14 research outputs found

    Las metástasis óseas del cáncer

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    Las metástasis óseas representan un problema clínico devastador en las neoplasias más frecuentes, especialmente en el mieloma múltiple, mama, próstata, y pulmón. Las consecuencias incluyen dolores refractarios a analgésicos convencionales, osteolisis que conlleva en ocasiones compresión medular, fracturas patológicas, y trastornos metabólicos. Recientes avances en el diagnóstico mediante técnicas de imagen, así como diversas técnicas bioquímicas, han favorecido un certero diagnóstico y seguimiento. El aumento de la supervivencia se ha mejorado mediante una aproximación multimodal en los tratamientos con la combinación de la inhibición de la osteolisis, la cirugía ortopédica profiláctica y la radioterapia. Recientes progresos en la investigación básica han determinado la huella molecular de metástasis de un tumor capaz de predecir su proclividad metastásica. La investigación básica favorecerá un conocimiento de los mecanismos básicos y llevará a elucidar dianas moleculares que favorecerán el desarrollo de fármacos capaces de prevenir, amortiguar o bloquear el proceso metastático.Bone metastases represent a devastating clinical problem in the most frequent neoplasies, especially in multiple myeloma, tumours breast, prostate and lung. The consequences include pain which is refractory to conventional analgesics, osteolysis often leading to bone-marrow compression and pathological fractures, and metabolic disorders. Recent advances in diagnosis using imaging techniques as well as different biochemical techniques have helped accurate diagnosis and follow-up. The increase in survival has improved through a multimodal approach combining, inhibition of osteolysis, with prophylactic orthopaedic surgery and radiation therapy. Recent advances in basic research have determined the molecular metastatic that can predict its proclivity to metastasize. Basic research will improve understanding of the basic mechanisms and lead to the clarification of molecular targets that will help in the development of medicines capable of preventing, decreasing or blocking the metastatic process

    Glutamatergic pallidothalamic projections and their implications in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease

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    GABAergic projections emitted from the entopeduncular nucleus (ENT) and the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) innervate different thalamic nuclei and they are known to be hyperactive after dopaminergic depletion. Here we show that isoform 2 of the vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT2) is expressed by neurons in the ENT nucleus but not in the SNr. Indeed, dual in situ hybridization demonstrated that the ENT nucleus contains two different subpopulations of projection neurons, one single-expressing GAD65/67 mRNAs and another one that co-expresses either of the GAD isoforms together with VGLUT2 mRNA. Unilateral dopaminergic depletion induced marked changes in pallidothalamic-projecting neuron gene expression, resulting in increased expression of GAD65/67 mRNAs together with a clear down-regulation of VGLUT2 mRNA expression. Our results indicate that the increased thalamic inhibition typical of dopamine depletion might be explained by a synergistic effect of increased GABA outflow coupled to decreased glutamate levels, both neurotransmitters coming from ENT neurons

    Glutamatergic pallidothalamic projections and their implications in the pathophysiology of Parkinson's disease

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    GABAergic projections emitted from the entopeduncular nucleus (ENT) and the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNr) innervate different thalamic nuclei and they are known to be hyperactive after dopaminergic depletion. Here we show that isoform 2 of the vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT2) is expressed by neurons in the ENT nucleus but not in the SNr. Indeed, dual in situ hybridization demonstrated that the ENT nucleus contains two different subpopulations of projection neurons, one single-expressing GAD65/67 mRNAs and another one that co-expresses either of the GAD isoforms together with VGLUT2 mRNA. Unilateral dopaminergic depletion induced marked changes in pallidothalamic-projecting neuron gene expression, resulting in increased expression of GAD65/67 mRNAs together with a clear down-regulation of VGLUT2 mRNA expression. Our results indicate that the increased thalamic inhibition typical of dopamine depletion might be explained by a synergistic effect of increased GABA outflow coupled to decreased glutamate levels, both neurotransmitters coming from ENT neurons

    Las metástasis óseas del cáncer

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    Las metástasis óseas representan un problema clínico devastador en las neoplasias más frecuentes, especialmente en el mieloma múltiple, mama, próstata, y pulmón. Las consecuencias incluyen dolores refractarios a analgésicos convencionales, osteolisis que conlleva en ocasiones compresión medular, fracturas patológicas, y trastornos metabólicos. Recientes avances en el diagnóstico mediante técnicas de imagen, así como diversas técnicas bioquímicas, han favorecido un certero diagnóstico y seguimiento. El aumento de la supervivencia se ha mejorado mediante una aproximación multimodal en los tratamientos con la combinación de la inhibición de la osteolisis, la cirugía ortopédica profiláctica y la radioterapia. Recientes progresos en la investigación básica han determinado la huella molecular de metástasis de un tumor capaz de predecir su proclividad metastásica. La investigación básica favorecerá un conocimiento de los mecanismos básicos y llevará a elucidar dianas moleculares que favorecerán el desarrollo de fármacos capaces de prevenir, amortiguar o bloquear el proceso metastático.Bone metastases represent a devastating clinical problem in the most frequent neoplasies, especially in multiple myeloma, tumours breast, prostate and lung. The consequences include pain which is refractory to conventional analgesics, osteolysis often leading to bone-marrow compression and pathological fractures, and metabolic disorders. Recent advances in diagnosis using imaging techniques as well as different biochemical techniques have helped accurate diagnosis and follow-up. The increase in survival has improved through a multimodal approach combining, inhibition of osteolysis, with prophylactic orthopaedic surgery and radiation therapy. Recent advances in basic research have determined the molecular metastatic that can predict its proclivity to metastasize. Basic research will improve understanding of the basic mechanisms and lead to the clarification of molecular targets that will help in the development of medicines capable of preventing, decreasing or blocking the metastatic process

    Long-term controlled GDNF over-expression reduces dopamine transporter activity without affecting tyrosine hydroxylase expression in the rat mesostriatal system

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    The dopamine (DA) transporter (DAT) is a plasma membrane glycoprotein expressed in dopaminergic (DA-) cells that takes back DA into presynaptic neurons after its release. DAT dysfunction has been involved in different neuro-psychiatric disorders including Parkinson's disease (PD). On the other hand, numerous studies support that the glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) has a protective effect on DA-cells. However, studies in rodents show that prolonged GDNF over-expression may cause a tyrosine hydroxylase (TH, the limiting enzyme in DA synthesis) decline. The evidence of TH down-regulation suggests that another player in DA handling, DAT, may also be regulated by prolonged GDNF over-expression, and the possibility that this effect is induced at GDNF expression levels lower than those inducing TH down-regulation. This issue was investigated here using intrastriatal injections of a tetracycline-inducible adeno-associated viral vector expressing human GDNF cDNA (AAV-tetON-GDNF) in rats, and doxycycline (DOX; 0.01, 0.03, 0.5 and 3. mg/ml) in the drinking water during 5 weeks. We found that 3 mg/ml DOX promotes an increase in striatal GDNF expression of 12 × basal GDNF levels and both DA uptake decrease and TH down-regulation in its native and Ser40 phosphorylated forms. However, 0.5 mg/ml DOX promotes a GDNF expression increase of 3 × basal GDNF levels with DA uptake decrease but not TH down-regulation. The use of western-blot under non-reducing conditions, co-immunoprecipitation and in situ proximity ligation assay revealed that the DA uptake decrease is associated with the formation of DAT dimers and an increase in DAT-α-synuclein interactions, without changes in total DAT levels or its compartmental distribution. In conclusion, at appropriate GDNF transduction levels, DA uptake is regulated through DAT protein-protein interactions without interfering with DA synthesis.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    miRNA cargo within exosome-like vesicle transfer influences metastatic bone colonization.

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    Bone metastasis represents one of the most deleterious clinical consequences arising in the context of many solid tumors. Severe osteolysis results from tumor cell colonization of the bone compartment, a process which entails reciprocal exchange of soluble signals between tumor cells and their osseous microenvironment. Recent evidence indicates that tumor-intrinsic miRNAs are pleiotropic regulators of gene expression. But they are also frequently released in exosome-like vesicles (ELV). Yet the functional relevance of the transference of tumor-derived ELV and their miRNA cargo to the extracellular milieu during osseous colonization is unknown. Comparative transcriptomic profiling using an in vivo murine model of bone metastasis identified a repressed miRNA signature associated with high prometastatic activity. Forced expression of single miRNAs identified miR-192 that markedly appeased osseous metastasis in vivo, as shown by X-ray, bioluminescence imaging and microCT scans. Histological examination of metastatic lesions revealed impaired tumor-induced angiogenesis in vivo, an effect that was associated in vitro with decreased hallmarks of angiogenesis. Isolation and characterization of ELV by flow cytometry, Western blot analysis, transmission electron microscopy and nanoparticle tracking analysis revealed the ELV cargo enrichment in miR-192. Consistent with these findings, fluorescent labeled miR-192-enriched-ELV showed the in vitro transfer and release of miR-192 in target endothelial cells and abrogation of the angiogenic program by repression of proangiogenic IL-8, ICAM and CXCL1. Moreover, in vivo infusion of fluorescent labeled ELV efficiently targeted cells of the osseous compartment. Furthermore, treatment with miR-192 enriched ELV in a model of in vivo bone metastasis pre-conditioned osseous milieu and impaired tumor-induced angiogenesis, thereby reducing the metastatic burden and tumor colonization. Changes in the miRNA-cargo content within ELV represent a novel mechanism heavily influencing bone metastatic colonization, which is most likely relevant in other target organs. Mechanistic mimicry of this phenomenon by synthetic nanoparticles could eventually emerge as a novel therapeutic approach