4,457 research outputs found

    Chloroplast damage induced by the inhibition of fatty acid synthesis triggers autophagy in chlamydomonas

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    Fatty acids are synthesized in the stroma of plant and algal chloroplasts by the fatty acid synthase complex. Newly synthesized fatty acids are then used to generate plastidial lipids that are essential for chloroplast structure and function. Here, we show that inhibition of fatty acid synthesis in the model alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii activates autophagy, a highly conserved catabolic process by which cells degrade intracellular material under adverse conditions to maintain cell homeostasis. Treatment of Chlamydomonas cells with cerulenin, a specific fatty acid synthase inhibitor, stimulated lipidation of the autophagosome protein ATG8 and enhanced autophagic flux. We found that inhibition of fatty acid synthesis decreased monogalactosyldiacylglycerol abundance, increased lutein content, down-regulated photosynthesis, and increased the production of reactive oxygen species. Electron microscopy revealed a high degree of thylakoid membrane stacking in cerulenin-treated cells. Moreover, global transcriptomic analysis of these cells showed an up-regulation of genes encoding chloroplast proteins involved in protein folding and oxidative stress and the induction of major catabolic processes, including autophagy and proteasome pathways. Thus, our results uncovered a link between lipid metabolism, chloroplast integrity, and autophagy through a mechanism that involves the activation of a chloroplast quality control system.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BFU2015-68216-PJunta de Andalucía CVI-7336, BIO2015-74432-JI

    Linfoma cutáneo

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    Los linfomas cutáneos representan entre 3% y el 8% de todos los linfomas del perro y entre el 0, 2% y el 1, 7% en el gato, siendo los linfomas multicéntricos mas frecuentes en gatos. La mayoría de las proliferaciones linfocíticas cutáneas en perros y gatos estan constituidas por linfocitos T, siendo muy raras las que linfocitos B. En este trabajo, se realiza una revisión de los dos tipos de linfoma cutáneo, haciendo hincapié principalmente en la especie canina y analizando los últimos avances en el diagnóstivos y tratamiento de la enfermedad

    An algorithm for the Cartan-Dieudonn\'e theorem on generalized scalar product spaces

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    We present an algorithmic proof of the Cartan-Dieudonn\'e theorem on generalized real scalar product spaces with arbitrary signature. We use Clifford algebras to compute the factorization of a given orthogonal transformation as a product of reflections with respect to hyperplanes. The relationship with the Cartan-Dieudonn\'e-Scherk theorem is also discussed in relation to the minimum number of reflections required to decompose a given orthogonal transformation.Comment: 25 page

    Investigating the effect of target of rapamycin kinase inhibition on the Chlamydomonas reinhardtii phosphoproteome: from known homologs to new targets

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    Recuperado de: https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/310102v1Target of rapamycin (TOR) kinase is a conserved regulator of cell growth whose activity is modulated in response to nutrients, energy and stress. Key proteins involved in the pathway are conserved in the model photosynthetic microalga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, but the substrates of TOR kinase and downstream signaling network have not been elucidated. Our study provides a new resource for investigating the phosphorylation networks governed by the TOR kinase pathway in Chlamydomonas. We used quantitative phosphoproteomics to investigate the effects of inhibiting Chlamydomonas TOR kinase on dynamic protein phosphorylation. Wild-type and AZD-insensitive Chlamydomonas strains were treated with TOR-specific chemical inhibitors (rapamycin, AZD8055 and Torin1), after which differentially affected phosphosites were identified. Our quantitative phosphoproteomic dataset comprised 2547 unique phosphosites from 1432 different proteins. Inhibition of TOR kinase caused significant quantitative changes in phosphorylation at 258 phosphosites, from 219 unique phosphopeptides. Our results include Chlamydomonas homologs of TOR signaling-related proteins, including a site on RPS6 with a decrease in phosphorylation. Additionally, phosphosites on proteins involved in translation and carotenoid biosynthesis were identified. Follow-up experiments guided by these phosphoproteomic findings in lycopene beta/epsilon cyclase showed that carotenoid levels are affected by TORC1 inhibition and carotenoid production is under TOR control in algae.National Science Foundation CAREER MCB-155252

    Depth-dependent dynamics of liquid metal surfaces with first principles simulations

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    Producción CientíficaLiquid metal surfaces have gained increased interest over the last decade due to new applications in synthesis of 2D materials, catalysis, or fusion reactors. Static properties such as the reflectivity and density profile have been determined, both experimentally and computationally, for numerous liquid metals and alloys. However, the characterization of the dynamic properties has remained a challenging task and only one experimental study by Reichert et al. has evaluated the depth-dependence of different dynamic properties in the liquid indium (l-In) surface. In this paper, we present an ab inito molecular dynamics study of the collective dynamic properties of this same system at different depths, obtaining very good agreement with the experimental data. In addition, we are able to compute the properties much closer to the surface than experimentally attainable, and have discovered that at these shallower depths, the properties drastically differ from those deeper in the slab. Therefore, this study sheds light into the behavior of dynamic properties at the atomic interface and highlights the ability of ab initio molecular dynamics to study such unknown dynamic behavior of liquid metals surfaces at depths not yet attainable experimentally but of crucial importance for liquid surface physics.Junta de Castilla y León (Ref. project VA124G18)Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project PGC2018-093745-B-I00) and FEDE

    Neurexin Dysfunction in Adult Neurons Results in Autistic-like Behavior in Mice

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    Autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) comprise a group of clinical phenotypes characterized by repetitive behavior and social and communication deficits. Autism is generally viewed as a neurodevelopmental disorder where insults during embryonic or early postnatal periods result in aberrant wiring and function of neuronal circuits. Neurexins are synaptic proteins associated with autism. Here, we generated transgenic βNrx1δC mice in which neurexin function is selectively impaired during late postnatal stages. Whole-cell recordings in cortical neurons show an impairment of glutamatergic synaptic transmission in the βNrx1δC mice. Importantly, mutant mice exhibit autism-related symptoms, such as increased self-grooming, deficits in social interactions, and altered interaction for nonsocial olfactory cues. The autistic-like phenotype of βNrx1δC mice can be reversed after removing the mutant protein in aged animals. The defects resulting from disruption of neurexin function after the completion of embryonic and early postnatal development suggest that functional impairment of mature circuits can trigger autism-related phenotypes. © 2014 The Authors.Research at the F.G.S. lab was funded by grants from NEURON-ERANET (EUHF-AUTISM, PIM2010ERN-0070), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI111058), and Junta de Andalucía (P11-CVI-7599). We thank Dr. Leon Lagnado (University of Sussex) for the generous gift of the sypHy construct, Dr. Oscar Pintado for pronuclear injection, Dr. Angel Barco for helpful advice with bitransgenic mice, and Dr. Maria Luz Montesinos and Itziar Benito for assistance with some behavioral tests. Technical assistance during the generation of transgenic mice was provided by María Luisa Pecero. The authors wish to thank Drs. Rafael Fernández-Chacón and Amalia Martinez-Mir for support and critical reading of the manuscript. E.R-L received a fellowship from V Plan Propio de Investigación (Universidad de Sevilla), and J.L.N.-G is a recipient of a Juan de la Cierva MINECO contract. Part of the study was performed at CITIUS (Universidad de Sevilla).Peer Reviewe

    Attitudes toward private and collective risk in individual and strategic choice situations

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    Idiosyncratic risk attitudes are usually assumed to be commonly known and related to own payoffs only. However, the alternatives faced by a decision maker often involve risk about others' payoffs as well. Motivated by the importance of other-regarding preferences in social interactions, this paper explores idiosyncratic attitudes toward own and others' risk. We elicit risk attitudes in an experiment involving choices with and without strategic interaction. Regardless of the choice situation, the results do not support any relation between risk attitudes and other-regarding concerns

    Energetic metabolism in fasting sheep: regularization of metabolic profile by treatment with oral glucose, with prior handling of gastric groove

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate a possible corrective measure against negative metabolic states, as occurs in the advanced stage of gestation in ewes, and that sometimes produces a disease called pregnancy toxaemia. In the present research, we found that the joint administration of i.v. lysine-vasopressin (0.08 IU/kg body weight, BW) and an oral glucose solution (50 g) produces an increase in blood glucose, which persists for some time (up to 6 h); therefore, it could be used in the treatment of pregnancy toxaemia. This therapy is based on the fact that lysine-vasopressin induces gastric groove closure in adult ruminants, enabling orally administered glucose to reach the abomasum directly, from where it rapidly passes into the intestine and is immediately absorbed. We can say that the tested treatment causes a significant increase in blood glucose in ewes affected by toxaemia caused by fasting, which, although less marked than conventional therapy with intravenous drip glucose, remains longer, regularizing other parameters indicative of energy metabolism in fasting ewes

    Octagonal Layouts: Project Genesis of the Cathedral of Valencia

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    [EN] Octagonal layouts are widely used in medieval architecture. In Spain, the Cathedral of Valencia is an exceptional example because of its compositional arrangement and early date of construction. The study of this cathedral serves not only to propose the regulatory layout and geometric process to develop the transept, the ambulatory, and the dome but allows the empirical establishment of the complex properties and characteristics of the octagon. By surveying the planes with a 3D laser scanner, the graphic procedures used in the original design of the temple were verified, as were the geometric theories pertaining to the figure of the octagon in architecture, set by the golden ratio.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This contribution is part of a study carried out within the framework of the R+D+i project of the State Plan for Scientifc and Technical Research and Innovation 2020. Its axis was the "Challenges of Society". The reference number is: PID2020-119088RB-I00 and the title: "Analysis and development of the integration of BHIM in GIS for the creation of a tourism planning protocol for the cultural heritage of a destination (HBIMSIG-TURISMO)". We thank the Cathedral of Valencia for the collaboration. Also thanks to Rafael Romaní for his mathematical advice. And fnally, our gratitude to Professor Felipe Soler Sanz, expert in Graphic Analysis and Architecture Geometry, who died in 2015, teacher and friend, who led us to this research.López González, MC.; G-Valldecabres, J.; Cortés Meseguer, L. (2023). Octagonal Layouts: Project Genesis of the Cathedral of Valencia. Nexus Network Journal (Online). 25(3):1-23. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00004-023-00650-2123253Cortés Meseguer, Luis. 2014. La construcción del proyecto neoclásico de la catedral de Valencia. Ph.D. Thesis, Universitat Politècnica de València. https://m.riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/43073Dalmases, de Nuria and Pitarch, Antoni José. 1988. 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    A GRASP-Tabu Heuristic Approach to Territory Design for Pickup and Delivery Operations for Large-Scale Instances

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    Weaddressalogisticsdistrictingproblemfacedbyaparcelcompanywhoseoperationsconsistofpickingupanddeliveringpackages overaserviceregion.Thedistrictingprocessaimstofindapartitionoftheserviceregionintodeliveryandcollectionzonesthat may be served by a single vehicle that departs from a central depot. Criteria to be optimized are to balance workload content among the districts and to create districts of compact shape. A solution approach based on a hybrid procedure that combines elements of GRASP and Tabu Search (TS) is proposed to solve large-scale instances. Numerical experimentation is performed consideringdifferentinstancesizesandtypes.Resultsshowthattheproposedsolutionapproachisabletosolvelarge-scaleinstances inreasonablecomputationaltimeswithgoodqualityofthesolutionsobtained.Todeterminethequalityofthesolutions,resultsare comparedwithCPLEXsolutionsandwiththecurrentrealsolutiontohighlightthebenefitsoftheproposedapproach.Conclusions andrecommendationsforfurtherresearchareprovided