dados adquiridos foram digitados, tabulados e analisados. Este estudo teve aprovação do Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa. Todos os participantes leram e assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido em conformidade aos critérios da resolução 466/12. Dos entrevistados, 15% recorrem a antidepressivo e 85% não fazem uso desse tipo de fármaco. Mesmo dando uma percentagem baixa, ainda é preocupante e bastante importante abordar sempre esse tema e reformular o ensino médico, de modo a diminuir os níveis de estresse e ansiedade dos estudantes

    Space use by giant otter groups in the Brazilian Pantanal

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    Giant otters (Pteronura brasiliensis) live in groups that seem to abandon their territories during the flooding season. We studied the spatial ecology of giant otter groups during dry and wet seasons in the Vermelho and Miranda rivers in the Brazilian Pantanal. We monitored visually or by radiotelemetry 10 giant otter groups monthly from June 2009 to June 2011.We estimated home-range size for all groups with the following methods: linear river length, considering the extreme locations of each group, and fixed kernel. For the radiotracked groups, we also used the k-LoCoh method. Spatial fidelity and habitat selection of giant otter groups were analyzed seasonally. On the basis of k-LoCoh (98%) method, home-range sizes during the wet season (3.6-7.9 km2) were 4 to 59 times larger than during the dry season (0.1-2.3 km2). Home-range fidelity between seasons varied among giant otter groups from 0% to 87%, and 2 radiotagged groups shifted to flooded areas during the wet seasons. Giant otter groups were selective in relation to the composition of the landscape available during the dry seasons, when the river was used more intensively than other landscape features. However, they seemed to be less selective in positioning activity ranges during the wet season. During this season, giant otters were frequently observed fishing in the areas adjacent to the river, such as flooded forest, grassland, and swamps. © 2013 American Society of Mammalogists

    The role of potassium channels in the endothelial dysfunction induced by periodontitis

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    Objective: Periodontitis is associated with endothelial dysfunction, which is clinically characterized by a reduction in endothelium-dependent relaxation. However, we have previously shown that impairment in endothelium-dependent relaxation is transient. Therefore, we evaluated which mediators are involved in endothelium-dependent relaxation recovery. Material and methods: Rats were subjected to ligature-induced experimental periodontitis. Twenty-one days after the procedure, the animals were prepared for blood pressure recording, and the responses to acetylcholine or sodium nitroprusside were obtained before and 30 minutes after injection of a nitric oxide synthase inhibitor (L-NAME), cyclooxygenase inhibitor (Indomethacin, SC-550 and NS- 398), or calcium-dependent potassium channel blockers (apamin plus TRAM- 34). The maxilla and mandible were removed for bone loss analysis. Blood and gingivae were obtained for C-reactive protein (CRP) and myeloperoxidase (MPO) measurement, respectively. Results: Experimental periodontitis induces bone loss and an increase in the gingival MPO and plasmatic CRP. Periodontitis also reduced endothelium-dependent vasodilation, a hallmark of endothelial dysfunction, 14 days after the procedure. However, the response was restored at day 21. We found that endothelium-dependent vasodilation at day 21 in ligature animals was mediated, at least in part, by the activation of endothelial calcium-activated potassium channels. Conclusions: Periodontitis induces impairment in endothelial-dependent relaxation; this impairment recovers, even in the presence of periodontitis. The recovery is mediated by the activation of endothelial calcium-activated potassium channels in ligature animals. Although important for maintenance of vascular homeostasis, this effect could mask the lack of NO, which has other beneficial properties

    Non-nutritional biostimulant improves maize cultivation economic parameters / Bioestimulante não nutricional melhora os parâmetros econômicos do cultivo de milho

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      Maize cultivation in the second season has a significant risk of reducing economic profitability due to the common water scarcity for this period in the Brazilian Cerrado. It was considered the hypothesis that the application of biostimulant can act positively on the financial return obtained with the production of second period maize. Therefore, the objective was to obtain the economic indicators related to the crop under application of biostimulant. The experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with four replications, being 2x5x2: Two sowing periods for second-season maize in two years (February-March); five doses of biostimulant in the treatment of seeds (0, 6.25, 12.50, 18.75, 25.00 ml kg-1); presence and absence of foliar application of biostimulant (500 ml ha-1). Seed treatments with 6.25 ml kg-1 and 12.50 ml kg-1 resulted in better economic results for the sowing of February and March, respectively, when combined with foliar application. The highest profitability indexes were obtained when maize was cultivated in February. However, despite the lower monetary return, maize grown in the second season results in positive economic returns.  

    O Ensino da Astrobiologia como Alternativa Interdisciplinar Baseada no Uso de TDICs

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    O presente artigo descreve o desenvolvimento e aplicação de um projeto de Iniciação Científica Júnior chamado “Astrobiologia: um universo de possibilidades”, o qual aborda, de maneira interdisciplinar, conteúdos referentes à Astrobiologia para turmas de 1° ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola pública da rede estadual, localizada na cidade de Feira de Santana, Bahia. Esse projeto resultou das ações de intervenção dos bolsistas do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência, no âmbito do subprojeto de Biologia da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana. A partir dele, desenvolveram-se estratégias para facilitar e motivar o aprendizado sobre as Ciências Naturais, utilizando Tecnologias Digitais de Informação e Comunicação (TDICs) e contribuindo para a alfabetização científica e letramento digital. Destarte, objetivou-se familiarizar os estudantes participantes a temas da Astrobiologia, apresentando novas perspectivas sobre a Ciência como um fator acessível em seu cotidiano. Observou-se que a maioria dos alunos avaliaram de forma positiva as temáticas abordadas e o desempenho dos bolsistas na mediação das atividades, constatando o potencial da inserção de TDICs no processo de ensino-aprendizagem

    Allometric models for estimating the aboveground biomass of the mangrove Rhizophora mangle

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    The development of species-specific allometric models is critical to the improvement of aboveground biomass estimates, as well as to the estimation of carbon stock and sequestration in mangrove forests. This study developed allometric equations for estimating aboveground biomass of Rhizophora mangle in the mangroves of the estuary of the São Francisco River, in northeastern Brazil. Using a sample of 74 trees, simple linear regression analysis was used to test the dependence of biomass (total and per plant part) on size, considering both transformed (ln) and not-transformed data. Best equations were considered as those with the lowest standard error of estimation (SEE) and highest adjusted coefficient of determination (R2a). The ln-transformed equations showed better results, with R2a near 0.99 in most cases. The equations for reproductive parts presented low R2a values, probably attributed to the seasonal nature of this compartment. "Basal Area2 × Height" showed to be the best predictor, present in most of the best-fitted equations. The models presented here can be considered reliable predictors of the aboveground biomass of R. mangle in the NE-Brazilian mangroves as well as in any site were this widely distributed species present similar architecture to the trees used in the present study.O desenvolvimento de modelos alométricos espécie-específicos é fundamental para a melhoria das estimativas de biomassa aérea, bem como para a estimativa do estoque e sequestro de carbono em florestas de mangue. Este estudo desenvolveu equações alométricas para estimar a biomassa aérea de Rhizophora mangle nos manguezais do estuário do rio São Francisco, nordeste do Brasil. Usando uma amostra de 74 árvores, análises de regressão linear simples foram usadas para testar a dependência da biomassa (total e por parte da planta) do tamanho, considerando dados transformados (Ln) e não transformados. As melhores equações foram aquelas com menor erro padrão da estimativa (SEE) e maior coeficiente de determinação ajustado (R2a). As equações ln-transformadas apresentaram melhores resultados, com R2a próximo a 0,99 na maioria dos casos. As equações para partes reprodutivas apresentaram valores baixos de R2a, o que pode ser atribuído ao caráter sazonal deste compartimento. "Área basal2×Altura" demonstrou ser o melhor preditor, presente na maioria das equações melhor ajustadas. Os modelos aqui apresentados podem ser considerados preditores confiáveis da biomassa aérea de R. mangle no manguezal do Nordeste brasileiro, bem como em qualquer local onde esta espécie de ampla distribuição assemelhe-se à arquitetura das árvores utilizadas no presente estudo

    Hipomielinogênese associada à intoxicação transplacentária por Sida carpinifolia (Malvaceae) em fetos e neonatos bovinos

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    Sida carpinifolia is a plant responsible for poisoning several species of animals. This paper describes Hypomyelinogenesis in fetuses and neonates of cattle that consumed S. carpinifolia. Neonates manifested ataxia and muscle tremors. Two bovine newborns and four fetuses were necropsied and showed no significant gross changes. Histopathologic findings included vacuolation of pancreatic acinar cells, thyroid follicular cells, hepatocytes, cells of renal tubules and neurons of the fetus and the white matter of the telencephalic frontal lobe of the neonates and also revealed axonal spheroids in the brain of the fetuses and neonates. The lectin-histochemical evaluation shoved staining for the lectins Con-A, WGA and s-WGA. The Luxol Fast Blue staining revealed a marked decrease of myelin in the brain of all the fetuses and a moderate decrease in the neonates. Histologic and lectin-histochemic findings indicate that the consumption of S. carpinifolia by pregnant bovine females can cause hypomyelinogenesis in fetuses and neonates.Sida carpinifolia é uma planta responsável por intoxicar várias espécies animais. Este artigo descreve hipomielinogênese em fetos e neonatos de bovinos que consumiram S. carpinifolia. Os neonatos manifestaram ataxia e tremores musculares. Dois neonatos e quatro fetos bovinos foram necropsiados e não havia alterações macroscópicas significativas. Os achados histopatológicos incluíram vacuolização de células acinares do pâncreas, células foliculares da tireoide, hepatócitos, células renais tubulares e neurônios nos fetos. Nos neonatos havia vacuolização na substância branca do lobo frontal telencefálico, além de esferoides axonais no encéfalo dos fetos e dos recém-nascidos. A avaliação lectino-histoquímica demonstrou marcação para as lectinas Con-A, WGA e s-WGA. A coloração de Luxol Fast Blue revelou diminuição acentuada da mielina no telencéfalo de todos os fetos e diminuição moderada nos neonatos. Os achados histológicos e lectina-histoquímicos indicam que o consumo de S. carpinifolia por fêmeas bovinas gestantes pode causar hipomielinogênese em fetos e neonatos

    Environmental effects on photosynthetic capacity of bean genotypes

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    Foram avaliadas as respostas fotossintéticas às variações diárias do ambiente nos genótipos de feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) ‘Carioca’, ‘Ouro Negro’ e Guarumbé. Curvas de resposta da assimilação de CO2 e condutância estomática (gs) à luz foram realizadas em condição ambiental controlada (ótima). Nessa condição a assimilação de CO2 de ‘Carioca’ não foi saturada mesmo a 2.000 mol m-2 s-1, enquanto Guarumbé e ‘Ouro Negro’ apresentaram diferentes níveis de saturação lumínica. Os genótipos mostraram fotoinibição dinâmica e aumento reversível da fluorescência mínima da clorofila em condição natural, assim como menor capacidade fotosintética quando comparada à sob condição controlada. Uma vez que Guarumbé e ‘Ouro Negro’ apresentaram valores similares de gs em ambas condições ambientais, a menor capacidade fotossintética desses genótipos sob condição natural parece ser causada pelos efeitos da alta temperatura nas reações bioquímicas, como sugerido pelo aumento dos drenos alternativos de elétrons. Os maiores valores de gs em ‘Carioca’ foram observados em condição controlada, podendo a redução da capacidade fotossintética em condição natural ser atribuída aos baixos valores de gs em adição aos efeitos da alta temperatura no aparato fotossintético. ‘Carioca’ exibiu as maiores taxas fotossintéticas em condições ambientais ótimas, sendo mais afetado pelas mudanças diárias de temperatura do ar e diferença de pressão de vapor folha-ar.Photosynthetic responses to daily environmental changes were studied in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) genotypes ‘Carioca’, ‘Ouro Negro’, and Guarumbé. Light response curves of CO2 assimilation and stomatal conductance (gs) were also evaluated under controlled (optimum) environmental condition. Under this condition, CO2 assimilation of ‘Carioca’ was not saturated at 2,000 mol m-2 s-1, whereas Guarumbé and ‘Ouro Negro’ exhibited different levels of light saturation. All genotypes showed dynamic photoinhibition and reversible increase in the minimum chlorophyll fluorescence yield under natural condition, as well as lower photosynthetic capacity when compared with optimum environmental condition. Since differences in gs were not observed between natural and controlled conditions for Guarumbé and ‘Ouro Negro’, the lower photosynthetic capacity of these genotypes under natural condition seems to be caused by high temperature effects on biochemical reactions, as suggested by increased alternative electron sinks. The highest gs values of ‘Carioca’ were observed at controlled condition, providing evidences that reduction of photosynthetic capacity at natural condition was due to low gs in addition to the high temperature effects on the photosynthetic apparatus. ‘Carioca’ exhibited the highest photosynthetic rates under optimum environmental condition, and was more affected by daily changes of air temperature and leaf-to-air vapor pressure difference