1,916 research outputs found

    Experiências educativas em Química com jovens e adultos: incursões em ciência, trabalho e ideologia e suas implicações curriculares

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    The contemporary setting of huge unemployment and precarization of work has brought to Adult and Youth Education courses an imaginary that secondary education is fundamental for professional qualification and achievement of (better) jobs. The objective of this work is to problematize the Chemistry curriculum according to young and adults interests in order to qualify them to the world of work. For that purpose, we adopted some contributions of Gramsci’s Marxist social theory as methodological and theoretical tools to investigate hegemonic aspects in which the curriculum is immersed. By analyzing the curriculum as a space of struggle for social hegemony, we conclude that is promising to explore the historical approach of the chemical knowledge as a mediator element of counter-hegemonic educational practices.O cenário contemporâneo de desemprego massivo e de intensificação da precarização do trabalho têm levado para o interior dos cursos de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA) o imaginário de que a escolarização média é fundamental para a qualificação profissional e a conquista de (melhores) empregos. O objetivo deste trabalho é problematizar o currículo da disciplina de Química diante do interesse destes jovens e adultos em se qualificarem para o mundo do trabalho. Para isso utilizamos as contribuições da teoria social marxiana de Gramsci como instrumentos teórico-metodológicos a fim de investigarmos os aspectos hegemônicos nos quais o currículo está imerso. Tomando o currículo como espaço de disputa pela hegemonia social. Concluímos que é promissor explorar a abordagem histórica do conhecimento químico como elemento mediador de práticas educativas contra-hegemônicas. Palavras-chave: Educação de Jovens e Adultos. Currículo. Hegemonia

    Game Minecraft: enfoque sociocultural y digital

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    Os jogos eletrônicos podem ser entendidos como elementos socioculturais e digitais. Eles são capazes de proporcionar ensino, aprendizagem e experiência aos sujeitos que os apropriam nos vários espaços de socialização. Tendo como objeto o Game Minecraft, abordamos o desenvolvimento do jogo e da ludicidade como elementos socioculturais e digitais. Discutimos o modo como os jogos digitais podem ser apropriados no processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Enfatizamos, também, o potencial das metodologias ativas e problematizamos a aprendizagem significativa com games nas aulas de História. Concluímos que o uso do jogo digital em uma abordagem multiperspectivada apenas pode ser compreendido na medida em que se leva em conta a Educação Patrimonial e Digital. Esperamos contribuir para os estudos referentes às TDICs e suas aplicações, tanto na formação de docentes e historiadores quanto no ensino de História.: Electronic games can be understood as sociocultural and digital elements. They are able to provide teaching, learning, and experience towards the the ones who appropriate them in the various spaces of socialization. Having as object the game Minecraft, we approach the development of the game and the ludicity as a sociocultural and digital element. We emphasize how digital games can be appropriated in the teaching and learning processes. We also highlight the potential of active methodologies and problematize significant learning with games in history classes. We conclude that the using of digital games in a multiperspective approach can only be understood as far as Patrimonial and Digital Education are taken into account. We hope to contribute to the studies regarding TDICs and their applications both in the formation of teachers and historians, and also in history classes.Los juegos electrónicos pueden ser entendidos como elementos socioculturales y digitales. Son capaces de proporcionar enseñanza, aprendizaje y experiencia a los sujetos que se apropian de ellos en diversos espacios de socialización. Teniendo como objeto el juego Minecraft, abordamos el desarrollo del juego y de la ludicidad como elementos socioculturales y digitales. Discutimos la manera en que los juegos digitales pueden ser apropiados en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Destacamos también el potencial de las metodologías activas y problematizamos el aprendizaje significativo con juegos en las clases de historia. Concluimos que el uso de juegos digitales en un enfoque multiperspectivo solamente pueden entenderse si se tienen en cuenta el Patrimonio y la Educación Digital. Esperamos contribuir con los estudios sobre las TDICs y sus aplicaciones tanto en la formación de profesores e historiadores como en las clases de Historia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness analysis in normal and glaucomatous dogs using laser polarimetry diagnosis

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    Once the glaucomatous damage is progressive and irreversible, studies on the glaucoma onset as well as its development have been discussed. It is known that the early diagnostisis is extremely important to the stabilization and treatment. The retinal nerve fibers layer thickness analysis ''in vivo'' was proposed in human ophthalmology in order to establish the thickness changing, due to glaucoma, and have shown that such findings can be even detected six years priors to the first clinical signs. However, in Veterinary Medicine, such data need to be investigated and discussed. This study used two groups of dogs, a glaucomatous group and a normal group, that had been submitted to the retinal nerve fibers layer analysis through the GDx Nerve Fiber Analyzer. Statistical data showed that the nerve fiber layer of the glaucomatous group was thinner (p < 0.05), sustaining ganglion cells axons loss in glaucomatous eyes, compared to normal eyes.As lesões glaucomatosas são progressivas e irreversíveis. Estudos sobre o aparecimento e comportamento desta enfermidade vêm sendo discutidos na oftalmologia em geral. O diagnóstico precoce é de extrema importância para o tratamento e estabilização da mesma. A análise da espessura da camada de fibras nervosas retinianas ''in vivo'' foi proposta na oftalmologia humana, para estabelecer as alterações produzidas pelo glaucoma, e tem demonstrado que tais alterações podem ser detectadas até seis anos antes de alterações de campo visual e aumento de pressão intraocular. Entretanto, na Medicina Veterinária, estes dados carecem de estudo e discussão. Neste experimento foram utilizados dois grupos de cães, com olhos normais e olhos glaucomatosos, que foram submetidos à análise das fibras nervosas retinianas através do Analisador de Fibras Nervosas GDx. Os resultados estatísticos demonstraram que a camada de fibras nervosas dos olhos dos cães glaucomatosos estava mais delgada (p < 0,05) quando comparados aos olhos de cães normais, confirmando a perda de axônios das células ganglionares em olhos de cães com glaucoma


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    Obesity is a type of chronic inflammatory disease (CID) which kills millions of people in the world. It is alarming in recent decades as the number of children is being diagnosed with overweight and / or obesity. Inflammatory Markers (IM) produced by various cells of our body is associated with excess body fat and other CID risk factors. It is important to identify in early age IM behavior in obese children and associate them in physical exercise programs as a CID preventive measure. Aiming to fill this gap, this literature review talk about the IM behavior of C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-18, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and adiponectin at rest and chronic effects of exercise . It is concluded that many IM show in our biological systems similar and different behaviors; Levels of CRP and TNF- α are elevated in obese children. The same do not occur in relation to concentration of IL-6; It were not be found studies about the expression of IL-18 in obese children at rest or engaged in regular physical exercise; levels of adiponectin are low in obese children at rest; Regular physical exercise reduces chronically levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and CRP in obese children and increase levels of adiponectin


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    Fruticulture constitutes an important sector of the Brazilian agricultural industry. Despite technological and scientific advances, climate is still the most important variable defining crop productivity. Because of this, agroclimatic zoning should be one of the first factors to consider when starting to plant a particular crop. The objective of this work was to conduct climate risk zoning for guava (Psidium guajava L.) in Paraná river basin 3, Paraná, Brazil, using meteorological data from 43 stations collected between 1976 and 2018. The climate risk analysis was based on the climatic factors that impact the species, such as rainfall, annual water deficit, average annual temperature, coldest month temperature, and risk of frost. The findings of this study suggest that the basin has areas with a low climate risk for guava cultivation. Precipitation and water balance were sufficient under all tested scenarios. The most limiting factor for production was frost, but with risk only present during the first years of cultivation. Despite this, planting restrictions were only predicted to occur in the far west portion of the basin. Agricultural techniques that reduce the risk of frost and avoiding areas with greater frost incidences are the two most important aspects to consider to ensure greater success for guava in the region


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    Fruticulture is a prominent segment of Brazilian agriculture. It presents a continuous evolution of production, attending to the growing internal and external demand, besides being one of the main activities of family agriculture. Despite of recent technological and scientific advances, climate is still the most important variable in agricultural productivity. Studies that show the climatic variability and the impact on the physiological development of plant species are fundamental for the planning and agricultural calendar, aiming the conservation of resources and a sustainable management of the production. In this context, one of the first information to be considered when starting a crop is agro-climatic zoning, since it provides climate-related risk information and helps in decision-making and agricultural planning. Thus, the objective of this work was to carry out agroclimatic risk zoning for the Pineapple (Ananas comosus) in the Paraná River basin 3, Paraná state, Brazil. For this, meteorological data of 43 stations with series from 1976 to 2018 we used. The climatic risk analysis was based on the requirements of the species of precipitation, average annual temperature and in the coldest month, risk of frost and insolation. Statistical and geoprocessing techniques were applied to ensure full regional coverage of information and to contribute to decision-making. Favorable climatic conditions were identified for all climatic variables in the western portion of the river basin, while in the eastern portion the risk of frost restricted the aptitude

    Desenvolvimento de ferramentas e indicadores de gestão em saúde: experiência da segurança do paciente

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    The aim was to demonstrate the use of quality and safety management indicators for fall risk. Descriptive case report on the use and results of quality management tools. The setting is a clinical ward of a tertiary care hospital located in the capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro. Data were collected in April/2023. The pre-test assertiveness rate was 87% and 89% for the post-test, however for analysis of the indicator identification of the risk of falling, it was significantly high for inadequacy, on the general average 90.48% of the beds, and after raising awareness via online training and monitoring, there was a drastic and relatively important change to 84.56% of beds and patients identified appropriately. The prevention and reduction of risk factors are challenges in the management of nursing care in the broad health ecosystem. Quality as a right must be implemented by associating accessible technological resources and tools that can measure and quantify objectives aligned with institutional practices.Objetivou-se demonstrar o uso de indicadores de gestão de qualidade e segurança do risco de queda. Relato de caso descritivo sobre uso e resultados de ferramentas de gestão da qualidade. O cenário é uma enfermaria clínica de um hospital de nível de atenção terciário localizado na capital do estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram coletados em abril/2023. A taxa de assertividade do pré-teste foi de 87% e para o pós-teste de 89%, contudo para análise do indicador identificação do risco de queda que era significativamente alta para inadequação, na média geral 90,48% dos leitos, e após a sensibilização via treinamento online e do monitoramento, houve uma mudança drástica e relativamente importante para 84,56% de leitos e pacientes identificados de maneira adequadas. A prevenção e redução de fatores de riscos são desafios na gestão da assistência de enfermagem no amplo ecossistema da saúde. A qualidade como direito deve ser implementado associando recursos tecnológicos acessíveis e com ferramentas que possam mensurar e quantificar objetivos alinhados com as práticas institucionais


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    O óleo vegetal é um insumo muito presente na cozinha da população brasileira, seja em nível doméstico ou industrial. Ao final de sua utilização, o resíduo é descartado, muitas vezes, de forma incorreta, sendo liberado na pia da cozinha, em ralos, vasos sanitários ou diretamente no solo, tornando-se um resíduo sem tratamento e potencialmente poluidor. Este trabalho apresenta um levantamento bibliográfico sobre os impactos associados ao descarte inadequado do óleo vegetal residual. A fabricação de sabão e de biodiesel utilizando óleo vegetal residual é uma das formas de evitar que este alcance os corpos hídricos e o solo na sua forma prejudicial, mitigando, assim, seus impactos no meio ambiente. Finalmente, é percebida a necessidade da criação de uma cadeia produtiva que torne eficiente o beneficiamento desse material.Palavras-chave: Óleo vegetal. Saponáceo. Biodiesel. Cadeia produtiva

    The role of veracity on the load monitoring of professional soccer players: a systematic review in the face of the big data era

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    Big Data has real value when the veracity of the collected data has been previously identified. However, data veracity for load monitoring in professional soccer players has not been analyzed yet. This systematic review aims to evaluate the current evidence from the scientific literature related to data veracity for load monitoring in professional soccer. Systematic searches through the PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were conducted for reports onthe data veracity of diverse load monitoring tools and the associated parameters used in professional soccer. Ninety-four studies were finally included in the review, with 39 different tools used and 578 associated parameters identified. The pooled sample consisted of 2066 footballers (95% male: 24 ± 3 years and 5% female: 24 ± 1 years). Seventy-three percent of these studies did not report veracity metrics for anyof the parameters from these tools. Thus, data veracity was found for 54% of tools and 23% of parameters. The current information will assist in the selection of the most appropriate tools and parameters to be used for load monitoring with traditional and Big Data approaches while identifying those still requiring the analysis of their veracity metrics or their improvement to acceptable veracity levels