1,197 research outputs found

    Surface Changes Of WaveOne™ and Reciproc® Instruments after Using Three Times for Preparation of Simulated Curved Canals with and without Glide Path

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    Introduction: This study evaluated the occurrence of morphological changes on the surface of the instruments WaveOne™ and Reciproc® when used in the preparation of simulated curved canals with and without glide path (generated with the Pathfile™ system), after the first, second, and third uses. Materials and methods: Sixty-four resin blocks, which simulated curved root canals, were used and instrumented with a variety of instruments, grouped according to manufacturer and conditions of simulated canal preparation. Simulated canals were instrumented with WaveOne™ (GW1 group) and Reciproc® (GR1 group) according to manufacturers’ recommendations, respectively. In contrast, GW2 and GR2 groups’ simulated canals were submitted for construction of glide path with the PathFile™ system before the use of WaveOne™ and Reciproc® instruments, respectively. Each instrument was used three times; after each use, each instrument was analyzed by using scanning electron microscopy (cervical, middle, and apical thirds of the instrument) in order to characterize the occurrence of changes (fracture, twist, and crack). Data were described using means and standard deviations. We used generalized linear models to compare differences between factors (region, manufacturer, glide path, and number of uses). SPSS-15 software was used, with a significance level of 5%.Results: Without glide path, WaveOne™ instruments tended to fracture more frequently (P=0.003), twist more frequently (P=0.05), and crack more frequently (P=0.022), with increasing use, with statistically significant differences. With glide path, both WaveOne™ and Reciproc® instruments cracked less frequently (P=0.001); Reciproc® instruments did not exhibit superficial changes, such as fractures and/or twists. Conclusion: In this in vitro study Reciproc® instruments exhibited superior performance, compared with WaveOne™ instruments, particularly when glide path with the PathFile™ system was used; both instruments may be used, safely, three times to prepare curved canals.Keywords: Endodontics; Root Canal Preparation; Root Canal Therapy; Scanning Electron Microscop

    O desempenho universitário acadêmico-pedagógico versus o desempenho financeiro

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    O foco central deste artigo incide sobre a questão de determinar se o desempenho universitário acadêmico-pedagógico é capaz de explicar o desempenho financeiro. Estimou-se uma equação fazendo um corte transversal do ano 2000 em 16 universidades brasileiras. Os resultados obtidos por meio do método dos mínimos quadrados simples mostram que o desempenho financeiro das universidades tem uma correlação positiva com seu desempenho acadêmico-pedagógico. Pode-se dizer que nossos resultados coadunam-se com a nova teoria do crescimento, que afirma que a acumulação de capital humano (qualificações e conhecimento) é central para o crescimento econômico.

    Efeito de reguladores de crescimento vegetal na regeneração in vitro de brotações de Lavandula dentata L.

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    Tissue culture has been used for various purposes, and explant regeneration, in the culture establishment phase, is a determining step for the technique. One of the difficulties encountered in the initial phase, besides contamination by microorganisms, is the regenerative capacity of isolated explants, which usually require an exogenous source of growth regulator for their development. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of growth regulators on the regeneration of Lavandula dentata stem apexes. Stem apexes were isolated in LS culture medium, plus 20 g L-1 sucrose, 2.5 µM indolbutyric acid (IBA) and 6 g L-1 agar. Different concentrations of 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) combined or not with 0.3 µM gibberellic acid (GA3) were tested. The experimental design was randomized blocks with four replications of 10 explants per plot. The highest shoot height was 2.7 cm obtained with 0.5 µM BAP + 2.5 µM IBA + 0.3 µM GA3. The largest number of leaves per shoot was obtained with 1.0 µM BAP + 2.5 µM IBA, being ca. 8 leaves per bud. The highest percentage of regenerated explants was obtained with the 10.0 µM BAP + 2.5 µM IBA + 0.3 µM GA3 treatment, in which 90% of the explants formed new shoots. It was concluded that the combination of the growth regulators tested promoted the initial development of stem apexes, and in the presence of GA3 longer shoots were obtained.A cultura de tecidos tem sido utilizada com diversas finalidades, sendo a regeneração dos explantes, na fase de estabelecimento da cultura, uma etapa determinante para a realização da técnica. Uma das dificuldades encontradas na fase inicial, além da contaminação por microorganismos, é a capacidade de regeneração dos explantes isolados, que normalmente necessitam de uma fonte exógena de regulador de crescimento para seu desenvolvimento. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito de reguladores de crescimento na regeneração de ápices caulinares de Lavandula dentata. Ápices caulinares foram isolados em meio de cultura LS, acrescido de 20 g L-1 de sacarose, 2,5 µM ácido indolbutírico (IBA) e 6 g L-1 de agar. Foram testadas diferentes concentrações de 6-benzilaminopurina (BAP) combinadas ou não com 0,3 µM de ácido giberélico (GA3). O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições de 10 explantes por parcela. A maior altura das brotações foi 2,7 cm obtida com 0,5 µM de BAP + 2,5 µM de IBA + 0,3 µM de GA3. O maior número de folhas por brotação foi obtido com 1,0 µM de BAP + 2,5 µM de IBA, sendo ca. 8 folhas por brotação. A maior porcentagem de explantes regenerados foi obtida com o tratamento 10,0 µM de BAP + 2,5 µM de IBA + 0,3 µM de GA3, no qual 90% dos explantes formaram novas brotações. Concluiu-se que a combinação dos reguladores de crescimento testados promoveu o desenvolvimento inicial dos ápices caulinares, e na presença de GA3 foram obtidas brotações mais longas


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    Many are the reasons that lead companies to adhere to social movements, reasons that are not always assumed openly. Due to the concern with social responsibility and managerial sustainability, measures were developed to evaluate the stock prices of companies that invest in social and environmental responsibility, as the Dow Jones Sustainability, Ethical Fund and, recently, the Managerial Sustainability Index - ISE of the stock exchange of São Paulo. Based on the stakeholders theory and on the market efficiency hypothesis , the present study has as purpose discover whether the Managerial Sustainability Index (ISE) average profitability is similar to the profitability of other BOVESPA indexes, during the period from December of 2005 to November 2007. To reach the proposed objective, parametric and non-parametric tests were conducted, concluding that there are no significant differences between ISE and other BOVESPA indexes. The presented result cannot take to the conclusion that socially responsible investments present the same return as investments that don't adopt the same posture; however, the return average of the indexes is similar, once a relevant number of companies simultaneously compose more than one index.Muitos são os motivos que levam empresas a aderir ao movimento pelo social, razões essas que nem sempre são assumidas publicamente. Diante dessa preocupação com a responsabilidade social e a sustentabilidade empresarial, medidas foram desenvolvidas para avaliar a valorização das ações de empresas que investem em responsabilidade social e ambiental, a exemplo do Índice de Sustentabilidade Dow Jones, Fundo Ethical e, recentemente, o Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial - ISE da Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo. Fundamentado na teoria dos stakeholders e na hipótese de eficiência de mercado, o presente estudo tem por objetivo averiguar se a rentabilidade média do Índice de Sustentabilidade Empresarial (ISE) é estatisticamente igual à rentabilidade dos demais índices da BOVESPA, no período de dezembro de 2005 a novembro 2007. Para atingir ao objetivo proposto, fez-se uso de testes paramétrico e não-paramétrico, concluindo não haver diferença significativa entre o ISE e os demais índices da BOVESPA. O resultado apresentado não pode levar à conclusão de que investimentos socialmente responsáveis apresentam o mesmo retorno de investimentos que não adotam postura idêntica, mas que o retorno médio dos índices é semelhante, uma vez que um número relevante de empresas compõe simultaneamente mais de um índice


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    Neste artigo pretendemos examinar as duas versões francesas do conto “A terceira margem do rio” (1962 e 1982), de João Guimarães Rosa (1908-1967), separadas por um intervalo de vinte anos de publicação, e verificar em que medida se pode estabelecer uma avaliação das traduções que corresponda à poética rosiana. Esse problema advém das necessidades e obstáculos inerentes à atividade tradutória e também dos múltiplos discursos que a revestem com o emblema de uma prática problemática. Ainda mais, quando tal obra literária, a exemplo do conto “A terceira margem do rio”, submetido à tradução, envolve dificuldades muito além de qualquer tautologia a que a tradução poderia recorrer. Entre tais óbices, rupturas com a sintaxe tradicional e regionalismos que demonstram realidades particularíssimas, entre outras. Para alcançar tal fim, recorrer-se-á aos argumentos de Paulo Rónai (1981, 1987 e 1990) que, não sendo irredutíveis a uma única concepção tradutória, guardam um rico incentivo a leituras e teorias diversas. Portanto, partindo de Paulo Rónai, selecionamos um repertório teórico que, relevante ao projeto rosiano, fosse capaz de explicar as escolhas estilísticas do autor e das tradutoras. DOI: https://doi.org/10.47295/mren.v10i2.305

    Evaluation of Root Perforation Treatments with Mineral Trioxide Aggregate: A Retrospective Case Series Study

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    This study aimed to evaluate the long-term clinical success of the use of mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) as root canal sealer in root perforation treatments. Therefore, the dental records of 53 patients were analyzed, and treatment data was collected (age, gender, tooth location, jaw, presence or absence of radiolucent lesion, fallow up time and final radiographic/clinical assessment). All procedures were performed by a single specialist. Two examiners analyzed three radiographs from the records of each patient and classified the treatments as successful or unsuccessful. Data was analyzed statistically using parametric chi-square (P≤0.05). The examiners classified 69.8% of the cases as successful, with a follow-up time of 1-16.25 years (average: 6 years). The presence of initial radiolucent lesion was observed in 79.2% of the teeth, with a higher index of treatment in maxillary teeth (62.3%). However, the majority of successful cases were located in the maxilla (73.0%), while most unsuccessful ones were located in the mandible (62.5%) (P=0.014). There was no statistically significant difference regarding presence of previous lesions in successful (75.7%) and unsuccessful cases (87.5%) (P=0.330). In the present study, root perforations sealed with MTA had a success rate of 69.8% within 1-16.25 years. The presence of initial injury did not influence the prognosis, and maxillary teeth presented a higher success rate.Keywords: Mineral Trioxide Aggregate; Perforation; Endodontic

    Effect of a Single Dose of Caffeine Supplementation and Intermittent-interval Exercise on Muscle Damage Markers in Soccer Players

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    This study examined the effect of caffeine supplementation on the white cell count and muscle damage marker responses to intermittent-interval exercise as performed by soccer players. Subjects (n = 20) completed a placebo-controlled double-blind test protocol. Forty-five minutes before exercise, participants ingested 4.5 mg·kg−1 body mass of caffeine (EXP) or placebo (CONT). Blood samples were collected before and after exercise to measure hematological parameters, serum creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (AP) and γ-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) activity. To compare differences among all variables, 2 (time) × 2 (group) repeated measures ANOVA (with Tukey's post hoc tests) was conducted. Exercise caused leukocytosis (38.5% and 36.1%in EXP and CONT, respectively), lymphocytosis (42.1%and 44.9%; p 0.05). Also, serum CK and LDH activity were enhanced by exercise in both groups (p < 0.05), without a synergistic effect of caffeine. ALT, AST, AP and γ-GT serum activity was not modulated by exercise or caffeine. The findings demonstrate that white cells and muscle damage markers increase after intense intermittent exercise, but acute caffeine supplementation has no influence on immune responses or muscle cellular integrity

    Effect of a Single Dose of Caffeine Supplementation and Intermittent-interval Exercise on Muscle Damage Markers in Soccer Players

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    This study examined the effect of caffeine supplementation on the white cell count and muscle damage marker responses to intermittent-interval exercise as performed by soccer players. Subjects (n = 20) completed a placebo-controlled double-blind test protocol. Forty-five minutes before exercise, participants ingested 4.5 mg·kg−1 body mass of caffeine (EXP) or placebo (CONT). Blood samples were collected before and after exercise to measure hematological parameters, serum creatine kinase (CK), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alkaline phosphatase (AP) and γ-glutamyl transferase (γ-GT) activity. To compare differences among all variables, 2 (time) × 2 (group) repeated measures ANOVA (with Tukey's post hoc tests) was conducted. Exercise caused leukocytosis (38.5% and 36.1%in EXP and CONT, respectively), lymphocytosis (42.1%and 44.9%; p 0.05). Also, serum CK and LDH activity were enhanced by exercise in both groups (p < 0.05), without a synergistic effect of caffeine. ALT, AST, AP and γ-GT serum activity was not modulated by exercise or caffeine. The findings demonstrate that white cells and muscle damage markers increase after intense intermittent exercise, but acute caffeine supplementation has no influence on immune responses or muscle cellular integrity

    Multiculturalismo e trabalho: a proteção do direito de liberdade religiosa de grupos minoritários no Brasil

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    Developed by the critical-explanatory description method proper of Jurisprudence, the research results from the identification of the need for systematic ordering of legal criteria for the solution of conflicts arising from the confluence of religious diversity elements in the workplace, assuming as hypothesis the existence of a normative protection system of minority religious groups. In order to solve the problem, the general purpose of the research is to analyze, in a multicultural society such as the Brazilian one, the protection scope of the fundamental right to religious freedom of minority groups in the labor relations field. More specifically, it examines the elements related to the exercise of this fundamental right in the workplace, especially in situations of tension. For this, the paper discusses the scope of protection of the fundamental right of religious freedom of minority groups in contractual relations of work, using as theoretical paradigm the circle of dialogic and reflexive interaction between democracy, multiculturalism and work in the context of the Brazilian Democratic State of Law. The study begins with the outline of the expansion of minority religious groups in Brazil. The analysis sets out to critically examine the regulatory framework for the protection of minority groups' right to religious freedom and to fight discrimination related to work. Finally, the study describes the most common conflicts in the dynamic process of intersection between religion and work, developing legal criteria for the solution of these conflicts.Desarrollada por el método de descripción crítico-explicativa propio de la Ciencia del Derecho, la investigación se deriva de la identificación de la necesidad de ordenación sistemática de criterios jurídicos para la solución de conflictos resultantes del encuentro de elementos de diversidad religiosa en el ambiente de trabajo, asumiendo como hipótesis la existencia de un sistema normativo de protección de los grupos religiosos minoritarios. Para la solución del problema, el propósito general de la investigación consiste en analizar, en una sociedad multicultural como la brasileña, el ámbito de protección del derecho fundamental de libertad de religión de los grupos minoritarios en el campo de las relaciones de trabajo. De modo más específico, se examinan los elementos relacionados al ejercicio de ese derecho fundamental en el ambiente del trabajo, especialmente en situaciones de tensión. Para ello, el artículo discute el alcance de la protección del derecho fundamental de libertad religiosa de los grupos minoritarios en las relaciones contractuales de trabajo, utilizando como paradigma teórico el círculo de interacción dialógica y reflexiva entre democracia, multiculturalismo y trabajo en el Estado Democrático de Derecho brasileño. El estudio se inicia al trazar el panorama de la expansión de los grupos religiosos minoritarios en Brasil. El análisis sigue para examinar críticamente el marco de regulación de la protección del derecho de libertad religiosa de los grupos minoritarios y del combate a prácticas de discriminación en el trabajo. Por último, el estudio describe los conflictos más comunes en la intersección entre religión y trabajo, desarrollando criterios jurídicos para la solución de esos conflictos.Desenvolvida pelo método de descrição crítico-explicativa próprio da Ciência do Direito, a pesquisa decorre da identificação da necessidade de ordenação sistemática de critérios jurídicos para a solução de conflitos decorrentes do encontro de elementos de diversidade religiosa no ambiente de trabalho, assumindo como hipótese a existência de sistema normativo de proteção dos grupos religiosos minoritários. Para a solução do problema, o propósito geral da investigação consiste em analisar, em uma sociedade multicultural como a brasileira, o âmbito de proteção do direito fundamental de liberdade de religião dos grupos minoritários no campo das relações de trabalho. De modo mais específico, examinam-se os elementos relacionados ao exercício desse direito fundamental na ambiência do trabalho, sobretudo diante de situações de tensão. Para isso, o artigo discute o alcance da proteção do direito fundamental de liberdade religiosa dos grupos minoritários no âmbito das relações contratuais de trabalho, utilizando como paradigma teórico o círculo de interação dialógica e reflexiva entre democracia, multiculturalismo e trabalho no contexto do Estado Democrático de Direito brasileiro. O estudo se inicia ao traçar o panorama da expansão dos grupos religiosos minoritários no Brasil. A análise parte para examinar criticamente o marco de regulação da proteção do direito de liberdade religiosa dos grupos minoritários e do combate a práticas de discriminação relacionadas ao trabalho. Por fim, o estudo descreve os conflitos mais comuns no processo dinâmico de interseção entre religião e trabalho, desenvolvendo critérios jurídicos para a solução desses conflitos