4,012 research outputs found

    Mouse model of Schistosomiasis: infection with Schistosoma mansoni in CD-1 mice

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    Schistosomiasis is a parasitic disease that affects almost 240 million worldwide. CD1 mice were infected with cercariae of S. mansoni, after which infection developed for 8 weeks. Tissues were processed to immuno-histological techniques. It was performed H&E staining for overall analyses, Sirius Red for fibrosis and immunohistochemistry for inflammation biomarkers. The most infected organ was the liver, fibrosis decreased with egg development and Galectin-3 (Gal3) and Interleukin 6 (IL-6) were expressed inside granulomasThis work was also supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (REF UID/BIM/04293/2013) and by the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012 and by a scholarship to Carla Luís with the reference SAICT2016/FEDER/BIO4DIA/BTI under the supervision of Dr. Rúben Fernandes.N/

    The SERPVAL scale: a multi-item scale for measuring service personal values

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    Personal values have long been considered an important variable in understanding consumer purchasing behaviors. Although research on values has been performed in a wide range of social disciplines, this variable has never been operationalized in the service management ontext. In this paper we develop a scale that measures the personal values that are associated with buying a service: the Service Personal Values (SERPVAL) scale. Insights from an empirical study of 386 service users indicate that this scale is multi-dimensional. It presents four dimensions of service value to 1) living comfort, 2) peaceful life, 3) social recognition, and 4) social integration. Discussion centers on implications of this scale to theory and to managerial development of services strategies. Directions for future research in services management and personal values are also presented.Services Management, Services Marketing, Personal Values, Measurement, SERPVAL Scale

    Impairment losses: causes and impacts

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    Purpose - To analyze recognition of impairment losses in tangible and intangible assets, and their relevance to investors in companies listed in the Lisbon and Madrid Stock Exchange (2007-2011).Methodology - Quantitative analysis of a panel data sample of 80 companies listed in the Lisbon and Madrid Stock Exchange (2007-2011) was carried out. Panel data linear and non-linear regression models were estimated.Findings - We found that the amount of impairment losses showed an upward trend, and that these losses are most significant among intangibles, especially goodwill (GW). We also found that the probability of recognition of impairment losses is positively influenced by the dimension of entities and negatively by market value (p < 0.10). Portuguese export-oriented companies have a higher probability of not recognizing impairments. However, Portuguese companies with higher market values have greater probability of recognizing impairment losses, contrary to the sample as a whole, in which the relationship is negative (p < 0.10). The results also suggest that there is a smoothing effect on results because of impairments, especially in IBEX35 companies. As to the relevance of impairment losses to market value, we confirm a significant negative relationship, in line with conclusions from previous studies.Originality/value - This study contributes to the introduction of the cultural factor in this analysis, highlighting the differentiated behaviors between Portuguese and Spanish companies

    Study of nuclear reactions relevant for astrophysics by Micro-AMS

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em FísicaThis work of this thesis was dedicated to the application of the Micro-AMS(Accelerator Mass spectrometry with micro-beam) to the study of nuclear reactions relevant to Astrophysics, namely reactions involving the radioisotope 36Cl. Before this could be done, the system had to be installed, tested and optimized. During the installation and testing phase, several isotopes were measured, principally lead and platinum isotopes, which served to show the potential of this technique for applications to Material science and archeology. After this initial stage, the work with 36Cl began. 36Cl is one of several short to medium lived isotopes (as compared to the earth age) whose abundances in the earlier solar system may help to clarify its formation process. There are two generally accepted possible models for the production of this radionuclide: it originated from the ejecta of a nearby supernova (where 36Cl was most probably produced via the s-process by neutron irradiation of 35Cl) and/or it was produced by in-situ irradiation of nebular dust by energetic particles(mostly, p, a, 3He -X-wind irradiation model). The objective of the present work was to measure the cross section of the 35Cl(n,γ)36Cl nuclear reaction which opened the possibility to the future study of the 37Cl(p,d)36Cl and 35Cl(d,p)36Cl nuclear reactions, by measuring the 36Cl content of AgCl samples with Micro-AMS, taking advantage of the very low detection limits of this technique for chlorine measurements. For that, the micro-AMS system of the CTN-IST laboratory had to be optimized for chlorine measurements, as to our knowledge this type of measurements had never been performed in such a system (AMS with micro-beam). This thesis presents the results of these developments, namely the tests in terms of precision and reproducibility that were done by comparing AgCl blanks irradiated at the Portuguese National Reactor with standards produced by the dilution of the NIST SRM 4943 standard material. With these results the cross section of the 37Cl(n,γ)36Cl was calculated


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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pembingkaian dari surat kabar Kompas dan Jawa Pos tentang kisruh pilkada di Mojokerto yang di muat oleh kedua surat kabar tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan bersifat Kualitatif, yaitu metode analisis data yang mengunakan sumber-sumber yang ada dari berbagai sumber wawancara, pengelipingan,buku-buku, serta bahan browsin dari internet.Metode ini lebih mudah menyesuaikan bila dalam penelitian terjadi kejanggalan maupun kegandaan data,menyajikan tidak secara langsung hubungan antara peneliti dengan objek peneliti, lebih peka serta dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan banyak pengaruh terhadap pola-pola nilai yang di hadapi.Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kualitatif yaitu data yang di kumpulkan melalui Pengelipingan data dan Wawancara dengan nara sumber yang berkaitan dengan peristiwa tersebut. Hasil yang dapat dari interprestasi tersebut adalah adanya pro dan kontra Kompas dan Jawa Pos dalam membingkai atau mengkonstruck peristiwa kisruh pilkada di Mojokerto berdasarkan rutinitas cara kerja institusi kedua media tersebut. Kesimpulan yang didapat adalah Jawa pos membingkai kisruh di Mojokerto sebagai salah satu kejadian pilkada terbesar yang pernah terjadi belakangan ini, sedangkan kompas lebih menyoroti pada kelanjutan pilkada Mojokerto. Kata kuncinya ada pada model analisis framing pan dan kosicki dan teori penjaga gerbang (Gatekeeper Theory) yang mengatakan dalam penulisan berita dibutuhkan proses seleksi dari wartawan di lapangan, yang mana berita yang penting dan mana yang tidak penting, mana peristiwa yang bisa diberitakan dan mana yang tidak.Setelah itu berita masuk ke dalam redaktur, akan diseleksi lagi dan disunting dengan bagian mana yang perru di tambahkan.Pandangan ini mengaidaikan seolah olah realitas yang benar-benar riil yang ada di luar wartawan.Realitas riil itulah yang diseleksi oleh wartawan untuk kemudian dibentuk dalam sebuah berita.(Eryanto,2002 : 100)
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