329 research outputs found

    Weight teasing and eating disorders. A comparative study in adolecent and adult samples

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    Disordered eating, unhealthy weight-control behaviours and body dissatisfaction are associated with diminished mental health. A key aspect that has been identified for the development of disordered eating behaviours and body dissatisfaction is to be teased. Additionally, the literature suggests that weight may affect the relationship between weight-teasing and disordered eating and body dissatisfaction, although this pattern is unclear. This study presents two cross-sectional studies with an adult and an adolescent sample. The adolescent sample comprised 15,224 participants, and the adult sample comprised 321 participants, all from Spain. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted. Aims: to assess the relations among disordered eating, body dissatisfaction, weight, and weight-teasing among adolescents and adults; and to examine whether weight-teasing, weight, age, and gender predict disordered eating and body dissatisfaction in adults and adolescents. The results showed that adolescent girls presented greater effects, and all interactions were significant between weight-teasing and eating disorders. Adults also showed greater effects for women, and only eating disorder interactions were significant. Weight-control behaviours did not show any relationship with weight-teasing. Conclusion: Different approaches may be used in the prevention of eating disorders. Our results show that weight-teasing affects adults differently from adolescents

    Sea Surface Temperatures: Seasonal Persistence and Trends.

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    This paper addresses analysis of the global monthly sea surface temperatures using a reconstructed dataset that goes back to 1884. We use fractional integration methods to examine features such as persistence, seasonality, and time trends in the data. The results show that seasonality is a relevant issue, finding evidence of seasonal unit roots. With the seasonal component removed, persistence is also very significant, and, when looking at the data month by month, evidence of significant linear trends is detected in all cases. According to these results, monthly sea surface temperatures increase by between 0.07° and 0.11°C every 100 years.pre-print550 K

    La medicalización del suicidio en la España del siglo XIX: Aspectos teóricos, profesionales y culturales

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    This paper analyzes the medicalization process of suicide in Spain during the 19th century. It describes the transition of suicide seen as an act of free will to a model, developed by mental doctors, which considered it a pathological behavior. Against this model, other conservative positions from the fields of Law and Medicine continued to defend the traditional view. The initial interest of mental medicine regarding the social aspects of suicide was developed during this period. The social factor that authors considered to be the most influential to suicide was the loss of religious ideas, which was understandable considering that religion was very present in Spanish science and society throughout the century. During the last decades of the 19th century, with the introduction of the degeneration theory in Spain, this behavior was finally included among the «Social Diseases» group.El presente artículo analiza el proceso de medicalización del suicidio en España en el siglo XIX. Describe el paso de la concepción del suicidio como acto libre del sujeto a una conducta patológica susceptible de tratamiento por parte de la Medicina Mental. Frente a este nuevo modelo, otras posiciones conservadoras provenientes de la Medicina y el Derecho siguieron defendiendo el esquema tradicional. El interés inicial de los médicos mentalistas por los aspectos sociales del suicidio se fue desarrollando durante este período. El hecho social que se invocó con más frecuencia fue la pérdida de ideas religiosas, lo que era comprensible teniendo en consideración la gran importancia que la religión tuvo en la ciencia y sociedad españolas. Con la introducción de la teoría de la degeneración esta conducta acabó formando parte del cuerpo de «enfermedades sociales» de la España de fin de siglo

    El papel de la pérdida en la génesis de los trastornos depresivos.

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    Introducción. En la investigación de la depresión, el papel de la pérdida ha sido examinado en detalle, puesto que constituye un aspecto central de la mayoría de los acontecimientos vitales que llevan a la depresión. Material y método. En el presente trabajo se realizó una revisión acerca de los estudios previos sobre la importancia de la pérdida centrándonos en diversos aspectos como sus diferentes tipos, la asociación con algunas enfermedades mentales, pérdida y pronóstico, relación entre desesperanza y pérdida, y variaciones de los acontecimientos de pérdida en función de diversos factores, considerando también la pérdida en la infancia. Resultados. La pérdida ejerce un papel clave en la aparición de muchos trastornos depresivos. Puede actuar como agente provocador, factor de vulnerabilidad o agente modificador de la forma, gravedad y curso de un cuadro depresivo. Diversos factores como el factor genético, el sexo o el momento de la vida en el que tiene lugar la pérdida pueden modular la influencia de los acontecimientos de pérdida

    Nuevos eutimizantes y ciclo reproductivo

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    Introduction. The use of new mood stabilizers in the treatment of bipolar disorder has supposed a revolution, especially due to its more favorable profile in many aspects. Nevertheless, therapeutic decisions on treatment during pregnancy and the breastfeeding period are still being debated. Since these new anticonvulsants appeared in the decade of 1990, less naturalistic experience in its use exists during these periods than with other older anticonvulsants. Methods. A Medline and Embase search was conducted from 1970 to 2003 to review the articles published on the use of the new mood stabilizers during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and its effects on contraception. Neurology and psychiatry text chapters and abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association (years 2001-2003) were also reviewed. Results. Although some recent articles suggest that new mood stabilizers could have a smaller risk of congenital defects, and therefore could be used with smaller risks in women in fertile age, most of articles reviewed indicate that there is not enough knowledge on the safety of the new mood stabilizers in pregnancy and breastfeeding. Conclusions. The risks and benefits of continuing with the new mood stabilizers during pregnancy and breastfeeding must be weighed carefully, and the severity of the disease and the previous answer to treatment should be taken into account

    Is Small Still Beautiful for the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire? Novel Findings Using Exploratory Structural Equation Modeling

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    Article first published online: June 17, 2018During the present decade a large body of research has employed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to evaluate the factor structure of the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) across multiple languages and cultures. However, because CFA can produce strongly biased estimations when the population cross-loadings differ meaningfully from zero, it may not be the most appropriate framework to model the SDQ responses. With this in mind, the current study sought to assess the factorial structure of the SDQ using the more flexible exploratory structural equation modeling approach. Using a large-scale Spanish sample composed of 67,253 youths aged between 10 and 18 years (M = 14.16, SD = 1.07), the results showed that CFA provided a severely biased and overly optimistic assessment of the underlying structure of the SDQ. In contrast, exploratory structural equation modeling revealed a generally weak factorial structure, including questionable indicators with large cross-loadings, multiple error correlations, and significant wording variance. A subsequent Monte Carlo study showed that sample sizes greater than 4,000 would be needed to adequately recover the SDQ loading structure. The findings from this study prevent recommending the SDQ as a screening tool and suggest caution when interpreting previous results in the literature based on CFA modeling.The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this articl

    Is melatonin an adjunctive stabilizer?

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    MELATONIN (MLT) IS a main synchronizer of the sleep/wake cycle control. We performed a prospective naturalistic study that included 14 euthymic bipolar patients that suffered from insomnia (six type I, six type II and two schizoaffective disorder) according to DSM-IV-TR criteria.1 After giving their written consent, patients began the treatment with MLT. Evaluation tools used were: Oviedo Sleep Questionnaire (OSQ),2 Chinese Polarity Inventory (CPI),3 Numeric Evaluation Scale (NES),4 and Clinical Global Impressions Scale foruse in bipolar illness (CGI-BP-M).5 Side-effects and time until improvement of sleep were evaluated. Euthymia had to be confirmed by a score <30 on the CPI-Depression and <15 on the CPI-Mania. MLT was prescribed at bedtime, the dose was free, between 3-6 mgr/day and it was added to a stable regimen of medication. An analysis of the results' 'mirror-image' was performed, comparing the period of treatment with MLT, with the same period of time prior to the start of the treatment. Data analysis was performed with the statistical program spss v15.0 (spss, Chicago, IL, USA). The improvement of sleep disorders occurred in all patients, and the mean time until improvement was 3.6 weeks. The scores obtained in the OSQ were: 25.8 (prior to the treatment) versus 13.8 (after the treatment) (P = 0.001). MLT significantly improved the scores in the CPI-Depression (29.78 ± 16.25 vs 23.84 ± 13.16; P = 0.04) and in the CGIBP-M, both on the subscale for depression (2.49 ± 0.82 vs 1.88 ± 0.85; Z −2.857; P = 0.004) and for mania (1.23 ± 0.3 vs 1.05 ± 0.15; Z −2.375; P = 0.018). Improvement was also observed in the NES scores (42.43 ± 8.77 vs 44.39 ± 5.49). Visits were spaced from an average of 48.8 to 65.3 days. All patients experienced a sleep improvement in quantity and quality, and there was a reduction in the total score of the items that measured clinical depression. In one of the scales that assessed the manic pole, a reduction in the total score was observed. We know that melatonin M1 and M2 agonists, such as ramelteon or agomelatine, may also be effective for bipolar disorder and these results show that MLT can be a useful treatment as adjunctive therapy in bipolar patients with sleep alterations and helping in clinical stabilization

    Validación del Cuestionario de Influencias Socioculturales del Modelo Estético Corporal (CIMEC-26) en población femenina mexicana

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    Objective: To evaluate the psychometric properties of the Questionnaire of Sociocultural Influences on the Aesthetic Body Shape Model (CIMEC-26), in a population of young women. Method: The sample consisted of 799 women aged 12 to 30 years (M = 20.29, SD = 2.84). Two groups were included: control and clinical. Results: We observed an adequate internal consistency of the instrument (α = .90). The exploratory factor analysis revealed four factors: 1) Influence of advertising; 2) Influence of social models; 3) Influence of messages and social situations; and 4) Discomfort due to body image. These were ratified in the confirmatory factor analysis, presenting a good fit of the data: 1) significant chi square (X2 (274) = 727.45, p = .001); 2) GFI = .925; 3) AGFI = .976; 4) CFI = .935; 5) RMSEA = .075; 6) RMR = .043. Different cut-off points were explored, observing 22 as the most appropriate according to the sensitivity (66%) and specificity (100%) values. Conclusion: This version showed adequate consistency and construct validity. We observed the usefulness of this questionnaire for mental health professionals, wherefore the study is an important contribution to the field of ​​eating disorders in Mexico.Objetivo: Evaluar las propiedades psicométricas del Cuestionario de Influencias Socioculturales en el Modelo Estético Corporal (CIMEC-26), en una población de mujeres jóvenes. Método: La muestra estuvo conformada por 799 mujeres con un rango de edad de 12 a 30 años (M = 20.29, D.E. = 2.84). Se incluyeron dos grupos: control y clínico. Resultados: Se observó una adecuada consistencia interna del instrumento (α = .90). El Análisis factorial exploratorio arrojó cuatro factores: 1) Influencia de la publicidad; 2) Influencia de los modelos sociales; 3) Influencia de mensajes y situaciones sociales; 4) Malestar por la imagen corporal. Los cuales fueron ratificados en el análisis factorial confirmatorio, presentando un buen ajuste de los datos: 1) Chi-cuadrado significativo (X2 (274) = 727.45, p = .001); 2) GFI = .925; 3) AGFI = .976; 4) CFI = .935; 5) RMSEA = .075; 6) RMR = .043. Se exploraron diferentes puntos de corte, observando el 22 como el más adecuado de acuerdo con los valores de sensibilidad (66 %) y especificidad (100%). Conclusión: Esta versión mostró adecuada consistencia y validez de constructo, se observó que es un cuestionario que puede ser utilizado por profesionales de la salud mental, por lo que el estudio es una importante contribución al área de los trastornos alimentarios en México

    Intra-tumor heterogeneity in TP53 null high grade serous ovarian carcinoma progression

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    [Background]: High grade serous ovarian cancer is characterised by high initial response to chemotherapy but poor outcome in the long term due to acquired resistance. One of the main genetic features of this disease is TP53 mutation. The majority of TP53 mutated tumors harbor missense mutations in this gene, correlated with p53 accumulation. TP53 null tumors constitute a specific subgroup characterised by nonsense, frameshift or splice-site mutations associated to complete absence of p53 expression. Different studies show that this kind of tumors may have a worse prognosis than other TP53 mutated HGSC. [Methods]: In this study, we sought to characterise the intra-tumor heterogeneity of a TP53 null HGSC consisting of six primary tumor samples, two intra-pelvic and four extra-pelvic recurrences using exome sequencing and comparative genome hybridisation. [Results]: Significant heterogeneity was found among the different tumor samples, both at the mutational and copy number levels. Exome sequencing identified 102 variants, of which only 42 were common to all three samples; whereas 7 of the 18 copy number changes found by CGH analysis were presented in all samples. Sanger validation of 20 variants found by exome sequencing in additional regions of the primary tumor and the recurrence allowed us to establish a sequence of the tumor clonal evolution, identifying those populations that most likely gave rise to recurrences and genes potentially involved in this process, like GPNMB and TFDP1. Using functional annotation and network analysis, we identified those biological functions most significantly altered in this tumor. Remarkably, unexpected functions such as microtubule-based movement and lipid metabolism emerged as important for tumor development and progression, suggesting its potential interest as therapeutic targets. [Conclusions]: Altogether, our results shed light on the clonal evolution of the distinct tumor regions identifying the most aggressive subpopulations and at least some of the genes that may be implicated in its progression and recurrence, and highlights the importance of considering intra-tumor heterogeneity when carrying out genetic and genomic studies, especially when these are aimed to diagnostic procedures or to uncover possible therapeutic strategies.This work has been supported by grants from the AECC network-2012, Telemarató 2013, Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (PI13/00132 and RETIC-RD12/0036/0007), GEIS award 2013, and by the Community of Madrid (S2010/BMD-2303). AM is a predoctoral student supported by FPU fellowship (Spanish Education Ministry). PGS is founded by postdoc contracts from the AECC Scientific Foundation.Peer Reviewe