84 research outputs found
Caracterización de la población de neonatos/as de la unidad de cuidados intensivos del Hospital Universitario la Samaritana de Bogotá agosto-noviembre- pasantía 2013
Objetivo: Profundizar en los conocimientos científicos teóricos orientados al uso de las tecnologías requeridas por el estudiante de Fisioterapia que posibiliten la recuperación de los/as recién nacidos/as que se encuentran en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos Neonatales del Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana durante el tiempo que contempló la pasantía. Métodos: Se realizaron actividades asistenciales, administrativas, de extensión y de investigación en donde se desarrolló un estudio cuantitativo observacional que pretendió caracterizar a la población neonatal que requirió el uso de Ventilación Mecánica y/o Oxigenoterapia en sus condiciones sociales, biológicas y fisiopatológicas. Resultados: Para la fase investigativa se tomó una muestra de 100 recién nacidos los cuales fueron caracterizados en los factores socio-ambientales, biológicos maternos y neonatales y fisiopatológicos. De estos recién nacidos, 17 requirieron el uso de tecnologías como la ventilación mecánica. En las actividades asistenciales se logró la atención de estos recién nacidos desde la interacción fisioterapéutica. Conclusión: Se permitió adquirir destrezas en el desarrollo de actividades de gestión, administrativa, asistencial y de extensión. Para la investigación se concluyó que los factores mencionados determinan el uso de las tecnologías en esta población y que requieren constante actualización por parte del personal de salud, se recomienda que estudios posteriores planteen análisis multivariados que permitan responder a la pregunta de investigación.Abstract. Objective: To deep in the theoretical scientific knowledge oriented use of technologies required by the Physiotherapy student that enable recovery of newborns found in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit , at University Hospital of the Samaritan, while the internship. Methods: Were performed care, administrative, research and extension activities, where a quantitative observational study aimed at characterizing the neonatal population that required the use of mechanical ventilation and / or oxygen therapy in their social , biological and pathophysiological conditions. Results: For the investigative phase, a sample of 100 infants who were characterized in the socio- environmental, biological and pathophysiological maternal and neonatal factors. Of these infants, 17 required the use of technologies such as mechanical ventilation. Assistance activities in the care of these infants were achieved from physiotherapy interaction. Conclusion: It is permitted to acquire skills in the development of management, administrative, care and outreach. For the investigation concluded that the above factors will determine the use of technology in this population and require constant updating by the health personnel, it is recommended that further studies raise multivariate analysis to answer the research question.Pregrad
Efectividad de la acción popular en la protección del medio ambiente
CD-T 344.046 M85;56 p.Con este trabajo se busca analizar que tan efectiva resulta la acción popular para la protección del medio ambiente, así como su utilidad en la ciudad de Quibdó.Universidad Libre Seccional Pereir
Biomasa de raíces finas y fertilidad del suelo en bosques pluviales tropicales del pacífico colombiano
Fine roots play an important role in the ecology and dynamics of tropical forests. Fine root biomass (FRB) is mainly determined by soil characteristics (availability of water and nutrients) and is higher in soils with lower fertility. To test this hypothesis five permanent 1-hectare plots were established in the towns of Opogodó and Pacurita, where FRB was measured at 0-10 and 10-20 cm depth. In addition, soil fertility parameters (pH, nutrients and texture) were measured and related to FRB. Both towns presented soils poor in nutrients, with higher content of sand, total N and organic matter (OM) in Opogodó. The BRF presented little relation to texture and soil nutrient content, because only the correlations of the BRF with pH and content of clay were significant. In both areas FRB decreased with depth; values found between 0-20 cm depths were 5.91 t ha-1 and 6.28 t ha-1 in Opogodó and Pacurita respectively. The tropical region-wide analysis showed an inverse relationship between the available P content and the BRF of forests.Las raíces finas juegan un papel importante en la ecología y dinámica de los bosques tropicales. La biomasa de raíces finas (BRF) está determinada principalmente por las características del suelo (disponibilidad de agua y nutrientes) y es mayor en suelos con menor fertilidad. Para evaluar esta hipótesis se establecieron cinco parcelas permanentes de una hectárea en las localidades de Opogodó (Condoto) y Pacurita (Quibdó), Chocó, Colombia, donde se midió la BRF a 0-10 y 10-20 cm de profundidad, y la fertilidad edáfica (pH, nutrientes y textura), los cuales se relacionaron con la BRF. Ambas localidades presentaron suelos pobres en nutrientes, con mayor contenido de arena, N total y materia orgánica (MO) en Opogodó. La BRF presentó poca relación con la textura y el contenido de nutrientes del suelo, pues solo las correlaciones de la BRF con el pH y el contenido de arcilla fueron significativas. En ambas zonas la BRF disminuyó con la profundidad; los valores encontrados entre 0 - 20 cm de profundidad fueron de 5.91 y 6.28 t ha-1 en Opogodó y Pacurita, respectivamente. El análisis a escala de la región tropical mostró una relación inversa entre el contenido del P disponible y la BRF de los bosques.
La atención a la diversidad mito y tensiones: desde la visión de los docentes de cuatro instituciones del departamento del Cauca
Artículo (Maestría en Educación desde la Diversidad). Universidad de Manizales. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas, 2013Maestría en Educación desde la Diversidad, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.El artículo socializa algunos resultados de la investigación sobre cuáles son las concepciones de diversidad que manejan los maestros y cómo se articulan con las prácticas pedagógicas en las instituciones educativas Margarita Legarda(Puracé), Sinaí(Argelia), José Eusebio y Antonio García Paredes (Popayán). Se evidencia como las nociones de diversidad que manejan los docentes se conciben inicialmente desde la diferenciación de los grupos étnicos que coexisten en el departamento del Cauca, partiendo desde las carencias de las niñas, niños y jóvenes, ya sean socioeconómicas, afectvas, o ambientales y sus condiciones de vulnerabilidad. Para lo cual se aplico la metodología de investigación de la teoría fundamentada. A través del resultado del análisis de datos que arrojaron los grupos focales establecidos en las cuatro instituciones educativas enunciadas anteriormente dos de ella ubicadas en zona rural (I.E.Margarita Legarda (Puracé),Sinaí (Argelia)) y las otras dos en zonas urbana (I.E. José Eusebio Caro y Antonio García Paredes) en la capital del Departamento del Cauca, Popayán; donde se identificaron dos problemáticas centrales: La primera se puede denominar como: La atención a la diversidad un mito en el aula escolar, que se asocia con la concepción de diversidad de los maestros la cual es concebida desde el reconocimiento de las etnias y territorios a partir de las cosmovisiones e ideologías que se presentan en el espacio departamental. La segunda se denominó las tensiones un asunto para resolver desde la diversidad, que devela los conflictos presentes en la escuela entre las políticas gubernamentales que están atadas a las orientaciones de entes internacionales y el desarrollo de las prácticas pedagógicas que desarrollan los profesores,unidas a algunas tensiones propias del entorno como las diferencias de concepción de mundo entre campesinos e indígenas, el desplazamiento producto del conflicto armado y el afán de obtener buenos puntajes en las pruebas externas a las instituciones, que terminan por influir directamente en la forma como los docentes adelantan su labor, develando el uso de prácticas pedagógicas homogenizadoras donde se dilucida que el discurso que manejan los maestros no es coherente con la implementación de estrategias educativas diferenciales que requieren la atención a la diversidad, encontrando además que son ellos de forma individual quienes desde su experiencia y su propia visión tratan de hacer la atención de los diverso sin encontrar planes institucionales diseñados al respecto
mtDNA haplogroup J Modulates telomere length and Nitric Oxide production
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oxidative stress due to the overproduction of nitric oxide (NO) and other oxygen reactive species (ROS), play a main role in the initiation and progression of the OA disease and leads to the degeneration of mitochondria. Therefore, the goal of this work is to describe the difference in telomere length of peripheral blood leukocytes (PBLs) and Nitric Oxide (NO) production between mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroup J and non-J carriers, as indirect approaches of oxidative stress.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The telomere length of PBL was analyzed in DNA samples from 166 healthy controls (114 J and 52 non-J) and 79 OA patients (41 J and 38 non-J) by means of a validated qPCR method. The NO production was assessed in 7 carriers of the haplogroup J and 27 non-J carriers, by means of the colorimetric reaction of the Griess reagent in supernatants of cultured chondrocytes. Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) mRNA from these samples was analyzed by qPCR. Appropiated statistical analyses were performed</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Carriers of the haplogroup J showed a significantly longer telomere length of PBLs than non-J carriers, regardless of age, gender and diagnosis (p = 0.025). Cultured chondrocytes carrying the mtDNA haplogroup J also showed a lower NO production than non-J carriers (p = 0.043). No significant correlations between age and telomore length of PBLs were detected neither for carriers of the haplogroup J nor for non-J carriers. A strong positive correlation between NO production and iNOS expression was also observed (correlation coefficient = 0.791, p < 0.001).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The protective effect of the mtDNA haplogroup J in the OA disease arise from a lower oxidative stress in carriers of this haplogroup, since this haplogroup is related to lower NO production and hence longer telomere length of PBLs too.</p
Open versus Laparoscopic Splenectomy: Experience at Fundación Cardioinfantil-Instituto de Cardiología, Bogotá-Colombia
Objective: To compare laparoscopic and open splenectomy in patients with hemorrhagic splenic pathology. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted, based on an institutional registry of open and laparoscopic splenectomies performed at Fundación Cardioinfantil-Instituto de Cardiología between 1996 and 2016. Preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative variables were assessed; the rate of complications, surgical time, hospital length of stay and the need for reoperation were compared between the approaches. Results: Information of 202 patients was assessed. Open approach was performed in 137 patients (68 %), 61% were men and the median age was 39.5 years (P25-P75 27.7-58.0). Thrombocytopenic purpura refractory to management with corticosteroids was the main indication for surgery. A longer surgical time (median=129 minutes) and less bleeding (median=100 cc P25-P75 50-200) for laparoscopic approach versus open approach (median=60 minutes; median=250 cc P25-P75 50-500, respectively) was identified (p<0.001). Intraoperative complications were similar in both groups (p=0,065), the conversion rate in laparoscopic group was 26.1 %, it was secondary to splenomegaly. No statistically significant differences were found in the two groups in the need for transfusion, hospital length of stay or reoperation. The rate of postoperative complications was 10.2 % for open splenectomy and 7.6 % for laparoscopic. Conclusions: Laparoscopic splenectomy is a safe procedure that offers benefits in relation to the open approach for the management of hematological diseases in terms of intraoperative bleeding and is comparable in the identification of supernumerary spleens, surgical complications, and hospitalization time
Ammonia Levels In Different Kinds Of Sampling Sites In The Central Iberian Peninsula
Este libro de actas recopila los artículos y resúmenes presentados en RICTA, Reunión Ibérica de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Aerosoles, congreso celebrado del 7 al 9 de julio de 2014, en Tarragona, España[EN] Ammonia is the Secondary Inorganic Aerosol (SIC) gaseous precursor which has been studied to a lesser extent in the Madrid Metropolitan Area up to date. A study conducted in the city of Madrid with the aim of characterizing levels of ammonia took place in 2011. These campaigns formed part of a larger study conducted in 6 Spanish cities. A time series of weekly integrated ammonia measurements available at an EMEP rural site (Campisábalos) has been used to obtain information on the ammonia rural background in the region. The results point to traffic and waste treatment plants as the main ammonia sources in Madrid. Relevant seasonal differences have not been observed in the Metropolitan Area. The explanation can be related to the fall in the rural background levels during July 2011, which might conceal urban summer emission increases observed in other citie
La necrópolis de Los Collados de Almedinilla (Córdoba). Historiografía de un cementerio complejo
The excavations in the Necropolis of Los Collados, carried out by Luis Maraver y Alfaro in the second half of the 19th century, and afterwards, those done by Pierre Paris and Arthur Engels at the beginning of the 20th century, serve to define archeologically that which would be considered Iberian culture. Since then, apart from a few reviews of materials, this site has been forgotten to the point that its exact location was unknown to researchers. It was because of this that prospecting work and excavation were carried out in May and July 2019 that allowed archeologists to locate the necropolis and recover various tombs and ritual deposits. In this work we present the preliminary results of both interventions
The avoidance of G-CSF and the addition of prophylactic corticosteroids after autologous stem cell transplantation for multiple myeloma patients appeal for the at-home setting to reduce readmission for neutropenic fever
Autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) remains the standard of care for young multiple myeloma (MM) patients; indeed, at-home ASCT has been positioned as an appropriate therapeutic strategy. However, despite the use of prophylactic antibiotics, neutropenic fever (NF) and hospital readmissions continue to pose as the most important limitations in the outpatient setting. It is possible that the febrile episodes may have a non-infectious etiology, and engraftment syndrome could play a more significant role. The aim of this study was to analyze the impact of both G-CSF withdrawal and the addition of primary prophylaxis with corticosteroids after ASCT. Between January 2002 and August 2018, 111 MM patients conditioned with melphalan were managed at-home beginning +1 day after ASCT. Three groups were established: Group A (n = 33) received standard G-CSF post-ASCT; group B (n = 32) avoided G-CSF post-ASCT; group C (n = 46) avoided G-CSF yet added corticosteroid prophylaxis post-ASCT. The incidence of NF among the groups was reduced (64%, 44%, and 24%; P2 (OR 6.1; P = 0.002) and G-CSF avoidance plus corticosteroids (OR 0.1; P<0.001); and for hospital readmission: age �60 years (OR 14.6; P = 0.04) and G-CSF avoidance plus corticosteroids (OR 0.07; P = 0.05. G-CSF avoidance and corticosteroid prophylaxis post ASCT minimize the incidence of NF in MM patients undergoing at-home ASCT. This approach should be explored in a prospective randomized clinical trial
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