31 research outputs found

    Macroecologia de interações agonísticas em peixes recifais

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Biológicas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, Florianópolis, 2016.A diversidade e coexistência de espécies vêm sendo estudada por décadas, o que desencadeou no desenvolvimento de diversas teorias ecológicas a fim de compreender os processos envolvidos na estruturação de comunidades. A composição e a distribuição de espécies são regidas por processos regionais (e.g. dispersão, especiação) e interações bióticas (e.g. competição, predação). No entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a influência de processos regionais e filtros espaciais na distribuição de espécies em comunidades locais. Em ecossistemas marinhos, peixes recifais exibem um gradiente longitudinal de riqueza de espécies em larga escala que está fortemente associado a processos regionais. Por outro lado, interações interespecíficas, como competição, atuam sobre a dinâmica de populações de peixes recifais e podem desempenhar um papel fundamental sobre a composição de espécies desse grupo. No presente estudo, investigamos a relação entre a riqueza de espécies e a diversidade de interações agonísticas de peixes recifais em diferentes escalas espaciais ao longo de sete recifes tropicais distribuídos em cinco províncias biogeográficas (Atlântico Oeste, Caribe, Polinésia, Pacífico Central e Indo-Pacífico Central). Ainda, para cada recife foi construída uma rede de interações agonísticas entre espécies de peixes recifais, para comparar a estrutura dessas interações entre os sete recifes. Dados de riqueza de espécies e diversidade de interações agonísticas foram coletados através de um total de 350 amostras de vídeos em recifes biogênicos rasos e abrigados. Cada amostra possui duração de 10 minutos e abrange uma área de 2m². Foi observado maior acúmulo de espécies em comunidades locais regionalmente mais ricas e uma relação positiva entre riqueza regional e local. A riqueza local, composta apenas por espécies que interagiram agonisticamente, demonstrou essa mesma tendência de acúmulo de espécies, porém uma relação fraca entre a riqueza regional e local, ou seja, o número de espécies interagindo em escala local não aumenta de acordo com número de espécies. Este contraste entre acúmulo de espécies e relações espaciais de riqueza pode ser explicado através do aumento da diversidade beta turnover de espécies que interagem conforme o aumento da riqueza regional, e sugere uma segregação espacial destas espécies em comunidades locais regionalmente ricas. As redes agonísticas em escala regional diferiram quanto à complexidade topológica, porém exibiram semelhanças na composição filogenética efuncional das espécies. Pomacentrídeos, labrídeos e acanthurídeos predominaram na composição das redes e o grupo funcional de herbívoros territoriais desempenhou um papel central em todas as sete localidades. Portanto, a contextualização empírica de comportamento agonístico de peixes recifais frente a diferentes escalas espaciais sugere que a riqueza regional é fundamental na estruturação de comunidades em diversas escalas espaciais, porém espécies que potencialmente competem pelos mesmos recursos podem ter sua distribuição espacial determinada por fatores locais (e.g. disponibilidade de recursos e atributos funcionais das espécies).Abstract : Diversity and coexistence of species have been studied for decades and triggered several ecological theories to understand the process involved in community assemblages. The composition of species pools is influenced by regional processes (e.g. dispersion, speciation and extinction) and biotic interactions (e.g. competition, predation). However, how these processes operate over species distributions across different spatial scales is poorly know. In marine ecosystems, reef fishes exhibit a longitudinal large-scale gradient of species richness and regional processes are strongly associated with community assembly. Conversely, interspecific interactions, such as competition, influence population dynamics of reef fishes and may have an essential role in shaping the community composition of this group. In this study, we aimed to investigate the relationship between species richness and the structure of agonistic interactions of fishes across different spatial scales, from tropical reefs in seven localities across five biogeographic provinces (south-western Atlantic, Caribbean, Polynesian, Central Pacific and Central Indo Pacific). Moreover, agonistic networks of reef fishes were built to compare the structure of these interactions among the seven studied localities. Species richness and agonistic interactions data were collected through a total of 350 samples of remote videos in shallow sheltered reefs, each sample consisting of a 2m² area during 10 minutes. We observed a higher species accumulation in regionally richer localities and a positive relationship between local and regional richness. For the local pool composed only by interacting species, we observed the same pattern in species accumulation, but not the local and regional positive relationship. This pattern can be explained by the increasing species turnover towards regional richer areas suggesting higher spatial segregation of interacting species in richer local communities. Moreover, the topological complexity of agonistic networks, defined by modularity and centralization values, increased according to the regional richness gradient. Pomacentrids, labrids and acanthurids were predominant at network composition in all seven localities and territorial herbivores performed a central role in all local communities. Combined, our findings suggest that regional richness of reef fishes plays an essential role on the composition of local species pool, and that local processes (e.g. resource availability and species intrinsic attributes) probably drive the agonistic behavior the spatial distribution of species. Furthermore, the empiricalcontextualization of agonistic behavior in reef fish across different spatial scales highlights the importance of a better understanding of the balance among different mechanisms regulating the spatial distribution and resource use partition in reef fish communities


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    Die vorliegende Untersuchung wurde mit einer 8-jährigen Gruppe des Staatlichen Erziehungsinstituts Mãe de Deus in der Stadt Tupanciretã-RS entwickelt und zielt darauf ab, literarisches, soziales und multidisziplinäres Wissen aus der literarischen Erzählung "Perseus und Medusa" aufzubauen. , aus dem Lehrbuch der Klasse, die die Schüler durch die Relevanz des Themas, nach dem Vorwissen der Schüler und Lesen Realität, die Entwicklung von Kognition und Sprache, durch digitale Medien ausgedrückt identifiziert identifiziert. Förderung des literarischen Lesens und Schreibens und seiner Reproduktion durch Studenten über einen Kanal auf der YouTube-Website, der positive Entwicklungen in seiner Anwendung zeigte.The present research was developed with a group of 8th year, from the State Institute of Education Mãe de Deus, in the city of Tupanciretã-RS, and aims to build literary, social and multidisciplinary knowledge from the literary narrative "Perseus and Medusa" , extracted from the textbook of the class, which the students identified by the relevance of the theme, according to the students' previous knowledge and reading reality, encouraging the development of cognition and language, expressed through digital media. Encouraging literary reading and writing and its reproduction made by students through a channel on the YouTube site, which showed positive developments in its application.La presente investigación fue desarrollada con una clase de 8º año, del Instituto Estatal de Educación Madre de Dios, en la ciudad de Tupanciretán-RS, y tiene por objetivo construir el conocimiento literario, social y multidisciplinario a partir de la narrativa literaria "Perseo y Medusa" , extraída del libro didáctico de la clase, a la que los educandos se identificaron por la relevancia del tema, de acuerdo con el conocimiento previo y la realidad de lectura de los discentes, incentivando el desarrollo de la cognición y el lenguaje, expresados a través de medios digitales. Incentivando la lectura y escritura literaria y su reproducción hecha por los estudiantes a través de un canal en el sitio YouTube, que demostró desdoblamientos positivos en su aplicación.La présente recherche a été développée avec un groupe de 8e année, de l'Institut d'État de l'éducation Mãe de Deus, dans la ville de Tupanciretã-RS, et vise à construire des connaissances littéraires, sociales et multidisciplinaires du récit littéraire "Persée et Méduse" , extrait du manuel de la classe, que les étudiants ont identifié par la pertinence du thème, en fonction des connaissances préalables et de la réalité de lecture des élèves, en encourageant le développement de la cognition et du langage, exprimé par les médias numériques. Encourager la lecture littéraire et l'écriture et sa reproduction faite par les étudiants à travers une chaîne sur le site YouTube, qui a montré des développements positifs dans son application.La presente ricerca è stata sviluppata con un gruppo di 8 anni, dall'Istituto Statale di Educazione Mãe de Deus, nella città di Tupanciretã-RS, e mira a costruire conoscenze letterarie, sociali e multidisciplinari dal racconto letterario "Perseo e Medusa" , estratto dal libro di testo della classe, che gli studenti hanno identificato in base alla rilevanza del tema, secondo la conoscenza e la realtà della lettura degli studenti precedenti, incoraggiando lo sviluppo della cognizione e del linguaggio, espresso attraverso i media digitali. Incoraggiare la lettura e la scrittura letteraria e la sua riproduzione fatta dagli studenti attraverso un canale sul sito di YouTube, che ha mostrato sviluppi positivi nella sua applicazione.A presente pesquisa foi desenvolvida com uma turma de 8ºano, do Instituto Estadual de Educação Mãe de Deus, na cidade de Tupanciretã- RS, e tem por objetivo construir o conhecimento literário, social e multidisciplinar a partir da narrativa literária “Perseu e Medusa”, extraída do livro didático da turma, a qual os educandos se identificaram pela relevância do tema, de acordo com o conhecimento prévio e realidade de leitura dos discentes, incentivando o desenvolvimento da cognição e linguagem, expressos através de mídias digitais. Incentivando à leitura e escrita literária e sua reprodução feita pelos estudantes através de um canal no site YouTube, que demonstrou desdobramentos positivos em sua aplicação

    Serologically diagnosed acute human bocavirus 1 infection in childhood community-acquired pneumonia

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    AimTo assess the role of human bocavirus 1 (HBoV1) as a causative agent of non-severe community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in children. MethodsPatients aged 2-59 months with non-severe CAP (respiratory complaints and radiographic pulmonary infiltrate/consolidation) attending a University Hospital in Salvador, Brazil were enrolled in a prospective cohort. From 820 recruited children in a clinical trial ( NCT01200706), nasopharyngeal aspirate (NPA), and acute and convalescent serum samples were obtained from 759 (92.6%) patients. NPAs were tested for 16 respiratory viruses by PCR. Acute HBoV1 infection was confirmed by measuring specific IgM and IgG responses in paired serum samples. ResultsRespiratory viruses were detected in 693 (91.3%; 95%CI: 89.1-93.2) CAP cases by PCR. HBoV1-DNA was detected in 159 (20.9%; 95%CI: 18.2-24.0) cases. Of these 159 PCR positive cases, acute HBoV1 infection was confirmed serologically in 38 cases (23.9%; 95%CI: 17.8-31.0). Overall, acute HBoV1 infection was confirmed in 5.0% (38/759) of non-severe CAP patients. HBoV1 was detected in 151 cases with at least one other virus making 31.7% of all multiple virus (n=477) detections. Among all 759 cases, 216 had one respiratory virus detected, and sole HBoV1 was detected in only 8 (3.7%). Acute HBoV1 infection was serologically diagnosed in 34 (22.5%) HBoV1-DNA-positive cases with another virus, compared to 4 (50.0%) cases with sole virus detection (p=0.09). ConclusionHBoV1 was detected by PCR in one fifth of the children with non-severe CAP and acute HBoV1 infection was serologically confirmed in one quarter of these cases.Peer reviewe

    Contrasting patterns of changes in abundance following a bleaching event between juvenile and adult scleractinian corals

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    Funding was provided by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Coral Reef Studies (CE140100020) and the Templeton Foundation (Grant #60501, ‘Putting the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis to the Test’). MD is grateful to the Scottish Funding Council (MASTS, grant reference HR09011) and the European Research Council (grant BioTIME). The study was partially supported by Australian Research Council grants DP1093448 and FT110100609.Coral bleaching events have caused extensive mortality on reefs around the world. Juvenile corals are generally less affected by bleaching than their conspecific adults and therefore have the potential to buffer population declines and seed recovery. Here, we use juvenile and adult abundance data at 20 sites encircling Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef, before and after the 2016 bleaching event to quantify: (1) correlates of changes in juvenile abundance following a bleaching event; (2) differences in susceptibility to extreme thermal stress between juveniles and adults. Declines in juvenile abundance were lower at sites closer to the 20-m-depth contour and higher for Acropora and Pocillopora juveniles than for other taxa. Juveniles of Acropora and Goniastrea were less susceptible to bleaching than adults, but the opposite was true for Pocillopora spp. and taxa in the family Merulinidae. Our results indicate that the potential of the juvenile life stage to act as a buffer during bleaching events is taxon-dependent.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Seaweed beds support more juvenile reef fish than seagrass beds in a south-western Atlantic tropical seascape

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    Seascape connectivity is regarded essential for healthy reef fish communities in tropical shallow systems. A number of reef fish species use separate adult and nursery habitats, and hence contribute to nutrient and energy transfer between habitats. Seagrass beds and mangroves often constitute important nursery habitats, with high structural complexity and protection from predation. Here, we investigated if reef fish assemblages in the tropical south-western Atlantic demonstrate ontogenetic habitat connectivity and identify possible nurseries on three reef systems along the eastern Brazilian coast. Fish were surveyed in fore reef, back reef, Halodule wrightii seagrass beds and seaweed beds. Seagrass beds contained lower abundances and species richness of fish than expected, while Sargassum-dominated seaweed beds contained significantly more juveniles than all other habitats (average juvenile fish densities: 32.6 per 40 m2 in Sargassum beds, 11.2 per 40 m2 in back reef, 10.1 per 40 m2 in fore reef, and 5.04 per 40 m2 in seagrass beds), including several species that are found in the reef habitats as adults. Species that in other regions worldwide (e.g. the Caribbean) utilise seagrass beds as nursery habitats were here instead observed in Sargassum beds or back reef habitats. Coral cover was not correlated to adult fish distribution patterns; instead, type of turf was an important variable. Connectivity, and thus pathways of nutrient transfer, seems to function differently in east Brazil compared to many tropical regions. Sargassum-dominated beds might be more important as nurseries for a larger number of fish species than seagrass beds. Due to the low abundance of structurally complex seagrass beds we suggest that seaweed beds might influence adult reef fish abundances, being essential for several keystone species of reef fish in the tropical south-western Atlantic

    Assessing the Viability of Reintroduction of Locally Extinct Migratory Fish Brycon orbignyanus: Successful Growth, Dispersal and Maturation

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    The reintroduction of threatened fish species in areas where wild populations have been depleted due to anthropogenic impacts is an increasingly popular conservation tool and mitigation policy. Despite the importance of fish reintroduction for conservation purposes, little is known about its efficiency. Here, we assessed the viability of reintroduction of the endangered migratory fish, Brycon orbignyanus, in an area of the Upper Uruguay River basin where the species has not been reported for more than 30 years. We released 4000 yearling juveniles in the Pelotas River in 2014 and maintained 400 juveniles in captivity as a control population. After three years, a total of 13 individuals was recaptured, of which, 10 were considered sexually mature with first maturation being recorded in animals larger than 42 cm in total body length. The age–length comparison with a control population growth curve showed that recaptured fish were slightly bigger than those in captivity. Furthermore, important ecological attributes as schooling behavior and dispersal capacity were recorded for all recaptured individuals. Combined, our results suggest that the re-establishment of a self-sustained population of locally extinct species B. orbignyanus in the Pelotas River may be successful if sustained over time and supported by conservation policies