2,328 research outputs found

    Causes, consequences and ‘solutions’: science and climate change in the news discourse of Clarín

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    El público general accede al conocimiento científico sobre el cambio climático fundamentalmente a través de los medios de comunicación, que construyen discursos con la facultad de cuestionar o legitimar a la ciencia climática, y la posibilidad de acciones ante la problemática. Asumiendo tal premisa, este artículo analiza los marcos o frames del discurso informativo producidos por el diario de referencia en Argentina, Clarín, durante un periodo de cinco años (2009-2013). Puntualmente se describen los marcos sobre el consenso científico respecto de las causas, consecuencias –impactos y riesgos- y sobre el rol de la ciencia ante las respuestas o “soluciones” frente al cambio climático. Los avances de investigación indican que el fenómeno ha sido representado como un problema causado por las actividades humanas, que sus consecuencias negativas ya se registran alrededor del mundo –y también en Argentina-, que representa un riesgo para la humanidad en general y para los grupos sociales vulnerables en particular, pero que puede ser mitigado. En definitiva, se trata de un discurso que reconoce el consenso científico y que legitima al cambio climático como un problema que demanda la acción política.The general public access to scientific knowledge on climate change mainly through the media, which construct discourses with the power to question or legitimize climate science, and therefore the possibility of action against the problem. Assuming this premise, this article analyzes the frames of news discourse produced by the reference newspaper in Argentina, Clarín, for a period of five years (2009-2013). Specifically frames on the scientific consensus on the causes, consequences -impacts and risks- and the role of science for the answers or “solutions” to climate change are described. Advances of research suggests that climate change has been represented as a problem caused by human activities, and their negative consequences are recognized around the world -and also in Argentina-, thus, this problem represents a risk to humanity in general and particularly for vulnerable social groups, but it can be mitigated. In short, it is a discourse that recognizes the scientific consensus and legitimizes climate change as a problem that demands political action.Fil: González Alcaraz, Luis Jaime. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Cientifico Tecnológico Rosario; Argentin

    Blind restoration of images with penalty-based decision making : a consensus approach

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    In this thesis we show a relationship between fuzzy decision making and image processing . Various applications for image noise reduction with consensus methodology are introduced. A new approach is introduced to deal with non-stationary Gaussian noise and spatial non-stationary noise in MRI

    Use of idempotent functions in the aggregation of different filters for noise removal

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    The majority of existing denoising algorithms obtain good results for a specific noise model, and when it is known previously. Nonetheless, there is a lack in denoising algorithms that can deal with any unknown noisy images. Therefore, in this paper, we study the use of aggregation functions for denoising purposes, where the noise model is not necessary known in advance; and how these functions affect the visual and quantitative results of the resultant images

    Consensus image method for unknown noise removal

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    Noise removal has been, and it is nowadays, an important task in computer vision. Usually, it is a previous task preceding other tasks, as segmentation or reconstruction. However, for most existing denoising algorithms the noise model has to be known in advance. In this paper, we introduce a new approach based on consensus to deal with unknown noise models. To do this, different filtered images are obtained, then combined using multifuzzy sets and averaging aggregation functions. The final decision is made by using a penalty function to deliver the compromised image. Results show that this approach is consistent and provides a good compromise between filters.This work is supported by the European Commission under Contract No. 238819 (MIBISOC Marie Curie ITN). H. Bustince was supported by Project TIN 2010-15055 of the Spanish Ministry of Science

    Open high-level data formats and software for gamma-ray astronomy

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    In gamma-ray astronomy, a variety of data formats and proprietary software have been traditionally used, often developed for one specific mission or experiment. Especially for ground-based imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes (IACTs), data and software are mostly private to the collaborations operating the telescopes. However, there is a general movement in science towards the use of open data and software. In addition, the next-generation IACT instrument, the Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA), will be operated as an open observatory. We have created a Github organisation at https://github.com/open- gamma-ray- astro where we are developing high-level data format specifications. A public mailing list was set up at https://lists.nasa.gov/mailman/listinfo/open-gamma- ray-astro and a first face-to-face meeting on the IACT high-level data model and formats took place in April 2016 in Meudon (France). This open multi-mission effort will help to accelerate the development of open data formats and open-source software for gamma-ray astronomy, leading to synergies in the development of analysis codes and eventually better scientific results (reproducible, multi-mission). This write-up presents this effort for the first time, explaining the motivation and context, the available resources and process we use, as well as the status and planned next steps for the data format specifications. We hope that it will stimulate feedback and future contributions from the gamma-ray astronomy community

    Framing as legitimation of climate policy: climate change frames in argentinian and brazilian press during the summits of Doha and Warsaw

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    El artículo tiene por objetivo describir y comparar los frames periodísticos del cambio climático producidos por dos diarios de referencia en Sudamérica: Clarín, de Argentina y Folha de São Paulo, de Brasil, en el contexto de la conferencia de Doha (COP-18) y de Varsovia (COP-19). Para ello se utilizó una definición del concepto de framing que reconoce sus distintas dimensiones: definición de la situación, razonamientos sobre sus causas, valoraciones morales y recomendaciones o prescripción; que fue abordado mediante un procedimiento de codificación y clasificación textual de tipo cualitativo. Los resultados empíricos indican que los encuadres producidos por cada diario se corresponden con el contexto político al que pertenecen, que los mismos coinciden en señalar al cambio climático como un problema grave causado prioritariamente por los países industrializados y que debe ser enfrentando con sentido de urgencia, por lo que tienden a legitimar la política climática. En ese sentido, se apunta que los frames periodísticos no sólo orientan la interpretación de los problemas sociales, sino que legitiman la acción política.The article aims to describe and compare journalistic frames of climate change produced by two leading newspapers in South America: Clarin of Argentina and Folha de São Paulo of Brazil, in the context of the Doha (COP- 18) and Warsaw (COP -19) conferences. For this, it has used a definition of framing which recognizes its various dimensions: definition of the situation, reasoning about causes, moral evaluations and recommendations or prescriptions. The analysis was addressed by a qualitative process of coding and classification of journalistic texts. The empirical results indicate that the frames produced for the newspapers correspond to the political context to which they belong, that they coincide in pointing to climate change as a serious problem caused primarily by industrialized countries and what must be faced with a sense of urgency, so they tend to legitimate climate policy. In this regard, it is noted that journalistic frames not only guide the interpretation of social problems, but legitimate political action.Fil: González Alcaraz, Luis Jaime. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    El fraude fiscal en España y su prevención = The tax evasion in Spain and his prevention

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    Debido a la situación actual de la crisis económica, he elaborado este proyecto para tratar un tema que está presente en la sociedad española, y no es otro que el fraude fiscal. Sobretodo en esta época, en la que ha resurgido con gran fuerza por salir a la luz muchos y diversos casos de fraude fiscal que se han dado contra la Administración Pública. Con unas nociones previas de cómo funciona el sistema tributario español, nos adentrarnos en uno de los principales problemas en nuestra economía, dícese, el fraude fiscal producido contra la Agencia Tributaria así como en contra del resto de los españoles, ya que les afecta directamente al tener que soportar la carga económica de quienes moral y legalmente no declaran sus impuestos. Es por ello, debido a la situación de no poder hacer frente al déficit público, la Agencia Tributaria se planteara tomar ciertas medidas frente al problema. Por ello, a través de mi investigación he podido resumir las acciones que lleva a cabo Hacienda para luchar contra el fraude mediante la educación fiscal, y más concretamente por el programa de educación cívico-tributario que elabora; así como comparar que métodos realizan otros países de todo el mundo divididos por zonas geográficas, de las que España ha tomado buena nota para elaborar su program

    Los recursos frescos en los procesos recuperatorios de insolvencia

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    The purpose of this paper is to explain the scope of the concept of fresh money, its usefulness to overcome the economic crisis of the companies and the constitution of guarantees, the legal flexibility, the promotion of pre-insolvency credits to first class and the granting of advantages as incen­tives provided by the legislator for those who grant resources. The article states that the Bankruptcy Statute and the Emergency Decrees promote the granting of fresh resources and are in harmony with the recommenda­tions of international entities. However, the figure in our legal system can work in a better way, so that debtors have the possibility to develop their corporate purpose during the negotiation of the agreement or prevent the crisis with new resources. Additionally, two solutions are proposed that will complement the insolvency regime, contribute to working capital and ulti­mately to the normalization of credit relations. The first one proposes that those who adopt behaviors that contribute to improve the working capital share the priority with the tax credits. The second consists of the creation of a pre-bankruptcy scenario in which the debtor may obtain the necessary resources to avoid the crisis.El presente escrito pretende exponer el alcance del concepto de recursos frescos, su utilidad para superar la crisis económica de las empresas y la constitución de garantías, la flexibilización legal, el ascenso a créditos pre-concursales a primera clase y la concesión de ventajas como incentivos que dispuso el legislador para quienes otorguen recursos. El articulo sostiene que el Estatuto concursal y los Decretos de emergencia promueven el otorgamien­to de recursos frescos y se encuentran en armonía con las recomendaciones de las entidades internacionales. Sin embargo, la figura en nuestro ordena­miento puede funcionar de una mejor manera, de forma que, los deudores tengan posibilidad de desarrollar su objeto social durante la negociación del acuerdo o prevenir la crisis con nuevos recursos. Adicionalmente, se propo­nen dos soluciones que complementarán el régimen concursal, contribuirán al capital de trabajo y en últimas a la normalización de las relaciones crediti­cias. La primera, propone que quienes adopten conductas contribuyentes a mejorar el capital de trabajo compartan la prelación con los créditos fiscales. La segunda, consiste en la creación de un escenario pre-concursal dentro del cual el deudor podrá obtener los recursos necesarios para evitar la crisis

    La relevancia de los temas ambientales en la agenda periodística: un caso de estudio en Argentina.

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    Os meios de comunicação, e com eles a atividade jornalística, desempenham um papel-chave na construção social dos problemas ambientais. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever as percepções que os jornalistas - entendidos como atores fundamentais na produção da notícia - manifestam sobre o interesse das questões ambientais na própria agenda da mídia, na agenda pública e na agenda política. O artigo apresenta os avanços de uma pesquisa realizada com jornalistas da cidade de Rosario, na Argentina.The media, and journalism with them, play a key role in the social construction of environmental problems. This paper aims to describe the perceptions that journalists - understood as fundamental actors in the production of news - manifest about the interest of environmental issues in their own media agenda, the public agenda and the political agenda. The paper presents the progress of an investigation with local reporters in the city of Rosario, Argentina.Fil: González Alcaraz, Luis Jaime. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Argentin

    ANN-MATOPT hybrid algorithm: determination of kinetic and non-kinetic parameters in different reaction mechanisms

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    [EN] In this work we have applied the computational methodology based on Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to the kinetic study of distinct reaction mechanisms to determine different types of parameters. Moreover, the problems of ambiguity or equivalence are analyzed in the set of parameters to determine in different kinetic systems when these parameters are from different natures. The ambiguity in the set of parameters show the possibility of existence of two possible set of parameter values that fit the experimental data. The deterministic analysis is applied to know beforehand if this problem occurs when rate constants of the different stages of the mechanism and the molar absorption coefficients of the species participating in the reaction are obtained together. Through the deterministic analysis we will analyze if a system is identifiable (unique solution or finite number of solutions) or if it is non-identifiable if it possesses infinite solutions. The determination of parameters of different nature can also present problems due to the different magnitude order, so we must analyze in each case the necessity to apply a second method to improve the values obtained through ANN. If necessary, an optimization mathematical method for improving the values of the parameters obtained with ANN will be used. The complete process, ANN and mathematical optimizations constitutes a hybrid algorithm ANN-MATOPT. The procedure will be applied first for the treatment of synthetic data with the purpose of checking the applicability of the method and after, it will be used in the case of experimental kinetic data.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature.Publicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL