252 research outputs found

    "This concerns us all": the Hacking of Vastaamo and the Loss of Trust

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    Tutkielma käsittelee luottamuksen menetystä digitaalisen kriisin seurauksena. Kyseessä on tapaustutkimus, jossa aihetta tarkastellaan psykoterapiakeskus Vastaamon tietomurron jälkeisen mediaviestinnän kautta. Tämä laaja tietomurto- ja kiristystapaus tuli julkisuuteen lokakuussa 2020. Kymmeniä tuhansia arkaluonteisia henkilötietoja levisi julkisuuteen Vastaamon puutteellisen tietosuojan takia. Tutkielmassa tapausta lähestytään riskiyhteiskunnan näkökulmasta, tarkastellen luottamuksen ja epävarmuuden merkitystä ja vuorovaikutusta digitaalisessa ympäristössä. Lisäksi teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä hyödynnetään kriisitutkimuksen teorioita. Tutkimuskysymysten avulla aihetta käsitellään kahdella eri tasolla. Ensimmäinen taso kohdistuu yritykseen, eli Vastaamon pyrkimykseen palauttaa luottamusta. Toinen taso on yhteiskunnallinen, jolla tarkastellaan tietomurron synnyttämiä uhkakuvia. Tutkielman aineistona toimii media-aineisto. Vastaamon tiedotteet edustavat yrityksen kriisiviestintää ja Ylen uutiset pyrkimystä yhteiskunnalliseen palautumiseen kriisistä. Analyysi toteutetaan aineistolähtöisesti, rajaten sen ajallisesti tietomurron julkitulosta Vastaamon konkurssiin. Vastaamon tiedotteita analysoidaan sisällönanalyysin avulla. Rivittäisen koodauksen jälkeen muodostetaan kaksi laajaa teemaa liittyen tekijöihin, jotka tiedotteissa esiintyvät luottamusta rakentavina tai haittaavina. Ylen uutisten avulla luodaan tapahtumien kulkua kuvaava aikajana, minkä lisäksi niille on tehty lähiluenta. Lähiluennassa nostetaan esille yhteiskunnallisia uhkakuvia, jotka asettuvat yhteiskunnan eri tasoille. Tutkielmassa havaitaan, että Vastaamo käytti tyypillisiä kriisiviestinnän keinoja pyrkiessään tilanteenhallintaan. Luottamusta pyrittiin palauttamaan viestimällä läpinäkyvästi, korostamalla tehtyä yhteistyötä asiantuntijatahojen kanssa sekä osoittamalla resurssit uhrien auttamiseen ja tukemiseen. Yrityksen arvoja ja mainetta korostettiin samalla kun viestittiin lisätoimenpiteistä, jotka Vastaamo käynnisti tietomurron julkitulon jälkeen. Tietomurron digitaalinen ympäristö vaikeutti luottamuksen rakentamista, sillä siihen liittyi epävarmuutta tapahtuneesta, anastetut tiedot nousivat yhä uudelleen pinnalle ja Vastaamo kärsi taloudellisesta ahdingosta. Yhteiskunnalliset uhkakuvat liittyivät yksityisyyden menettämiseen, terveydenhuoltojärjestelmien mahdollisiin puutteisiin, tietomurron toistumiseen muissa yrityksissä ja huoleen luottamuksen menettämisestä niin terveydenhuollon palvelujen alalla kuin digitaalisessa yhteiskunnassa ylipäänsä. Lisäksi uutisten analyysissä nousi esille huoli siitä, ettei digitaalisista kriiseistä ole tarpeeksi tietoa ja ymmärrystä. Analyysin pohjalta Vastaamon tietomurto määritellään digitaaliseksi suuronnettomuudeksi. Tutkielma osoittaa, että tietomurto on piirteiltään tyypillinen riskiyhteiskunnalle toteutunut uhka. Se vaikutti moneen eri tahoon ja vaati monimutkaisia yhteistyön verkostoja ratkaisujen löytämiseksi ja normaaliin palaamiseksi. Luottamusta pyrittiin palauttamaan niin yrityksen kuin yhteiskunnan tasolla, josta vain jälkimmäisessä onnistuttiin. Tutkielmassa nostetaan esille riskiyhteiskunnalle tavanomaisia piirteitä, joissa luottamus on jatkuvasti koetuksella. Samalla luottamus toimii tärkeänä keinona hallita epävarmuutta. Kyse ei lopuksi ollutkaan luottamuksen menettämisestä vaan digitalisaation tuomasta hallitsemattomuudesta. Tutkielman lopussa pohditaan luottamuksen ristiriitaisuutta digitaalisessa ympäristössä ja tietomurtoa varoittavana esimerkkinä digitalisaation ongelmakohdist

    A QoE-driven traffic steering algorithm for LTE Networks

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    Due to the huge increase in traffic and services in mobile networks, network management has changed its main focus from Quality of Service (QoS) to a Quality of Experience (QoE) perspective. In addition, SON (Self Organizing Networks) techniques have been developed to automate network management, being load balancing a key use case. Load balancing aim is to balance the traffic among adjacent cells. This balance is expected to decrease the overall blocking ratio, thus increasing the total carried traffic in the network. Nevertheless, these techniques may fail when QoE perspective is considered. In this work, a novel QoE balancing algorithm is proposed to reach QoE equilibrium in a realistic LTE network with different services. The proposed balancing approach is tested and compared with classical techniques by means of simulations.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Economic valuation of environmental services of the ecological reserve Mache Chindul, Ecuador climate regulation

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    Environmental services are all those benefits that a population obtains from ecosystems. Ecological book, as part of terrestrial ecosystems, offer important environmental services, including the protection of draining basins, biodiversity conservation, and carbon retention in the soil. Other functions are to collect water for the aquiferous systems, which affects its own quality, by filtering, absorbing and retaining some polluting agents, which are prevented from going to the reservoirs. They also contribute to regulating temperature and moisture, which improves air quality, all of which are factors related to quality of life. In this research the importance of the identification and economic valuation of the environmental services of an ecological reserve is highlighted as an instrument for conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems. Throughout this study, the impact of the Mache-Chindul ecological reserve is analyzed in relation to climate regulation, based on the current scenario of climate change. To conduct an economical valuation is only possible if there is an adequate understanding of the role that natural resources and biological biodiversity play from a socio-economical perspective

    Three Acts of Resistance during the 2014–16 West Africa Ebola Epidemic

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    Abstract Community engagement is commonly regarded as a crucial entry point for gaining access and securing trust during humanitarian emergencies. In this article, we present three case studies of community engagement encounters during the West African Ebola outbreak. They represent strategies commonly implemented by the humanitarian response to the epidemic: communication through comités de veille villageois in Guinea, engagement with NGO-affiliated community leadership structures in Liberia and indirect mediation to chiefs in Sierra Leone. These case studies are based on ethnographic fieldwork carried out before, during and after the outbreak by five anthropologists involved in the response to Ebola in diverse capacities. Our goal is to represent and conceptualise the Ebola response as a dynamic interaction between a response apparatus, local populations and intermediaries, with uncertain outcomes that were negotiated over time and in response to changing conditions. Our findings show that community engagement tactics that are based on fixed notions of legitimacy are unable to respond to the fluidity of community response environments during emergencies.</jats:p

    Dos perspectivas de una misma meta : pertinencia y nivel de logro de las competencias universitarias

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    Tras las profundas modificaciones experimentadas por las instituciones educativas universitarias en los últimos años, se declara al estudiante como el mayor protagonista de su propio proceso formativo, lo que le promulga como agente activo de su aprendizaje. Dada la importancia que tiene la idoneidad de las competencias que los alumnos han de adquirir durante su paso por la universidad, así como el nivel de logro alcanzado en ellas, con el presente estudio se pretende evaluar y contrastar la percepción del profesorado y del alumnado en relación con la pertinencia de los conocimientos que conforman el grado en Pedagogía de la Universidad de Murcia, así como el nivel en que se han logrado, tanto de forma global como en función del curso en que se encuentran matriculados los estudiantes. A la luz de los resultados analizados se concluye que, en algunos casos, las opiniones de alumnos y docentes coinciden en cuanto a la pertinencia de las competencias, pero no en relación con el nivel de logro de las mismas. Únicamente los estudiantes de último curso, a nivel global, demuestran ideas concordantes con el profesorado en cuanto al grado competencial adquirido.Després de les profundes modificacions experimentades per les institucions educatives en els darrers anys, es declara l'estudiant com el protagonista més important del seu propi procés formatiu, amb la qual cosa és considerat un agent actiu del seu aprenentatge. Atesa la importància que té la idoneïtat de les competències que aquests alumnes han d'adquirir durant el seu pas per la universitat, així com el nivell d'assoliment aconseguit en aquestes, amb el present estudi es pretén avaluar i contrastar la percepció del professorat i de l'alumnat en relació amb la pertinència de les competències del grau en Pedagogia de la Universitat de Múrcia, així com el nivell en el qual s'han aconseguit, tant de forma global com segons del curs. En vista dels resultats analitzats, les opinions d'alumnes i docents coincideixen pel que fa a la pertinència de les competències, però no en relació amb el nivell d'assoliment d'aquestes. Únicament els estudiants d'últim curs demostren idees concordants pel que fa al grau competencial adquirit.Following the profound changes higher education institutions have undergone in recent years, students are now considered the main protagonists of their own training and viewed as active agents in their learning process. In this new context, the suitability and level of competences students are expected to acquire have become an important aspect of their education. This study aims to evaluate and contrast teachers and students' perceptions of the acquisition and level of these competences in the Bachelor's Degree in Pedagogy at the University of Murcia, Spain, both globally and by academic year. The results show that students and teachers' opinions coincide regarding the relevance of the competences, but not in relation to their level of achievement. Only final year students agree on the level of competence acquired

    Nanofiltration and reverse osmosis as a platform for production of natural botanic extracts: the case study of carob by-products 

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    Carob kibbles are a low-cost and renewable source of economically relevant phenolic compounds (high value catechin and its derivatives and gallic acid) and abundant in small sugars. This work aims at producing two distinct natural extracts from carob kibbles, one extract enriched in catechin and its derivatives for the nutraceuticals market and an extract enriched in sugars for the food industry. This valorisation strategy involves an integrated process based on membrane technology that fulfils the zero discharge principle and may be applied to other agro-industrial by-products. Different aqueous extraction schemes were considered (a one-step process and a two-steps approach). The aqueous extracts obtained were fractionated by diananofiltration and the fractions obtained were evaluated in terms of their content in target products. An integrated scheme for production of fractionated extracts is proposed based on the experimental work developed assuring, simultaneously, a minimal use of resources and emission of waste

    Analysis of the evaluation system applied to students with high ability in Preferential Educational Centers

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    URL del artículo en la web de la Revista: https://www.upo.es/revistas/index.php/IJERI/article/view/2680El propósito del que se partió en esta investigación fue analizar el sistema de evaluación que aplica el profesorado que atiende a discentes con Altas Capacidades (AACC) en los centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria (CEIP) de la Región de Murcia, que llevan a cabo un proyecto para educar a este colectivo. Mediante un análisis descriptivo con carácter evaluativo, se aplicó un cuestionario ad hoc a 133 profesores y profesoras que imparten docencia a grupos en los que se encuentran escolarizados niños y niñas con AACC. Los resultados indican que, si bien globalmente, el sistema de evaluación aplicado resulta adecuado, habría que mejorar algunos aspectos, especialmente el fomento de la autoevaluación. Asimismo, hay que destacar la ausencia de diferencias significativas entre los distintos grupos que conforman las variables predictoras de la investigación. Finalmente, subrayar la correlación significativa que se aprecia entre la mayoría de los ítems analizados.The initial purpose of this research was to analyze the evaluation system aimed to help students with high abilities in the Region of Murcia, in Primary Educational Centres that are carrying out projects to attend these groups of students. With a descriptive and evaluative analysis it was applied an ad hoc questionnaire to 133 teachers who give classes to groups of students in which you can find children with high abilities. The results show that, although in overall, the evaluating system seems adequate, it needs to improve some aspects, especially to encourage self-evaluation. In the same way, we have to highlight the absence of important differences between the different groups that defines the predictive variables of the research. Finally, underline the important correlation between most of the analyzed items.Universidad Pablo de Olavid

    Análisis del sistema de evaluación aplicado a los estudiantes con Altas Capacidades escolarizados en Centros Preferentes

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    El propósito del que se partió en esta investigación fue analizar el sistema de evaluación que aplica el profesorado que atiende a discentes con Altas Capacidades (AACC) en los centros de Educación Infantil y Primaria (CEIP) de la Región de Murcia, que llevan a cabo un proyecto para educar a este colectivo. Mediante un análisis descriptivo con carácter evaluativo, se aplicó un cuestionario ad hoc a 133 profesores y profesoras que imparten docencia a grupos en los que se encuentran escolarizados niños y niñas con AACC. Los resultados indican que, si bien globalmente, el sistema de evaluación aplicado resulta adecuado, habría que mejorar algunos aspectos, especialmente el fomento de la autoevaluación. Asimismo, hay que destacar la ausencia de diferencias significativas entre los distintos grupos que conforman las variables predictoras de la investigación. Finalmente, subrayar la correlación significativa que se aprecia entre la mayoría de los ítems analizados.

    Characterisation of canine KCNIP4: A novel gene for cerebellar ataxia identified by whole-genome sequencing two affected Norwegian Buhund dogs

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    Author summary Hereditary ataxias, which are a group of disorders characterised by incoordination of movement, are typically incurable and there are often no disease-modifying treatments available. Canine hereditary ataxias are a notable group of movement disorders in dogs, and represent well characterised naturally occurring disease models of ataxia that can help improve our understanding of the underlying biology of the disorder in both dogs and humans. We used the whole genome sequences of two affected siblings to investigate the genetic cause of a slowly progressive form of hereditary ataxia in the Norwegian Buhund dog breed, and identified a single base change within the KCNIP4 gene. We have characterised the expression of KCNIP4 in the dog, and investigated the effect of the identified mutation. This gene has not previously been implicated in inherited ataxia in any species, and our findings suggest that this and related genes represent potential candidates for ataxia in future studies in other species. Our findings will allow dog breeders to avoid producing affected dogs, reduce the disease allele frequency, and eventually eliminate the disease from the breed, through the use of a DNA test. A form of hereditary cerebellar ataxia has recently been described in the Norwegian Buhund dog breed. This study aimed to identify the genetic cause of the disease. Whole-genome sequencing of two Norwegian Buhund siblings diagnosed with progressive cerebellar ataxia was carried out, and sequences compared with 405 whole genome sequences of dogs of other breeds to filter benign common variants. Nine variants predicted to be deleterious segregated among the genomes in concordance with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance, only one of which segregated within the breed when genotyped in additional Norwegian Buhunds. In total this variant was assessed in 802 whole genome sequences, and genotyped in an additional 505 unaffected dogs (including 146 Buhunds), and only four affected Norwegian Buhunds were homozygous for the variant. The variant identified, a T to C single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) (NC_006585.3:g.88890674T>C), is predicted to cause a tryptophan to arginine substitution in a highly conserved region of the potassium voltage-gated channel interacting protein KCNIP4. This gene has not been implicated previously in hereditary ataxia in any species. Evaluation of KCNIP4 protein expression through western blot and immunohistochemical analysis using cerebellum tissue of affected and control dogs demonstrated that the mutation causes a dramatic reduction of KCNIP4 protein expression. The expression of alternative KCNIP4 transcripts within the canine cerebellum, and regional differences in KCNIP4 protein expression, were characterised through RT-PCR and immunohistochemistry respectively. The voltage-gated potassium channel protein KCND3 has previously been implicated in spinocerebellar ataxia, and our findings suggest that the Kv4 channel complex KCNIP accessory subunits also have an essential role in voltage-gated potassium channel function in the cerebellum and should be investigated as potential candidate genes for cerebellar ataxia in future studies in other species.Peer reviewe